AN ESSAY, ETC. Churches dedicated to St. Michael More ancient than those dedicated to St. Mary; but Not so ancient as those ascribed to Welsh Saints GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ON THE WELSH SAINTS AS DISTINGUISHED FROM THOSE OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. Dedication to Saints, not the practice of the ancient Britons 57 The same mode used apparently by the Primitive Christians of Wales; its effects Dyfan, Ffagan, Medwy, and Elfan Lucius possibly the founder of a Church at Llandaff, said to have been the first in Britain Memorials of his Contemporaries 8865 AN EXAMINATION OF THE EARLY WELSH Pedigrees, wITH A VIEW TO ASCERTAIN THE PERIOD ABOUT WHICH THE COMMENCEMENT His supposed residence at Menevia or St. David's He is hospitably received by Cadell Deyrnllug, and Churches ascribed to him. |