Slike strani

STOCKTON, act approving new charter, 155,

charter of, 140, 152.

increase of salary of justice of the peace, 78.
provision of city charter relative to taxation, 195.
saloon license ordinance, 220.

STORAGE, charges shall be regulated by legislature, 85.

act for opening, widening, etc., 27, 143.

act of 1889, 66.

act relating to opening, widening, etc., 168.
assessment certificate as evidence, 74.
contracts before constitution, 175.

foreclosing assessment in Sacramento, 74.

of San Francisco of 1872, 225.

STREET RAILWAY, forfeiture of franchise, etc., 180.

law, 23.

right of way, 36.

running upon tracks of another, 24.

STREETS, city ordinance declaring obstruction of, unlaw-

ful, 158.

improvement, damages by, 35.

local and special legislation prohibited, 71.

lots conveyed by alcalde graut, 38.

may be vacated by legislature, 169.


SUCCESSION, special legislation prohibited, 71.

SUFFRAGE, free privilege shall be supported by legisla-

tion, 216

qualifications for, 48.

SUITS AGAINST STATE, may be directed by law, 215.

SUMMARY TRIALS, for petty offenses, 18.

of misdemeanor in office, 17.

under section 772, Penal Code, 62.


keeping open saloon, 115.

of 1872, constitutional, 70.

prohibiting keeping open on, 47.

regulating observance of, 11, 12.

sections 300, 301, Penal Code, 73.

baking bread. 73.


salary, 124.

member state board of education, 126.

time and manner of election, 232.

SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS, act authorizing estimates

for tax, 50.

election, 125.

days, 113,

SUPERIOR COURT, absence of judge from state for sixty

a court of record, 116.

act to fix salaries of official reporters of, 51.

appellate jurisdiction, 103.

appeal to, where justice court had no jurisdiction, 105.

are successors of former county courts, 105.

commissioners of, may be appointed, 117.

county clerks are clerks of, 117.

SUPERIOR COURT, distribution of business, 111.

elegibility of judge, 122.

how jurisdiction is determined, 105.
jurisdiction of, 102.

jurisdiction in cases in equity, 109.
shall always be open, 103, 107.

judges liable to impeachment, 61.

judges may be removed by legislature, 114.
judges may hold court in any county by request, 113.

judge pro tempore may try cause, 113.

judge shall not practice law, 122.

may isue writs, 103.

means state system of courts, 107.

number of judges of, 111.

one in each county, 111.

power of naturalization, 103.

salary of judges and how paid, 118.

sessions of, 112.

successor to municipal criminal court in San Fran-

cisco, 227.

term of office of judge. 221.

writs issued by Supreme Court may be returnable

before, 98.

see Judge of Superior Court.

appointing deputies, 75.

SUPERVISORS, act authorizing to appoint deputies, 21.

cannot create offices, 134.

cannot fix salaries of constables, 135.

have no power to provide counsel in criminal cases, 134.

in consolidated cities and counties, 145.

legislature to provide for election or appointment, 133.

payment of money without authority of law, 26.

shall annually fix water rates, 202.

shall constitue county boards of equalization, 196.

SUPPLEMENTARY PROCEEDINGS, against debtor of judg-

ment debtor, 26.

SUPREME COURT, a court of record, 116.

affidavit before drawing salary, 122.

appellate jurisdiction, 97.

but one, 95.

chief justice and associate justices of, when elected, 97.

clerk, duties of, 117.

clerk, legislature shall provide for election, 117.

concurrence necessary for judgment, 95.

decisions shall be in writing, 95.

departments of, 94.

governor to fill vacancy, 97.

has power to issue writs, 98.

how constituted and jurisdiction, 94.

judgment of department not final until after thirty

days, 95, 96.

justices ineligible to any other than judicial office dur-

ing term, 118.

justices subject to impeachment, 61.

may sit in departments or in bank, 94.

opinions to be published, 118.

SUPREME COURT, rehearing-hearing in bank, 94.

rehearing when petition for is received after thirty

days, 96.

reporter of, compensation for during certain period, 78.

reporter, to be appointed-salary, 121.

salaries of justices, 118.

salary of clerk at time of constitution, 225.

term of office, 97.

to be always open, 94.

who eligible for justice, 122.

will follow decisions of court under former constitu-

tion, 177.


SURETY, corporation as, 74.

SURVEYOR GENERAL, legislature may abolish office, 92.

salary, 92.

subject to impeachment, 61.

time, place, and manner of election, 91.

SUTTER COUNTY, superior judge of, 111.

salary of, 118.

"SYSTEM," meaning of, 143.

constitutional of taxation, 22.

SWAMP LAND, actual settlement on, not required, 209.

not suitable for cultivation, 209.

TAX, a lien on property and securities, 191.

against laud, agreement that mortgagee may pay, 193.
complaint against railroad for recovery of, 74.
complaint for collection of delinquent city, 140.

contract to pay on loau void, 194.

counties and municipalities may not be released from

share of, 155.

for high schools, 164.

income may be assessed, 201.

legislature has absolute control of mode of levying and

collecting, 201.

legislature may not impose in cities and counties, 163.

may be paid in installments, 195.

municipal, charter may provide for, 151.

must be levied in county where situate, except, etc., 199.

must be regulated by general law, 163.

pleading in action to recover, 200.

poll, who liable, 201.

power of municipalities to levy and collect, 165, 168.

power of school district to impose, 164.

sale, notice by purchaser at, 42.

sale under local statute prior to constitution, 72,

special legislation prohibited, 71.

see License--Assessment.

TAXATION, acts legalizing assessments, 167.

a lien on property and securities, 191.

an essential attribute of municipal corporations, 164, 172.

assessments of property for purposes of, 199.

constitutional system of, 22.

double against corporations and stockholders, 194.

local and special prohibited, 71.

TAXATION, municipal corporations may be invested with

powers of, 163.

of mortgage, 43.

of property that has escaped, 167.

of securities, 191.

payment of tax as to adverse possession of land, 44.

power of legislature over, 164.

power of shall never be surrendered, 195.

"property" defined, 189.

property escaping, 190.

restriction on legislature for municipal purposes, 163.

seat in stock board is not subject to, 190.

shall be in proportion to value, 189.
special legislation prohibited as to, 201.
state board of equalization, 196.

territorial power of municipalities, 165.

under township organization, 132.

see Board of Equalization--Assessment.

TAXPAYER, entitled to notice of meetings of board, 197.

when to make statement, 195.

TEACHERS, examination and certificates, 127.

salaries of, 77.

TECHNICAL SCHOOLS may be established, 126.

TELEGRAPH AND GAS COMPANIES, charges to be regu-

lated, 85.

TERM OF OFFICERS, how fixed, 137.

not to be extended, 153.

judges, when commences, 112.

shortened one year by constitution of 1879, 231.

when at pleasure of appointing power, 219.

when begins, 221.

when to be declared by law, 218.

see various officers.

TERMS OF COURT abolished, 107.

TEXT BOOKS, state board of education shall compile, 126.
TIA JUANA FLOOD appropriation for sufferers, 83.

Tickets, see Lottery Tickets--Railroad Companies.

TIDE LANDS, owner not to exclude right of way on water, 205.
within two miles of city or town reserved from sale, 206.

TIME for completion of street work extension of, 43.
TITLE of act to express subject, 65.

to real estate, jurisdiction to determine, 104.

TOLL, jurisdiction to determine legal, 109.
TOLL ROAD, jurisdiction to determine right to, 110.
TOWN PLATS, special legislation prohibited, 71.
TOWNS, legislature may vest power of taxation in, 163.

liabilities of, when void, 171.

money collected to be paid into treasury, 170.
may make police or sanitary regulations, 156.
may protect themselves from alien paupers, 211.
may remove Chinese, 213.

provisions to be made for payment of debts, 170.
restriction on power to incur debts, 171.
to appoint inspection officers, 170.

TOWNSHIP, accountability for fees and moneys, 134.
business not subject of special legislation, 71.

TOWNSHIP, election or appointment of officers, 133.

may make police and sanitary regulations, 156.
officers to be elected or appointed under general laws, 133.

organization distinguished, 133.

organization, system for, 132.

power of taxation may be delegated to, 163.

prohibited from lending credit, 82.

system of collecting revenue, 132.

TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES are common carriers, 185.

combines between prohibited, 186.

discrimination in charges or facilities forbidden, 186.
excursion tickets at special rates may be issued, 186.
officer or agent not to furnish supplies or materials, 185.

power to tax, 165.

shall not grant passes or tickets at discount to state offi-

cers, 186.

see Corporations--Railroad Companies.

TRAVELING EXPENSES of superintendents of schools, 124.

TRAYLOR ACT (school teachers' salary) 69. 77.

TREASON defined, and evidence of, 45.

reprieve and pardon, 122.

TREASURER, time, place and manner of election, and term of

office, 91.

salary of, 92.

shall assist governor in canvassing returns on revision of

constitution, 211.

subject to impeachment, 61.

TREASURY, members of legislature to be paid out of, 65.

money drawn from without authority, 65.

money, how drawn from, 63.

money in can not be refunded by special act, 71.

TRIAL, criminal must be public, 25.

evidence in libel, 20.

impeachment, 61.

newspaper article may defeat a fair and impartial, 26.
place of, to enjoin from dumping debris into creek, 103.

place of, in action to condemn, 39.

public, speedy, 24, 27.

right of corporation to change place of, 185.

within sixty days or defendant discharged, 28.

see New Trial.

TRIAL BY JURY, denial of, by justices' court, 17.

deposit of jury fee in advance, 17.

for violation of municipal ordinances, 18.

in action of ejectment, 16.

in cases of misdemeanor in office, 17.

in cival actions three-fourths may render verdict, 17.

in divorce proceedings, 16.

means same as at common law, 16.

not in equity cases, 15, 16.

number of jury. 17.

on issue of fraud, 16.

on question of fraud, 16.

plea of guilty waives, 16.

rules of court as to waiver of, 16.

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