Slike strani

ancient course of the river, and known to the watermen by the names of Alt-waffer, Alt Rhine, or Old Rhine.

VII. Each of the contracting parties shall be at liberty to finish the work of the dykes, which may be thought necessary for the prefervation of his territory; but this is to be done so as not to injure the country on the opposite bank. All disputes which may arife from this object, as also from the establishment and prefervation of the towing path, shall be decided by juridical means, between the respective governments.

VIII. His Serene Highness engages to leave, or cause to be left, on the right bank of the Rhine, a space of thirty-fix feet broad, to serve as a towing-road in the navigable parts, or in those which may become so. This road shall be cleared of every thing that may injure its usage. It is, however, agreed, that the houses which stand on the ground which it is to take up, or which would be necessary for continuing it, shall not be demolished without paying a just and previous indemnity to the owner.

IX. The punishment of offences relative to navigation, which may be cominitted on the faid towing-road, shall belong to the French Republic.

X. The portions of that road, as likewise the iflands on that river, which belonged by special right to his Serene Highness, or which were poffeffed by ecclefiaftical bodies or commonalities, are ceded, without referve, to the Republic. The lay or private communities shall continue to enjoy, under the fovereignty of the Republic, the portions which were in their possession. It is however agreed, that the said sovereignty shall not be exercised over houses depending on the margraviate, which may be deemed neceffary for continuing the towing-way, but only on their cites, after they shall have been demolished in execution of Art. 8.

XI. The navigation of the river shall be free for the citizens and the subjects of both contracting parties.

XII. The tolls gathered on that part of the river Rhine which flows between the dominions of the contracting parties are abolished for ever. There shall be none established hereafter on the natural bed of the river.

XIII. The ftipulations contained in the preceding treaties between France on the one part, and his Serene Highness the Margrave of Baden, or the Emperor and the empire, on the other, relative to the course of the Rhine, its navigation, the works to be constructed for the prefervation of its bed and its banks, shall continue to be executed in as far as they are not contrary to the prefent treaty.

XIV. His Serene Highness engages not to permit the emigrants, and the priests transported from the French Republic, to reside in his territories.

XV. There

XV. There shall be concluded, without delay, between the two powers, a treaty of commerce on grounds of reciprocal advantage. Meanwhile all commercial relations shall be reestablished, such as they were before the present war.

All commodities and merchandize, being the produce of the French foil, manufactories, colonies, and fisheries, shall enjoy in the territories of his Serene Highness the liberty of tranfit and staple, exempted from all duties, except those of the tolls upon waggons and horfes.

The French waggoners shall be treated, with regard to the payment of those duties of toll, like the most favoured nation. XVI. The French Republic and his Serene Highness the Margrave of Baden, respectively engage to grant replevy on the sequestration of all effects, revenues, or estates, confifcated, detained, or fold from French citizens on one part, and on the other, from the inhabitants of the margraviate of Baden, and to admit them to the legal exercise of the actions and rights which may belong to them.

XVII. All the prisoners of war respectively taken shall be delivered up within one month, to count from the exchange of the ratification of the present treaty, on paying the debts which they may have contracted during their captivity.

The fick and wounded shall continue to be taken care of in the respective hospitals; they shall be given up immediately after their recovery.

XVIII. Conformable to the treaty concluded at the Hague, the 27th Floreal of the third year, the present treaty of peace and friendship is declared common with the Batavian Republic.

XIX. It shall be ratified, and the ratifications exchanged at Paris, within one month, to reckon from its fignature, and fooner if practicable.

Paris, 5 Fructidor, of the fourth year of the French Republic,

one and indivisible.



The Executive Directory resolve and ratify the present treaty of peace with the Margrave of Baden, negociated in the name of the French Republic by the minister for foreign affairs, appointed by the Executive Directory by the resolution of the 28th of last Thermidor, and charged with their instructions for that purpose.

Paris, 8th Fructidor, fourth year of the French Republic, one and indivisible.

(Signed) REVELLIERE LEPEAUX, prefident.

By the Executive Directory,

(Signed) LA GARDE, fecretary general. The Council of Ancients approved of the above treaty on the

31st of August.




Armistice concluded between the French Republic and His Serene Highness the Elector Palatine of Bavaria.


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commander in chief of the army of the Rhine and Mofelle, fenfible of the pacific intentions of his Serene Highness the Elector Palatine of Bavaria, grants him a suspension of arms with respect to the duchy of Bavaria, the higher palatinate, the country of Neuborg, part of the palatinate of the Rhine, and part of the duchy of Berg, upon the right banks of that river, the bishoprics of Fressing, Ratisbone, not including the city Paffau, the provostship of Morcholsgaden, the chapters of Ober and Nider, Munster, St. Emeraud, and the county of Ortemberg, on the following conditions:

I. The Elector of Bavaria shall immediately withdraw from the coalefced armies all the troops which he has furnished for his contingency. They shall remain armed, and he may dispose of his army as he shall think proper for the interior safety of his country.

II. The French troops shall always have a free passage through the states of the Elector of Bavaria. Such troops as hereafter, in the course of the war, shall march through the faid states, shall be quartered with the inhabitants, or in barracks in the fields, according to circumstances; but without any indemnity being demanded by the proprietors for camps, or such works being carried on as military operations shall render neceffary.

III. The commander in chief shall be particularly careful in caufing respect to be paid to perfons and property by such troops as the operations of the war shall make it necessary to pafs through the electorate of Bavaria. He shall prevent, as much as he is able, troops from paffing through the city of Munich, and other electoral refidencies: he shall take care that no offence is offered to divine worship, or to the laws and different conftitutions of the ftate.

IV. If, from circumftances or difficulty of communication, it hall be neceffary for the troops who pass through or remain in the electorate of Bavaria to draw their subsistence from the country, the bailiffs, or other authorised perfons, shall not refuse to accede to any demands which may be made by the commissaries of war for bread, hay, oats, meat, carriages, and horfes These articles shall be taken by the Republic in account for the provifions and contributions in money due to the army: other things shall be paid for by the troops in cash.

V., The Elector of Bavaria shall deposit in the chest of the paymaster of the army of the Rhine and Moselle ten millions of French and German livres, according to the rate of exchange in France, in letters of exchange or ingots; 500,000 livres in ten days


days from the signing of the treaty; a million in ten days following; a million 500,000 at the end of the first month; a million by the 15th of the fecond month; a million by the 30th; a million 500,000 livres every fifteen days, until the whole is paid, which must be by the end of four months.

VI. The Elector of Bavaria shall furnish, within the time hereafter specified, 300 chosen saddle horses, 600 cavalry horfes, from 4 feet 9 to 4 feet 11 inches high; 900 dragoons, huffars, and chasseurs horfes, from feet 7 to 9 inches high; 1500 draft horfes. All the horses shall be between five and eight years old, unless the persons who shall be appointed to choose them shall think fome horses which are older proper for fervice.


VII. Thefe horfes shall be delivered when the commander in chief shall appoint; that is to say, 150 faddle horfes, 300 cavalry horses, 400 horfes for light cavalry, and 700 draft horfes in 15 days from the signing the treaty; 150 faddle horfes, 300 cavalry, 450 light cavalry, and 800 draft horfes, in the enfuing 15 days.

VIII. His Serene Highness the Elector of Bavaria thall be permitted to pay in money the value of a moiety of the horses he is to furnish, and at the same periods, except the faddle horfes, which must be in kind, under the penalty of 500 livres per horfe.

IX. The horses shall be received by skilful perfons appointed. A proper authority for their receiving them shall be made out by the commiffaries of war.

X. Within fix weeks, by three installments, at the distance of fifteen days each, unless the principal commissary shall deem it expedient to prolong the time, his Serene Highness shall furnish, in such places as the commissary shall appoint, 200,000 quintals of grain, two thirds wheat and one third rye, 100,000 facks of oats, 200,000 quintals of hay.

XI. Within fix weeks, and by three installments, at the diftance of fifteen days each, there shall be delivered into the magazines, appointed by the commissary in chief, 100,000 pair of shoes, of three fizes, and 100,000 pair of boots, one half troopers boots, and the other half, hussars boots.

XII. Within a month from the signing the treaty, there shall be furnished, in the place appointed by the commissary, 30,000 ells of cloth for the officers, according to patterns which shall be given, of which 25,000 thall be blue, and 5000 green.

XIII. In cafe the operations of war shall carry the army beyond Bavaria, and that the different articles and provifions which the Elector is bound to deliver should be rendered unneceffary, it shall be lawful to demand an equivalent in money, at the following rate :

Grain at 13 livres the quintal.
Oats at 10 livres the fack.

Hay at 3 livres the quintal.


KIV. In order to fettle the places where, and the periods when, the different articles shall be delivered, his Serene Highness the Elector of Bavaria shall send to the commissary of the French army a commissary charged to give orders respecting the delivery.

XV. It is likewise agreed, that French artists, appointed by government, or by the general, shall be allowed to chuse from the Gallery of Munich and Duffeldorff twenty pictures: his Serene Highness engages not to take any away.

XVI. His Serene Highness the Elector of Bavaria shall immediately send to the Directory at Paris a plenipotentiary to negotiate a separate peace with the French Republic.

XVII. The commander in chief engages for the observance of the present treaty by all the armies of the French Republic now occupying, or which shall hereafter occupy, the states of his Serene Highness the Elector of Bavaria.


Done at Pfaffenhoffen the 21st Fructidor, (Sept. 7) 4th year. MOREAU, Commander in Chief. (Signed) The Commiffioners of His Serene Highness the Elector Palatine of Bavaria, Baron LEYDEN, Count CHARLES D'ARCE, Baron REIBELD, the Deputies of the States of the Higher and Lower Bavaria, JOSEPH Count DE KOENNIGSFELD, Count IGNACE D'ARCO MAXIMILIAN, Count DE LEINSHEIM, LOUIS DE REINDLE, the Deputies of the States of the Duchy of Neuborg, MAXIMILIAN Count DE LA TOUR and TAXIS, ANTOINE D'EZBIA, Chancellor of the States.

Armistice agreed upon between General Buonaparte, Commander in Chief of the Army of Italy, and the Prince de Belmonte Pignatelli, Envoy from the Court of Naples to the Court of Madrid.


Art. I. ALL hoftilities between the troops of the French Republic and those of the King of Naples shall ceafe from the day on which the following articles are executed, and ten days after the conclufion is officially announced negotiations for peace shall be opened between the respective plenipotentiaries, in the place which shall be appointed by the Executive Disectory.

II. The body of Neapolitan troops at prefent united with those of the Emperor, shall feparate from them, and take up their can. tonments in the places hereafter mentioned.

III. The

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