mark at Emmerich, shall not be able to flow out through the Old Rhine Channel. The banking up above the high water mark shall not be commenced until at least five years after the ratification of this Treaty. Article 4. When the Bimmen Dyke in the Kingdom of Prussia is moved further back, the Royal Netherlands Government shall, contrary to the provisions of Article II of the Frontier Treaty of October 7, 1816, contribute a third of the expenditure involved thereby, to an amount however not exceeding 100,000 marks. Remittances shall be paid as the work progresses, at the request of the Royal Prussian Minister for Agriculture, Domains and Forests to an authority appointed by him; with the exception of the final instalment, each sum paid shall not be less than 20,000 marks. Article 5. Neither State shall be called upon to contribute to the maintenance of work executed on the territory of the other State in pursuance of this Treaty. Article 6. Upon the completion of the raising operations referred to in paragraph 3, the provisions contained in Articles 17 and 19 of the Frontier Treaty of October 7, 1816, shall cease to have effect. The other provisions of the said Frontier Treaty shall not be affected by the present Treaty. Article 7. The present Treaty shall be ratified and the instruments of ratification shall be exchanged at Berlin as soon as possible. In witness whereof the Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Treaty and have thereunto affixed their seals. Done in duplicate at Berlin, on August 29, 1918. (L. S.) GEVERS. ADDITIONAL PROTOCOL TO THE TREATY CONCLUDED ON AUGUST 29, 1918, BETWEEN THE NETHERLANDS AND GERMANY REGARDING THE RAISING OF THE MOUTH OF THE OLD RHINE NEAR LOBITH. The NETHERLANDS GOVERNMENT and the GERMAN GOVERNMENT having for this purpose appointed as their Plenipotentiaries, THE NETHERLANDS GOVERNMENT: Baron W. A. F. GEVERS, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Berlin of Her Majesty, the Queen of the Netherlands; THE GERMAN GOVERNMENT : Dr. Ernst VON SIMSON, Privy Councillor and Head of a Department in the Ministry for et il a été convenu d'adopter, pour le § 4 du Traité entre les Pays-Bas et l'Allemagne du 29 août 1918 au sujet de l'exhaussement de l'embouchure du Vieux-Rhin près de Lobith, la rédaction suivante : § 4. Quand la digue de Bimmen qui se trouve dans le royaume de Prusse sera reculée, le Gouvernement néerlandais, contrairement à la disposition prévue à l'article 11 du Traité de frontières du 7 octobre 1816, devra participer aux frais causés par cette opération pour une somme de 2 millions de marks, et cette somme, suivant les progrès des travaux, sera remise, sur demande du Ministre prussien de l'agriculture, des domaines et des forêts, entre les mains des autorités déterminées par ce dernier. Toutefois, les versements demandés, à l'exception du versement final, ne pourront être inférieurs à 200.000 marks. BERLIN, le 5 juillet 1921. GEVERS. v. SIMSON. have agreed to adopt for Article 4 of the Treaty between Holland and Germany of August 29, 1918, regarding the raising of the mouth of the Old Rhine near Lobith the following text: Article 4. When the Bimmen Dyke in the Kingdom of Prussia is moved back, the Netherlands Government shall, contrary to the provisions of Article II of the Frontier Treaty of October 7, 1816, contribute a sum of 2,000,000 marks towards the expenditure involved thereby, and shall at the request of the Prussian Minister for Agriculture Domains and Forests pay this sum, in instalments as the work progresses, to any authority appointed by him. With the exception of the final instalment however, each sum paid shall not be less than 200,000 marks. BERLIN, July 5, 1921. GEVERS. v. SIMSON. ALLEMAGNE, BELGIQUE, GRANDE-BRETAGNE, FRANCE, ITALIE, PAYS-BAS ET SUISSE (Commission centrale pour la Navigation sur le Rhin.) Règlement de police (annexé au Protocole N° 9) relatif à la présence de réservoirs à eau potable à bord des bâtiments et radeaux se trouvant sur le Rhin, signé le 16 décembre 1921. GERMANY, BELGIUM, GREAT BRITAIN, FRANCE, ITALY, THE NETHERLANDS AND SWITZERLAND (Central Commission for the Navigation on the Rhine.) Police regulations (annexed to Protocol No. 9) concerning the carrying of drinking water on board of vessels and rafts on the Rhine, |