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" No foreign corporation shall do any business in this State without having one or more known places of business, and an authorized agent or agents in the same upon whom process may be served. "
Constitution of the State of Louisiana: Adopted in Convention, at the City ... - Stran 58
avtor: Louisiana - 1879 - 90 strani
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Journal of the Convention to Amend the Constitution of Pensylvania ..., 2. del

Pennsylvania. Constitutional Convention - 1873 - 746 strani
...A motion was made by Mr. MacVeagh, To amend the same, so as to make it read as follows, viz : '• No foreign corporation shall do any business in, and an authorized agent or agents in the same, upon whom process may be served." On the question, Will the Convention agree so to amend ? The...
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A Hand-book of Politics for 1874: Being a Record of Important Political ...

Edward McPherson - 1874 - 268 strani
...number of his votes for one candidate, or distribute them upon two or more candidates, as he may prefer. No foreign corporation shall do any business in, and an authorized agent or agents in the same, upon whom process may be served. No corporation shall engage in any business other than that...
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A Handbook of Politics for 1868 [to 1894]

Edward McPherson - 1872
...number of his votes for one candidate, or distribute them upon two or more candidates, as he may prefer. No foreign corporation shall do any business in, and an authorized agent or agents in the same, upon whom process may be served. No corporation shall engage in any business other than that...
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Documents Accompanying the Journal

Michigan. Legislature. Senate - 1874 - 284 strani
...votes for one candidate, or distribute them upon two or more candidates, as he may prefer. SEC. 5. No foreign corporation shall do any business in, and an authorized agent or agents in the same, upon whom process may be served. SEC. 7. No corporation shall issue stocks or bonds except for...
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Smull's Legislative Hand Book: Rules and Decisions ... Legislative Directory

1875 - 724 strani
...or distribute them upon two or more candidates, as he may prefer. SECT. 5. Xo foreign rorporatioii shall do any business in this State without having one or more known places ol' business and an authorized agent or agents in the same upon whom process may be served. SECT. 6....
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General Laws of the State of Colorado: Comprising that Portion of the ...

Colorado - 1877 - 1182 strani
...first obtained at a meeting held after at least thirty days' notice given in pursuance of law. SEC. 10. No foreign corporation shall do any business in this...without having one or more known places of business, and aa authorized agent or agents in the same, upon whom process may be served. SEC. H. No street railroad...
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The Federal and State Constitutions: Colonial Charters, and Other Organic ...

Benjamin Perley Poore - 1877 - 1054 strani
...corporation shall thereafter hold its charter subject to the provisions of this constitution. SEC. 4. t bar an indictment for the same offence. SEC. 13. Each house shall keep at least one known place of business, and an authorized agent or agents therein; and such corporation...
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Smull's Legislative Hand Book: Rules and Decisions ... Legislative Directory

1878 - 764 strani
...candidate, or distribute them upon two or more eandidates, as he may prefer. SECT. 5. No foreign eorporation shall do any business in this State without having one or more known plaees of business and an anthorized agent or agents in the same upon whom process may be served. SECT....
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Constitution of the State of Louisiana: Adopted in Convention at the City of ...

Louisiana - 1879 - 100 strani
...thereafter hold its charter subject to the provisions of this constitution. ART. 235. The exercise of the police power of the State shall never be abridged...agents in the State upon whom process may be served. ABT. 237. No corporation shall engage in any business other than that expressly authorized in its charter...
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Debates and Proceedings of the Constitutional Convention of the ..., Količina 1

California, California. Constitutional Convention - 1880 - 648 strani
...permit such officer to ride in or over such railroad without paying therefor the usual rates. SEC. 16. No foreign corporation shall do any business in, and an authorized agent or agents in the same, и|юп whom process may be served. ARTICLE XI. EDUCATION. SECTION 1. A Superintendent of Public...
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