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Academic programs, negro land-grant colleges, 876-

Academic rank, extension staff, 487-488.
Accounting, farm, improvement in methods, 639-


Accounting system, extension funds, 467.
Accredited colleges, graduate work, 780-782.
Accrediting agencies, graduate work, 723-728.
Administration, experiment station director, 651-
652; general extension, 547-548; negro land-grant
colleges, 847-872; officers, graduate work, 748-749;
research and extension, 655-656; salaries, 864;
Smith-Lever extension, 443-444.

Admission, graduate school, 770-782; methods, 894-
895; requirements, 893-895.

Agencies, graduate work, accrediting, 723-728;
standardizing, 722-728.

Agricultural advancement, due to research, 581-582.
Agricultural economics, research, 696-699.
Agricultural education, awards to graduate stu-
dents, 790-791; colonial times, 581; cooperation in
research, 662-663; curricula changes, 263; enroll-
ment of teachers, 265–266; graduate work duplica-
tion, 581; junior college teachers, 279; organiza-
tion of department, 280-281; practice schools for
educational experimentation, 268; professional
training of teachers, 264; rank of staff, 264-265;
research relationships with Federal Government,
287; results of research, 619-649; salaries of teachers,
489-490; staff in colleges, 263-264, 484; State super-
visors, 272; training teachers for public schools,

Agricultural equipment, improvements, 641-642.
Agricultural projects, extension, results, 534.
Agricultural training, extension workers, 479.
Allen, E. W., routine research by graduate students,

American Association of Teachers' Colleges, stand-
.ards, 191; training-school, 209.

American Bankers' Association Foundation for Ed-
ucation in Economics, loan fund, 65.
Angell, James R., distinction in graduate work, 804.
Animal diseases, research of experiment stations,

Animal products, new methods of utilizing, 637–638.
Animal research, adapted to human use, 644–645.
Animals, new methods of marketing, 637-638.
Appropriations, research, forms in which made,
665-666; State, for experiment stations, 609-613.
Arts and sciences, articulation with secondary
schools, 24-28; awards to graduate students, 791;
conclusion and recommendation, 37-38; conflict
between State university and land-grant college,
4; curricular prescription and orientation, 29-36;
degrees, 19-20-21; elective subjects, 30-31; enroll-
ments, 18-19; enrollments and salaries, 18-23;
freshman instruction, 17; introduction, 1-8; junior
college, 35-36; organization, 9-13; organization and

objectives, 9-13; physical sciences, 1; point of
view, 1-2; program, negro land-grant colleges,
878-879; specialization, 14-17; staff, 16; staff sal-
aries, 21-23.

Association of American Universities, accrediting
graduate work, 724-728; classification of colleges,
732-733; proceedings, 726-728.

Attendance, scientific meetings of research staff,

Awards, distribution by graduate schools, 793;
graduate students, 785-793.


Babcock test, benefits derived from, 616–617.
Beach, Charles R., needs for milk test, 617.
Beef cattle, research in management, 630-631.
Books, libraries of negro land-grant colleges, 889.
Budgets, experiment stations, 665; extension,
464-465; graduate schools, 753; home demonstra-
tion work, 464; methods of preparation, 676;
Smith-Lever extension, 474.

Buildings, training school,199.
Business education, census data, 44-48; courses,
48-49, 51; job analyses, 50; needs, 43-44; objectives,
52-53; types of training, 39-40 various levels, 53.
Business management, negro land-grant colleges,


Call, L. E., colonial agriculture, 581.

Certificates, negro land-grant colleges, 906-908.
Chief executive offices, negro land-grant colleges,

Classification, accredited institutions, 733–735;
graduate courses, 805-810.

Club leaders, duties, 454.

Cold-storage, available for research, 686.
College, military, definition, 303.
Commerce and business, administrative organiza-
tion and staff, 67-87; American Bankers' Asso-
ciation Foundation for Education in Economics,
loan fund, 65; awards to graduate students, 791;
budget, 92-93; buildings, 88; case method, 85-87;
cooperative part-time plan, 57-59; courses, 57, 67,
96-98; dean, duties, 80; degrees, 69; equipment,
size and value, 89; external offerings, 109-110;
facilities, 88-93; factors, 41-42; graduate work,
duplication, 746; graduates, 54-56; introduction,
29-42; magazine and bulletin service, 90-92;
major divisions offering courses in business edu-
cation, 99; need for higher education, 43-59; need
of business education (Ruggles), 54-55; negro land-
grant colleges, 878; offerings and service, 94-111;
organization, 67-69; required subjects, 100-101;
rooms, 88; services from commercial and industrial
organizations, 106; services from Federal agen-
cies, 108; services from general public, State and
municipal agencies, 107; services from Govern-

ment and other public agencies, 105; services to
civic and community organizations, 104; services
to commercial and industrial organizations, 104;
services to general public, State, and municipal
agencies, 105; standardizing agencies, 111; staff,
70-71; student analyses, 64; student body, 60–66;
student level, 63; student-loan funds, 65-66; sup-
ply of staff members, 77; teachers, 72; teaching
load (Koos), 82.

Compensation, outside, research staff, 678-679.
Correspondence courses, home economics exten-
sion, 522; agriculture extension, 522; general exten-
sion, 566-567, 569-570.

County agents, length of service, 492; relation to
local committees, 517-518.

County financing, Smith-Lever extension, 469-473.
County organizations, cooperating in extension,
'509-512; extension, its purpose, 454-455; Smith-
Lever extension, 447-448.

County program, Smith-Lever extension, 516-517.
Courses of study, general extension, 563-566; grad.
uate, 805-810; negro land-grant colleges, 876-880;
teacher training, 174-175, 179, 185–187.
Credentials, admission of graduate students, 780-

Credit, double in graduate work, 783-785.

Crop varieties, new, developed by research, 620-624.
Cross, Wilbur L., development of graduate work,


Dairy, management of herd, 628-629.

Davis, Robert M., returns of research, 616.
Dean, graduate faculty, 751-752.
Deficiencies, English, for graduate work, 776–778;
graduate students, 773, 778-779.

Degrees, commerce and business, 69; fields in which
granted, 730-732; granted from 1872 to 1928, 719;
master's, 815-820; master's and doctor's, 814-830;
negro land-grant colleges, 885-888; numbers by
years, 718; teacher training, 178-179; when first
conferred, 716.

Degrees (doctor's), advisory committee, 824-825;
conferred from 1872 to 1928, 721; final examination,
827-828; granted by years, 721; modern language
requirements, 825; preliminary examination,
827-828; requirements, 820-829; residence require-
ments, 822-824; standardization of work, 822;
thesis requirement, 830.

Department of Agriculture, advisory assistance in
research, 595-596; control of research, 592-593;
extension accounting, 466-468; relationship with
experiment stations, 589-591.

Departments, research, of stations, 657-660.
Diseases, animal, control, 635-637; plant, control by
research, 624-625.

Dissertation, required for doctor's degree, 830.
Doctorate, requirements, 820-829; training for
teaching (Leuschner), 821.

Duplication, extension, methods of avoiding, 560.


Education, contributions of experiment stations,
645-648; dean of, duties, 163-165; general, obli-
gation of land-grant college, 4; need of common

system of terminology for courses, 184; semester
hours required for graduation, 181-182; sequence
of courses, 187-188.
Educational organizations, negro land-grant col-
leges, 873-892.

Engineering, agriculture, cooperation in research,
661-662; cooperation in research, 661-662; graduate
work, duplication, 743-744; military education,
Signal Corps unit, 305.

English, deficiency of graduate students, 776-778.
Enrollment, total, graduate work, 717; negro land-
grant colleges, 895-904.

Entrance requirement, negro land-grant colleges,

Equipment, agricultural, improvement by research;

641-642; negro land-grant colleges, value of, 869–870,
Expenditures, boys' and girls' club work, 464;
distribution, Smith-Lever extension, 459–463;
libraries, negro-land grant colleges, 890-891; negro
land-grant colleges, 859-863; research, compared
to total sales, 609; research, procedure for check-
ing, 668.

Expenses, operating, county extension work,

Experiment stations, animal breeding research,
633-635; agencies of control, 587-589; appropria-
tions from State, 609-613; basic reasons for public
financing, 611-614; beginning of movement
(True), 583-584; budget estimate, 665; cold-storage
facilities, 686-687; control by outside agencies,
587-606; coordination with graduate work, 664-
665; dates of organization, 585; departmental
organization, 657-660; early history, 581-586;
economic value of research, 618-619; Federal
advisory assistance, 595-596; finances, 607-615;
first established (True), 584; greenhouse space,
686-687; independent Federal, 593-594; labora-
tories available, 685-686; noncommercial relation-
ships, 605-606; organization and management, 650-
683; origin, 583-585; procedure in staff selection,
654-655; proportion of State taxes, 611; regulatory
functions, 605-606; research not undertaken,
648-649; relationships to commercial agents, 602-
604; results of research, 616-649; salaries of staff,
671-673; sales of products, 614-615; services to
various agencies, 648; sheep management, 630-631;
special problems of research, 684-700; sources of
income, 607; standards of research, 684-700; State
relationships, 598-599; tenure of staff, 681-683;
total income, 607.

Extension services, academic rank of staff, 487-488;
agricultural projects, result, 534; cooperation
with civil groups, 506-509; county program, 516-
517; demonstration method of teaching, 520; duties
of county office, 455; duties of State leaders, 453;
farm organizations' relationship, 505-509; persona!
advisory method, 520-521; Federal relations, 498-
499; home economics projects, results of, 535-536;
home organizations' relationships, 505-509; meth-
ods of publicity, 524-527; responsibility of depart.
ments, 451; salaries of staff, 488-489; Smith-
Hughes relations, 500-504; Smith-Lever relations,
437-512, 513-538; staff tenure of office, 491-494; staff
training in service, 485-486; State relations, 449-
504; summary of work, 533; use of radio, 526-527;
work of colleges, 435-436.

Extension services (general), correspondence work,
566-567, 569-570; credit courses, 564-565; financing,
550-551; courses offered, 563-566; educational levels,
562; noncredit courses, 564-565; offerings, 561-571;
organization, 547-556; position and objectives, 543-
548; publicity work, 560; quality of teaching, 567-
569; relationships, 557-560; scope of service, 544-
545; short courses, 566; staff salaries, 554-555; staff
sources, 553; State relations, 557-560; teacher-train-
ing, 571.


Faculty, graduate, in colleges, 750-753.

Faculty advisers, training, 759-761.

Farm accounting, experiment station research, 639-

Farm correspondence, methods of handling, 450.
Farm experience, Smith-Lever extension workers,

Farm organization, improvement by research, 639-

Farmers' institutes, conducted in 1927, 519.
Farms, operation by research staff, 680–681.
Farrell, F. D., agricultural frontier in 1858, 581.
Federal Board for Vocational Education, agricul-
tural teaching, 273-274.

Federal control, experiment stations, 589–591.
Federal funds, available for extension, 466.
Federal Government, agricultural education, re-
search relationships, 287; relationships of teacher-
training units, 132-133.

Federal relations, Smith-Lever extension, 498-499.
Federal stations, independently maintained, 593-

Federal support, Smith-Lever extension, 458-459.
Federal vocational education act, 245-247.
Field schedules, extension, by whom made, 453.
Finances, county, extension, 469-473; experiment
stations, 607-615; Federal, extension, 466-468; grad-
uate school, 753-754; negro land-grant colleges,
854-859; State, extension, 468–469.

Ford, Gus S., preparation for graduate work, 771-

Four-H Clubs, danger of exploitation, 508; local
relations, 502-504.

Franklin, Benjamin, interested in agriculture, 582.
Fraternities, teacher-training, 172–173.
Freshman instruction, arts and sciences, 17.
Funds, Federal, available for extension, 466; re-
search, methods of budgeting, 666-667; Smith-
Lever extension, 458.


General education, obligation of land-grant college, 4.
Governing board, negro land-grant colleges, 848-

Government, methods of, negro land-grant colleges,

Grading systems, graduate work, 812-813.

Graduate awards, distribution by schools, 793.
Graduate committee, duties, 749; size, 750.
Graduate courses, distribution, 809.
Graduate credits, transfer, 782-783.
Graduate enrollments, by years, 717.
Graduate students, entering positions of research,

797; not entering position of research, 798-799;
segregated by first degrees, 769; special awards,


Graduate work, academic training of faculty
advisers, 759-761; analysis of teaching staff,
761-762; beginning of, 715-716; classification of
colleges, 734-735; classification of courses, 805-810;
classified by enrollments, 770; compendia of in-
formation, 722-723; coordination with special
research divisions, 804-805; definition, 708-709;
degrees conferred, 718-721; development, 715-
721; distribution between major and minor,
816; encouragement of gifted students, 779-780;
evaluation of facilities and staff, 800-804; factors
determining quality, 739-740; factors retarding
development, 712-714; faculty membership,
750-753; fields in which given, 730-732; finances
and budget, 753-754; influencing factors, 711;
leading to doctor's degree, 820-822; master's and
doctor's degrees, 814-830; methods of administra-
tion, 810-812; objectives and character, 736-740;
offerings, 800-813; opportunities for staff members,
794-797; organization and administration, 741-754;
problem, 707-714; proportion carried by teachers,
796; staff, 755-767; standardizing agencies, 722-728;
status, 729-735; student body, 768-799; subject
matter duplications, 742-747; system of grading,
812-813; teaching load of staff, 764-767; training of
staff, 756-759; types of training, 737-739; use of
fellowships in research (Johnson), 789; under-
graduate preparation, 771-782; utilization of
undergraduate credits, 783-785.


Hatch Act, provisions of control, 589; stations
organized under, 585.

Hills, J. L., fellowships in research, 788-789.
History, experiment stations, 581-586; negro land-
grant colleges, 837-846.

Hogs, research into management, 631-632.
Home demonstration leaders, duties, 454.
Home economics, apprentice plan, teacher-training,
242-244; awards to graduate students, 790-791;
extension projects, 535-536; graduate work du-
plication, 744-745; negro land-grant colleges, 877-
878; resident and extension, 452-453; salaries of
extension workers, 489-490; salaries of supervising
teachers, 240-241; staff training, 228-229; teacher
training, 223-224, 227, 230-231, 238-239; training
school or practice classes, 238-239.


Income, total, experiment stations, 607; libraries,
negro land-grant colleges, 890-891.
Intelligence tests, teacher-training, 168.
Interior Department, rulings on Morrill Act, 4;
rulings on Morrill-Nelson Act, 119; rulings on
Morrill and Nelson appropriations, 4.
Iowa survey, graduate work, 747-748.


Janitor service, negro land-grant colleges, 871.
Johnson, Edward C., fellowships in research, 789.
Jordan, W. H., potato spraying in New York, 624.


Koos, Leonard V., business education, teaching
load, 82.


Land, negro land-grant colleges, amount owned,
868-869; available for agricultural research, 688–690.
Language (modern), required for doctor's degree,
825; required for master's degree, 816–818.
Lecture method, extension teaching, 519-520.
Leuschuer, A. O., work for doctorate, 821.
Liberal arts, prior to Morrill Act, 2.

Libraries, negro land-grant colleges, status, 888-892.
Livestock, available for agricultural research, 691-

Load, graduate teaching staff, 764-767.

Local leader, extension teaching, 527-530.


Market news, dissemination by extension service,

Marketing, animal and animal products, 638–639.
Marketing projects, Smith Lever extension, 515.
Master of science degree, requirements, 815-820.
Mechanic arts, negro land-grant colleges, 877.
Military college, definition, 303.
Military education, administration of department,
310-313; commissions, 316; different units, 304;
enrollment of students, 308-309; expense for oper-
ation, 314-315; features necessary for instruction,
315-316; financial phases of military education,
314-316; general staff, 301; history, 299-302; na-
tional defense act, 300-301, 317; organization and
operation, 303-309; public sentiment in State to-
ward, 312-313; Reserve Officers' Training Corps,
319; results and accomplishments, 317-323; State
appropriations, 316; summer training camp, 312.
Military instruction, Army officer detailed for pur-
pose, 301; basic and advanced courses, 306-307;
content in different branches, 305-306.
Military science and tactics, department, 310-313.
Morrill Act, application to arts and science, 2;
business education, 39; emphasize on sciences and
their practical application, 2; Interior Depart-
ment rulings, 4; liberal arts prior to, 2; military
education, 299; negro colleges, 837-840; Nelson
amendment, teacher-training, 119; provision for
scientific and classical studies, 3; respect to higher
business education, 39.

Morrill-Nelson Acts, collegiate instruction in arts
and sciences, 5.

Morrill-Nelson funds, proportions spent for subjects
in 1908 and 1928, 5.

Munford, F. B., adequate graduate staff, 755;
services of graduate students, 788-789.


National defense act, military preparedness, 317;
military education, 300-301.

Negro land-grant colleges, annual conferences, 845-
846; business management, 852-854; control and
finance, 847-872; curricula of, 876-880; dates of
organization, 341-843; degrees and certificates,
906-908; degrees of staff, 885-888; educational
organization and accomplishments, 873-892; en-
rollments, 895-904; entrance requirements, 873–892;
expenditures, 859-863; first institutions establish-
ed, 838-839; future development, 909–913; history,
837-846; physical plants, 868-872; raising to college

level, 845-846; receipts, 855-859; salaries, 863-868;
status of libraries, 888-892; student mortality,
904-906; summer-sessions, 908; subcollegiate edu-
cation, 880-883; teaching staff, 883-888.
Noncredit courses, general education, 564-565.

Objectives, county extension methods, 472-474;
general extension, 546; general, negro-land-grant
colleges, 875-876; graduate work, 736-740; Smith-
Lever extension, 440-442.

Officers, administrative, graduate work, 748-749.
Organization, county, Smith-Lever extension, 447;
experiment stations, 650-683; financial, general
extension, 550-551; general extension, 547-551;
graduate work, 741-754; educational, negro land-
grant colleges, 873-892; farm, Smith-Lever exten-
sion, 444-448.

Organizations, county, relations with extension,
509-512; farm, relations to extension, 505-509;
State, cooperating with extension, 506.
Origin, agricultural experiment station, 583-585.


Personnel, general extension, 552.

Physical grouping, extension workers, 449-450.
Physical plant, general extension, 551; negro land-
grant colleges, 868-872.

Physical sciences, arts and sciences, 1.

Plant diseases, control through research, 624-625.
Plant pests, insect, control by research, 625-628.
Potato spraying, results in New York (Jordan), 624.
Poultry, research into management, 632-633.
Practice school, teacher-training, periods of time,

Programs, graduate, influencing factors, 711; re-
search, effect of relationships upon, 606.
Projects, agricultural extension, results of, 534; ex-
tension, giving publicity, 524; expenditures,
Smith-Lever extension, 462; home economics
extension, results of, 535-536; not involving field
stations, 593–594.

Prospective teachers, guidance, 169.

Public funds, Smith-Lever extension, 458-459.
Publications, extension, expenditures for, 463; use
in extension, 522-524.

Publicity, general extension, 560.


Qualifications, general extension staff, 552.


Radio, use in extension work, 526-527.
Ratings, extension services, 575.

Ratio, research expenditures to capital expended,


Receipts, negro land-grant colleges, 855-859; product
of experiment stations, 614-615.
Relationships, administration, research and exten-
sion, 655-656; Smith-Lever and general extension,
574-580; State, with experiment stations, 598-599.
Requirements, admission, negro land-grant colleges,
873-892 financial, extension work, 474; selection
of extension staff, 481.

Research, advancement of knowledge, 736-737;
combined income of colleges, 607-608; Association
of land-grant Colleges and Universities, 603-604;
agricultural economics, 696-699; animals adapted
for human use, 644-645; bases of selecting staff,
669-670; beef cattle management, 630-631; coordi-
nation with graduate work, 664-665; control by
outside agencies, 587-606; control of plant insect
pests, 625-628; contributions to extension service,
646-647; contributions to public welfare, 642-643;
control by Department of Agriculture, 592-593;
cooperation between departments, 660-661, 663-
664; coordination between States, 599-601; dairy
herd management, 628-629; expenditures com-
pared to total sales, 609; finance of, 607-615; grad-
uate students, financed by specific agencies, 805;
historical sketch, 581-586; lands available, 688-
690; library facilities, 694-695; livestock available,
691-694; major types of contributions, 617-624;
management of hogs, 631-632; methods developed
of growing crops, 620-624; methods of budgeting
funds, 666-667; new crop varieties developed, 620-
624; not involving field stations, 593-594; in
national scope, 596-597; organization and manage-
ment, 650-683; organized by departments, 657-
660; problems not undertaken, 648-649; questions
relating to State appropriations, 611-614; ratio
expenditures to capital invested, 609; relation-
ships to commercial agents, 602-604; results in
agriculture,616-649; returns from money expended
(Davis), 616; rural sociology, 699-700; sales of agri-
cultural products, 614-615; routine, by graduate
students (Allen), 787-788; soil improvement and
maintenance, 619-620; standards and special
problems, 684-700; training of workers, 596-598.
Reserve Officers' Training Corps, units by corps
areas, 305; military education, 301; regulations
prescribed by War Department, 303.
Retardment, graduate work, 712–714.
Revenues, negro land-grant colleges, for capital
outlay, 854; Smith-Lever extensions, 459.
Ruggles, C. O., on needs of business education,


Rural sociology, research, 697–700.

Rutgers survey, definition of university, 725.


Salaries, agricultural extension staff, 488-489; gen-
eral staff salaries, 554-555; range, research staff,
671-673; research, time basis, 674.
Salaries (negro land-grant colleges), assistant pro-
fessors, 866-867; associate professors, 866-867;
business manager, 864-865; deans, 864-866; instruc-
tors, 866-867; president, 864; professors, 866-867.
Science, adoption by classical college, 3; develop-
ment in college, 2; study in teaching, 6-8.
Secondary schools, articulation, 24-28.
Sheep, management and marketing, 630-631.
Smith-Hughes Act, enrollments in agricultural
education, 265-266; extension work, 500-504;
teacher preparation, 120-121; teacher training
program, 219-227.

Smith-Lever extension, academic rank of staff,
487-488; administrative organization, 443-474; age
of workers, 475-476; correspondence courses,
521-522; farm experience of workers, 476; per-


sonnel, 475-497; position and objectives, 437-442;
reasons for unusual position, 438-440; relation
ships, 498-512; results, 531-538; source of finances,
457-459; staff salaries, 488-489; teaching, 513-530;
tenure of staff, 491-494; training of workers,
478-479; summary of work, 531-533; use of visual
aids, 525–526.

Societies, agricultural, in 1852 (True), 583.

Soil improvement, due to research, 619–620.
Spanish War, college students, records of services,

Special problems, agricultural research, 684-700.
Specialists (extension), method of housing, 449-450;
relationships to departments, 452.

Staff, experiment stations, procedure in selection,
654-655; opportunities for graduate work, 794-797;
proportion of graduate study carried, 796; quali-
fications for graduate work, 802-804; selection,
Smith-Lever extension, 480-483; training, negro
land-grant colleges, 885-888.

Staff (commerce and business), college credit, 74;
contacts and services, 75; duties, 78-79; duties, 81;
qualifications, 70-71; research, 76; teaching load,
81-83; teaching experience, 70-71; turnover,

Staff (extension), academic rank, 487-488; distribu-
tion of time, 482-485; estimated increase, 497;
measure of efficiency, 495; rank, 487-488; salaries,
488-489; Smith-Lever, 448; tenure, 491-494; train-
ing, 485-486; qualifications, 552; salaries, 554-555;
sources of supply, 553.

Staff (graduate), analysis of responsibility, 761-763;
degree qualifications, 760; scholarship necessary
(Munford), 755; teaching load, 764-767; training,
756-759; work, 755–767.

Staff (research), attendance at scientific meetings,
677-678; continuing training, 675-677; bases of
selecting, 669-€70; division of duties, 658; educa-
tional training, 670; measures of efficiency, 674-675;
office space provided, 684-685; operation of farms,
680-681; outside compensation, 678-679; patenting
of discoveries, 679-680; range of salaries, 671-673;
tenure of office, 681-683; time basis of pay, 674.
Standardization, graduate work, 728.
Standards, agricultural research, 684-700.
State agencies, relation to extension, 504-505.
State certification requirements, teacher-training,

State financing, Smith-Lever extension, 468-469.
State leaders, extension, duties, 453-454.

State relations, general extension, 557-560; Smith-
Lever extension, 449.

State teachers colleges, office of director, 196.
Student analyses, commerce and business, 64.
Student body, in graduate work, 768-799.
Students, commerce and business, 60, 62-63, 102;
gifts, encouragement in graduate work, 779-780;
teacher-training, ability, 171; teacher-training,
curricula requirements, 177.

Students (graduate), employment as teachers, 786-
787; employment in routine research, 787-790
entering positions of research, 797; method of
making awards, 791-793; most common deficien-
cies, 773; not entering position of research, 798;
segregation by first degrees, 769; special awards,
785-790; training for research, 737,

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