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have learned to do to others as they would be done by; not as a golden rule,—ah, no!—but as policy. They are virtuous, and, although base liars, are honest in the use of property to an incredible extent. Not the smallest possession of another is ever appropriated by one of them, and a button or insignificant bead, lost in the sands, would invariably be brought to us, if found by either children or the staggering greyhead. The parents are excessively fond of their children, and the latter, though wild and independent, and never corrected by cross word or sharp blow, are remarkably obedient.

"They are not fair dealing toward the enemy. Ko-hot told me, with strange frankness, that a few years ago his people joined other Indians. in war against the whites, and, regarding them as enemies, stole horses and cattle from them whenever they could, bringing them down into the canyon, where they either sacrificed them or killed and ate them. But,' he added, 'the time has come when I see this is wrong, and my people will listen to me when I tell them to smile on the Hai-ko (American), to ask him to eat, and to let his poorest or most tempting possession lie in the place it has been laid in; for has not the Hai-ko given to my children the hard metal and the rich garments you see all around you? (This with a proud wave of the hand toward the array of wornout clothing in the council, and a downward glance at his own threadbare soldier coat and well-patched breeches.) I am young (he was nearly fifty), but am I not old enough to remember how my people dug the soil with wooden hoes, or cut the poles of their

cabins with stone axes, and skinned the deer with a knife of flint? No, I take the father of the Land of Sunrise (Washington) by the hand, and my father of the Land of Sunset (General Wilcox) do I grasp by the hand, that we may look one upon another with smiling faces.'

"The worship of the Havasupai consists of prayers, made during their smokes, or at the hunting shrines, which are merely groups of rude pictographs along nooks or caves in the walls of the canyon. Here, seated on the ground, the worshipper blows smoke to the north, west, south and east, upward and downward; then says, in a low tone, some simple prayer, only one of which, addressed to the spirit of the Deer-God, I was able to record:

"Let it rain, that grass may grow for the deer, Go not away, O deer, from my arrows and weapons. Thou art ours; by thee do we live.

Go not away, but remain to minister to our wants, to accept of my sacrifices.'

"The Havasupai believes that the source of his river is sacred and pure; that polluted by the touch of man it would cease to give forth its waters, and the rocks of the canyon would close forever together.

"Ko-hot told me, one morning, the following beautiful story of the origin and history of his nation:

""When the world was new it was covered with waters, save where a single mountain peak to the north looked out above their surface. Here, alone, wandered the great Coyote. Mankind lived in the four dark cave-plains of earth, below this mountain, until, under the guidance of a great cacique, they journeyed up from one to

the other, and were finally led out into the light of the sun, through a hole in the mountain. No sooner had the leader come out than he was overwhelmed by the bright light and the angry waters, and died; and while the people were weeping and wondering what they should do, the Coyote came, and said to them, 'Burn the body of your father, and scatter the ashes thereof upon the face of the water; then they will begin to dry away and the earth will grow hard.' 'Alas! we have no fire,' said the people. So the Coyote volunteered to fetch it, and forthwith ran far away in search of it. When he had

gone, and the people, wondering if he would return, were still mourning, the bluebottle fly, who was sunning himself on a dry branch, comforted them by saying that he would make fire for them. So, raising his wings, he rubbed them against each other, until the sparks flew out from them and ignited the branch he was perched on. The people collected great quantities of wood, laid the body of the cacique thereon, and set fire to it with the branch the bluebottle fly had lighted.

"The Coyote, who saw from afar the smoke of the fire they had kindled, was angry, and, runring back as fast as he could, came to the place just as the body was consumed. But the heart still remained, and, rushing into the fire, he grabbed it in his mouth, and ran away with it. The fire was so hot that it singed his face and forepaws; hence, to this day, the face and forepaws of the coyote are black. He ate only a part of the heart, burying the rest; hence, also,

it is the nature of the coyote to bury his food away in the ground.

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"Where the Coyote buried the heart a corn plant grew, and upon its stalk were six ears of corn, yellow, white, variegated, black, blue, and red; hence, corn springing from the heart of man, is his life to this day. As the nations of men came out one after another, each was given an ear of corn; yellow to the Zuni, white to the Moqui, variegated to the Northern nations, a very little black to the Apache, and blue to the Hualapai; but the Havasupai, coming last, had only a little red ear given them by the fathers (gods).

"Now they did not know how they could live on the small portion that had been given them. So the Coyote, when he heard them bemoaning their lot, came and told them to follow his example; therefore, our fathers became a nation of hunters. As the waters of the world dried and flowed away, the face of the earth cracked, and was worn full of deep canyons. One of these canyons was very narrow and filled with rattlesnakes. This was the canyon of the Havasupai; and down in a grotto, under the falls, lived a great goddess, Ka-mu-iu-dr-ma-gui-iu-eba, or 'Mother of the Waters.' She was wooed by the rattlesnakes, and bore two sons, Hama-u-giu-iu-e-ba, or 'Children of the Waters.' Upon the head of each was a great flint knife. Now the earth became so dry that our forefathers had but little water to drink, and, wandering about in search of it, came to the brink of the canyon; but they could not enter because

of the rattlesnakes. So the two boys slew the rattlesnakes with their magic flint knives, and widened the rocks above the home of their mother. Then they guided them down the canyon, and built little houses high up among the cliffs; for the Apache-Mohaves came in, too, and disputed possession with them. As the two children led the people down the canyon, they made their handprints on the walls, and painted the animals which should serve as food for their people; and these marks still remain on the rocks, and thither we go when we wish to secure the deer, or to ask for rain. When, at last, they reached the home of their mother, she told them that this should be their home forever; that it was not good to live on meat alone, but that they should build houses there, and plant the ear of corn they had, and it would be a means of life. So they did as she told them, and the ApacheMohaves lived among them, where the canyon was narrower. For a long time all was well, until a young Havasupai man stole an ApacheMohave girl, which caused strife, and wars ensued, so that the Apache-Mohaves were driven away. For this reason we live alone in the



"But, alas! the Coyote ate a part of the heart of the great cacique; hence, only during summer do we live in the home of the Mother of the Waters, and plant as she told us; but in winter we have to follow the deer with our father, the Coyote, and live only as he does, in houses of grass and bark; for the Mother of the Waters grew sad when her people became so foolish, and, leaving only one of her sons to take care of them,

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