Slike strani

and follow their movements into the very haunts which conceal them.

You will please, citizens, to inform me every decade of what. you may have perfonally done with regard to the execution of the 12th article of that law, and to apprize me at the fame time, with what zeal and fuccefs the law fhall have been enforced in its whole tenor in the district fubject to your vigilance; what kinds of impediments you may meet with, and the measures taken by your administration to remove obftacles. If the legislature, by ordaining the publication of the names of individuals condemned by the tribunals of corrective police, wifhed to amend or punish by the fentiment of fhame, government ought not to believe, that the fame fentiment will operate lefs forcibly upon the magistrates; and in wishing to make known to the Executive Directory thofe magiftrates, employed in administration, who fhall have neglected the law of the 10th of Brumaire, and fhall have incurred the punishment provided againft by the fecond paragraph of the 196th article of the conftitution, I think it will prove a farther ftimulus to the conduct of those to whom the voice of duty may not have spoken in a tone fufficiently imperious. Greeting and fraternity!

The minifter of general police,


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A Proclamation by the Lord Lieutenant and Council of Ireland.


WHEREAS by an act of parliament paffed in this kingdom,

in the 36th year of his Majefty's reign, entituled, "An act more effectually to fupprefs infurrections, and to prevent the disturbance of the public peace," it is enacted, that it shall be lawful for the juftices of the peace of any county, assembled at a fpecial feffion in manner by the faid act directed, not being fewer than seven, or the major part of them, one of whom to be of the quorum, if they judge fit, upon due confideration of the state of the county, to fignify by memorial, by them figned, to the lord lieutenant, or other chief governor, or governors of this kingdom, that they confider their county, or any part thereof, to be in a state of disturbance, or in immediate danger of becoming fo, and praying that the lord lieutenant and council may proclaim fuch county, or part thereof, to be in a state of disturbance, thereupon it shall be lawful for the lord lieutenant, or other chief governor or governors of this kingdom, by and with the advice of his Majesty's privy council, by proclamation, to declare fuch county, or any part of fuch county, to be in a state of difturbance, or in imme

diate danger of becoming fo, and also fuch parts of any adjoining county or counties as fuch chief governor or governors (hall think fit, in order to prevent the continuance or extenfion of fuch difturbance.

And whereas twenty-four juftices of the peace of the county of Down, (feveral of whom being of the quorum) being the major part of the juftices of the peace duly affembled, pursuant to the faid act, at a fpecial feffion of the peace, holden at Hillsborough, in the faid county, on Friday the 11th day of November inftant, have, by memorial by them figned, fignified to his excellency the lord lieutenant, that certain parts of the faid county are in a ftate of difturbance, and have thereby prayed that the lord lieutenant and council may proclaim the parishes of Tullylifh, Aghaderg, Donaghcloney, Moira, Maralin, and Seapatrick, being parts of the faid county of Down, to be in a ftate of difturbance, of which all juftices of the peace and other magiftrates and peace officers of the faid county, are to take notice.

H. Cavendish
Her. Langrishe
T. Pelham

Given at the council chamber in Dublin, the 16th day of November, 1796. W. Armagh Clare, C. Westmeath Bellamont Altamont Portarlington Clonmell



Ch. Fitzgerald
J. Beresford

Arthur Wolfe
James Fitzgerald
Robert Rofs
Lodge Morres
S. Hamilton

God fave the King.

Orders of Council at the Court at St. James's, the 9th of November, 1796, prefent the King's most exellent Majefty in Council. WHEREAS his Majefty has received information, that divers

unjust feizures have been made in the ports of Spain of the fhips and goods of his Majefty's fubjects, and that acts of hoftility and unprovoked aggreffion have been committed by the fhips of his Catholic Majefty, on fhips and veffels of his Majefty and of his fubjects: his Majefty, therefore, being determined to take fuch measures as are neceffary for vindicating the honour of the crown, and for procuring reparation and fatisfaction for his injured fubjects, is pleafed, by and with the advice of his privy council, to order, and it is hereby ordered, that general reprifals be granted against the fhips, goods, and fubjects of the King of Spain, fo that as well as his Majefty's fleet and fhips, as alfo all other hips and veffels that fhall be commiffioned by letters of marque or general reprisals, or otherwife, by his Majefty's commiflioners for executing the office of Lord High Admiral of


Great Britain, fhall and may lawfully feize all fhips, veffels, and goods belonging to the King of Spain, or his fubjects, or others inhabiting within the territories of the King of Spain, and bring the fame to judgment in any of the courts of admiralty within his Majefty's dominions; and to that end, his Majesty's advocategeneral, with the advocate of the admiralty, are forthwith to prepare the draught of a commiffion, and prefent the fame to his Majefty at this board, authorifing the commiffioners for executing the office of Lord High Admiral, or any perfon or perfons by them empowered and appointed, to iffue forth and grant letters of marque and reprifals, to any of his Majefty's fubjects or others whom the faid commiffioners fhall deem fitly qualified in that behalf, for the apprehending, feizing, and taking the fhips, veffels, and goods belonging to Spain, and the vaffals and subjects of the King of Spain, or any inhabiting within his countries, territories or dominions; and that fuch powers or, claufes be inferted in the faid commiffion as have been ufual, and are according to former precedents. And his Majefty's faid advocategeneral, with the advocate of the admiralty, are alfo forthwith to prepare a draught of a commiffion, and prefent the fame to his Majefty at this board, authorizing the faid commiffioners for executing the office of Lord High Admiral, to will and require the high court of admiralty of Great Britain, and the lieutenant and judge of the faid court, his furrogate or furrogates, as alfo the feveral courts of admiralty within his Majesty's dominions, to take cognizance of, and judicially proceed upon, all and all manner of captures, feizures, prizes, and reprisals of all ships and goods that are or fhall be taken, and to hear and determine the fame; and, according to the courfe of admiralty and the laws of nations, to adjudge and condemn all fuch fhips, veffels, and goods as fhall belong to Spain, or the vaffals and fubjects of the King of Spain, or to any others inhabiting within any of his countries, territories, and dominions; and that fuch powers and claufes be inferted in the faid commiffion as have been ufual, and are according to former precedents; and they are likewise to prepare and lay before his Majesty, at this board, a draught of fuch inftructions as may be proper to be fent to the courts of admiralty in his Majefty's foreign governments and plantations, for their guidance herein; as alfo another draught of inftructions for fuch hips as fhall be commiffioned for the purposes aforementioned.

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Extract of a Letter from Citizen Verninac.

Conftantinople, 3 Vendemiaire. CONFIRM to you that the Porte has definitively decided upon the establishment of a permanent embaffy to the Executive Directory of the Republic, and that Ali Effendi, the Porte's minifter plenipotentiary to the court of Berlin, has been appointed to that embaffy. Nahdir Effendi is to replace him in the poft of minifter plenipotentiary to the court of Berlin, where he is not yet arrived,


The Minister of Finances to the Commercial Citizens of the principal Parts of the Republic.

Paris, 28 Brumaire, (Nov. 18.) THE government, citizens, is employed in important negotia tions; the want of fome laws and fome eftablifhments in favour of commerce is felt: agriculture claims fuccours; induftry folicits efficacious protection.

The utility of a temporary union of citizens, recommendable for their experience in commercial relations, for their talents and their virtues, is generally acknowledged; it is fufficient to point out to them the place in which they may communicate their thoughts, and manifeft the refult of them.

The Executive Directory, citizens, have authorized me to open upon thefe interefting objects private conferences at Paris on the 19th Frimaire (Dec. 9.) They have directed me to inform you of them, and to addrefs to the chief commercial places an invitation to appoint fome perfon invefted with their confidence. I fubmit the invitation to you, citizens, with the hope of its being accepted.

The refolution must attain its end; it muft affure the general profperity to procure that advantage; let us combine our intentions, and our efforts will be fuccefsful.

The powers of the citizen who fhall prefent himself on your part, and his addrefs at Paris, fhall be received at the office of the fecretary of the minifter of finance, in the evening of the 18th Frimaire (8th Dec.) It will be of ufe to inform me, a few days before hand, of what you have done refpecting the contents of this letter. I fubmit this object to your attachments, to the intereft of the country. Health and fraternity!


The Minister of Finance,


Appointment of an Envoy from the Directory to the Emperor to negotiate an Armistice.

SEVERAL perfons are loft in conjectures upon the fending, fome days ago, of a negotiator to Vienna by the Executive. Directory, and fome have taken occafion to circulate fresh uneafinefs upon the pacific intentions of the government, when, on the contrary, this ftep muft of itfelf be fufficient to give the moft marked evidence of their ardent defire to remove all obftacles to amicable approaches with the most powerful enemy of the Republic.

We are authorised to publish officially, that the fending to Vienna of a military negotiator has been to propofe to the emperor, and to treat for a general armiftice between his armies and thofe of the Republic, in order thereby to prevent greater miffortunes, and a greater effufion of blood, until the iffue of the negotiations for peace, already entered upon, as well as to make Some overtures to him, calculated, as much as poffible, to haften the conclufion of them. (Redacteur of the 21ft inft.)

The Ambafador of the French Republic to the Helvetic Body to the Minifter for Foreign Affairs.


Bafle, 2d Fructidor, 4th year.

YESTERDAY N of Bafle, told me, that having had

a converfation with M. Degelmann, the Auftrian minifter in Switzerland, on the affairs of the terms he, N, had endeavoured to make; M. Degelmann understood that he was of opinion. that the court of Vienna had no other means of preventing its total ruin but by making peace. M. Degelmann replied, that his court, notwithstanding its difafters, and the example of many other powers, could not abandon England, its ally, nor feparate its interest from thofe of England; and that it was determined to continue the war, and fo much the more determined to continue it, becaufe the reply that had been made by France to the first overtures of the emperor left no means of conciliation. N having faid to him that that reply did not appear to him to be fo repulfive, M. Degelmann replied, that it was removing all conci liation to infift, in the first inftance, upon the acknowledgmeut of the French Republic, fince that point was one of the caufes of the war, which, according to him, could not ceafe but by It appeared to him more reasonable that the two parties fhould not till that moment give themfelves, in the explanations that might occur, any title.


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