Anfwer of the Grand Duke of Tuscany. GENERAL, GENERAL Spannochi arrested by your order has been brought hither. It is a point of delicacy to keep him in arreft, until the motives of this itep, which I prefume to be juft, are known to me, in order to give you, as well as the French Republic and all Europe, the greateft proof of equity, conformably to the laws of my country, to which I have always made it my duty to fubmit myfelf. I fend this letter by the Marquis Manfredini, my major domo, whom I request you to inform in what Spannochi has been culpable. You may befides repofe full confidence in him relative to all the objects interefting to the repofe of my fubjects. I ardently defire to receive a letter written by yourfelf, which in the prefent circumftances may render me completely tranquil, and at the fame time affure the repofe of all Tufcany. (Signed) FERDINAND. Form of the Oath exacted from the Tyroleans, in confequence of the Manifefto addreffed to them by General Buonaparte. IN the fight of the Almighty we vow and fwear inviolable fidelity to God and religion, to the fovereign, and our dear country. We fwear to defend, in common with our bodies, lives, property, and blood, the honour of the Almighty and our holy faith; the rights of the princely court of Tyrol, our fovereign, and the frontiers of the country. We also vow due obedience to all our fuperiors and their commands, and on this account we farther vow, to denounce immediately to the magiftrates or chiefs of the place, the feditious difcourfes, writings, or defigns, of any feducer of the people (whether he be a foreign traitor or a domeftic malcontent) without fear or regard of quality and perfon, and all this truly, fo help us God and the holy gofpel. Amen. Infpruck, in the Tyrol, July 2. Copy of a Letter from Sir Gilbert Elliot, Viceroy of Corfica, to the Governor of Porto Ferrajo. THE SIR, Baftia, July 6. HE French troops have taken poffeffion of the city of Leghorn, the cannon of the fortreffes have been directed against the fhips of the King in the road, and the property of his Majefty's VOL. V. G fubjects fubjects at Leghorn has been violated, notwithstanding the neutrality of his royal highnefs the Grand Duke of Tuscany, and the reiterated proteftations of the French to refpect it. There is likewife reason to believe, that the French have the fame defign upon the fortrefs of Porto Ferrajo, hoping, by fuch means, to facilitate their defigns that they meditate against the kingdom of Corfica. Thefe circumstances have determined us to prevent the designs of the enemies of the King, who are equally hoftile to his royal highnefs, by placing at Porto Ferrajo, a garrifon capable of defending that place; our only intention being to prevent that fortrefs, and the whole ifland of the Elbe, from being taken poffeffion of by the French. We invite and request you, Sir, to receive the troops of his Majefty, which will appear be fore the place, under the following conditions: 1. Porto Ferrajo and its dependencies fhall remain under the government of the Grand Duke. The Tufcan flag fhall not cease to be refpected, and the adminiftration fhall not be altered in any refpect; perfons, property, and the religion of all the inhabitants fhall be refpected. The English commanders fhall be careful that their troops obferve ftrict difcipline. 2. The officers and foldiers compofing the Tufcan garrison, fhall continue to do duty, if they think proper. All perfons employed in civil or military capacities fhall be continued in their employments, if they conduct themselves properly. 3. The preceding conditions fhall be exactly obferved, and with the utmost good faith, as far as fhall be confiftent with the safety of the place. 4. We promife, in the name of his Majefty, in the most folemn manner, to let his Majefty's troops retire, and to put the place into the hands of his royal highnefs in its present state, when a peace takes place, or immediately after all danger of a French invafion is at an end. If you refufe, Sir, to agree to propofitions fo conformable to the interests of his royal highness, and which are so just and neceffary to our fafety, the officer who is charged with the expedition, has orders and power fufficient to force the place; in which cafe the poffeffion of it will not be limited by any condition. Not doubting but that the prudence and attachment to the true interefis of his royal highnefs will induce you to consent to the only expedient which can fave Porto Ferrajo, and preferve the ifland of the Elbe from the most cruel fcourge, I have the honour, with the utmost regard and esteem, &c. Articles Articles propofed by the Governor and Town of Porto Ferrajo, and açcepted the 10th July by the Commander of the English Troops. Art. I. The English troops fhall be received into the place, and the conditions, regulated by his excellency the viceroy, Elliott,, fhall be fully obferved, fo that nothing may alter the law of neutrality impofed upon Tuscany, and which fhould be inviolably maintained. II. Whenever troops or fhips of nations at war fhall appear before the city or port, neither the garrifon nor any inhabitant fhall be bound to take up arms, either in favour of the English or any other party. III. The island of the Elbe, and efpecially Porto Ferrajo, being in want of provifions, the commanders of the English troops fhall take care to fend all neceffary provifions for the inhabitants to purchase, in order that they may not be expofed to perish by famine. IV. The people of Porto Ferrajo being very numerous, and having but few houses, it will not be poffible to lodge the English foldiers in private houses. They flatter themfelves the commanders will have the goodness to take this object into confideration. V. As the arrival of the Britannic troops has been fudden and unforeseen, the commanders are entreated to agree to a convenient time for preparing quarters and neceffary lodgings. Proclamation to the Citizens of Ferara. You have a terrible example before you; the blood ftill reeks at Lugo. The quiet, the tranquillity of Lugo will be refpected by you; with your concurrence it will enjoy repofe, the mother will not have to lament her fon, the widow her husband, nor the orphan the author of his exiftence. Let this terrible leffon inftruct you to appreciate the friendship of the French nation. Its paffions when irritated prove a volcano; it confumes, it devours whatever attempts to oppofe its irruption: on the contrary, it careffes and protects those who have recourfe to its affiftance; but its confidence must be purchased by fome meritorious acts. Its good faith has been too often and too long abufed. This is what it demands as a fecurity, and this is what I require of you in its name. 1. Every commune fhall immediately deliver up its arms, of whatever defcription. 2. All these arms fhall be carried to Ferrara, where there fhall be a general depot. G 2 3. Every 3. Every perfon who is refractory twenty-four hours after the publication of the prefent order thall be shot. 4. Every city, town, or village, in which a Frenchman fhall be found affaflinated fhall be burnt. 5. Every inhabitant convicted of having fired at a Frenchman fhall be thot, and his houfe fet on fire. 6. Every village which thall take up arms fhall be burnt. 7. All aflemblies are prohibited, whether armed or unarmed. Every chief of an aflembly, or of a rebellion, fhall be punished with death. July 8. (Signed) ANGEREAU. Amfterdam, July 5. I General Bournonville to the Committee of Union for Affairs on Land. Head Quarters, Utrecht, 28th Prairial, (June 16) fourth Year of the French Republic, one and indivifible. CITIZENS, READ in the public papers the ridiculous declaration of fome deputies, refpecting the motives for desertion in the Batavian troops, afcribing it to their being placed in the first line, when they fhould be in the fecond, &c. When the Batavian convention placed under my command the army of the Republic, it impofed on me no conditions about placing it in the first or fecond line; and this mark of its extreme confidence has impreffed me with gratitude. In return for that confidence, and for your's alfo, I am eager to inform you, that the defertion has no other fource than the fcarcity of provifions and neceffaries-fo feanty and dear, that they who are paid in money cannot procure them in their cantonments. To feed your foldiers is the true means of preventing defertion; and you need look for no other. It must alfo be obferved, that your regiments did not make war to fupport your revolution; and, poffibly, there may be individuals amongst them who do not like it: far, therefore, from blaming their emigration, I am exceedingly pleafed to find none remain but the true patriots, whofe ardour and courage can alone fupport it. Would it not be equally extravagant and impolitic on my part, to place behind me in the fecond line troops in whom I can have no confidence? and fhould the enemy appear before me, would it not be putting myfelf between two fires, in cafe they should have an understanding with the fufpected individuals that may be amongst your troops? I repeat it, this emigration is, perhaps, falutary; falutary; and I would rather give battle with a handful of brave men, than with a large army compofed of poltroons and counterrevolutionifts. Feed your troops, and they will be in good condition; pay them well, and you will retain the brave; but as to the fcoundrels or cowards, I tell you once more, you fhould not interrupt them. Such is my opinion, which I pray you to communicate to the National Convention, that it may not be diverted from more ferious confideration. Such is the anfwer I give to thofe brave Batavians, who, true to their colours, defire only to combat in the cause of liberty, and rival the glory of the French, who have all along fo gallantly defended it. The committee of Union must have already feen by the nature of my difpofitions, that I know how to do juftice to the Batavian foldiers, and know how to eftinate military talents. For a month Lieutenant-general Dumonceau commanded the three divifions of the line; and for eight days Lieutenant-general Daendals has fucceeded him. At this moment three battalions and four Batavian fquadrons are moving to join the vanguard of the French, ftationed between Nimeguen and Duffeldorff, to cover the last place, and fupport the left of the army of the Sambre and the Meufe. I wish them to partake the glory which the French burn to acquire anew. I wish them to fraternize and maintain that noble emulation, of which the fublimeft end is liberty.Health and fraternity, (Signed) BOURNONVILLE. The general in chief of the combined French and Batavian armies of the north. Hague, July 9. THE "HE Proclamation, fixing definitively the contributions to the forced loan of fixty millions, has now appeared. The indirect revenues, chiefly relating to merchants, a.tifts, and farmers, will be estimated after a compensation of ten fucceffive years, taken together, the 10th part of which is to be computed for the direct revenue, of which, according to the tax, 37 to three per cent. must be paid. The fame publication enacts, that all the capitals in the English funds fhall be equally subject to that payment. Proclamation of General Jourdan to the Inhabitants of the Country beyond the Rhine. THE repeated victories of the armies of the French Republic, the cry of the nations exhaufted by war, which brings h it only ruin and defolation, the voice of humanity, which inceffantly |