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is termed Wa-ha-vo,-the place that is impregnable.

"After many generations had passed, Hokomata saw it was no use keeping his people near the canyon; they could never capture it, and they had lost all desire to become again part of the original people, so he led them away to the southeast, beyond the San Francisco Mountains, down into what is now southern Arizona and New Mexico. Here they settled down somewhat and became the Apache race, though they are still Wha-jes-quarrellers.

"Left to themselves, the families in Mat-tawed-it-i-ta increased rapidly, until soon there were too many to live in comfort. So Tochopa

took most of them to Milkweed Canyon, and then he divided the separate families and allotted to each his own territory. To the Mohaves he gave the western region by the great river; the Paiutes he sent to the water springs and pockets of southern Nevada and Utah; the Navahos went east and found the great desert region, where game was plentiful; and the Hopis, who were always afraid and timid, built houses like Ka-that-a-ka-na-ve's fortress on the summit of high mountains or mesas. The Havasupais started to go with the Hopis, and they camped together one night in the depths of the canyon where the blue water flows to Hackataia-the Colorado. The following morning when they started to resume their journey a child began to cry. This was an omen that bade them remain, so that family stayed and became known as the Haha-vasu-pai, the people of the Blue Water. Most of the remaining

families went into the Mountains of the Tall Pine, south of Kingman, and thus became known as the pai (people) of the walla (tall pines). Here they found plenty of food of all kinds and abundance of grain. As they increased in numbers they spread out, some going to Milkweed, others to Diamond and Peach Springs Canyons, and wherever they could find food and water.

"Thus was the human race begun and the Wallapais established in their home."

Mike Burns gives the following myths of this tribe:

"When God caused water to flood the earth, all the living beings were drowned excepting one woman, who shortly afterwards gave birth to a daughter. Afterwards the daughter gave birth to a son, and then she was caught by the Great Eagle, who devoured her, and the grandmother raised the boy, who came to be the master of all things. He commanded the weather; he commanded the sun to stand still; and he commanded the wind to blow hard or easy, and change its course. This boy could also understand every living animal and could talk with them, and if anyone got hurt they would come to him and be cured. He once shot a quail and broke its leg, and was just going to shoot again when, to his surprise, the quail spoke to him and, addressing him as grandchild, asked him not to hurt her any more. The quail also asked him to heal her leg, and told him that she had a great story to tell him, so the boy picked up the quail and rubbed it on his breast, and touched the wounded leg with his hands,

and immediately the quail's leg was healed and she could run around as well as ever. Then the quail asked the boy whether his real grandmother had ever told him about what became of his mother. The boy answered no, and the quail told him that once upon a time his mother went a long distance away from home after she had borne him, the first born boy, for it was customary for any woman who had borne a first child to go a long way from home to gather things and bring them home for the exercise. While his mother was gathering things for the camp the great eagle came and carried her up to a high ledge where there were two young eagles, and the two young eagles ate her up. The boy was only a few months old when the eagle carried his mother away, and was nursed and raised by his grandmother. He had always wondered why his grandmother had always called him grandchild, and was very sorry to learn how he had become motherless. When he

went home he was very sad and did not answer his grandmother's call, and did not eat anything for a long time, but went off to get things ready to make war on the great eagle and its family. While he was getting ready, his grandmother sang songs asking for victory for him, and continued to do so whenever he went out on raids or to war. This boy, who was known as the first born man, was getting big enough by this time to make everything he needed. His grandmother taught him how to make bows and arrows, using different kinds of wood for them; also how to tip the arrows with flint, and put feathers on the butt ends of the shafts, and how

to make bow strings from the sinews of animals. Having made many arrows, of course he had to have a quiver to hold them. Being now fully equipped, he went off to hunt the great eagle, and soon heard what he thought was thunder, but it was the noise made by the wings of the great eagle flying over him. The boy fell on his back, and the great eagle caught him with her great claws, and carried him off in the same way she had done with his mother. The boy, however, was so small looking, that the great eagle thought she would not take time to do anything more with him, but just turned him over to her two young ones, telling them to eat him. Then she went off to hunt for more persons to kill and bring to her place. When the young eagles were turning his body over to eat, the boy whistled to them, telling them not to hurt him; that he was their brother, but just to tell him where the father eagle sat when he came home, and also where the mother eagle sat when she came home, and at what time of day they would both be there; threatening that if they did not tell him, he would throw them over the bluff. They told him and when the two big eagles came home, he killed them both."

Mike Burns also tells the following legend of the Wallapais:

"It is said that all the living animals and beings on earth once called a council of war, and they gathered at a certain camp to hold the council. There were two different factions, and they had a sham battle; they went through the camp and upset everything. Then the two factions agreed each to select a champion who were

to do battle; one side selected a turtle, and the other a coon, and they cleared off the place to have the battle between the two, which was to be a wrestling match. Each side then bet everything they had on the match, and the turtle and the coon came out and began the fight. It looked as if the coon was going to get away with the turtle, but the turtle stood his ground and soon got the coon's knee touching the ground; the coon could not turn the turtle over, and it was announced that the turtle had won the battle. The side betting on the coon, however, disputed the decision, claiming that the coon had only been brought to his knees and had not been turned on his back, but the turtle was given the match as it was shown that the coon had weakened. This started a big row and they had a battle right there, and it split up the old agreement. They just broke up, and everyone on the turtle's side took their bets, and the other side said they hadn't won them, and after that all the animals were at war with one another. This is said to have occurred right where Squaw Creek comes into the Agua Fria, where Black Canyon station now is."

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