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Democratic Convention. Forecast of the, 11, 12.
Democratic Mistake at Kansas City, 134-138.
Democratic Party and Its Leaders, 139.
Democratic Platform, Analysis of the, 141-143.
Democratic Vice-Presidential Problem, 140.
Democrats and Their Fighting Ground, 131.
Election Result, Meaning of the, 655.

Forecasts, Republican, for November, 395.
Governors, New, 658.

Hanna, Marcus A., Truth About, 590.
Kansas City Convention, 175.

McKinley, President: Record of His Administration,


McKinley, President, Reëlection of, 656.

McKinley, President, Renomination of, and Its Mean-
ing, 5, 6.

McKinley, William: A Chronology, 673.

McKinley's Letter of Acceptance, Analysis of, 387-389.
Money in the Campaign, 397.

New York State Politics, 271, 270, 396.

Odell, Governor-elect, of New York, 687.

"Paramount Issues," As to, 131.

Parties and Policies, 389.

Philippines and the Campaign, 260, 262-268.

Philippines, Practical Bryan Policy for the, 433.

Populist Nomination, Bryan's acceptance of the, 391.
Populist Vice-Presidential Candidate, 391.
Populists, Non-Fusion, 392.

Presidential Campaign of 1900, 738.

Prohibition Party, National, and Its Candidates, 327.
Republican National Committee, Work of the, 549.
Republican National Convention at Philadelphia, 3-10.
Republican Principles in 1900, 3.

Roosevelt, Governor, in the Field, 392.

Roosevelt, Theodore, Nomination of, for Vice-Presi-
dent. 7-10.

Roosevelt, Theodore, Sketch of, 181.

Roosevelt's View of the Vice-Presidential Office, 9.
Roosevelt's Work as Governor, 187.

Shepard, Edward M., Views and Criticisms of, 390.

Silver as an Abnormal Issue, 133.

Silver Issue in the Campaign, 515-518.

State Elections in North Carolina, Alabama, Ver-

mont, and Maine, 272, 395.

States, Various, Election Results in, 657.

Southern Sentiment Regarding Campaign Issues, 515,
519, 520, 655.

Stevenson, Adlai E., the Democratic Candidate for
Vice-President, 420.

Tammany Hall, Influence of, 521, 522.

Tammany Turned the Scale at Kansas City, 138.
"Third-Ticket Antis," 394.

Towne Declines in Favor of Stevenson, 269.

"Trusts" as a Fresh Issue, 522.

Trusts, in Case of Bryan's Election, 443.

Trusts, Mr. Bryan and the: An Anti-Trust View, 439.
Wisconsin, Republican Campaign in, 273.

Political Discussion: How It Should Be Conducted, 467.
Political Science Quarterly reviewed, 494.

Population, Distribution of Our, and Evenness of Our

Growth, 652.

[blocks in formation]

Bliss, Cornelius N., 397.
Bloch, Jean de, 475.
Botha, Gen. Louis, 386.
Boutwell, George S., 261.
Bradbury, James W., 699.
Bristow, J. L., 22.
Brodrick. St. John, 649.
Brooks, Christopher P., 67.
Bryan, Grace Dexter, 180.
Bryan, Ruth Baird, 180.

Bryan, William Jennings, 41, 130, 179, 263, 514, 559.
Bryan, Mrs. William Jennings, 179.

Bryan, William Jennings, Jr., 180.

Bülow, Count von, 534.

Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry, 527.
Campos, Gen. Martinez, 536.
Cartees, Baron de, 407.
Cartwright, Sir R. J., 531.
Chaffee, Maj.-Gen. Adna R., 150.
Chamberlain, Joseph, 527.

Channing, William E., 569.
Chinese Empress, 258.
Clay, Henry, 568.
Clark, Francis E., 155.
Clark, John Bates, 465.
Coler, Bird S., 271.

Conger, Edwin H., 15, 284.
Conger, Mrs. Edwin H., 284.
Connaught, Duke of, 281.
Cooper, Peter, 569.
Corbin, Henry C., 538.
Craigie, Maj. P. G., 409.
Crane, Stephen, 93.
Crane, W. Murray, 659.
Crawford, F. Marion, 771.
Croker, Richard, 139, 514.
Custer, Gen. George A., 219.
Daly, Marcus, 707.
D'Annunzio, Gabriele, 349.
Davies, Sir L. H., 531.
Davis, Jefferson, 395.
Depew, Chauncey M., 10.

De Wet, Gen. Christian, 667.
Dillingham, William P., 538.
Dockery, A. M., 657.

Dolliver, Jonathan P., 7, 538.
Doyle, A. Conan, 598.

Du Bois, W. E. Burghardt, 575.

Durand, Sir F. M., 410.

Durbin, Winfield T., 656.

Edwards, Jonathan, 568.

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 568.

Farragut, David G., 568.

Fielding, William S., 531.

Flanders, Prince and Princess of, 536.

Foster, Murphy J., 23.

Franklin, Benjamin, 568.

Frye, Alexis E., 14.
Fulton, Robert, 570.
Garland, Hamlin, 763.

Gear, John H., 157.

Gibbs, Frederick S., 397.
Gideon, D. S., 458.

Giers, M. de, 407.

Gillmore, Lieut.-Com'd'r James C., 217.

Gladstone, Mrs. William E., 358.

Gordon, Gen. John B., 20.

Goschen, George J., 528.

Goss, Charles Frederic, 763.

Grant, Ulysses S., 567.

Gray, Asa, 569.

Gray, George, 644.

Greene, Gen. Francis V., 270.

Greene, Sir W. Conynghame, 410.

Hackley, Charles H., 195.

Haeckel, Ernst, 87.

Hale, Edward Everett, 698.

Hamilton, Rev. J. W., 25.

Hanna, Marcus A., 4, 154, 397, 549.

Harris, Joel Chandler, 766.

Hart, Sir Robert, 278.

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 569.
Hays, Charles M., 666.

Hearst, William R., 396, 514.

Heath, Perry S., 550.

Hélène, Queen, of Italy, 322.

Hemming, Sir Augustus, 452.

Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 701.

Hill, David B., 139.

Hill, John F., 273.

Holls, Frederick W., 644.
Hopetoun, Lord, 346.

Howe, Archibald M., 395.

Howe, Julia Ward, 700.

Humbert, King, of Italy, 318, 320.

Hunn, John, 658.

Huntington, Collis P., 323, 325.
Irving, Washington, 568.
Isaacs, Meyer S., 689.

Ito, Marquis, 535.

Jefferson, Thomas, 568.
Jennings, W. S., 658.
Jones, James K., 12, 557.
Jordan, Chester B., 659.
Kang-Yu-Wei, 17.

Kempff, Rear-Admiral Louis, 16.
Kent, James, 570.

Ketteler, Baron von, 407.
Kröyer, Peter Severin, 236.

La Follette, Robert M., 273, 656.
Lamsdorff, Count, 153.
Lansdowne, Lord, 649.
Larmor, Joseph, 409.
Laurier, Sir Wilfrid, 531.
Lee, Robert E., 569.

Li Hung Chang, 152, 404, 719.
Lincoln, Abraham, 567.

Liscum, Col. Emerson H., 151.

Livermore, Mrs. Mary A., 698.
Llorente, Señor, 660.

Lloyd, John Uri, 762.

Lodge, Henry Cabot, 5, 154.

Long, John D., 7.

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 568.

Lopez, Sixto, 540.

Lord, James Brown, 193.

Loubet, President Emile, 642.

MacCracken, Henry M., 565.

Macdonald, Hugh J., 531.

Macdonald, Sir Claude, 151.

McEnery, Samuel D., 23.

Macfarland, Henry B. F., 685.

Mackey, William F., 397.

McKinley, President William, 2, 33, 154, 673.

McLean, George P., 659.

McMillin, Benton, 657.

McSweeney, M. B., 665.

Manley, Joseph H., 397.

Mann, Horace, 569.

Margherita, Queen, of Italy, 320.

Markle, John, 540.

Marshall, John, 568.

Martin, Rev. W. A. P., 155.

Metcalf, Henry B., 329.

Middleton, R. W. E., 528.

Mitchell, John, 400.

Moltke, Count von, 724.

Moore, Rev. D. H., 25.

Morgan, J. Pierpont, 739.
Morse, Samuel F. B., 568.
Müller, Max, 92, 703, 704.
Muravieff, Count, 18.

Nevill-Dering, Sir Henry, 410.
Nietzsche, Friedrich W., 614.
Norton, Charles Eliot, 702.

Odell, Benjamin B., Jr., 10, 271, 687.
Oldham, W. D., 135.

Orman, J. B., 657.

Park, Edwards A., 700.

Philip, Rear-Admiral John W.,

Parker, Gilbert, 767.

Peabody, George, 569.

Perkin, W. H., 409.

Phipps, E. C., 410.

Platt, Thomas C., 5, 10.

Plunket, Sir Francis, 410.


[blocks in formation]

Stickney, W. W., 273.

Stillé, Alfred, 541.

Storrs, Rev. Richard S., 21.

Story, Joseph, 569.

Strathcona, Lord, 531.

Strong, William L., 666.
Stuart, Gilbert, 569.
Takahira, Kogoro, 283.
Tarte, J. Israel, 531.
Tetuan, Duke of, 645.
Thomas, Charles S., 135.

Thompson, Maurice, 761.

Tillman, Benjamin R., 137.

Tolstoi, Count Leo, 91.

Toole, J. K., 658.

Towne, Charles A., 140.

Traquair, R. H., 409.

Trowbridge, John Townsend, 701.

Tupper, Sir Charles, 531.

Tupper, Sir Charles H., 531.

Turner, Sir William, 409.

Van Sant, Samuel F., 656.

Van Wyck, Robert A., 514.

Victor Emmanuel III., King, 321, 322.

Victoria, Queen, and her Great-Grandchildren, 539.
Villuendas, Señor, 660.

Vines, Sydney H., 409.

Waldersee, Count von, 277, 403.

Waldersee, Countess von, 403.

Wales, Prince of, 281.

Ward, Mrs. Humphry, 759.

Ward, Leslie D., 10.

Wardwell, William T., 330.

Warman, Cy, 767.

Warner, Charles Dudley, 537.

Washington, George, 566.

Webster, Daniel, 567.

Webster, Sir Richard, 645.

Wellington, George L., 392.
Wells, Heber M., 664.
White, A. B., 665.

[blocks in formation]


Rassegna Nazionale reviewed, 250.

Reapportionment Problems, 275, 653-655.

Record of Current Events, 22, 153, 282, 407, 538, 664.
Referendum, Objections to the, 224.
Relics and Their Cult, 356.

Republican National Committee: How It Works for
Votes, 549.

Republicans: see Political Affairs.

Revue de Paris reviewed, 250, 374, 499, 630, 747.

Revue des Deux Mondes reviewed, 114, 249, 497, 630, 747.
Revue des Revues reviewed, 375, 500.

Ridpath, John Clark, Death of, 281.

Riis, Jacob A. Making a Way Out of the Slum, 689.
Riis, Jacob A. Theodore Roosevelt, 181.

Rivista Politica e Letteraria reviewed, 251.

Rivista Popolare reviewed, 251.

Roberts, George E. Bryan's Financial Policy: A Re-
publican View, 447.

Roosevelt, Theodore, as a Man of Letters, 377.

Roosevelt, Theodore: His Work as Governor, 187.
Roosevelt, Theodore, Sketch of, 181.

[blocks in formation]

Development, Studies in, 359.

Haeckel, Ernst, and the New Zoology, 86.
Thyroid Gland, 88.

Scribner's Magazine reviewed, 104, 238, 487, 621, 740.
Sea Powers, Seven Great, 225.

Serpents, Venom of: How It Is Collected, 230.

Shaw, Albert. A Hundred Years of the District of Co-
lumbia, 675.

Shepard, Edward M. The Practical Bryan Policy for
the Philippines, 433.

Sherman, John, Death of, 537.

Sicily as a Summer Resort, 350.

Slum, Making a Way Out of the, 689.

Smith, Katherine Louise. The Provision for Children
in Public Libraries, 48.

Socialist State, Value of Brains in the, 353.
Sovereignty, New Exposition of, 223.

Spahr, Charles B. Bryan's Financial Policy: A Demo-
cratic View, 449.

Spahr, Charles B. Mr. Bryan, the Democratic Leader, 41.
Spain, Separatism in, 102.
Spanish-American Unity, 470.

Spanish Capital-Madrid, 237.

Sports of Women; A Symposium, 231.

Stead, W. T. A Great Lawyer and His Career, 425.

Stead, W. T. British Czar: The General Elector, 585.
Stevenson, Adlai E., the Democratic Candidate for
Vice-President, 420.

[blocks in formation]

Strike, Coal-Miners', 399, 533, 534.

Strong, William L., Death of, 663.

Switzerland, Military Training in, 650.

TELEPHONY, Wireless, 482.

Textile Schools, New Developments in, 67.

Theater for the People, 94.

Thyroid Gland, 88.

Tolstoi and Nietzsche, 614.

Tolstoi, Count, The Quarterly on, 91.

Town and Country Club, 713.

Transvaal: see also Great Britain.

American Politics, Boer Cause in, 145.

Annexation of the Transvaal by Great Britain, 401.

Boers, French Views of the, 220.

Boers in Guerrilla Warfare, 144.

Doyle, Dr. Conan: His Lessons from the Boer War, 598.
Fate of the Boers, 527-529.

Krüger, President, Retreat of, 400.
Milnerism in South Africa, 599.

Pretoria, Capture of, 18.

Settlement in South Africa, 600.

South Africa, Reconstruction of, 219.

War Against Women and Children, 597.

War Operations in South Africa, 280.

Travel, Out of the Way, Glimpses of, 233.
Tripoli, Modern, Notes on, 101.


Bryan, Mr., and the Trusts: An Anti-Trust View, 439.
England, Trusts in, 578.

Trust Problem, Latest Phase of the, 465.
"Trust Problem, The," Review of, 445.
Trusts, in Case of Bryan's Election, 443.

UNITED STATES: see also Census, Congressional Affairs,
Cuba, Hawaii, Philippines, Political Affairs, Porto

Administration, Preoccupied, 259.

China, America and the Reconstruction of, 314.
China, Americans in, 209.

China, America's Duty in, 333.

Chinese, Our Attitude Towards the, 80.

German Trade Jealousy, 225.

Nations, Our New Place Among the, 343.

Population of the United States, 650-652.

VERMONT, State Election in, 272, 395.

Villard, Henry, Death of, 663.

Volcanic Scenery of the Northwest, 202.
Voting by Mail, 468.

Voting, Compulsory, 591.

WALDERSEE, Field-Marshal Count, 604.
Warfare: Value of Mounted Infantry, 723.
War, How Armies May Prevent, 645.
War in South Africa: see Transvaal.
Warner, Charles Dudley, Death of, 537.
Wars as Marking Periods of Time, 643.

Washington: Building of Our National Capital, 731.
Washington, D. C.: A Hundred Years of the District of
Columbia, 675.

Wellington, Duke of, and the Irate Painter, 485.

Wellman, Walter. The Cuban Republic-Limited, 708.
Wellman, Walter. The Kansas City Convention, 175.
Westminster Review reviewed, 112, 248, 370, 495.
Wheat Supply, World's: Can It Be Cornered? 226.
Wheeler, Edward J. The National Prohibition Party
and Its Candidates, 327.

Wilhelmina, Queen, Engagement of, 535.
Williams, Talcott. Can China Be Saved? 294.
Williams, Talcott. The Change in Current Fiction, 755.
Wilmer, Rt. Rev. Richard Hooker, Death of, 21.
Wilson, William L., Death of, 536.

Wisconsin, Republican Campaign in, 273.

Women, Brains of, 237.

Women's Sports: A Symposium, 231.
World's Work reviewed, 620.

ZOOLOGY, New, Ernst Haeckel and the, 86.

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White, Frank, 658.

Whitney, Eli, 570.

Wilcox, Robert W., 661.

Wilhelmina, Queen, and her Prospective Consort, 663.

Wilson, William L., 539.

Wilmer, Rev. Richard Hooker, 21.

Wolcott, Edward O., 146.

Wolcott, Roger, 282.

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

Republican National Committee: How It Works for
Votes, 549.

Republicans: see Political Affairs.

Revue de Paris reviewed, 250, 374, 499, 630, 747.

Revue des Deux Mondes reviewed, 114, 249, 497, 630, 747.

Revue des Revues reviewed, 375, 500.

Ridpath, John Clark, Death of, 281.

Riis, Jacob A. Making a Way Out of the Slum, 689.

Riis, Jacob A. Theodore Roosevelt, 181.
Rivista Politica e Letteraria reviewed, 251.

Rivista Popolare reviewed, 251.

Roberts, George E. Bryan's Financial Policy: A Re-

publican View, 447.

Roosevelt, Theodore, as a Man of Letters, 377.

Roosevelt, Theodore: His Work as Governor, 187.

Roosevelt, Theodore, Sketch of, 181.

Rug-Making, 57.

Russell, Lord, of Killowen, Death of, 281; Sketch of, 425.

[blocks in formation]

Development, Studies in, 359.

Haeckel, Ernst, and the New Zoology, 86.
Thyroid Gland, 88.

Scribner's Magazine reviewed, 104, 238, 487, 621, 740.

Sea Powers, Seven Great, 225.

Serpents, Venom of: How It Is Collected, 230.

Shaw, Albert. A Hundred Years of the District of Co-
lumbia, 675.

Shepard, Edward M. The Practical Bryan Policy for

the Philippines, 433.

Sherman, John, Death of, 537.

Sicily as a Summer Resort, 350.

Slum, Making a Way Out of the, 689.

Smith, Katherine Louise. The Provision for Children

[blocks in formation]

Stead, W. T. British Czar: The General Elector, 585.
Stevenson, Adlai E., the Democratic Candidate for
Vice-President, 420.

[blocks in formation]

German Trad

Nations, Our
Population of

Villard, Henry,
Volcanic Scener
Voting by Mail,
Voting, Compul

Warfare: Value
War, How Armie
War in South Af
Warner, Charles
Wars as Marking
Washington: Bui
Washington, D. C.

Columbia, 675.
Wellington, Duke
Wellman, Walter.
Wellman, Walter.
Westminster Revie
Wheat Supply, Wo
Wheeler, Edward J

and Its Candida
Wilhelmina, Queen,
Williams, Talcott.
Williams, Talcott.
Wilmer, Rt. Rev. Ri
Wilson, William L.,
Wisconsin, Republic
Women, Brains of, 2
Women's Sports: A
World's Work review

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