It has not been our good fortune to examine a text-book on science of which we could express an opinion so entirely favourable as we are enabled to do of Mr Page's little work."— Athenceum., ADVANCED TEXT-BOOK OF GEOLOGY, DESCRIPTIVE AND INDUSTRIAL. Introductory Text-book of Geology - Stran 193avtor: David Page - 1869 - 194 straniCelotni ogled - O knjigi
| Sir Archibald Alison - 1855 - 442 strani
...GEOLOGY. By David Page, F.Gr,S, Crown Octavo, pp. 128, with Illustrations. " Of late it has not often been our good fortune to examine a text-book on science...favourable as we are enabled to do of Mr Page's little work."— Athenceum. ADVANCED TEXT-BOOK OF GEOLOGY, DESCRIPTIVE AND INDUSTRIAL. By David Page, FGS,... | |
| John Tulloch - 1855 - 416 strani
...GEOLOGY. By David Page, FGS, Crown Octavo, pp. 128, with Illustrations. *' Of late It has not often been our good fortune to examine a text-book on science...favourable as we are enabled to do of Mr Page's little work. The value of an introductory text-book depends upon its correctness, and on the lucid style in... | |
| John Wilson - 1855 - 440 strani
...GEOLOGY. By David Page, FG,S. Crown Octavo, pp. 128, with Illustrations. *' Of late it has not often been our good fortune to examine a text-book on science...favourable as we are enabled to do of Mr Page's little work. The value of an introductory text-book depends upon its correctness, and on the lucid style in... | |
| Laurence Oliphant - 1855 - 360 strani
...Wood. Price One Shilling and Sixpence. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. Athenaeum. " Of late It has not often been our good fortune to examine a text-book on Science...favourable as we are enabled to do of Mr Page's little work. The value of an introductory text-book depends upon its correctness, and on the lucid style in... | |
| Sir Edward Bruce Hamley - 1855 - 418 strani
...GEOLOGY. By David Page, rGS, Crown Octavo, pp. 128, with Illustrations. " Of bite it has not often been our good fortune to examine a text-book on science...could express an opinion so entirely favourable as we ore enabled to do of Mr 1 '.ige'3 little work."— Atheruzum. In Two Volumes, Crown Octavo, price lls.... | |
| Richard Baird Smith - 1855 - 472 strani
...Wood. Price One Shilling and Sixpence. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. Athenaeum. " Of late it has not often been our good fortune to examine a text-book on Science of which we could express an opinion BO entirely favourable as we are enabled to do of Mr Page's little work. The value of an introductory... | |
| Louis Gabriel Léonce Guilhaud de Lavergne - 1855 - 450 strani has not often been onr good fortune to examine a text-book on Science of which wo could - - ; ' ' an opinion so entirely favourable as we are enabled to do of Mr Page's little wcrk. The value of nu introductory text-book depends upon its correctness, and on the lucid style in... | |
| James Finlay Weir Johnston - 1855 - 80 strani
...Edition, BY DAVID PAGE, FGS With Engravings on Wood. Price Is. 6d. Athenaeum. Of late it has not often been our good fortune to examine a text-book on science of which we could express au opinion so entirely favourable as we are enabled to do of Mr Page's little work. The value of an... | |
| Laurence Oliphant - 1855 - 370 strani
...Wood. Price One Shilling and Sixpence. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. Athenaeum. " Of late it has not often been our good fortune to examine a text-book on Science of which we could express nu opinion so entirely favourable as we are enabled to do of Mr 1'age-s little wtrk. The value of an... | |
| Richard Baird Smith - 1855 - 472 strani
...often been our good fortune to examine a text-book on Science of which we could express an opinion BO entirely favourable as we are enabled to do of Mr Page's little work. The vnhie of an introductory text-book depends upon its correctness, and on the lucid style in... | |
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