Art. 7. In order to re-establish peace on folid and durable foundations, and to remove for ever all fubject of difpute with regard to the limits of the British and French territories on the continent of America, it is agreed, that, for the future, the confines between the dominions of his Britannic majefty and thofe of his most Chriftian majefty, in that part of the world, fhall be fixed irrevocably by a line drawn along the middle of the river Miffifippi, from its fource to the river Iberville, and from thence, by a line drawn along the middle of this river, and to the lakes Maurepas and Pontchartrain, to the fea; and for this purpofe, the moft Chrif tian king cedes in full right, and guaranties to his Britannic majefty, the river and port of the Mobile, and every thing which he poffeffes, or ought to poffefs on the left fide of the river Miffifippi, except the town of New Orleans, and the island in which it it fituated, which fhall remain to France; provided that the navigation of the river Miffifippi fhall be equally free, as well to the fubjects of Great Britain, as to thofe of France, in its whole breadth and length, from its fource to the fea, and exprefsly that part which is between the faid ifland of New Orleans and the right bank of that river, as well as the paffage both in and out of its mouth, It is farther ftipulated, that the veffels belonging to the fubjects of either nation fhall not be ftopped, vifited, or fubjected to the payment of any duty whatsoever. The ftipulations inferted in the fourth article, in favor of the inhabitants of Canada, fhall alfo take place with regard to the inhabitants of the countries ceded by this article. "Art. 8. The King of Great Britain fhall reftore to France the islands of Guadaloupe, of Marie Galante, of Defirade, of Martinico, and of Belleifle; and the fortreffes of thefe iflands fhall be reftored in the fame con It afterwards appeared that the King of France, by a fpecial act of the fame date as the figning of the preliminary articles, had already ceded the above city and ifland, as well as the whole country known by the name of Louifiana, to the King of Spain and his fucceffors. dition they were in, when they were conquered by the British arms; provided that his Britannic majesty's subjects, who fhall have settled in the faid iflands, or those who fhall have any commercial affairs to fettle there, or in the other places reftored to France by the present treaty, fhall have liberty to fell their lands and their eftates, to fettle their affairs, to recover their debts, and bring away their effects, as well as their perfons, on board veffels, which they shall be permitted to fend to the faid iflands, and other places restored as above, and which shall serve for this use only, without being restrained on account of their religion, or under any other pretence whatfoever, except that of debts, or of criminal profecutions and for this purpofe the term of eighteen monthis is allowed to his Britannic majefty's fubjects, to be computed from the day of the exchange of the ratifications of the prefent treaty: but as the liberty granted to his Britannic majefty's fubjects to bring away their perfons and their effects, in veffels of their nation, may be liable to abuses, if precautions were not taken to prevent them; it has been expressly agreed between his Britannic majefty and his moft Chriftian majefty, that the number of English veffels, which fhall have leave to go to the faid iflands and places reftored to France, fhall be limited, as well as the number of tons of each one; that they shall go in balleft; fhall fet fail at a fixed time; and fhall make one voyage only, all the effects belonging to the English being to be embarked at the fame time. It has been further agreed, that his most Christian majefty fhall caufe the neceffary passports to be given to the faid veffels; that for the greater fecurity it fhall be allowed to place two French clerks, or guards, in each of the faid veffels, which fhall be vifited in the landing places and ports of the faid iflands and places reftored to France, and that the merchandise which shall be found therein shall be confifcated. "Art. 9. The most Christian king cedes and gu. ranties to his Britannic majesty, in full right, the islands of of Grenada, and of the Grenadines, with the fame ftipu-· lations in favor of the inhabitants of this colony, inferted in the fourth article for thofe of Canada: and the partition of the islands called neutral, is agreed and fixed, so that thofe of St. Vincent, Dominica, and Tobago, fhall remain in full right to Great Britain, and that of St. Lucia fhall be delivered to France, to enjoy the fame likewife in full right; and the high contracting parties guaranty the partition fo ftipulated. : "Art. 10. His Britannic majefty fhall restore to France the island of Goree in the condition it was in when conquered and his moft Chriftian majefty cedes in full right, and guaranties to the King of Great Britain the river Senegal, with the forts and factories of St. Lewis, Podor, and Galam; and with all the rights and dependencies of the faid river Senegal. year "Art. 11. In the Eaft Indies, Great Britain fhall reftore to France, in the condition they are now in, the different factories which that crown poffeffed, as well on the coaft of Coromandel, and Orixà, as on that of Malabar, as alfo in Bengal, at the beginning of the 1749. And his moft Chriftian majefty renounces all pretenfions to the acquifitions which he had made on the coast of Coromandel and Orixa, since the said beginning of the year 1749. His moft Chriftian majefty fhall reftore on his fide, all that he may have conquered from Great Britain, in the Eaft Indies, during the prefent war; and will exprefsly caufe Nattal and Tapanoully, in the ifland of Sumatra, to be restored*: he engages further not to erect fortifications, or to keep troops in any part of the dominions of the Subah of Bengal. And in order to preferve future peace on the coaft of Coromandel and Orixa, the English and French fhall acknowledge Mahomet Ally Khan for lawful nabob of the *Thofe places had been taken by the Count d'Estaigne ; but as he could not garrifon them himself, he put them into the hands of the Dutch, who, in purfuance of the above article, were immediately informed by the French King, that they must give them up. VOL. I. A a the Carnatic, and Salabat Jing for lawful Subah of the Decan; and both parties thall renounce all demands and pretenfions of fatisfaction, with which they might charge each other, or their Indian allies, for the depredations or pillage committed, on the one fide or on the other, during the war. "Art. 12, The island of Minorca fhall be restored to his Britannic majefty, as well as fort St. Philip, in the fame condition they were in when conquered by the arms of the moft Chriftian king, and with the artillery which was there, when the faid ifiand and the said fort were taken. Art. 13. The town and port of Dunkirk shall be put into the ftate fixed by the lait treaty of Aix la Chapelle, and by former treaties. The cunette fhall be destroyed immediately after the exchange of the ratifications of the prefent treaty, as well as the forts and batteries which defend the entrance on the side of the fea; and provifion fhall be made, at the fame time, for the wholefomeness of the air, and for the health of the inhabitants, by fome other means, to the fatisfaction of the king of Great Britain. "Art. 14. France fhall reftore all the countries belonging to the Electorate of Hanover, to the Landgrave of Heffe, to the Duke of Brunswick, and to the Count of la Lippe Buckeburg, which are or fhall be occupied by his moft chriftian majefty's arms: the fortreffes of thefe different countries fhall be restored in the fame condition they were in when conquered by the French arms; and the pieces of artillery, which fhall have been carried elsewhere, fhall be replaced by the fame number, of the fame bore, weight, and metal. "Art. 15. In cafe the ftipulations contained in the thirteenth article of the preliminaries fhould not be completed at the time of the fignature of the prefent treaty, as well with regard to the evacuations to be made, by the armies of France, of the fortreffes of Cleves, Wefel, Gueldres, and of all the countries belonging to the king of Pruffia, as with regard to the evacuations to be made by by the British and French armies, of the countries which they occupy in Weftphalia, Lower Saxony, on the Lower Rhine, Upper Rhine, and in all the empire, and to the retreat of the troops into the dominions of their respective fovereigns; their Britannic and most Chriftian majefties promife to proceed, bona fide, with all the dispatch the cafe will permit of, to the faid evacuations, the entire completion whereof they ftipulate before the fifteenth of March next, or fooner, if it can be done and their Britannic and most Christian majesties further engage and promise to each other, not to furnish any fuccours, of any kind, to their respective allies who fhall continue engaged in the war in Germany. "Art. 16. The decifion of the prizes made, in the time of peace, by the fubjects of Great Britain, on the Spaniards, fhall be referred to the courts of juftice of the Admiralty of Great Britain, conformably to the rules established among all nations, so that the validity of the faid prizes, between the British and Spanish nations, fhall be decided and judged, according to the law of nations, and according to treaties, in the courts of juftice of the nation who fhall have made the capture. "Art. 17. His Britannic majefty fhall caufe to be demolished all the fortifications which his fubjects fhall have erected in the bay of Honduras, and other places of the territory of Spain in that part of the world, four months after the ratification of the prefent treaty; and his Catolic majesty shall not permit his Britannic majefty's fubjects, or their workmen, to be difturbed or molefted, under any pretence what foever, in the faid places, in their occupation of cutting, loading, and carrying away logwood: and for this purpose, they may build without hindrance, and occupy without interruption, the houses and magazines which are neceffary for them, for their families, and for their effects: and his Catholic majefty affures to them, by this article, the full enjoyment of those advantages and powers, on the Spanish coafts and territories, as above stipulated, immediately after the ratification of the prefent treaty. Aa 2 "Art. 18. |