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Subftance of the Treaty of Alliance between the French and Cifalpine Republics, concluded in July 1798.

Art. I.THE French republic acknowledges the Cifalpine republic to be a free and independent ftate, and guarantees to it its liberty, its independence, and the abolition of every government anterior to that which exifts at prefent.

II. There fhall exift for ever, between the two republics, peace, amity, and good-will.

III. The Cifalpine republic engages to take part in every war in which the French republic may be involved, when a requifition for that purpose shall be made by the Executive Directory of the French republic. She binds herself, immediately on receiving this requifition, to raise all her forces, and to put all her means of war in activity. By the notification of this requifition, the will be put in a state of war with every power against whom the requifition is made; and whilft fuch notification fhall not have been given, fhe will continue in a ftate of neutrality.

IV. The Cifalpine republic having demanded from the French republic an armed force fufficient to protect her liberty, her independence, and her internal tranquillity, as well as to preferve her from every aggreffion on the part of her neighbours, the two republics have agreed upon the following articles:

V. Until it fhall be otherwife agreed, there fhall remain in the Cifalpine republic a body of French troops, to the number of 25,000 men, including the ftaff and adminiftrations. This corps fhall be compofed of 22,000 infantry, 2500 cavalry, and 500 horfe and foot artillery.

VI. The Cifalpine republic fhall annually furnish to the French republic, for the pay and fubfiftence of these troops, the fum of ten millions, which fhall be paid into the military chest by twelve equal monthly payments; and in the event of war, fhe shall supply the neceffary additional expenses; the fhall provide barracks and lodgings for the faid troops in a state of health or fick nefs; in confideration of which the French republic engages to pay, equip, clothe, and fubfift them in health or in fickness.

VII. The French government may withdraw and replace any part of these troops at their pleasure.

VIII. These troops, as well as the troops of the Cifalpine republic, fhall always be under the command of French ge


IX. One half at least of the garrifons of Mantua, Peschiera, and Ferrara, fhall always confift of French troops.

X. The Cifalpine republic fhall keep the artillery of the fe three places in the beft condition, with complete provifions for a year.

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XI. When there are French and Cifalpine troops in the fame fort, ftation, or cantonment, the rank of the officers being equal, they fhall be commanded by a French officer; but if the rank is unequal, by the fuperior officer, whether French or Cifalpine.

XII. The French republic fhall give up to the Cifalpine republic, on the terms agreed on between Citizen Buonaparte and the Executive Directory of the Cifalpine republic, as much of the artillery taken from the enemy as the Cifalpine republic shall require.

XIII. The fort which has been planned out at the rock D'Amfo by the French engineers, under the orders of Citizen Buonaparte, to command the valley of Sabia, fhall be constructed without delay. The works necellary to complete the forts of Pefchiera and Mantua fhall alfo be carried on without delay, as well as the fortification of the heights of Valleggio, and the little fort of Coetto, according to the plans approved by Citizen Buonaparte: the whole to be performed at the expense of the Cifalpine republic.

XIV. The Cifalpine republic fhall organize an armed force compofed of Italian and auxiliary troops, the number of which, horfe and foot, fhall be regulated by a feparate convention. She fhall always keep in readiness 120 field-pieces, upwards of 60 pontoons, and a flotilla on the lake of Garda.

XV. The Cifalpine republic fhall not fuffer any French emigrant to refide within her territory. Every French emigrant found on the territory of the Cifalpine republic fhall be arrested, in order to his being tranfported to the place which the Executive Directory of the French republic fhall point out. Every Cifalpine emigrant found on the territory of the French republic fhall be likewife arrested, and placed at the difpofal of the Cifalpine republic.

Subftance of the Treaty of Commerce between the French and Cifalpine Republics, concluded in July 1798.

Art. I. NEITHER of the two republics, French and Cifalpine, fhall ever prohibit the importation or the confumption of any merchandise of the growth or manufacture of the other republic, its ally.

II. Neither of the two republics fhall prohibit the exportation of any of its productions or manufactures to the other republic, its ally, except grain or flour, which may be occafionally difcontinued; but only in cafes of fcarcity, and when the fame prohibition fhall be extended to every other nation.

III. In.

III. In cafe either of the two republics fhall judge it proper to impofe a duty upon any production or merchandise of the growth or the manufacture of its ally, fuch duty fhall not exceed fix per cent. ad valorem.

IV. Until a general peace, all duties fhall be reduced one half, when productions or merchandife of the growth or manufacture of both republics fhall be tranfported in the waggons or fhips of either-thefe commodities, if in waggons, are to be conducted by citizens of one or other of the faid republics; or if in veffels, by a crew, three-fourths of which fhall be citizens of the one or the other republic.

V. At the period of a general peace, the advantage ftipulated by the preceding article fhall ceafe, with regard to productions or merchandise imported in veffels; but the productions or merchandise of the growth or manufacture of France, fhall not be imported into the ports of the Cifalpine republic, but in French or Cifalpine veffels, wholly to the exclu fion of the veffels of every other nation, under pain of confifcation of fhip and cargo, and 3000 livres of fine, to be levied upon the proprietors, configners, and agents of the veffel or cargo, or upon the captain or mate.

VI. The valuation which fhall ferve as the bafis for regulating the duties on importation fhall be proved by the invoices or written declarations which may accompany the goods. In cafe the comptrollers of the customs fhall fufpect the invoices or declarations to be forged, it fhall be lawful for them to detain the merchandife, paying for it at the rate of the invoice or declaration, with an addition of 25 per cent.

VII. Each veffel or waggon fhall be furnished with a declaration made before the conful, or, if there be no conful, before the municipal officer of the place where it fhall have been loaded. This declaration fhall mention the country in which the said merchandise was produced or manufactured.

VIII. Both republics fhall employ all their good offices and influence, in order to obtain from intermediate ftates the defirable facilities for the tranfit of their respective commerce, either by an exemption of the duties it may be liable to in paffing through thefe ftates, or by the reftitution at leaving them of what was paid upon the entry.

IX. There fhall be eftablifhed relays of post-horses and offices for letters on the road from Milan to Paris: this road fhall be directed through the Valois and the Pays de Vaud, and fhall also pass through Lausanne, proceeding by the road ufed by the peace of 1748. The French and Cifalpine republics fhall be at the expense of these establishments on their respective territories. They fhall also unite in demanding from


the Helvetic republic the formation of fimilar eftablishments on its territory.

X. The Executive Directory of the French republic fhall employ its good offices with the powers of Barbary, in order that the Cifalpine flag may be treated with the fame respect by their corfairs as the French.


Proclamations, Manifeftoes,
Correfpondence, &c.

Extract from the Register of the Deliberations of the Commiffion delegated by the French Government to the Leeward Islands.

THE commiffion, confidering that the ports of the Windward Ilands, as well as Port-au-Prince, St. Marc, L'Arcahaye, the Mole, and Jeremie, given up to the English, occupied and defended by the emigrants, are in a ftate of permanent fiege, and ought not to enjoy the fame advantages as the ports of the different English colonies, poffeffed by that power before the war, and from other titles;

Confidering that is against all principle to treat a horde of rebels, without country, without government, and without a flag, with the fame respect which polished nations observe to one another during war;

That it is notorious that the different places of the colony given up to the English no more belong to them than La Vendée, in which the English minifter had in like manner ftipendiary troops, regiments in his pay, wearing the fame uniform as the troops of the king of England';

The revolted cities of La Vendée were, as well as thofe of the colony, garrifoned by emigrants; its coafts equally protected by English veffels, and that nevertheless it never entered into the head of a reasonable man to think that it ought to be allowed to merchants of neutral nations, to fupply thefe brigands with food, who were only occupied in rending the bofom of their country;

Confidering that in virtue of the 11th article of the treaty of alliance, concluded at Paris on the 6th of February 1778, between the United States and France, this first power engaged itfelf to defend the poffeffions of France in America in cafe of war, and that the government and commerce of the United States have ftrangely abused the tolerance of the French republic, in turning to her detriment the favours which were granted to her, of entering and trading in all the ports of the colony;

That in permitting any longer to neutral veffels to carry warlike and other provifions to men evidently in a state of rebellion, is to VOL. VII.



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