Slike strani

H. OF R.]

Salary of the Minister to Russia.

[JAN. 12, 1831. sembly. The gentleman from Missouri, in particular, amendment of the gentleman from Virginia prevailed, had given himself great indulgence in insinuations against more than half of it would be exhausted in paying arthe State of Ohio. He had called on her delegation to do rearages for surveys made during the last year, and the as they had been done by, and commented very much at sum remaining would be greatly less than the usual sum, large upon the favors which Ohio had received from Con- and would be wholly inadequate to defray the expense of gress. He said that vast sums of money had been paid surveying that portion of the public lands which it might for surveying the lands in Ohio; that now they were all be the interest of the Government to survey, and bring surveyed, she was anxious to arrest the surveys in Mis-into market the present year. The gentleman from New souri, at the same time taxing Ohio with ingratitude and York had admonished us that we should have an eye to other sinister motives. Sir, if the gentleman from Mis- economy. He believed that he regarded economy in his souri is desirous that his State should be treated, in respect votes in that House, as much as the gentleman from New to the public lands, as the State of Ohio has been, for York, or any other; but he denied that it was economy to himself he would ask and desire no more than that the postpone the surveys of the public lands. When once gentleman from Missouri would, without insinuation, abide surveyed, the work had never to be done again. The the application of the rule which he seems to be so anxious to get the benefit of. He wants the public lands surveyed in Missouri with the same rapidity with which that operation was carried on in Ohio. The surveys, sir, were commenced in Ohio in 1785, and were not completed in that State until after the year 1820, a period of more than thirty-five years. Now, sir, apply the rule of favored Ohio to Missouri, and the surveys will not be completed there these twenty years to come: thus much for that part of the insinuation that Ohio is unwilling to do for others that which has been done for her.

expense of surveying them had to be incurred before they could be brought into market; and he thought it true economy to place them in a condition to be sold as speedily as possible, that the Government might realize the price of them. If the object of reducing the appropriation was to retard their sale, and thereby put a check to the emigration to the West, and prevent their speedy settlement, he trusted that we would not be compelled to discuss a question, so radically changing our policy, upon an appropriation bill. If economy was the object, there was the same reason for reducing the appropriation last year, or ten years ago, that there was now. He trusted that the House would take the question without further debate.

The question was now loudly demanded; and Mr. CLAY called for the yeas and nays; but the House refused to order them.

But, again, the gentleman says vast sums have been expended for surveys in Ohio, and now she refuses a similar favor to Missouri. During these thirty-five years, a little more than fourteen millions of acres were surveyed in Ohio, being the whole amount of public land in that State. In the course of some seven or eight years Mr. STORRS, of New York, asked what had been the prior to 1825, about twenty-seven millions had been sur-average sum appropriated for surveys in past years? veyed in Missouri, being an expenditure of nearly twice Mr. VERPLANCK replied, that it had varied from seas much in Missouri as the whole amount of all the sur-venty to one hundred and fifty or two hundred thousand veys made in Ohio, and, too, in less than one-fourth part dollars. The Committee of Ways and Means, after due of the time. Let the gentleman have the benefit of this examination, had fixed it at from ninety to one hundred example of favored Ohio, and the surveys in Missouri thousand dollars. Going back to the year 1815, it would would stop for the present where they now are. Ohio be found to be something more. has paid into the public treasury near twenty millions of After a few words from Mr. INGERSOLL, in answer dollars for land, while the receipts from Missouri have not to the inquiry of Mr. STORRS, the question was put on gone much, if any, beyond a million and a half. Let agreeing to the amendment submitted by Mr. McCox, and Missouri follow this example, if the gentleman is really decided in the negative--yeas 46, nays not counted. desirous to copy from Ohio, and then come and claim the grants and favors that have been bestowed on Ohio. Mr. V. said he protested against the right of any gen-affirmative, without a division. tleman here to arraign the motives of Ohio. Is Ohio to be put under the ban of her neighbors? Is she not a part of this Union? Has she not interests which it is the duty of this House to protect in common with her sister States? Have not her representatives a right to be heard on this floor, and to mingle in debate in questions like the present, in which she has more at stake, and a deeper interest, than any State in the Union? These, sir, are rights which her representatives on this floor will neither surrender nor cease to exercise, while they are faithful to her or true to themselves.

Mr. POLK said he did not intend unnecessarily to protract this unexpected discussion. His principal object was to call back the attention of the House to the real

The question then recurred on the amendment proposed in Committee of the Whole, and was determined in the


The question being then about to be put on the engrossment of the bill,

Mr. STANBERY moved to strike out the appropriation for the salary of a minister to Russia for the present year. Mr. S. remarked, that the President had informed the House that the United States were not represented at the court of Russia, nor was it probable, Mr. S. said, that they soon would be. Under such circumstances, an appropriation certainly was not necessary, and he hoped it would be stricken out of the bill. He called for the yeas and nays on his motion; when,

On motion of Mr. CARSON, the House adjourned. FROM THE NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER OF JANUARY 22.

question before it. The chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means had informed us that this was the usual and ordinary annual appropriation for this object; that Messrs. Gales and Seaton: In your report in this mornit was below the average of appropriations for the survey ing's paper of the debate on the 12th instant, concerning of the public lands, for the last half dozen years or more; the appropriation for surveying the public lands, Mr. that it was much below the appropriations for the same WICKLIFFE makes me urge the following objection against object, between the years 1815 and 1821. To refuse it, the appropriation: That "the United States, by her land would be suddenly to change what has, for a great series system, by reduction of the price of public lands, holds of years, been understood to be the settled policy of the out inducements to the citizens of the older States to emiGovernment in regard to its public domain. Were we grate, and purchase lands for themselves; thereby extendnow prepared to discuss or to decide that question? He ing our settlements beyond the limits which a true regard trusted, upon this annual appropriation bill for the support to the interest of the Government and of individual landof Government, we should not get into a discussion about holders will justify." Having a seat at a distance from the expediency of changing our past policy. If the that occupied by Mr. WICKLIFFE, and hearing him but

JAN. 13, 1831.] Report on Manufactures.--Duty on Sugar.--Mileage of Members.--Minister to Russia.

[H. of R. imperfectly, this statement by him of the argument he Mr. CAMBRELENG expressed his hope that the supposed I had used, wholly escaped my notice, or I motion for postponement would prevail. The subject of should have set him right at the time. I presume the the resolution was one of the first importance to the same circumstance occasioned his misapprehension of my country, and it was desirable to obtain every information remarks. I did not say what is imputed to me, nor any possible before acting upon it. The Secretary of the thing like it; and of course all that part of his speech Treasury would be enabled to furnish much information which is intended to refute the argument he supposed me concerning it, by next week; and with the aid of that, to have made, is misapplied. I never, upon the floor, or the question would be more fully investigated than it could elsewhere, objected to the citizens of the old States emi- be now. grating to the new; nor did I, in that speech, say any thing about a reduction of the price of public lands. It had nothing to do with the subject under discussion. My objection was to surveying and bringing more land into market than there is a demand for. The price of public land being fixed by law at $1 25 per acre, the purchaser will pay that price, whether one million or one hundred millions are surveyed and brought into market.

As to the great question of reducing the price of public lands, I have submitted the result of my opinions respecting it, in the shape of an amendment to the graduation bill, and when that bill is called up, it will be time enough for me to express my views on that subject. Yours, with great respect,

January 20, 1831.




Mr. MALLARY, from the Committee on Manufactures, to which was referred so much of the President's message as relates to the tariff of duties on imports, and so much thereof as respects manufactures, made a report, (for which see Appendix.)

The report was laid on the table, and 6,000 copies ordered to be printed.

Mr. MONELL, from the same committee, submitted a counter report of the minority of the committec, and 6,000 copies of that were also ordered to be printed.


The resolution of Mr. HAYNES, on the subject of the proposed reduction of the duties on brown sugar, was then taken up.

Mr. WHITE, of Louisiana, after a few remarks, moved its postponement until Monday week, in order to allow time for the reception of certain documents which he wished to obtain on the subject.

Mr. HAYNES opposed the postponement of the question.

The further consideration of the resolution was finally postponed till Monday next.


The proposed instructions to the Committee on Public Expenditures, yesterday submitted by Messrs. CHILTON and HALL, were taken up, and debated by those gentlemen till the time allotted for the consideration of resolutions had expired.


The House then resumed the consideration of the general appropriation bill: the question under consideration being the motion of Mr. STANBERY to strike out of the bill the appropriation for the salary of the minister to Russia.

Mr. CARSON said he heard with surprise the motion made yesterday by the gentleman from Ohio; and it was with still more surprise he had heard the reason which the gentleman assigned for his motion; which was, that President, that we had no minister at the court of Russia. the House had been informed by the message of the The gentleman had mistaken the Executive message-he had mistaken the information which it conveyed to the fell to the ground. When a motion is submitted by a House; and if the motion originated in that mistake, it it to be prompted by a high sense of duty to this House, member, said Mr. C., courtesy requires that we suppose or to the country. It is for those who hear it to judge if it have any other motive. If any other design gave rise to the present motion-if it was meant as a covert blow at the Executive, it was a feeble one-the arm that struck it was too nerveless to reach its object. Mr. C. here read the following passage from the President's message:

"Our relations with Russia are of the most stable character. Respect for that empire, and confidence in its friendship towards the United States, have been so long entertained on our part, and so carefully cherished by the present Emperor and his illustrious predecessor, as to Mr. TUCKER said that he saw no necessity for defer- have become incorporated with the public sentiment of ring the consideration of the measure. For his own part, the United States. No means will be left unemployed on he could not perceive the object of the proposed post- my part to promote these salutary feelings, and those imponement, nor could he imagine what beneficial results provements of which the commercial intercourse between could be produced by it. What, said he, is the purport the two countries is susceptible, and which have derived of this resolution? Does it commit the House in any man- increased importance from our treaty with the Sublime ner? Does it involve us in a pledge to abandon or to Porte. pursue any line of policy in this matter? Does it impose

"I sincerely regret to inform you that our minister on us the task of diminishing or continuing the present lately commissioned to that court, on whose distinguished duty on sugar? No. It is simply a motion of inquiry on talents and great experience in public affairs I place the part of the committee; and when that committee shall great reliance, has been compelled by extreme indisposi have investigated the subject, and reported upon it, then it will be the proper time for the House to enter upon a discussion of its merits. At present it surely is not in order to do so. When the proper time arrives, I, for one, shall have no objection to go into the whole question, and to take into consideration all the documents or evidence of any other kind, which may have a relation to the subject.

Mr. RAMSEY said, if the proposed motion prevailed, he should move that the resolution take another course; that it be referred to the Committee on Agriculture.

The SPEAKER said the question was now upon the postponement of the resolution.

tion to exercise a privilege which, in consideration of the extent to which his constitution had been impaired in the public service, was committed to his discretion, of leaving temporarily his post for the advantage of a more genial climate.

"If, as it is to be hoped, the improvement of his health should be such as to justify him in doing so, he will repair to St. Petersburg, and resume the discharge of his official duties. I have received the most satisfactory assurance that, in the mean time, the public interests in that quarter will be preserved from prejudice, by the intercourse which he will continue, through the secretary of legation, with the Russian cabinet."

H. OF R.]

Minister to Russia.

[JAN. 13, 1831.

Now, said Mr. C., does this justify the motion, and, as a Exception had been taken to the appointment. With measure of policy, would it be right to strike out the ap- what propriety? The House might exert a restraining propriation? What inference could be drawn from our judgment, through the incidental operation of its power to refusing the appropriation, but that we were about to deny appropriations, on the institution of missions. But in suspend our intercourse, and all amicable relations, with relation to the persons by whom they were to be filled, or the court of Russia? Sir, General Jackson and the ad- the conduct of the incumbents in their discharge, it was ministration need no support from me. The administration not the province of the House to exercise judgment and speaks for itself, and can support itself. discretion, but of the Executive. We intruded on that Mr. STANBERY rose, and replied that the motion was discretion, if we made any supposed conduct of the indictated by those principles which brought General Jack-cumbents, as we did upon decency, if we made newsson into office. During the preceding administration, paper fabrications the ground of our proceeding on such great clamor was heard about the profligate expenditure subjects here. But where was the ground for imputation of the public money, and about constructive journeys-in any view in the present instance? As regarded the and a change of administration was urged for the purpose nomination, for which the Executive had been arraigned of correcting these abuses. But Mr. S. saw no differ- with censure so widely diffused and unsparing, the perence between paying an officer for a constructive resi- son receiving it-who was he? How many filled so large dence and for a constructive journey. The House had a space of reputation? Who was there remaining on the just heard read, that the minister sent to Russia does not public theatre, who had filled so long and unbroken a reside there; we have all seen him here we know him, space of public service--a career of active, and sedulous, and know that he cannot reside there-if he receive the and brilliant exertion, extending beyond the period of public money as minister to Russia, without residing there, thirty years? His talents--where was any to be found he will be paid for a constructive residence. We know, superior, ripened in this long period of service, to the as far as we know any thing about him, that he resides in fullness, yet not beyond it, of the most fruitful maturity? England, or in France-we know, at any rate, that he His political attainments, they were not inferior to his does not reside at his post in Russia, and have reason to talents. This was the nomination which had brought believe that he will not reside there. Is it right to pay vehement vituperation on the Executive, as an extravafor duties thus performed? Might he not as well reside gant abuse of its discretion of appointments. at home, and still be considered minister to Russia, as to But consider the matter in another view. A tried reside in England or France, in that capacity? Mr. S. public servant, who, in a most active career of thirty said that, in making the motion, he had aimed no covert years, has never sought official appointment, (as he did blow at the administration-he had made the motion in not this, which he has now received,) nor other reward, pursuance of what he deemed his duty to the public. In than the favor of his immediate constituents, and public doing so, he was acting as the individual in question esteem, retires, with health in some degree impaired, but would himself have acted, under similar circumstances, his faculties and capacity of usefulness unbroken. were he now a member of this House. If we are to pay it matter of just imputation on an Executive, which his that individual for the public services which it is said he exertions contributed to bring into the public servicehas performed, let us do so directly, not indirectly-not representing a great political division in the nation of pay him for those services, by giving him a salary for an which he has been an eminent ornament--wholly unsoli office which he fills but in name. These principles I cited-when he had left the situation which might bring learned, said Mr. S., from that gentleman himself, in here listening to him with delight, while denouncing the abuses of other administrations in misapplying the public



the motive of this proceeding into question--that it has been desirous to extend to a public servant, so circumstanced, an acknowledgment of merit--a mark of regard --a recall to renewed exertion of his abilities? Had not, Mr. A. would not say the individual, but the country, a right to expect this?

Mr. ARCHER said, that when at the moment of the adjournment of the House last evening, as he understood, the motion had been submitted, he was not in his place, The complaint disclosed by the present motion, howto take the notice of it which was due from him, in the ever, was not directly to the appointment of Mr. Ranrelation in which he was placed to the discussion of topics dolph, but his absence at the present moment from the of this character here. He had but a few words to offer scene of his duties. The first suggestion in the party in resistance of it now. It proposed to take from the vituperation which had prevailed, was--that he had appropriation the provision for the mission to Russia. If assumed this privilege of absenting himself, unpermitted. this were done, not the professed object only, the recall This suggestion had been repelled by the message of the of the present minister to that court, but an effect much President, which had been read by the gentleman from beyond it would be produced-the interdiction of any North Carolina, [Mr. CARSON.] The exercise of a dismission there at all. If there was to be no appropriation, cretion in this respect had been accorded to the minister. no minister could be maintained-one more acceptable no On what grounds? His health, though better at the time more than the present. The operation then of the motion, of his acceptance of this mission, than for a considerable if it could succeed, would be to suspend diplomatic rela-period, had been impaired. With a feeble constitution, tions with that Power--the greatest in the world-the and such a state of health, he distrusted the extreme rigor Power with which our relations of amity had been the of the climate of Russia. Permission had, in this view, least interrupted, and the closest to which, in great and been accorded to him, in the event of his health failing, vital collisions which might await us, we must look, if any to remove to a more favorable climate. where, for consentaneous policy and effective support. occurrence of the contingency, he had availed himself of In this view of the subject, he should submit the motion the permission, with the purpose of returning to his situ to the decision of the House. ation with the removal of the cause of his departure.

In the actual

There were purposes, however, Mr. A. said, covered It had been conceived, Mr. A. was aware, in not an by the motion, which would induce him to trouble the entire consistency with the present charge of Mr. RanHouse with a few observations. The gentleman aimed at dolph's undue absence from this sphere of his duties, that by the motion, was from his own State--distinguished by he had, in truth, no duties to discharge, and that it was a large share of its esteem; and some degree of sensibility for this reason that the appointment had been conferred might be supposed to be awakened by the attacks upon on him. Mr. A. could assure the House, if they would him, and on the Executive for his appointment, circulated accept his voucher for the fact, that this conception was very extensively, and now disclosing themselves here. [founded in mistake. Our present mission to St. Peters

JAN. 13, 1831.]

Minister to Russia.

[H. OF R.

burg was charged with duties of no unimportant charac- no disrespectful reflection on the gentleman, but we want ter. It was due, however, to candor to say, that, how- a man who can talk to the Autocrat, in reference to the ever it was desirable to proceed in every business with mutual interests of the two countries. Such a one do we despatch, the affairs were not of a nature to suffer detri- want at the court of Russia. The gentleman from Virment from a transient delay of prosecution, such as might ginia tells us that Mr. Randolph has done great services be expected to be constituted by the present absence of to the country, that he is distinguished for his talents, and the minister. so forth. Well, let that pass. But it was not merely beAn erroneous impression, Mr. A. believed, had been cause a person had figured well on the floor of Congress, taken up, that the departure of Mr. Randolph from St. that he is to be selected as a minister. We want a man Petersburg had given occasion of dissatisfaction to that who can do the business of the country-who can present court. Mr. A. had seen the correspondence ensuing the himself before the Emperor, and tell him what we deem annunciation to the Russian Government of his intention to be the suitable relations between us. Is it merely beto be temporarily absent, and its grounds. The annun- cause Mr. Randolph has, in a certain fashion, distinguished ciation had been received in the best temper, and re- himself on the floor of Congress, that he has been selected sponded to in a spirit of the utmost courtesy and polite- as a minister? He [Mr. M.] believed, that he understood ness. But, whatever might be the character of the absence the character of Mr. Randolph as well as any man, and of the minister at St. Petersburg from his station, it fur-valued his talents about as high as any one; but here is a nished no colorable support, Mr. A. maintained, to the plain matter of business; and we want a man who will be present motion. It did not belong to the House to super- on the spot, and stand by our interests. He understood vise, in this mode, the demeanor of our diplomatic func- that the gentleman was in delicate health, and could not tionaries. This was the uncontested function of the stand the rough winter of a Muscovite climate. Well, we Executive. Were the intentions on this function war-want some one who can; and not a minister who is obliged ranted, could any man conceive the present a proper case to retreat from the inclemency of a Russian atmosphere, for it, and the ground alleged adequate? And, in the to the more congenial climate of France, and to leave the worst view, were we to suspend diplomatic relations with interests which have been entrusted to him in the hands Russia, because we were not entirely satisfied with the of a secretary. Something to this effect had been stated conduct of the functionary who had been deputed there? to us in the newspapers, as well as in the message. Mr. For that such would be the effect of the denial of the en- M. then referred to the clamor which was raised when tire appropriation, no one could contest. If we did not Mr. Rufus King was sent to England by the late adminislike the minister the Executive had selected, were we tration, because his state of health was such as to render therefore to determine we would have no minister, which it impossible for him to remain; yet we are now called on we could not have if we made no provision for the pay- to vote à salary for a minister who has merely made his ment of a minister? This was the simple question to be bow at court, and staid ten days, and then left the busidecided in the vote on the motion. It was a false infer-ness of his mission to a secretary; and we are told that the ence, that, because we had competence to determine the purposes of his mission were successfully fulfilled while continuance of a mission, we were invested with the same he remained there! If all which is required to be done, competence to determine the propriety of continuing a can be as well done by the secretary as by the minister, minister; or if we were invested with it, that we should let the minister remain in the United States, in the city of exercise such a competence on grounds that were inade- Washington, and let him do all by correspondence with quate, and in a form that would derogate from the dignity the secretary at St. Petersburg. Let the plenipo stay here, and communicate with his secretary there.

of the House.


These, Mr. A. said, were the explanatory observations doubt, if the Emperor can have his objects accomplished, he had to offer on the motion, and the grounds of it. The he will be satisfied with the minister we have sent him; House would do him the justice to acknowledge that he but we want one who will remain on the spot. If (he rehad been guilty of no deviation from the proper tone of peated) a secretary be sufficient to transact the business, explanation, nor indulged, in any degree, that spirit of let the plenipotentiary remain at home, and the secretary acrimony which had come to pervade all political discus-reside at the court of Russia.


sions among us, and had especially infused its venom into Mr. BURGES said, the present is, I believe, no unusual the subject of this. He should stand without excuse, if discussion. In the short term of my service in this hall, he exhibited participation in a spirit which, from whatever I have witnessed sitting after sitting of a Committee of source it sprang, or to whatever objects it was directed, the Whole House on the state of the Union, where the he was one of the loudest to condemn. quantum of salary, compared with the service of foreign Mr. MALLARY stated that there were some great con- ministers, was the subject of most stirring debate. siderations connected with this question, which demanded has the competency of this House to move such debate notice. He was not disposed to speak of the gentleman been questioned? Never, until the present sitting of this who holds the appointment of minister to Russia, as a gen- committee. If I am mistaken, I ask the chairman of the tleman from Virginia. He thought there were higher Committee on Foreign Relations to tell me when that considerations to be viewed. We well knew the influence question was made by the friends of the last administration. which the Autocrat exercises. He puts his foot on the The question is put to him, because of his proximity to neck of nine-tenths of the physical power of Europe: his the Executive Department, and because, if he will not thumb is on Kamschatka, his little finger touches the Al- give it a candid answer, such answer can be expected cutian islands; it is well known, also, that he feels, or pre- from no gentleman in this hall. tends to feel, great friendship for the United States. It What call, then, can, by any usage, be at this time is our duty to cultivate this feeling. We know our situa- made on this branch of the Government, to throw itself at tion is delicate, as regards the European Powers. What the very foot of Executive subserviency? Do the people is to be done? How are we to improve our condition? expect this from us? They have placed the national funds Not by confiding our affairs to persons who have no higher at our control, but with a full confidence in our fidelity qualifications than that they are gentlemen of Virginia. and diligence, and under no fear that we should unlock We want somebody at the court of Russia to hold inter- the treasury, unless paramount public interest call upon course with the Autocrat--to meet him face to face, not us to turn the key. We cannot do this merely because on bended knee--to be there on the spot, and honestly required to do it by cabinet ministers, or by the Execu to communicate our honest wishes. We do not wish a tive under their advisement. This House has ever claimed

minister who is to be continually an absentee. He intended and exercised the right to deliberate, to debate, and,

H. OF R.]

Minister to Russia.

[JAN. 13, 1831.

"The right divine in man" to rule, "the enormous faith of many made for one," comprehends in its creed no permanent provision for any crafty sycophant to skulk and screen himself behind the throne, and play the little tyrant with security.

under a sound discretion of its own, to decide and deter- found in this message, sent to Congress by them, while mine all claims for appropriation, by whomsoever, or for they lie sheltered under the imposing name of the first whatsoever purpose they may have been made. If mis- dignitary of the nation. If the King can do no wrong, sions of minor importance were, in years past, questioned, thank God ministers may, even in these times, be made under the vigilance of a spirit of retrenchment, without accountable for the counsels which they have given him. a fellow in former times, may we not now--although that spirit has been touched, and put to sleep by the caduceus of the State Department-may we not call to our aid so much of the sober watchfulness of the best days of our republic as may enable us, with due diligence, to examine such a question of appropriation as this item of this bill That part of this message, from which we learn the has brought before us? It relates to no mission to an character of this mission to Russia, is all of it which now infant nation, or some inconsiderable State, but to our it concerns us to examine. Our foreign relations are a long established legation to a court among the most illus. branch of the Department of State; and this mission was trious of Europe, and involving relations pre-eminently contrived, and the account of it contained in the message, interesting to our country. Innovations relative to this has been given to us by the Secretary of that Department. distinguished mission do, above many others, place our The gentleman from North Carolina [Mr. CARSON] has national interests in jeopardy. Our relations with Russia read this account for one purpose-suffer me to read it have hitherto been cherished and sustained by a minister for another. plenipotentiary residing near that court--at that court, in the royal city of St. Petersburg, and within the political and social circle of the Emperor himself, the high dignitaries of his Government, and the diplomatic envoys of all the nations of Europe, and many of those of Asia.

"Our relations with Russia are of the most stable character. Respect for that empire, and confidence in its friendship towards the United States, have been so long entertained on our part, and so carefully cherished by the present Emperor and his illustrious predecessor, as to have become incorporated with the public sentiment of the United States."

What, then, is the question before the committee, under this item of appropriation? The gentleman from Ohio [Mr. STANBERY] has moved to strike from the bill the "I sincerely regret to inform you that our minister latenine thousand dollars proposed to be appropriated for ly commissioned to that court, on whose distinguished payment of the current year's salary to the gentleman talents and great experience in public affairs I place great said to have been despatched as minister to Russia. He reliance, has been compelled by extreme indisposition to has ably, though briefly, sustained his motion. I trust the exercise a privilege which, in consideration of the extent committee will indulge me in a few remarks on the same to which his constitution had been impaired in the public side of the question. service, was committed to his discretion, of leaving temporarily his post for the advantage of a more genial climate.

The item itself bears no mark distinguishing it from others of the same kind, or giving us any warrant for rejecting this while those are allowed. We must look to "I have received the most satisfactory assurance that, other documents for information concerning this mission, in the mean time, the public interests in that quarter will and our obligations to furnish the money for supporting be preserved from prejudice, by the intercourse which he this minister at the court of St. Petersburg. The paper will continue, through the secretary of legation, with which I now take from the desk before me, contains that the Russian cabinet."

information. It purports to be the annual message from Am I not correct in saying that this fabric was wrought the President of the United States to Congress at the pre-in the Department of State? Who but Mr. Secretary Van sent session. It certainly bears his signature, and was Buren would have devised such a mission, or selected sent to this House by that high dignitary. Notwithstand-such a man to fill it, or caused such a printed paper to be ing these facts, the document must be received and con- sent to this House? We are told by it that our long estasidered entirely as the production of cabinet ministers. blished legation to Russia has been totally changed; and No literary gentleman in this hall--I mean no member that, in place of a permanently resident minister at that of this House-who reads and examines this communica- court, regardless of the public service, a mission has been tion, made to us so much at length, could, I think, say, invented to suit the talents, the health, habits, and disposiwithout hazard of their reputation, that he believes one tion of the distinguished individual for whom it was desentence of it was composed by the distinguished gentle-signed! By the very terms of this mission, this individual man whose name is placed at the end of it. This, sir, is is required to repair to Russia, but is authorized to leave not said for any purpose of derogation from the eminent that court, and that empire, whenever his health (and of official character of our First Magistrate, but for a very that he alone is the judge) may require it. Who but the different-a much more important purpose. Are gentle- Machiavelian politician at the head of the State Departmen aware of the extent of our importation of European ment would have advised the President to such a mission, politics? Have we not brought home, and put into use, or dared to place on a document, prepared to be sent to the high tory maxim of their monarchies, that the King this House, such a statement of its commencement, procan do no wrong? Was there ever a time in our country gress, and present condition? In what part of the conwhen the friends of any administration, other than the pre-stitution, or the laws of the United States, or of the usages sent, believed and practised this article of political faith of this Government, does he find any thing in support of with more unscrupulous devotion? The cabinet ministers the measure? It will not be hazarding very much to say of our Executive have taken artful counsel from this fact. that the House was never before this time called upon to As European ministers, being answerable with their heads pay such a salary for such services. for what the King, their master, may, from the throne, This distinguished minister to Russia is John Randolph. communicate to his Lords and Commons, will not suffer How does he understand the terms on which he agreed any speech, but of their own contriving, to be thus com- to embark on this mission? The course of conduct purmunicated; so, the adroit ministers of our cabinet, taking sued by him since his departure may give us some knowshelter under the Executive subserviency of the times, ledge on this point. We are left in nearly utter darkness have not only put upon the nation this message, but the by the Department of State concerning all the movements President, a man who, if he moved at all, always marched of this minister: for the message merely tells us that he straightforward to his object, they have betrayed into the has already taken benefit under the sinecure clause in his crooked counsels which may, by diligent examination, be charter of legation. He has left the court of our illustri

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