SUGGESTIONS. During Tyler's administration the dispute as to the boundary line between the United States and Canada was settled by the Ashburton Treaty, q. v., Encyclopedic Index. For discussion by the President, see page 2015 and following, and page 2082. The explorations of John C. Frémont, "The Pathfinder," forms an interesting epoch in the country's history. Opposite page 1713. Dorr's Rebellion in Rhode Island is an important landmark in the growth of the country. Pages 2136 to 2139. (See Dorr's Rebellion, Encyclopedic Index.) Read Tyler's Foreign Policy. Pages 1890, 2049, 2064, 2160, 2169, 2171, 2176, 2190, 2193, 2199. NOTE. For further suggestions on Tyler's administration, see Tyler John, Encyclopedic Index. By reading the Foreign Policy of each President, and by scanning the messages as to the state of the nation, a thorough knowledge of the history of the United States will be acquired from the most authentic sources; because, as has been said, "Each President reviews the past, depicts the present and forecasts the future of the nation." 2220-B James K. Polk March 4, 1845, to March 4, 1849 SEE ENCYCLOPEDIC INDEX. The Encyclopedic Index is not only an index to the other volumes, not only a key that unlocks the treasures of the entire publication, but it is in itself an alphabetically arranged brief history or story of the great controlling events constituting the History of the United States. Under its proper alphabetical classification the story is told of every great subject referred to by any of the Presidents in their official Messages, and at the end of each article the official utterances of the Presidents themselves are cited upon the subject, so that you may readily turn to the page in the body of the work itself for this original information. Next to the possession of knowledge is the ability to turn at will to where knowledge is to be found. |