and the left, under General de la Tour; and attack the enemy's center and right, whilft General Riese, strengthened by part of General Frolich's corps, drove them from the neighbourhood of Laningen, and marched towards Giengen and Haydenheim, in order to come into the rear of General Moreau's position. This latter movement was to be covered on its right by a small intermediate corps under General Mercantin, who was to preferve the communication between General Riese and the main army. As the enemy had a great fuperiority of numbers, it was refolved to attack by furprize, and for this purpose the marches were fo arranged, that the coluinns were to be formed on the different points, from whence they were to advance, juft before day-break, and proceed immediately. However, a most violent storm, which lasted several hours, made the night so extremely dark, and the roads so bad, that the troops and artillery were above double the time they otherwise would have been in performing their movements, and therefore the attack was necessarily deferred till seven o'clock. This enabled the enemy to discover the whole plan, and prepare for their defence. Notwithstanding fo unfortunate a circumstance, which deprived the Archduke of the real advantage of furprize, his royal highness persevered in his refolution. The three columns of the center were fuccefsful in diflodging the enemy's advanced guard from the woods, and they drove it back to the heights of the principal position; but the column that marched towards Umenheim finding itself taken in flank by General Moreau's referve, which had advanced for that purpose as foon as the affair commenced, was obliged to retire. This laid General Hotze's right flank open, and forced him also to fall back to the position of Foreheim, from whence he had marched in the morning; but the Prince of Furstenberg and General la Tour maintained their advantages. Just as the Archduke was making his dispositions for strengthening and bringing forward his right again, he received a report from General Wartensleben, purporting that he was obliged to retire to Amberg; and that a column of General Jourdan's army had already arrived at Nuremberg, for the purpose of co-operating immediately with General Moreau. His royal highness now judged, that even if victorious on this point he would probably still be obliged to retreat to Donawert, by the movements that the enemy were making on his right, and, should he be fo unfortunate as to experience a defeat, the consequences, from the fame reason, might be most disastrous. He therefore suspended his attack, and contented himself with remaining master of the principal part of the field of battle; a decision, however, taken with the utmost reluctance, because General Riese had fucceeded to the extent of his most fanguine hopes, and had advanced, about four o'clock in the afternoon, nearly to Haydenheim. The Austrians loft on this occasion from 12 to 1500 men. The French lofs in killed and wounded is estimated at above 2000, besides more than 1200 prifoners are already brought in, four pieces of cannon, and several ammunition waggons. This morning the whole army of his royal highness has taken exactly the fame position that it had on the 10th. Right Hon. Lord Grenville, ४८. ४. ४८. I have the honour to be, &c. C. CRAUFURD. Head 1 MY LORD, 1 Head-Quarters of bis Royal Highness the Archduke I HAVE the honour to inform your lordship, that the Archduke marched with his main army to this place on the 13th, where he was joined by Generals Hotze and Riefe. The enemy did not attempt to interrupt this movement, though it was made in the day, nor have they advanced fince, which is a convincing proof that the affair of the 11th checked very materially their intended plan of operations.. The pass of Bregeutz continues to be defended by General Wolf, and that of Freussen will be covered by General La Tour's left. I have the honour to be, &c. Right Hon. Lord Grenville, ७८. ८०, ७, Admiralty Office, August 30, 1796. C. CRAUFURD Extract of a Letter from Admiral Sir Peter Parker, Commander in Chief of his Majesty's Ships and Veffels at Portsmouth, to Evan Nepean, Esq. dated on board the Royal William, at Spithead, August 21, 1796. THE Telemachus cutter brought in yesterday evening a small French privateer of four swivels and twenty-two men, and alfo a smuggling veffel, both of which were taken the fame day at the back of the Ifle of Wight. 1 Extract of a Letter from Thomas Lamb, Esq. Mayor of Rye, to Evan Nepean, Esq. Secretary of the Admiralty, dated Rye, August 28, 1796. I HAVE the honour to inform you, that this morning Captain Amos, of the Swallow cutter, in the fervice of his Majesty's revenue, brought into this port a French privateer, called Petit Diable, of the burthen of fix tons, belonging to Calais, which he captured last night off Farleigh. The crew confifted of the first and second captain and twelve men. From the LONDON GAZETTE, September 5. Admiralty Office, Sept. 5, 1796. Copy of a Letter from Captain Drury, of bis Majesty's Ship Alfred, so Evan Nepean, Esq. dated Port Royal, July 16, 1796. I HAVE the honour to acquaint you, for the information of my lords commiflioners of the admiralty, that, pursuant to orders from Rearadmiral Hervey, which I received the 9th instant at anchor off Marie galante, by his Majesty's floop Thorn, to proceed immediately to Jamaica, I loft no time in getting under weigh. On the Wednesday following, at eight o'clock in the morning, I had the good fortune to fall in with the French national frigate Le Renommee, of 44 guns, and 320 men, commanded by Citizen Pirot, which I came up with and captured the next morning, just before day-break, the east end of St. Domingo bearing N. E. thirty leagues. She is a very fine frigate, only two years old, and in every refpect fit for his Majesty's service. In justice to the officers and company of his Majesty's thip under my command, particularly my first lieutenant, Mr. John Richards, I cannot help expressing my entire approbation of their steady behaviour, which, I am confident, would have been very confpicuous had the been a ship of equal force; neither can I omit the very able assistance I received from Captain Winthorp, of his Majesty's floop Albicore, who was on board as a passenger to join his floop. Dresden, August 27. INTELLIGENCE has been received here of confiderable advantages having been obtained by the united armies of the Archduke Charles and General Wartenileben over that of General Jourdan. These accounts ftate, that after General Wartenfleben left Amberg he retreated to the left fide of the Nab, his main corps oppofite Schwartzenfelt, with two different corps befides towards Narbourg and Schwarrdorff, where he remained while General Jourdan's army advanced near him on the opposite side of the river, in three divisions, of which he himself commanded the centre. This was about the 20th or 21st of Auguft. That the Archduke, after abandoning Donawert, had retired behind the Lech, and taken, a strong position near its confluence with the Danube; but understanding that, independent of General Jourdan's grand army in face of General Wartenfleben, another divifion of the French, under General Championet, was advancing towards Ratisbon, his royal highness, after leaving a strong corps behind the Lech to observe General Moreau, marched along the Danube with the remainder (about forty thousand men,) and paffed that river at Ingoldstadt about the 17th or 18th. That from thence he advanced by Dietfurt to Teining, where he met the advanced posts of General Championet's divifion, beat them back, and followed them towards Castel, on the way to Amberg. That by this time General Jourdan took alarm, and recalled his troops towards Amberg, and in proportion as he retreated General Wartenfleben advanced. That between Amberg and Sultzbach General Jourdan drew up his army, and a battle ensued, in which the Austrians were victorious. That the lofs of the French on this occafion was supposed to be five thousand killed, and two thousand made prifoners, with about thirty pieces of cannon. That the whole of the Austrian army was not engaged, but a confiderable corps was detached at the fame time to Hurfpruch, Lauff, and Nuremberg, of which city the Austrians took poffeffion. From the LONDON GAZETTE, September 17. Copy of a Letter from Commodore Sir John Borlaje Warren, K. B. to Evan Nepean, Esq. dated on board bis Majesty's Ship La Pomone, Falmouth, the 10th inftant. SIR, : I REQUEST you will inform their lordships, that on the 22d of August, at ten, A. M, a fail was discovered in the S. S. W. quarter; I 2 immediately immediately dispatched the Galatea after her, who made the fignal of her being an enemy's frigate; I therefore followed with the rest of the ships, and foon obferved that she was standing in near the mouth of the Garonne; Captain Keats, however, with much address, cut her off from the entrance, having passed, with the Galatea, between the Chivrier Bank and the Lighthouse: the enemy then wore and stood along shore to the fouthward, being pursued by all the squadron, and keeping within half gun fhot of the coast. The Artois and Sylph, who had been detached to examine two large ships that appeared fufpicious, continued their course in the offing, when about nine, P. M. the horizon became dark, attended with violent squalls of extreme heavy rain, lightning, and thunder, so as to oblige the Galatea and this ship, who were nearly within shot of the frigate, to shorten fail, and keep away at times, and it was supposed she had bore up, as we lost fight of her. I therefore stood with the Anson to the northward, thinking the might have hatilded her wind that way, but at day-light, fecing nothing of her, tacked and continued our course to the fouthward, until we discovered her run on shore, with the loss of her mafts, within five leagues of Arcasson, and the Artois, Galatea, and Sylph, (who had feen her again during the night) at anchor near her, when she was boarded with much risk and gallantry by the boats of the Artois and Galatea, under the command of Lieutenants Lloyd and Carter. It was impoffible to prevent the men from endeavouring to escape on fhore, although great numbers, fell victims in the attempt, owing to the great furf and swell that fet upon the beach, and of course many were drowned. Her captain and some of the principal officers, with several Portu guese prifoners, part of the crews of two Brazil ships, taken by the divifion to which this ship (who was named L'Andramaque, a very fine and large frigate, pierced for forty-eight guns, twelve-pounders, most of which had been thrown overboard, and her complement three hundred men) belonged, were brought on board the ships of this squadron, when she was fet on fire by our people, and completely con. fumed before they left her. The officers and boat's crew of the abovementioned ships behaved with the utmost activity upon this occafion. I have fubjoined a lift of veffels captured and burnt by the squadron under my command, as well as the divifion of the enemy's frigates. I have the honour to remain, &c. (Signed) JOHN BORLASE WARREN. A List of Veffels burnt and captured by bis Majesty's Squadron under the Command of Commodore Sir John Borlafe Warren, Bart. K. B. &c. between the 9th of August and 10th of September, 1796. : L'Andromaque frigate, 44 guns, twelve-pounders, but pierced for 48 guns, and 300 men, burnt near Arcaffon. La Jean Porte, Gabarre, of 140 tons burthen, burnt at the mouth of the Garonne. La Jean de Blaignal, Gabarre, of 140 tons, burnt at the mouth of the Garonne. La Liberte, chaffe maree, of 95 tons, burnt at the mouth of the Garonne. : La La Catherine, chasse marée, of So tons, burnt at the mouth of the Garonne. La Marie Anne, chasse marée, of 95 tons, burnt at the mouth of the Garonne. Le St. Pierre, chasse marée, of go tons, burnt at the mouth of the Garonne. La Charlotte, chasse marée, of 80 tons, loaded with wine and brandy, captured. Le Veronique, chaffe marée, 95 tons, loaded with wine and brandy, captured. Sloop, loaded with canvass, taken by the Argus lugger and Dolly cutter, on their return from Falmouth to join the squadron. JOHN WARREN. La Pomone, Falmouth, September 10, 1796. A Lift of the Division of French Ships on a Cruize, to which L'Andro maque, burnt by the Squadron under the Command of Sr J. Borlaje Warren, Bart. and K. B. belonged. L'Andromaque-On the maindeck 28 guns, twelve-pounders; quarterdeck and forecastle, 20 guns; total 48, burnt on the 23d of August, 1796, near Arcafson. La Naiade-On the maindeck, 28 guns, twelve-pounders; quarterdeck and forecastle, 16 guns; total 44, cruizing. Le Decade-On the maindeck, 26 guns, twelve-pounders; quarterdeck and forecastle, 16 guns; total 42, cruizing. La Bayonneufe-On the maindeck, 22 guns, twelve-pounders; quarterdeck and forecastle, 6 guns; total 28, cruizing. Evan Nepean, Esq. * (Signed) JOHN WARREN. Admiralty Office, September 13, 1795. Copy of a Letter from E. B. Arnaud, F.fq. Collector of the Customs at Portsmouth, to Evan Nepean, Efq. dated September 12, 1796. I HAVE the honour to acquaint you, that the Antelope cutter, Captain Cafe, in the service of the customs at this port, has brought in a French lugger privateer, carrying 20 men and well arined, which the captured yesterday between Portland and St. Alban's. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Cox, bis Majesty's Naval Officer at Harwich, to Evan Nepean, Efq. dated September 14, 1796. LAST night was brought in here, by the Argus revenue cutter, of this port, a imall privateer, about twenty tons burthen, name Sally, of Blakeney, on the stern, last from Dunkirk : the whole crew, confifting of eighteen men and boys, are now lodged in our gaol. They have, it seems, taken several vessels by concealing all her people, except two men and a boy, and, having a trawling net and dredge on board, appeared like fishermen. VOL. V. N Admiralty |