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1470. Association of men teachers and principals of the city of New York. Modern tendencies in education. Truancy and delinquency. [New York, the Singer press, 1914?] 39p. 8°.

Contains: 1. G. D. Strayer: The application of scientific method to the problems of education the most important modern tendency, p. 5-8. 2. H. H. Horne : Educational tendencies, p. 9-10. 3. W. H. Allen: Modern tendencies in education, p. 11. 4. Gustave Straubenmüller: Truancy and delinquency, p. 14-18. 5. H. W. Nudd: Truancy and delinquency, p. 24-27. 6. Important changes in the compulsory education law, p. 36-39.

1471. Conference for education in the South and Southern educational association. Proceedings of the seventeenth Conference for education in the South and the twenty-fifth annual meeting of the Southern educational association. Joint session, Louisville, Ky., April 7-10, 1914. 381p. 8°.

Contains: Conference for education in the South-1. Mary E. Frayser: Report of the Committee on household management, p. 33-38. 2. Susie V. Powell: Helping the community through the school, p. 54-57. 3. O. B. Martin: Boys' and girls' demonstration work in the Southern States, p. 57-62. 4. W. T. Brown: Training leaders for rural life, p. 102-5. 5. J. A. Ferrell: Intensive community health work, p. 183-86. 6. W. S. Rankin: The community aspect of the health problem, p. 187-95. Southern educational association-7. B. R. Payne: The training of teachers in the South, p. 221-33. 8. J. H. Highsmith: Teacher training in private and denominational colleges, p. 233-38. 9. A. L. Rhoton : The responsibility and opportunity of the private and denominational college in the training of teachers, p. 238-42. 10. Mrs. D. Breckinridge: The city school as a social center, p. 250-53. 11. W. Lou Gray: What should a superintendent or supervising teacher do when visiting a school? p. 255-58. 12. P. P. Claxton: [Improvement of rural schools] p. 270-71. 13. F. M. Bralley: How may educational institutions best keep in touch with their graduates and former students in order to assist them in local community development? p. 281-86. 14. Jessie Field Leadership for rural communities from our institutions of higher learning, p. 291-92. 15. W. G. Frost: What the college can do for the community, p. 294-96. 16. R. B. Daniel: Some experiments in vocational education in a mill community, p. 302-5. 17. J. A. Baldwin: Statement of educational conditions in Southern cotton mill communities, p. 306-14. 18. Elizabeth G. Holt: The teaching of home-making in a mill community, p. 317-20. 19. R. M. Kennedy: The county library movement, p. 322–29. 20. Pearl W. Kelly: How the State may aid school libraries, p. 329–33. 21. W. Lou Gray: Co-operation in building a country school system, p. 335-39. 22. Mabel C. Williams: How can the town library serve the country community? p. 339-42.

1472. Dental faculties association of American universities. Proceedings of the sixth annual meeting held at Minneapolis, Minn., March 20 and 21. 1914. Philadelphia, Press of the "Dental cosmos," 1914. 24p. 8°. 1473. Georgia educational association. Proceedings and addresses of the fortyeighth annual meeting . . . Macon, Ga., April 23-25, 1914. 103p. 8°. (C. L. Smith, secretary, LaGrange, Ga.)

Contains: 1. M. L. Brittain: Georgia education--a survey, p. 19-26. 2. W. K. Tate The relation of the rural school to the economic development of the South, p. 26-28. 3. C. R. McCrory: State publication of school books, p. 28-39. 4. Otis Ashmore: Discussion of the State manufacture and control of school texts, p. 39-43. 5. J. H. Phillips: The social realm in education, p. 43-53. 6. E. R. Park: The health of the pupil, p. 53-59. 7. Carol P. Oppenheimer: Relation of the kindergarten to primary school, p. 71-75. 8. L. B. Evans: State manufacture and control of text-books, p. 78-88.

Dr. Phillips's paper has been reprinted in pamphlet form under title of "The social ideal in education."

1474. Nationaler deutschamerikanischer lehrerbund. Protokoll der 42. jahres versammlung, Chicago, Ill., 30. Juni bis 3. Juli 1914. Monatshefte für deutsche sprache und pädagogik, 15: 234-44, September 1914.

The number also contains: 1. Leo Stern: Ansprache des bundespräsidenten, 2. Oscar Burckhardt: Die amerikanische bühne als bildungsfaktor,

p. 244-46.

p. 246-57.

1475. Northwestern Wisconsin teachers' association. Monograph souvenir of the twenty-third annual meeting, also including a condensed history of the association and a journal of the proceedings and addresses of the 1913 meeting, held at Eau Claire, Wis., October 17-18, 1913. Eau Claire, Wis., Eau Claire press co. [1914?] 68p. 8°. (Matilda Miller, secretary, Eau Claire, Wis.)

Contains: 1. W. A. Clark: [Defense of the public schools] p. 26-32. 2. John Phelan: The problem of the rural school, p. 36-42. 3. Frances Cleary: The Latin teacher's special duty, p. 43-46


1476. Fitzpatrick, Frank A. James M. Greenwood: an appreciation. Educational review, 48: 288-93, October 1914.

A biographical sketch of the career of Prof. Greenwood, superintendent of schools at Kansas city, from 1874 until August 1, 1914.

1477. Greenstone, Julius H. Jewish education in the United States. In The American Jewish year book, 5675, 1914-1915, ed. by H. Bernstein for the American Jewish committee. Philadelphia, The Jewish publication society of America, 1914. p. 90-127.

A forceful presentation of the things already accomplished in the field of Jewish education, and the important problems still to be worked out.

1478. Spranger, Eduard. Der zusammenhang von politik und pädagogik in der neuzeit, umrisse zu einer geschichte der deutschen schulgesetzgebung und schulverfassung. Deutsche schule, 18: 13-21, 73–80, 356-66, January, February, March, May, June 1914.

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1479. Thomas, Calvin. Rudolf Tombo, Jr. Columbia university quarterly, 16:357-64, September 1914.

A sketch of his life and work.


1480. Educational writings. Elementary school journal, 15: 68-81, October 1914. A review of the periodicals devoted to education, also the educational bulletins of the federal government and private foundations. Commends the work of the Bureau of education.

1481. Graue,

Wandervogel-bestrebungen. Pädagogische warte, 21:

713-17, June 15, 1914.

Criticism and appreciation of the work of the "Wandervogel " young people's league. Also discussed by K. E. Brachwitz, Pädagogische warte, 21: 905-7, August 1, 1914; and by Eberhard, in Allgemeine deutsche lehrerzeltung, 66: 339-43, August 28, 1914.

1482. Jahrbuch der königlichen preussischen auskunftstelle für schulwesen. Erster jahrgang, 1913. Berlin, Ernst Siegfried Mittler und sohn, 1914. 424 p. 4°.

CONTENTS.-I. Übersicht über die staatlichen und staatlich anerkannten unterrichtsanstalten in Preussen. A. Für die männliche jugend. B. Für die weibliche jugend. C. Für knaben und mädchen. Anhang: Deutsche schulen ausserhalb des Deutschen Reiches. p. 1-117.-II. Verzeichnis der an den höheren lehranstalten Preussens eingeführten schulbücher (1906-1912) p. 118-26.-III. Empfehlenswerte lehrmittel für volks- und höhere schulen, p. 127-313.-IV. Schulstreit oder schulfriede? Eine prüfung des bestandes und der zukunftsziele des höheren schulwesens; von Professor Dr. Paul Förster, p. 314-42.-V. Volkshochschulen mit besonderer berücksichtigung der Humboldt-akademie und der Freien hochschule; von Dr. Oscar Stillich, p. 343-56.VI. Gesundheitspflege und leibesübungen, spiel und sport in der volksschule ; von Dr. Luckow, p. 357-76.-VII. Zur schularztfrage in der fortbildungsschule ; von W. Schulze, p. 377-82.-VIII. Zwei neuere schulen in Berlin-Steglitz;

von Müller, p. 383-94.-IX. Elektrische experimentier-anlagen; von G. Quaink, p. 395-402.-X. Statistisches über das schulwesen des Deutschen Reiches, p. 403-24.

Dr. Förster's article (IV) proposes radical changes in organization and conception of aims of the German educational system, which would, in many respects, approximate it to the American system and meet modern demands and criticism.

1483. Kerschensteiner, Georg M. A. Die nationale einheitsschule. Säemann; monatsschrift für jugendbildung und jugendkunde, July 1914, p. 266-72.

Report of an address delivered at the Kiel (1914) meeting of German teachers. A contribution to the prevalent discussion of proposals and counterproposals to meet the growing demand for a differentiation of schools and courses of study and their adjustment to the pupil's individual abilities and needs, without surrendering the realization of civic and national aims.

1484. Messer, August. Förster contra Wyneken. Internationale monatsschrift für wissenschaft, kunst und technik, 8:1393-1403, August 1914.

A vigorous reply, by a professor of philosophy at the University of Giessen, to Friedrich W. Förster's (professor emeritus, University of Vienna) criticism (in Süddeutsche monatshefte, May 1914, p. 249-63) of Gustav Adolf Wyneken's book" Schule und jugendkultur," Jena 1914. The author declares Förster's depreciatory criticism of Wyneken's book to be unfair and subjective, while he charges Förster with counseling the abandonment of the principle of inner freedom and autonomy, which is of central importance in Wyneken's work, for the principle of authority. Wyneken's book and his propagandist activity have become a storm center of pedagogical discussion.

1485. Pädagogische jahresschau über das volksschulwesen im jahre 1913. In gemeinschaft . . . hrsg. von E. Clausnitzer. VIII. Band. Leipzig und Berlin, B. G. Teubner, 1914. 458 p. 8°

1486. Patterson, Herbert P. Ideals in present-day education. Educational review, 48: 254-65, October 1914.

Discusses the various ideals influencing education-scientific, vocational, ethical, political, etc. The task before educators is to coordinate these ideals into one harmonious system.

1487. Strunsky, Simeon. School. Atlantic monthly, 114: 546-55, October 1914. A humorously critical article on modern school methods.


1488. Babo, M. von. Die zukunftsschule. Ein praktischer vorschlag für eine völlige neugestaltung unseres schulwesens. 1914. 205 p. 8°.

1489. Classroom methods and devices.

October 1914.

Stuttgart, W. Spemann,

Elementary school journal, 15: 82-95,

A symposium. Discusses: "A sixth-grade English unit," by Edith P. Parker; "Drill in multiplication," by James O. Lucas; "A course in agriculture; and Penmanship recommendations."

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Mr. Lucas has found it advantageous "to substitute for drill in the multiplication tables a series of problems." Presents an example.



1490. Kerschensteiner, Georg M. A. The schools and the nation. . . authorized translation by C. K. Ogden . . . with an introduction by Viscount Haldane. London, Macmillan and co., limited, 1914. xxiv, 351 p. illus. 12°


Tr. from Grundfragen der schulorganisation."

1491. Lyans, C. K. The doctrine of formal discipline.

21: 343-93, September 1914.
Bibliography: p. 892-93.

Preface by author.

Pedagogical seminary,

1492. Pfordten, Otto von der. Das gefühl und die pädagogik. C. Winter, 1914. 133 p. 8°.

1493. Sanders, Frederic W. 106, October 1914.


The organization of education. Education, 35: 98

Continued from May number. Treats of the secondary transition department of the school for pubescents. Outlines a curriculum for the required courses.


1494. Ballou, Frank W. The significance of educational measurement. Pittsburgh school bulletin, 8: 2002-5, September 1914.

1495. Brigham, Carl C. An experimental critique of the Binet-Simon scale. Journal of educational psychology, 5:439-48, October 1914.

"The author applied the Binet tests to 309 children in the first six grades of the Princeton model school. The scale was found to measure the intelligence of children from seven to eleven years of age with at least 96 per cent. efficiency, and it also proved very sensitive in indicating individual differences in groups of children of the same age."

1496. Dallenbach, Karl M. The effect of practice upon visual apprehension in school children. Journal of educational psychology, 5: 321-34, 387-404, June, September 1914.

"With children practice increases the ability to apprehend visually not only the material presented, but other material more or less dissimilar in kind." 1497. Hill, David Spence. Minor studies in learning and relearning. Journal of educational psychology, 5: 375-86, September 1914.

Read before Section H of the American association for the advancement of science, Atlanta, Ga., January 1, 1914.

"The author presents the results of experiments with mirror drawing, a class experiment on periods of learning in which the substitution test was employed, and a new form of the cancellation test with the results of its use." 1498. Kirkpatrick, E. A. An experiment in memorizing versus incidental learning. Journal of educational psychology, 5: 405-12, September 1914.

"The author believes that time is wasted in memorizing the multiplication tables, and presents experimental evidence to show that better results are gained by placing in the children's hands multiplication sheets which they use in written multiplication, and thus gradually come to know the results of the combinations by repeated use."

1499. Kuno, Mrs. Emma E. How a knowledge of the characteristics of the adolescent boy may aid one in directing his conduct. Pedagogical seminary, 21: 425-39, September 1914.

1500. Mead, Cyrus D. Height and weight of children in relation to general intelligence. Pedagogical seminary, 21: 394-406, September 1914.

Bibliography: p. 406.

1501. Rowe, E. C. Five hundred forty-seven white and two hundred sixty-eight Indian children tested by the Binet-Simon tests. Pedagogical seminary, 21:454-68, September 1914.

A number of tables are given showing the details of the study.

1502. Stern, William. Eigenschaften der frühkindlichen phantasie. Zeitschrift für pädagogische psychologie und experimentelle pädagogik, 15: 305-13, June 1914.

Foot-note states: "Entnommen dem in kürze erscheinenden werke 'Psychologle der frühen kindheit bis zum 6. lebensjahre'; von Prof. W. Stern, mit benutzung ungedruckter tagebücher von Klara Stern. Verlag von Quelle & Meyer, Leipzig."

1503. Taylor, E. H. A comparison of the arithmetical abilities of rural and city school children. Journal of educational psychology, 5:461-66,

October 1914.

"Read before the Child study section of the Illinois State teachers' association, December 1913."

"As measured by the Courtis tests, series A, rural school children are from one to two grades behind city school children. Four months of specific drill materially reduced this difference."

1504. Wallin, John Edward Wallace. The mental health of the school child, the psycho-educational clinic in relation to child welfare; contributions to a new science of orthophrenics and orthosomatics. New Haven, Yale university press; [etc., etc.] 1914. xiii, 463 p. diagrs. 8° "Most of the chapters of the book are reprinted cals."-Pref.


from various periodi

1505. Winch, W. H. Further experimental researches on learning to spell. Journal of educational psychology, 5: 449-60, October 1914.

"Previous researches in a boys' school with pupils of a rather low grade of mental development showed that it was of advantage to present the words by a method which combined as many stimuli as possible. The present experiment shows that with girls of high mental ability the method of silent visual study is superior."


1506. Francis W. Parker school, Chicago. Year book, vol. III, June 1914. Expression as a means of training motive. Chicago, Francis W. Parker school, 1914. 188 p. illus. 8°

Contains articles on following topics: (1) Play as fundamental in education, (2) Oral reading, (3) The value, place, and use of the dramatic instinct in the education of young people, (4) A teachers' meeting, (5) Clay modeling, (6) Metal working, (7) Making a rug, (8) The social application of painting and drawing.

1507. Hendley, Flora L. A practical solution of the moving picture problem. Teachers magazine, 37: 50-51, October 1914.

In using moving pictures in school work, the chief problem is how to bring the pictures to the children, or the children to the pictures. This article shows how this problem was successfully solved by some schools of Washington, D. C. 1508. Johnson, W. Templeton. The Parker school in the open air at San Diego, California. Pittsburgh school bulletin, 8: 2012-16, September 1914. 1509. Kennedy, John. The Batavia system of individual instruction. Syracuse, N. Y., C. W. Bardeen, 1914. xxi, 299 p. illus.


1510. Armstrong, Henry E. Science and the school. School world (London) 16:333-37, September 1914.

Writer says the great mistake in English schools is that of attempting to teach the elements of this or that special branch of science; what we should seek to do is to impart the elements of scientific method and inculcate wisdom, so choosing the material studied as to develop an intelligent appreciation of what is going on in the world. It must be made clear, in every possible way, that science is not a mere body of doctrine, but a method; that its one aim is the pursuit of truth."

1511. Churchman, Philip H. On the teaching of French pronunciation. School review, 22: 545-54, October 1914.

Says that good results will come from hard work alone. "But this hard work can be simplified by the scientific method, the inductive approach, and the prin ciple of contrast by perspective."

1512. Clark, Clifford P. The translation habit. Classical journal, 10: 17-28, October 1914.

Denounces the use of the " so-called pony" as the "most insidious influence tending to undermine Latin study." Presents measures to prevent such use, as follows: "1. Banishment of the translation by the lecture method; 2. Banishment by compulsion, in the form of a pledge or law; 3. Banishment by making the student a butt of ridicule; 4. Banishment by insistence on important details; 5. Banishment of the translation by making sight translation' the final and supreme test for promotion," etc.

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