Slike strani

yours. Beware, brave Spaniards, of the treacherous infinuations ef those enemies of all moral and religious principles, which form the basis of social life. High minded, loyal, and generous, like your forefathers, you want but a hint of what awaits you. Zealously attached to the worship of the true God, and the august blood of your kings, you, no doubt, prefer the loss and facrifice of your property to the misfortune and disgrace of fubmitting to the yoke of those new masters of your territory. Follow then, gallant Spaniards, that noble impulse of reason, honour, and feeling. Depart! the dominions of the Spanish monarch are open for you: go, honourably to live and die there in the shade of your altars, and under the protection of your king. But if any among you, chained down by necessity to the foil they cultivate, should not be able to leave it, let them not be uneasy: his Majesty lends them his powerful and protecting hand. I wish they would, for their own happiness, fully rely on the generofity and beneficence of so great a monarch. What other fovereign has fought with more zeal and glory for the facred cause of religion, royalty, and humanity, against the foolhardy innovators, who are bent on exterminating them from the whole furface of this globe. I have read, brave Spaniards, the olensible instructions given by the Directory to the commiffioners of the Republic; I have perused the proclamations of those hypocritical and perverse agents, whose first mission to St. Domingo was marked with insurrections, with the firing of the plantations, and the affaffination of their owners. The choice of fuch men fufficiently shews the misfortunes you have to expect. Read and confider, brave Spaniards, the papers I have just quoted: compare the promises which they hold out with those the Republic has made toevery nation it wished to seduce. What advantages did it not hold out to its own colonies, to Savoy, Belgium, Holland; in short, to all countries wherein it has established its strange regimen! Well, contemplate the horrid and deplorable situation to which are now reduced those provinces, once fo populous and flourishing, and judge, brave Spaniards, what would be the refult of your credulity. Impressed with your dangers, and feeling for your misfortune, I offer you my fupport. A faithful interpreter of the beneficent difpofition of his Majesty, I promise and guarantee to you, under his banners, fafety to your persons and property. Whatever is sacred to you, your religious worship, your priests, your laws, your customs, your privileges, shall be preserved to you, and you shall also enjoy the advantage of the most extensive and flourishing commerce in the world. You have frequented our posts, and know the liberty, good faith, and plenty which reign there. Calculate the extent of those advantages, and prepare yourselves to receive the only power able to grant them. As foon as the protection of your king shall be withdrawn from you, and you are given up to the new masters of your territory, arm against them, and on the first signal you give me of your determination, I will fly to your assistance, and unite my whole force with your's, to repel and exterminate our common enemy.


Given in the King's House, at Port-au-Prince, the 12th of
July, in the year of our Lord 1796, and the 35th of his
Majesty's reign.


By order of his excellency,

JAMES ESTEN, secretary.

Address of the States of the Circle of Suabia to the Archduke


HARD and painful as we find it, there is no other choice left

for us than to bring the loud and general complaints of the princes and states of the innocent and fuffering circle of Suabia, overwhelmed from all fides, before his Imperial Majesty, and to represent in that illustrious quarter, where we are fure of being heard, our conftitutional demand of assistance from the chief of the empire, but especially fatisfaction for the ill-founded reproaches suffered by, and the restoration of the property wrested from the circle, the paternal protection of his Imperial Majesty against the excesses similar to hostile treatment, committed by the fubaltern commanders of the Imperial troops in the territories of the circle of Suabia, and all possible re-establishment of an unimpeded communication of the states of the circle among themselves, and with the circular convention.

We owe this step, to which we are thus compelled, to the princes and states, who, by numberless sacrifices for the common cause, and the common welfare of the fupreme service, deserved more regard; we owe it to the subjects of the circle, who in their present unhappy fituation are almost reduced to despair; in short, we owe it to ourselves, against the painful reproaches made to us in the answer of your Royal Highness. We also can affure your Royal Highness, in full conviction, that you have been> prepoffefsed against the circle, by fome odious infinuations thrown out against it.*

Done at Augsburg, Aug. 13, 1796.

• This answer was returned by the circle to a letter, in which the Arch. duke Charles accufed the convention of the circle of Suabia, that forgetful of their duty to the Emperor and the Empire, they had made tributary to the enemy, by treaties actually concluded, countries and cities which had not been in the enemy's hands, and that by so doing they had fixed upon themselves, in the eyes of their country, an everlasting and disgraceful Ligma of premature cowardice.




General Orders of the Commander in Chief of the Army of the West.

Head-quarters at Rennes, 7th Fructidor, (August 24.)

BECA BECAUSE the majority of the rebels have given up their arms to us, some places thought themselves in the most perfect security. They forgot that vigilance which is requifite after a civil war the most disastrous, as the men who waged it were impelled by fanaticism, and directed by the greatest intrigners in Europe: the torpor was such, that General V-knew not (for he gave me no account of it that fome agents of England had landed on the coast of his district.

The commander in chief, who recollects with emotion the energy which his brothers in arms have displayed ever fince he had the honour of commanding them, hopes it is not in vain that they willed peace, that they will consolidate their work by boundless vigilance and activity; he recommends to their care the interior of Breft, L'Orient, Nantz, St. Maloes, and Rennes, where the spies of the English minister have chiefly taken their refidence. And independent of the praise which he shall merit, who shall arrest either one of those spies or an emigrant, he promises a reward of one hundred livres in specie, and further, to pay all the expence attending the searches after them.



Proclamation of General Buonaparte, Commander in Chief of the Army of Italy, to the Inhabitants of the Tyrolefe.

Head quarters at Brescia, 13 Fructidor, (August 30.)

YOU folicit the protection of the French army. If you expect it, you must shew yourselves worthy of it. Since the majority of you is well disposed, compel the few malcontents who are among you to be peaceable. Their outrageous conduct has a tendency to bring upon their country the calamities of war.

The fuperiority of the French arms is now manifest. The Emperor's ministers, bought by English gold, betray that country. That unfortunate prince commits an error in every meafure he adopts.

You wish for peace! The French are fighting for that object. We march upon your territory for the exprefs purpose of obliging the court of Vienna to accede to the prayer of defolated Europe, and to listen to the entreaties of her people; we come not here with a view of extending ourd ominions. Nature has pointed


out the limits of France by the intersection of the Alps and the Rhine, in the same manner as she has placed the Tyrolese as a line of demarcation for the house of Austria.

Tyroleans! whatever your paft conduct may have been, return to your habitations! abandon the colours which have been so often disgraced, and which you are unable to defend.

- The conquerors of the Alps and Italy are not now opposed to an host of enemies. They are in pursuit of a few victims, whom the generofity of my country commands me to spare.

We are formidable in battle, but we are the friends of those who give us an hospitable reception.

The religion, the customs, and the property of the communes who submit shall be respected.

The communes, whose Tyrolean inhabitants have not returned on our arrival, hall be burnt; the inhabitants taken as hostages, and sent to France.

When a commune has fubmitted, the syndics shall be bound to deliver, in one hour after, a list of the inhabitants who are in the pay of the Emperor, and if they should fide with the Tyrolean inhabitants, their houses shall be immediately burnt, and their relations arrested and sent as hostages to France.

The Tyroleans who shall co-operate with the free inhabitants, and are taken with arms in their hands, shall be instantly shot. The generals of division are charged with the strictest execution of this arret.


The above is an authentic copy.

(Signed) 1


General of divifion, &c.

Order of Council of the id September.

AT the court at Weyinouth, the 3d of September 1796, present the King's most excellent Majesty in council. Whereas an act passed in the thirty-third year of his Majesty's reign, intituled, "An act more effectually to prevent, during the present war between Great Britain and France, all traitorous correfpondence with, or aid or affistance being given to his Majesty's enemies;" and another act paffed in the thirty-fourth year of his Majesty's reign, intituled, "An act for preventing money or effects, in the hands of his Majesty's subjects, belonging to or disposable by perfons resident in France, being applied to the use of the perfons exercising the powers of government in France, and for preferving the property thereof for the benefit of the individual owners thereof."

And whereas another act, passed in the thirty-fourth year afore. faid, intituled, "An act for more effectually preserving money and effects, in the hands of his Majesty's subjects, belonging to or disposable by persons refident in France, for the benefit of the individual owners thereof."

And whereas it is expedient that such licence and authority should be granted as is herein after given and granted; his Majesty, taking the same into his royal confideration, is pleased, by and with the advice of his privy council, by this order to grant, and accordingly, with such advice, by this order, doth grant licence, according to the authority given by the said acts respectively, or some of them, to all persons refiding or being in Great Britain, either on their own account or credit, or on the account or credit, or by the direction of any other person or persons whomsoever, or wheresoever resident or being, to fell, supply, deliver, or fend, for the purpose of being fold, supplied, or delivered, and to agree to fell, fupply, deliver, or fend for fuch purpose, and either on their own account or credit, or on the account or credit or by the direction of any other perfon or persons whomsoever and wheresoever resident or being, to cause or procure to be fold, supplied, delivered, or fent for fuch purpose as aforesaid, or to authorise or direct any other perfon or persons whomsoever, or wherefoever refident or being, to fell, supply, deliver, or send as aforesaid; or to aid or affist in so selling, fupplying, delivering, or authorifing or directing to be so sold, supplied, or delivered or fent; and also to buy or procure, or contract or agree to contract or procure, or cause to be bought or procured, or authorise or direct any other person or persons whomsoever, or wheresoever refident or being, to buy or procure, or to contract or agree to buy or procure, or aid or assist in buying or procuring, or authorifing or directing to be bought or procured, any goods, wares, merchandizes, or effects mentioned in the said acts, or any other goods, wares, merchandizes, or effects, (except such as are herein after mentioned) whether of the growth, production, or manufacture of this kingdom, or of any foreign country, to or for the use of any persons refiding in the territories of the United Provinces, or in the Austrian Netherlands, or in any part of Italy, or for the purpose of being fent into any part or place within the fame respectively.

Provided nevertheless, that all fuch goods, wares, merchandizes, and effects, be exported from this kingdom, and in ships or vessels belonging to persons of some state or country in amity with his Majesty, and that fuch exportation be made under the usual conditions and regulations; and that fuch security be given by bond, in fuch penalty, by such perfons, and in fuch manner, as shall be directed by the commissioners of his Majesty's customs, that the faid goods, wares, merchandizes, and effects, shall be exported to the spaces propofed, and to none other; and that a certificate


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