Slike strani

As it is important to ftop in its growth an evil which might prove fatal in its confequences, the underfigned requests the most Terene government to take the measures in its power to undeceive the people,, refpecting the falfe impreflions endeavoured to be made on them. The men who mislead them are known; the Genoefe government can no longer fuffer their plots and infolent declamations against the French, without offending the French Republic, and becoming refponfible for the misfortunes which might attend upon a reciprocal irritation of minds. It ought to deprive the impoftors of the faculty of deceiving, by all the exaggerations which they do not ceafe to devife and to circulate, by informing the people of the demands which General Buonaparte and the underfigned have really addreffed to the fenate, and of the general motives on which they were founded.

The underfigned begs the moft ferène government to commu'nicate to him the effective meafures which, in its wifdom, they fhall refolve on, to prevent the confequences of the prefent ferment, in order that he may be able to acquaint the Executive Directory, and the general of the army of Italy, with its real difpofitions,



Letter from the Commiffary Director Sucy to the Commandant of Fort La Lauterne.


St. Pierre d'Arena, 25 Fructidor. THE agents of the government here have guarantied our landing goods in the harbour of St. Pierre d'Arena, nevertheless two English floops have gone out of port, and paffed before your poft, in order to carry off our veffel, and it was not till the floops were at a distance with their prize that you commenced firing, which you did not keep up, and which you difcontinued when the English fhips were within reach. Yet you cannot be ignorant of the fact, becaufe we fired more than 30 times before you were difpofed to oppofe this violation of neutrality.

You will, Sir, acknowledge the receipt of the prefent.





THE commandant of fort Lauterne has the honour to acquaint you that he could never have imagined that the English loops of war which came out of the harbour would be guilty of a violation


of neutrality, and the rather, as they had given their word of honour not to make reprifals for 24 hours after their departure; and even then not within cannon shot of the garrison.

For these reasons I could not interdict the departure of the floop alluded to from this harbour.

As foon as I received the accounts of the violence committed on the French tartan, I gave directions for my batteries to prevent the accomplishment of the attempt began on the faid tartan, and at the fame time to maintain our neutrality.

If the effect of thefe directions, has not answered my expec tation, the mifcarriage is not to be afcribed to any neglect of


I have the honour to be,

With the moft fincere efteem, Sir,
Your obedient humble fervant,
BEDIANI, Lieutenant-colonel.

Fort Lauterne, 12th Sept. 1796.

Genoa, July 18. SATURDAY the 16th, the minister of the French Republic prefented a note to the most ferene government, in which he requested an answer to his two former notes, relative to the publication of the demands made by the French, and to a proclamation which he had folicited the government to iffue upon the fubject of the reports circulated to excite the people against the French. It particularizes the demands made by the general in chief and the minifter, in the name of the Directory, the dif miffion of the Count de Girola, the reftitution of the ships taken by the English under the cannon of the fort of Arena, and the measures to be adopted for the fafety of travelling. The minifter obferved that all Genoa fhall be anfwerable for the fafety of the French, if the government does not take effectual measures to fecure it.

Saturday evening the government iffued the proclamation. required, by which it declares, it never had reafon to doubt the faith of the French Republic and its government, and that the conduct of her minifters has always been conformable to those principles. It acknowledges that the mufkets clandeftinely introduced in the morning belonged to certain Genoese who dealt in thofe articles. It invites every fubject of the Republic to banish all miftruft and inquietude, and declares that the promoters of troubles fhall be treated with the full rigour of the laws.

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Berne, May 21. THE HE French minifter, M. Barthelemi, has delivered a note to our canton, intimating, that as the emigrants were evidently favoured in Switzerland, and particularly in the canton of Solihurn, where fmuggling is carried on by force of arms againft France; and a correfpondence kept up with the rebels in the fonthern provinces, and where hoftilities were carried on against the Republicans, by which means feveral French citizens had been maltreated and killed, the French Directory therefore found it neceffary to establish an army on the frontiers of the canton, which should redress the leaft exceffes by force of arms.

'M. Barthelemni affured the canton of Zurich at the same time, that from thefe arrangements Switzerland fhould have nothing to fear; nor fhould the confider it as a breach of neutrality, but look upon it only as a measure merely neceffary for the fafety of the French Republic. A fecond notice was joined to this, in which the Directory demands, in very ftrong terms, that the French Republic fhould immediately be acknowledged by all the


Official Note, tranfmitted by Mr. Wickham, Minifter Plenipotentiary from His Britannic Majefty to the Senate of Berne, the 26th of June, 1796.


IN confequence of the refolution agreed to and published by your ftate, refpecting all the French indifcriminately who have taken refuge in your country, feveral of the heads of families of thefe unfortunate victims to their attachment to the ancient laws of their country, have addreffed themselves to me, to obtain the means to repair to England, where they hope at last to find repose, and a fecure afylum against the cruelty of their perfe


It is with extreme concern, Magnificent Lords, that I find myfelf obliged to refuse their request, and to declare to all of them that I cannot grant a paffport to any of them until I have received orders from my court. I think it neceffary, Magnificent Lords, to communicate to you my refolution upon this fubject, in order that the perfons, to whom it relates, may not be fufpected of any neglect or tardiness in obeying the ordonnance made refpecting them. God forbid that, in taking fuch a refolution, I fhould pretend to fet bounds to the munificence of my fove


fovereign, or the generofity of his fubjects, which I hope will exift as long as the monarchy itfelf.. We have always, Magnificent Lords, a confidence that our means will be increased by divine favour, in proportion as they are employed in affifting the unfortunate.

But it is my duty, in this unforeseen cafe, to take no steps without having previously communicated to my court all the circumstances which have preceded, accompanied, and followed this measure, and entreated his Majefty to give me the most diftin&t orders for the regulation of my conduct in all that relates to this bufinefs.

I do not hesitate to avow that I have not been without hope that the delay, which might be caused by my refolution in the execution of the order against those who have no other asylum but England, would have offered to your lordships an opportunity of confidering of every mitigating circumftance, of which this cafe is capable. Perhaps alfo this delay may lead thofe perfons, who have urged this meafure, to think deliberately both upon its nature and the confequences which may enfue from it.

Whatever may be the event, Magnificent Lords, in adopting and communicating this refolution to your lordships, if I can be the means of faving any one of thofe refpectable families from exhaufting their laft refources in taking a long and dangerous voyage, I fhall think that I have performed my duty to my God and my King; and I dare anfwer, that whatever may be the affection and friendship which the King, my mafter, (after the example of his auguft predeceffors) feels for your lordships, thefe fentiments must be much ftrengthened, when I fhall have laid before him a fresh act of your's-of that generous and enlarged humanity which forms the diftinguished character of his reign," and which our two nations have formerly exercifed to the unhappy refugees from that fame country.

With the fincereft wishes for the profperity and happiness of your ftate, I am,

Magnificent and Powerful Lords,

Your lordthips' moft devoted fervant,


IN September, 1796, the Senate of Venice decreed the embodying of 20,000 men. The Senate likewife iffued an edict, enjoining the Venetians to an obfervance of the ftricteft neutrality, and not to give the flightest offence or caufe of complaint to the French.




N the 23d of December, 1796, the minister of foreign affair§ prefented the Marquis del Campo, ambaffador of Spain, chofen by his royal highnefs the infant Duke of Parma as his reprefentative in quality of envoy with the French Republic. This laft prefented the prefident with his credential letters, and affured the Directory that his royal highness will always prefervé the ftricteft connexion with the Republic.

The prefident anfwered, that the Republic will always cultivate with fincerity the bonds of friendship happily established between the two ftates.



N the 23d of December, 1796, M. le Comte Balbi, ambaffador from Sardinia, prefented to the Directory a letter from the King his mafter, acquainting them with the birth of a fon to his royal highnefs the Duke d'Aofta, and addreffed to them the following difcourfe:

Citizens Directors, in hereditary monarchies the birth of a prince is always an event interefting to the fafety of the state; for that reafon, Citizen Directors, you will, no doubt, learn with pleasure that the Duchefs of Aofta has been fafely delivered of a boy. The friendship which unites you and my mafter will alfo make you fincerely partake in the confolation he receives from it, and he announces it to you in the letter I have the honour to prefent.

The Prefident replied:

Mr. Ambaffador of Sardinia, the Executive Directory is fenfible of the earnestness with which the King of Sardinia announces to it the birth of a prefumptive heir. The French Republic cannot learn without pleasure an event which fills the family of its ally with joy. It is another friend gained to the Republic, if the King, his uncle, fhall have him educated in the principles by which he is at prefent directed.


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