No. 358. PROVISIONAL AGREEMENT REGULATING AIR NAVIGATION BETWEEN THE NETHERLANDS AND BELGIUM. SIGNED AT THE HAGUE, JULY 8, 1922. The GOVERNMENT OF THE NETHERLANDS and the BELGIAN GOVERNMENT, with a view to permitting traffic by civil air-craft between the Netherlands and Belgium, and also flying over these two countries, and pending a Convention to be concluded between the two Governments, have agreed to conclude a provisional arrangement for this purpose and have appointed as their plenipotentiaries : The GOVERNMEnt of the NETHERLANDS, His Excellency Jonkheer H. A. VAN KARNEBEEK, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Her The BELGIAN GOVERNMENT, His Excellency Prince Albert DE LIGNE, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of His Majesty the King of the Belgians, accredited to Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands; who after exchanging their full powers found in good and due form have agreed to the following terms: Article 1. Air-craft intended for air traffic between the two countries shall carry papers showing that both pilots and machines are officially inspected by the Government of one of the two countries, or by persons acting on its behalf. In order to enable the proper authorities in the two countries to inspect the papers which the air-craft must carry, the Governments shall exchange copies of the papers valid in each country. The air-craft must bear distinctive marks which must be clearly visible in order that they may be identified when flying. The Governments shall acquaint each other with the distinctive marks which the air-craft of their respective country must bear. Each of the two countries shall permit such air-craft of the other country as have been inspected in accordance with the preceding paragraph, to fly over its territory. The establishment of international air-ways shall be subject to the consent of the State over which flights take place. Article 2. The members of the crews of air craft and the passengers referred to in paragraph 1, must possess the papers of identity and passports prescribed for ordinary traffic between the two countries or provided under special regulations for air traffic. 1 Traduit par le Secrétariat de la Société des 1 Translated by the Secretariat of the League Article 3. Except in cases of necessity, pilots of air-craft wishing to proceed to one of the two countries shall conform to the instructions issued concerning the crossing of the frontier at definite points, and shall only alight at the aerodromes provided for this purpose (customs landing places). The two Governments shall exchange copies of the instructions referred to, with details concerning the customs' landing places. Article 4. The pilots shall avoid traversing zones over which flying has been forbidden by notice. Article 5. No explosives, arms or war munitions shall be transported by air-craft. Air-craft may not be provided with wireless telegraph or telephone installations, unless they have received special permission from their respective Government. Air-craft may not carry photographic apparatus capable of being used during the flight. Article 6. Air-craft plying between the two countries may transport passengers and goods from one country to the other. Air-craft must be provided with the following documents: A list of the passengers, a lading manifest and an inventory of the equipment together with a detailed declaration drawn up by the consignors of goods. Transport shall be effected in conformity with existing legislation. Mail may be carried if the postal administrations of the two countries shall have concluded a Convention to this effect. Article 7. The present provisional arrangement shall be ratified. The exchange of ratifications shall take place at The Hague as soon as possible. Its provisions shall come into force as soon as the exchange of ratifications shall have taken place and shall remain in force until replaced by another agreement or until one of the two Governments shall express its desire to denounce it. In testimony whereof the undersigned have signed the present provisional arrangement and have affixed their seals thereto. Done in duplicate at The Hague this eighth day of July, 1922. Drawn up in Dutch and French. (Signed) VAN KARNEBEEK. (Signed) Prince ALBERT DE LIGNE. DANEMARK, NORVÈGE et suède Accord relatif à certaines dérogations aux dispositions de l'article XXXV du Règlement de service de la Convention radiotélégraphique internationale, signé à Stockholm le 16 décembre 1920, à Copenhague le 23 décembre 1920 et à Christiania le 29 décembre 1920. DENMARK, NORWAY AND SWEDEN Agreement regarding certain exceptions to the provisions of Article XXXV of the detailed Service Regulations of the International Radiotelegraph Convention, signed at Stockholm, December 16, 1920, at Copenhagen, December 23, 1920 and at Christiania, December 29, 1920. No. 359. Textes officiels danois, norvégien et suédois communiqués par le Ministre de Danemark à Berne, et les Ministres des Affaires étrangères de Norvège et de Suède. L'enregistrement de cet Accord a eu lieu le 8 décembre 1922. I den Hensigt at opnaa en hurtigere Befordring af Radiotelegrammer fra et Skib til dettes Hjemland, er der imellem den kgl. danske, den kgl. norske og den kgl. svenske Telegrafstyrelse under Forbehold af fornöden Godkendelse afsluttet fölgende Overenskomst : Uden at hindres af, hvad der er fastsat i Art. XXXV Para 1 i det til den internationale Radiotelegrafkonvention vedföjede Tjenestereglement, hvorefter en Skibsstation som Regel skal sende sine Radiotelegrammer til den naermeste Kyststation, har Radiotelegrafstationen om Bord paa et Skib, som förer dansk, norsk eller svensk Flag, Ret til over naermeste Kyststation i Skibets Hjemland at ekspedere Radiotelegrammer, der er adresseret til dette Land, idet det iagttages: at Skibet befinder sig mindst 25 Sömil fra en hvilken som helst anden Kyststation, som er aaben for almindelig Korrespondance, at Skibets Afstand fra den paagaeldende Kyststation ikke er större end fra en hvilken som helst anden i et andet Land en Danmark, Norge eller Sverige beliggende Kyststation, som er aaben for almindelig Korrespondance; at Afsendelsen uopholdelig ophörer efter Anmodning fra en naermere beliggende Kyststation, hvis Korrespondance forstyrres af Avsendelsen, samt at Bestemmelserne i den internationale Radiotelegrafkonvention med vedföjede Tjenestereglement iövrigt overholdes. 1 Vol. I, page 133 de ce Recueil. No. 359. — OVERENSKOMST ANGÅENDE VISSE UNDTAGELSER FRA BESTEMMELSENE I ART. XXXV I TJENESTEREGLEMENTET TILHØRENDE DEN INTERNASJONALE RADIOTELEGRAFKONVENSJON 1, UNDERTEGNET I STOCKHOLM DEN 16 DEZEMBER 1920, I KJØBENHAVN DEN 23 DESEMBER 1920, I KRISTIANIA DEN 29 DESEMBER 1920. Official Danish, Norwegian and Swedish texts communicated by the Danish Minister at Berne, and by the Norwegian and Swedish Ministers for Foreign Affairs. The registration of this Agreement took place December 8, 1922. I den hensikt å opnå en hurtigere befordring av radiotelegrammer fra et skib til dets hjemland er der mellem det kgl. norske, det kgl. danske og det kgl. svenske telegrafstyre under forbehold av fornøden godkjennelse avsluttet følgende overenskomst. Uten å hindres av hvad der er fastsatt i art. XXXV § 1 i det til den internasjonale radiotelegrafkonvensjon hørende tjenestereglement, hvorefter en skibsstasjon som regel skal sende sine radiotelegrammer til den naermeste kyststasjon, har radiotelegrafstasjonen ombord på et skib som fører norsk, dansk eller svensk flagg rett til over naermeste kyststasjon i skibets hjemland å ekspedere radiotelegrammer som er adressert til dette land, idet det iakttas: at skibet befinner sig minst 25 sjømil fra en hvilkensomhelst annen kyststasjon som er åpen for almindelig korrespondanse, at skibets avstand fra den pågjeldende kyststasjon ikke er større enn fra en hvilkensomhelst annen i et annet land enn Norge, Danmark eller Sverige beliggende kyststasjon som er åpen for almindelig korrespondanse, at sendingen uopholdelig ophører efter anmodning fra en naermere beliggende kyststasjon hvis korrespondanse forstyrres av sendingen, samt at bestemmelsene i den internasjonale radiotelegrafkonvensjon med tilhørende tjenestereglement forøvrig overholdes. |