Slike strani

III. The troops comprised in the suspension of arms shall take up their cantonments in the Venetian territory of Brefcia, Cremo, and Bergamo.

IV. The faid suspension of arms shall take place at sea between the squadrons of the two powers, and the ships of the King of Naples shall separate themselves as foon as possible from the Eng lish squadron.

V. A free passage shall be granted to the couriers of the two powers, both on the French territory, the territory occupied by French troops, and the territories of the King of Naples.




Done at Brefcia, 17 Prairial, June 5.

Treaty of Peace concluded between the French Republic and His Majesty the King of the Two Sicilies.

THE French Republic and his Majesty the King of the Two Sicilies, equally animated with the defire to make the advantages of peace succeed to the miseries infeparable from war, have named, viz. the Executive Directory, in the name of the French Republic, the citizen Charles Delacroix, minifter for foreign affairs; and his Majesty the King of the Two Sicilies, the Prince Belmonte Pignatelli, gentleman of the chamber, and his envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to his Catholic Majesty, to treat, in their name, the clauses and conditions proper to reestablish good understanding and friendship between the two powers, who, after having exchanged their respective full powers, have agreed on the following articles:

I. There shall be peace, friendship, and good understanding, between the French Republic and his Majesty the King of the Two Sicilies: in consequence, all hoftilities shall definitively cease, reckoning from the day of the exchange of the ratification of the present treaty. Meanwhile, and till that period, the conditions ftipulated by the armistice concluded on the 17th Prairial of the 4th year (5th of June, 1796) shall continue to have full power and effect.

II. Every interior act, engagement, or convention, on the one part or the other of the two contracting parties, which are contrary to the prefent treaty, are revoked, and shall be regarded as null, and of no effect; in confequence, during the course of the present war, neither of the two powers thall furnish to the enemies of the other, any fuccours of troops, ships, arms, warlike ftores, provisions, or money, under whatever title or denomination that may be.

III. His

III. His Majesty the King of the Two Sicilies shall observe the most strict neutrality towards all the belligerent powers; in confequence, he pledges himself to prevent indiscriminately access to his ports to all armed ships of war belonging to the faid powers, which shall exceed four, according to the regulations acknowledged by the faid neutrality. All stores or merchandise, known by the name of contraband, shall be refused them.

IV. All security and protection shall be granted against all persons whatever, in the ports and roads of the Two Sicilies, to all French merchantmen, of whatsoever number they may be, and to all the thips of war of the Republic, not exceeding the number specified in the above article.

V. The French Republic and the King of the Two Sicilies engage to take off the sequestration from all effects, revenues, goods seized, confiscated, and kept from the citizens or subjects of both powers, in consequence of the present war, and to admit them respectively to the legal exercise of all civil rights that may belong

to them.

VI. All prisoners made on one side or the other, comprising mariners and failors, shall be reciprocally restored within a month, reckoning from the exchange of the ratification of the present treaty, paying the debts which they may have contracted during their captivity; the fick and wounded shall continue to be taken care of in their respective hospitals, and shall be restored upon their


VII. To give a proof of his friendship for the French Republic, and of his fincere defire to maintain the most perfect harmony between the two powers, his Majesty the King of the Two Sicilies consents to fet at liberty every French citizen who may have been arrested and detained in his states, on account of his political opinions respecting the French revolution; all goods and property, moveable or immoveable, which may have been fequestrated on the fame account, shall be restored to them.

VIII. From the fame motives which dictated the preceding articles, his Majesty the King of the Two Sicilies engages to cause all proper search to be made for discovering, by legal means, and for giving up to the rigour of the laws, the persons who stole, in 1795, the papers belonging to the late minister of the French Republic.

IX. The ambassadors or ministers of the two contracting powers shall enjoy, in their respective states, the same prerogatives and precedence which they enjoyed before the war, excepting those which were allowed them as family ambassadors.

X. Every French citizen, and all persons belonging to the household of the ambassador or minister, or to that of the confuls and other authorised and acknowledged agents of the French Republic, shall enjoy, in the states of his Majesty the King of the Two Sicilies, the same freedom of religious worship as is enjoyed by the individuals of those nations, not Catholics, which are the moft favoured in that refpect.

XI. There shall be negotiated and concluded, without delay, a treaty of commerce between the two powers, founded on the ba fis of mutual utility, and such as shall insure to the French nation advantages equal to all those which are enjoyed in the kingdom of the Two Sicilies by the most favoured nations. Until the completion of this treaty, the commercial and confular relations shall be reciprocally re-established on the same footing as before the war.

XII. In conformity with the fixth article of the treaty concluded at the Hague on the 27th Floreal, in the third year of the Republic (16th of May, 1795, old style), the fame peace, friendship, and good understanding, that are stipulated in the present treaty between the French Republic and his Majesty the King of the Two Sicilies shall subsist between his Majesty and the Batavian Republic.

XIII. The present treaty shall be ratified, and the ratifications exchanged, within forty days from the date hereof.

Done at Paris 19th Vendemiaire, in the 5th year of the French Republic, one and indivisible, corresponding with the 10th October, 1796, (old ftyle).




Conditions of the Armistice concluded between the Commander in Chief of the Army of Italy and M. Frederick, Plenipotentiary of the Duke of Modena.

THE commander in chief of the army of Italy grants to the Duke of Modena an armistice, for the purpose of giving him time to send to Paris, to obtain from the Executive Directory a definitive peace, on the conditions hereinafter mentioned, which M. Frederick, plenipotentiary of the Duke of Modena, promifes to fulfil,

I. The Duke of Modena shall pay to the French Republic the fum of seven millions five hundred thousand livres, French money, of which three millions shall be immediately sent to the army chest; two millions more shall be paid in fifteen days into the hands of M. Balbi, banker for the Republic of Genoa; and the remaining two millions five hundred thousand livres into the hands of the same banker, within a month.

II. The Duke of Modena shall besides furnish to the value of 2,500,000 livres, in commodities, such as powder and other artiVOL. V.


eles of ammunition of war, which the commander in chief thall defcribe, together with the periods at which these payments shall be made.

III. The Duke of Modena shall be bound to deliver twenty pictures, to be taken from his gallery, or within his dominions, at the option of the citizens who shall be sent to choose them.

Provided the above conditions are fulfilled, the troops of the Republic, paffing through the states of the Duke of Modena, shall make no requifitions: the provisions of which they may stand in need shall be furnished and paid for as may be agreed on.



Offensive and Defensive Treaty of Alliance between the French Republic and Spain.

THE Executive Directory of the French Republic and his Catholic Majesty the King of Spain, animated by the wish to strengthen the bonds of anity and good understanding happily re-established between France and Spain by the treaty of peace concluded at Bafle on the 4th Thermidor, and the third year of the Republic, (July 22, 1795) have refolved to form an offenfive and defenfive treaty of alliance for whatever concerns the advantages and common defence of the two nations; and they have eharged with this important negotiation, and have given their full powers to the under-mentioned perfons; namely, the Executive Directory of the French Republic to Citizen Dominique Cathe Fine Perignon, general of division of the Republic, and its ambaffador to his Catholic Majesty the King of Spain; and his Catho lic Majesty the King of Spain, to his Excellency Don Manuel de Godoi, Prince of Peace, Duke of Alcudia, &c. &c. &c. who, after the respective communication and exchange of their full powers, have agreed on the following articles:

I. There shall exist for ever an offensive and defensive alliance between the French Republic and his Catholic Majesty the King of Spain.

II. The two contracting powers shall be mutual guarantees, without any referve or exception, in the most authentic and abfolute way, of all the states, territories, islands, and the places which they poffefs, and shall respectively possess. And if one of the two powers shall be in the sequel, under whatever pretext it may be, menaced or attacked, the other promises, engages, and binds itself to help it with its good offices, and to fuccour it on its requifition, as thall be ftipulated in the following articles: 111. Within


*III. Within the space of three months, reckoning from the mo ment of the requisition, the power called on shall hold in readiness, and place in the disposal of the power calling, 15 ships of the line, three of which shall be three-deckers, or of 80 guns, twelve of from 70 to 72, fix frigates of a proportionate force, and four floops or light veffels, all equipped, armed, and victualled for fix months, and stored for a year. These naval forces thall be affembled by the power called on in the particular port pointed out by the power calling.

IV. In cafe the requiring power may have judged it proper for the commencement of hostilities to confine to the one-half the fuecour which was to have been given in execution of the preceding article, it may, at any epoch of the campaign, call for the other half of the aforesaid fuccour, which shall be furnished in the mode and within the space fixed. This space of time to be reckoned from the new requifition.

V. The power called on shall in the fame way place at the disposal of the requiring power, within the space of three months, reck oning from the moment of the requifition, eighteen thoufand infantry, and fix thousand cavalry; with a proportionate train of artillery to be readily employed in Europe, and for the defence of the colonies which the contracting powers poffefs in the Gulf of Mexico.

VI. The requiring power shall be allowed to send oneor se veral commiffioners for the purpose of affuring itself whether, conformably to the preceding articles, the power called on has put itself in a state to commence hoftilities on the day fixed with the land and fea forces.

VII. Thefe fuccours shall be entirely placed at the difpofal of the requiring power, which may leave thein in the ports and on the territory of the power called on, or employ them in expeditions it may think fit to undertake, without being obliged to give an account of the motives by which it may have been determined.

VIII. The demand of the fuccours ftipulated in the preceding articles, made by one of the powers, shall fuffice to prove the need it has of them, and shall bind the other power to difpofe of them, without its being neceffary to enter into any difcuffion relative to the question whether the war it proposes be offenfive or de.. fenfive; or without any explanation being required, which may tend to elude the most speedy and exact accomplishment of what is ftipulated.

IX. The troops and ships demanded shall continue at the difpofal of the requiring power during the whole duration of the war, without its incurring in any cafe any expence. The power called on thall maintain them in all places where its ally shall cause them to act, as if it employed them directly for itself. It is sunply agreed on, that during the whole of the time when the aforefaid

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