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" It has not been our good fortune to examine a text-book on science of which we could express an opinion so entirely favourable as we are enabled to do of Mr Page's little work."— Athenceum., ADVANCED TEXT-BOOK OF GEOLOGY, DESCRIPTIVE AND INDUSTRIAL. "
Introductory Text-book of Geology - Stran 193
avtor: David Page - 1869 - 194 strani
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution in M.DCC ...

Sir Archibald Alison - 1855 - 442 strani
...GEOLOGY. By David Page, F.Gr,S, Crown Octavo, pp. 128, with Illustrations. " Of late it has not often been our good fortune to examine a text-book on science...favourable as we are enabled to do of Mr Page's little work."— Athenceum. ADVANCED TEXT-BOOK OF GEOLOGY, DESCRIPTIVE AND INDUSTRIAL. By David Page, FGS,...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

Theism: The Witness of Reason and Nature to an All-wise and Beneficent Creator

John Tulloch - 1855 - 416 strani
...GEOLOGY. By David Page, FGS, Crown Octavo, pp. 128, with Illustrations. *' Of late It has not often been our good fortune to examine a text-book on science...favourable as we are enabled to do of Mr Page's little work. The value of an introductory text-book depends upon its correctness, and on the lucid style in...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

Noctes ambrosianae

John Wilson - 1855 - 440 strani
...GEOLOGY. By David Page, FG,S. Crown Octavo, pp. 128, with Illustrations. *' Of late it has not often been our good fortune to examine a text-book on science...favourable as we are enabled to do of Mr Page's little work. The value of an introductory text-book depends upon its correctness, and on the lucid style in...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

Minnesota and the Far West

Laurence Oliphant - 1855 - 360 strani
...Wood. Price One Shilling and Sixpence. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. Athenaeum. " Of late It has not often been our good fortune to examine a text-book on Science...favourable as we are enabled to do of Mr Page's little work. The value of an introductory text-book depends upon its correctness, and on the lucid style in...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

The Story of the Campaign of Sebastopol

Sir Edward Bruce Hamley - 1855 - 418 strani
...GEOLOGY. By David Page, rGS, Crown Octavo, pp. 128, with Illustrations. " Of bite it has not often been our good fortune to examine a text-book on science...could express an opinion so entirely favourable as we ore enabled to do of Mr 1 '.ige'3 little work."— Atheruzum. In Two Volumes, Crown Octavo, price lls....
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

Italian Irrigation: Historical and descriptive.-v. 2. Practical and legislative

Richard Baird Smith - 1855 - 472 strani
...Wood. Price One Shilling and Sixpence. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. Athenaeum. " Of late it has not often been our good fortune to examine a text-book on Science of which we could express an opinion BO entirely favourable as we are enabled to do of Mr Page's little work. The value of an introductory...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

Essai sur l'économie rurale de l'Angleterre, de l'Écosse et de l'Irlande

Louis Gabriel Léonce Guilhaud de Lavergne - 1855 - 450 strani has not often been onr good fortune to examine a text-book on Science of which wo could - - ; ' ' an opinion so entirely favourable as we are enabled to do of Mr Page's little wcrk. The value of nu introductory text-book depends upon its correctness, and on the lucid style in...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

Catechism of Agricultural Chemistry and Geology

James Finlay Weir Johnston - 1855 - 80 strani
...Edition, BY DAVID PAGE, FGS With Engravings on Wood. Price Is. 6d. Athenaeum. Of late it has not often been our good fortune to examine a text-book on science of which we could express au opinion so entirely favourable as we are enabled to do of Mr Page's little work. The value of an...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

Minnesota and the Far West

Laurence Oliphant - 1855 - 370 strani
...Wood. Price One Shilling and Sixpence. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. Athenaeum. " Of late it has not often been our good fortune to examine a text-book on Science of which we could express nu opinion so entirely favourable as we are enabled to do of Mr 1'age-s little wtrk. The value of an...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

Italian irrigation: being a report on the agricultural canals of ..., Količina 1

Richard Baird Smith - 1855 - 472 strani
...often been our good fortune to examine a text-book on Science of which we could express an opinion BO entirely favourable as we are enabled to do of Mr Page's little work. The vnhie of an introductory text-book depends upon its correctness, and on the lucid style in...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

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