AP 2 N87 v.108 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1869, by FIELDS, OSGOOD, & CO., in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. UNIVERSITY PRESS: WELCH, BIGELOW, & Co., 1. Gottfried Wilhelm Freiherr von Leibnitz. Eine Biographie. Von G. E. GUHRauer. 2. Des Freiherrn von Leibnitz Kleinere Philosophische Schriften, mit einer Vorrede HERRN CHRISTIAN WOLFFS. 3. Monadologie. Deutsch mit einer Abhandlung über Leibnitz' und Herbart's Theorieen des wirklichen Ge- schehens. Von DR. R. ZIMMERMANN. 4. Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie. Von 5. FRIEDRICH HEINRICH JACOBI'S Werke. 6. LEIBNITZII, G. W. v., Opera Philosophica quæ 4. Official History of the Campaigns of 1866. By the - Wallis's Writings of Cyprian, 274.- Seaman's Essays on the Progress of Nations, 276.- Porter's Human Intellect, 280. — Mariano's Philo- sophie Contemporaire en Italie, 286. Dingelstedt's Amazon, 287. Harkness's Practical Introduction to Latin Composition, 289.- Wake's Chapters on Man, 290. — Chalmers's Origin of the Chinese, and Pau- thier sur l'Antiquité de l'Histoire et de la Civilisation Chinoises, 291. - Sainte-Beuve's Nouveaux Lundis, 296.-Fambri's Free Press and Duelling in Italy, 299. - - Erckmann-Chatrian's Madame Thérèse, 302. -The Ermine in the Ring, and The Erie Railroad Row, 305. — Cox's Manual of Mythology, 310.- Baring-Gould's Book of Were-Wolves, 318. Bridges's France under Richelieu and Colbert, 322.- Haw- thorne's American Note-Books, 323. Howells's No Love Lost, 325. - Lecture on the Uses of the Study of History, 326.- Life and Letters of Wilder Dwight, 327. - New Gift Books, 328. — Greg's Literary and - 274 NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW. No. CCXXII. JANUARY, 1869. ART. I.-1. Gottfried Wilhelm Freiherr von Leibnitz. Eine Biographie. Von G. E. GUHRAUER. Breslau. 1846. 2. Des Freiherrn von Leibnitz Kleinere Philosophische Schriften, mit einer Vorrede HERRN CHRISTIAN WOLFFS. Jena. 1740.' 3. Monadologie. Deutsch mit einer Abhandlung über Leibnitz' und Herbart's Theorieen des wirklichen Geschehens. Von DR. R. ZIMMERMANN. Wien. 1847. 4. Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie. Von Dr. JoHANN EDUARD ERDMANN. Berlin. 1866. 5. FRIEDRICH HEINRICH JACOBI's Werke. Leipzig. 1815. 6. LEIBNITZII, G. W. v., Opera Philosophica quæ exstant Latina, Gallica, Germanica omnia. Edita recognovit J. E. ERDMANN. Berlin. 1840. Ir is a significant enough fact, that of the philosophers of Germany those are comparatively most appreciated who move in a region of diffuseness and darkness. The art-criticism of the Schlegel-Schelling school is accepted with far greater avidity than the learned, thorough, and lucid criticism of Lessing; the mathematical exactness of Fichte's phraseology and method is thrown aside for the obscure, but, on that account, more awe-inspiring, diffuseness of Hegel; and how much higher a place is assigned to Spinoza than to Leibnitz as a philosopher! So true is it that the human race flies from light as if it were an enemy, and binds itself in subjection to mystery. NO. 222. VOL. CVIII. 1 |