Slike strani

The prisoners are kept at work, making chairs and shoes, and weaving. By judicious management, with cash sales, the income has been made to defray the expenses, and even to leave a surplus. All communication is prevented, and attention is paid to the moral improvement of the inmates. The prison contains a library for their use, of three hundred volumes.

passage leading through each, between | sy, came silently across the river, in two rows of cells. The whole The whole is sur- three divisions, nine miles above, by rounded by a stone-wall, three feet thick, pushing their way, in the best manner and twenty feet high, enclosing a square they could, through the ice. It was of four acres. Tubes pass through the morning before they reached the town, cells to warm them in winter, and flues when two bodies of troops fell upon the are made in the walls for ventilation. enemy at once, from different quarters, pressing immediately toward the middle of the town, to prevent the enemy from forming. They made no regular stand, and some of them attempted to escape to Princeton, but were prevented; when the whole body surrendered, amounting to twenty-three officers and eighty-six men. Only twenty or thirty were killed, and eight wounded, including the commander. On the American side were The Battle of Trenton.-This place none killed, and only two officers and was the scene of one of the most cele- one or two privates wounded. A few brated of Washington's master-strokes. of the enemy escaped by the Bordentown He excelled most commanders in stri-road, which General Ewing was to have king an unexpected and successful blow, just at the time when it would produce the most important effects, by intimidating his enemies, and encouraging the country.

In December, 1776, the American army had long been on the defensive, or rather had retired, for fear of the enemy, beyond their reach. After the capture of New York, in August, Washington, with the remains of his army, after unsuccessful attempts to make a stand at different points, had been driven across New Jersey, and, barely escaping capture, retreated into Pennsylvania. To many the war seemed already at an end. The British troops proceeded to occupy the principal points on the great road through the state, and three regiments of Hessians, under General Rahl, and a troop of light-horse, were quartered at Trenton. On the evening before Christ mas, December 25th, there was not an American soldier on the east side of the Delaware, and the stream was loaded with floating ice, so that it seemed im passable. The Hessians, in security, engaged in their accustomed celebration of the night with immoderate drinking; and about midnight the camp was in such a state as Washington had calculated on, at the hour of his premeditated assault. A large number of boats, which he had collected with all possible secre

provided against; but he was unable to cross the river. General Cadwallader, with the Pennsylvania militia, was likewise unable to take part in the affair, as only a small part of his troops could be got over. Washington had intended to capture the other posts on the Delaware; but he thought it prudent to recross the river the same evening, and thus retired to Pennsylvania.

The Battle of Assunpink was fought a short time after that of Trenton. Washington, finding the enemy did not advance, again crossed the Delaware, and took post on the south bank of Assunpink creek. On the 2d of January, four or five thousand British troops marched from Princeton to attack him. The enemy made three charges upon the bridge, but were repulsed by his cannon, with about 150 killed. When night came on, Washington, knowing his force quite insufficient, ordered the camp-fires to be well fed, and drew off his forces with so little noise that the enemy did not know of their disappearance. Washington reached Princeton in the morning, which was occupied by a large British force.

PRINCETON. This pleasant town is distinguished as the seat of the principal literary institution in the state, and one of the oldest and most respectable in the country-the college of New Jersey.





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Here is also the presbyterian seminary. The country in the neighborhood is agreeably diversified, with a good soil, peculiarly favorable to apples. It contains several churches, academies, and schools. There are several handsome houses, with gardens and yards arranged with taste; but the college-green, with its several buildings, is the principal ornament. In the rear of it, but fronting on the street, is Nassau hall, the oldest college-building, which has a venerable appearance. It has four low stories, chiefly appropriated to the students. Before the battle of Princeton, it was used for barracks, and the lower story for stables, and was defended by a party of the British troops, and stood a sharp fire from Washington's soldiers. A cannon-ball entered the chapel, and tore away the head of a picture of King George II. The library is a building a little west; and on the east is a building devoted to recitation-rooms, the chymical laboratory, &c. A little in its rear is a new college-building; and in front, near the street, and near both extremities of the grounds, are the houses of the president and the professors.

The college was founded in 1742, and owed its origin to a division introduced into the presbyterian church in the days of Whitefield; from which two synods arose-that of New York and that of Philadelphia.

Nassau hall, the principal edifice, was built in 1757, and was thus named in honor of King William III., on request of Governor Belcher, who had presented his valuable library, of 474 volumes, to the institution, and after whom the trustees proposed to call it. The building was one hundred and seventy-six feet long, fifty wide, and four stories high. The governor's library suffered much from the British and American soldiers, who in turn occupied the building; and almost all the remaining volumes were destroyed by fire, which, March 6, 1802, burnt all the edifice except the walls, which still remain.

ELIZABETHTOWN, on a small stream which flows into Staten island sound, four miles from Newark, was named after Lady Elizabeth, wife and executrix of

Lord Carteret. It contains four churches, a bank, a courthouse, a jail, several public and private schools, and about 3,000 inhabitants. It is situated on low, level ground, with a good soil. By steamboat, it has a communication with New York several times a day, as well as by the New Jersey railroad, which forms an important link in the great line of railroads that now extends along almost the whole Atlantic border of the United States. Elizabethport, two miles from the principal village, is the landing-place of the steamboats.

NEW BRUNSWICK.-This city, the capital of Middlesex county, stands ɔn the west side of Raritan river, fourteen miles from its mouth, twenty-six miles northeast from Trenton, and twenty-nine from New York. It lies partly in Franklin, and partly in North Brunswick, Albany street being the dividing line. Near the river the streets are narrow, and the ground low; but on the hill, which rises behind, everything is changed for the better. Here are a courthouse, jail, and eight churches, with near eight thousand inhabitants. Steamboats ply daily to New York. The New Jersey railroad passes through the town; and the Delaware and Raritan canal commences here, which extends to Bordentown, forty-two miles. It is seventy-five feet wide, and seven feet deep, allowing sloops to pass of from 75 to 100 tons. It is supplied by a feeder from the Delaware, twentythree miles long; including which, the cost was $2,500,000. An old bridge, now useless, was built across the Raritan at New Brunswick, in 1811, at an expense of $86,687. There is another for the railroad.

Rutgers College stands on the high ground in the northwestern quarter of the town. It was founded in 1770, with the name of Queen's college; but being unendowed, it did not go into operation until 1781. In 1810, it was connected with the general synod of the reformed. Dutch church, and, in 1825, the building was purchased by the synod, and the present name was given to the institution, in honor of Čolonel Rutgers, of New York, a liberal benefactor; since which time it has flourished.

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NEWARK, the most populous town in the state, is situated on a fine, level tract of ground, on the west side of Passaic river, nine miles west from New York, and forty-nine northeast from Trenton. Vessels of one hundred tons come up to the wharves; the New Jersey railroad passes through the town, on the way from New York to Philadelphia; and here is the commencement of the Morris and Essex railroad. The Morris canal passes through the place, which opens a channel of transportation between New York and the Delaware river.

able for manufacturing by water-power.
The stream makes a perpendicular de-
scent of seventy feet over a precipice,
in a sheet of foam, which is partly con-
cealed by a projecting rock.
A deep
sluice, cut through the hard bank, draws
off the water for the numerous manufac-
tories below, so that the river is left al-
most dry in the summer-season.

The town contains two banks, a philosophical society, with a library, an academy, fourteen churches, and twenty two thousand inhabitants. It was chosen for the site of a great cotton manuThe principal streets are wide, well facturing place by Alexander Hamilton, built, and shaded with trees. Two large who, with his associates, were incorporasquares, in the middle of the town, add ted, in 1791, with a capital of a million much to its beauty. It contains three of dollars. The early period at which banks, a courthouse, twenty-five church- their design was formed testifies to their es, an apprentices' and a circulating li- intelligence and foresight, as the invenbrary, a mechanics' association, and, in tions of Arkwright were almost un1850, 38,885 inhabitants. The coast-known in the United States. A board ing-trade is considerable, and a whaling of directors was appointed, consisting and sealing company was incorporated in 1833. Manufactures of several kinds are carried on to a great extent, especially in leather, carriages, &c.

of William Duer, John Dewhurst, Benjamin Walker, Nicholas Low, Royal Flint, Elisha Boudinot, John Bayard, John Neilson, Archibald Mercer, ThomNewark was first settled by a colony as Lowring, George Lewis, More Furfrom Connecticut, in May, 1666, in com- man, and Archibald M'Comb; and Wilpliance with the "concessions" sent to liam Duer was made the principal officer. New England by Lord Carteret. Cap- In 1792, when this spot was selected, tain Robert Treat, John Curtis, Jasper there were not more than ten houses in Crane, and John Treat, having been sent the place, which was named in honor from Guilford, Branford, and Milton, in of Governor William Paterson. Major that state, and made a favorable report, L'Enfan was appointed engineer, and especially in favor of this place, they began to cut the race on a scale unnewere sent again, and laid out the town, cessary large and expensive, and resignwith the main streets and squares. Thir- ed in a short time. He was succeeded ty families, from those towns and New by Mr. Colt, who adopted a more ecoHaven, at length arrived; but the Hack-nomical plan; and the first factory was ensack Indians refused to let them land, until they had satisfied their demands. They soon made a purchase, to the satisfaction of the wild men, giving them one hundred and thirty pounds New England currency, twelve Indian blankets, and twelve guns, for a tract of land now including the townships of Springfield, Livingston, Orange, Caldwell, and Bloomfield.

PATERSON. This town, thirteen miles north of Newark, and seventeen northwest of New York, is situated at the falls of the Passaic, at a spot abounding in romantic scenes, and peculiarly favor


completed in 1794. It was ninety by forty feet, and four stories high; and yarn was spun in it that year by water The year preceding, the operation had been performed by ox-power. In 1794, calico-printing was done, on unbleached muslins purchased in New York. society at the same time directed the superintendent to plant mulberry-trees ; and, at the proposal of Mr. Colt, a teacher was employed to instruct the workchildren gratuitously on the sabbath. This was, no doubt, the first sabbathschool in the state, if not in the Union. It differed, however, from our common

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