Of singular merit for its clearness and trustworthy character." — Standard. Third Edition, Enlarged. GEOLOGY FOR GENERAL READERS. A Series of Popular Sketches in Geology and Palaeontology. By the Surne. 6s. "This is one of the best of Mr page's many... Introductory Text-book of Geology - Stran 193avtor: David Page - 1869 - 194 straniCelotni ogled - O knjigi
| Henry Woodward - 1866 - 652 strani
...another by Prof. Ansted, some two or three years back, entitled " The great Stone Book of Nature." This is one of the best of Mr. Page's many good books....narrative must prove attractive to any intelligent reader. As a specimen of his style we quote his notice of the changes which are continually taking... | |
| David Page - 1864 - 374 strani
...LL.DFKSEFGS JEOLOGY FOB GENERAL HEADERS. A Series of Popular Sketches in Geology and Paleontology. Second Edition, containing several new Chapters. Price...best of Mr Page's many good books. It is written in a owing popular style. Without illustration or aivy extraneous aid, the narrative must prove attractive... | |
| Henry Woodward - 1866 - 654 strani
...another by Prof. Ansted, some two or three years back, entitled " The great Stone Book of Nature." This is one of the best of Mr. Page's many good books....narrative must prove attractive to any intelligent reader. As a specimen of his style we quote his notice of the changes which are continually taking... | |
| Sir William Hamilton - 1866 - 530 strani
...bewildering paths of technical system and artificial classification."— Saturday Iltview. ** This lg one of the best of Mr Page's many good books. It Is written in a flowing popular atyle. Without illustration or any extraneous aid, the narrative must prove attractive to any intelligent... | |
| James Currie (A.M.) - 1867 - 156 strani
...will have attained to a ready knowledge not perhaps to be easily found elsewhere. Geological Magazine. This is one of the best of Mr Page's many good books....narrative must prove attractive to any intelligent reader. British Quarterly Review. Admirable in arrangement, comprehensive in plan, and clearly expressed.... | |
| Alexander Keith Johnston - 1867 - 146 strani
...technical system and artificial classification." — Sittvrdny lïeoicw. "This is one of the best of Hr Page's many good books. It is written in a flowing...narrative must prove attractive to any intelligent reader."— Geological ¿toga: ¿ne. Seventh Edition, Enlarged, in Crown Octavo, price 2s. INTRODUCTORY... | |
| Alexander Keith Johnston - 1867 - 174 strani
...tortuous and bewildering paths of technical system and artiacial classiacation." — Saturday Revitw. " This is one of the best of Mr Page's many good books. It is written in a flowing popular style. Withont ilhisii.it ¡.m or any extraneous aid, the narrative must pruve attractive to any intelligent... | |
| Alexander Buchan - 1867 - 204 strani
...system and artificial classification."— Saturday Review. " This is one of the best of Mr Pagc'si many good books. It is written in a flowing popular...illustration or any extraneous aid, the narrative must prore attractive to any intelligent reader."— Geological Magazine, ATLAS OP OLASSIOAL GEOGBAPHY.... | |
| John Hill Burton - 1867 - 482 strani
...and bewildering p'ths of technical system and artificial classification."— Saturday Kcrinc. " Thlt is one of the best of Mr Page's many good books. It Is written lu a flowing popular style. Without illustration or any extraneous aid, the narrative must prove attractive... | |
| David Thomson - 1868 - 420 strani
...tortuous and bewildering paths of technical gy-tem and artificial classi neat ion."—Saturdag Review. "This Is one of the best of Mr Page's many good books....to any intelligent reader."—Geological Magazine. HANDY BOOK OF THE FLOWER-GARDEN: BEING PLAIN PRACTICAL DIRECTIONS FOR THE PROPAGATION, CULTURE, AND... | |
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