1 : Question being put on the motion: resolved in the affirmative. Resolved, That the commanding officer in the northern department be empowered for the term of four months, from the date of this resolution, to suspend any officers, under his command, for mal-conduct, and to appoint others in their room, till such time as the pleasure of Congress can be known, concerning the person or persons so suspended; and that he report to Congress, with as much despatch as possible, the names of such as he may suspend, with the cause of their suspension. Resolved, That it be a standing rule, that every morning after the reading of the public letters, and giving orders concerning them, the reports of the board of treasury and the reports of the board of war, if any there are, be immediately taken into consideration. The board of war brought in a report, which was read : Ordered, That the consideration thereof be postponed till to-morrow. Adjourned to ten o'clock to-morrow. FRIDAY, August 15, 1777. A letter, of the 4th, from H. B. Livingston, with sundry papers enclosed, and one, of the 24th of July, from governor Henry, of Virginia, were read: Ordered, That the former be referred to the board of war, and the latter to the board of treasury. Congress took into consideration the reports of the board of war; Whereupon, Resolved, That the executive authorities of the several states be requested to transmit to Congress accounts of all monies advanced, and expenses incurred for prisoners of war, during their residence in their respective states, and that such accounts be transmitted within the space of 12 weeks after receipt of this notice, or else to be ever thereafter foreclosed. Resolved, That the part of colonel Richardson's letter which relates to Thomas Lightfoot, be sent to the executive council of Pennsylvania, with a request to have him secured. Resolved, That a copy of that part of colonel Richardson's letter which relates to Thomas Cockayne, George Walton and Thomas Lightfoot, of Sussex county, in the state of Delaware, be transmitted to president M'Kinley, and that he be desired forthwith to take order for the apprehension and confinement of the said Cockayne, Walton and Lightfoot; and that colonel Richardson be ordered to afford every assistance in his power to president M'Kinley, and the officers whom he shall employ in this necessary service. It was then moved, "That Peter and Burton Robinson, subjects of the Delaware state, accused of carrying on a criminal correspondence with the enemy, and whom colonel Richardson has seized and sent to Congress, be immediately conveyed to the executive power of the Delaware state;" Passed in the negative. Resolved, That Peter and Burton Robinson, be remanded to the Delaware state, whenever president M'Kinley shall order or request it. A motion was made in the following words: "It being represented to the Congress, that a large majority of the inhabitants of Sussex county, in the Delaware state, are disaffected, Resolved, That it be recommended to state of Delaware, to pass a law, directing any inhabitant of that county, charged with treason, misprision of treason, or high and dangerous offences against that state, to be tried in any other county of the state :" Passed in the negative. Resolved, That it be recommended to the president of the Delaware state, to order 20 light-horse to join colonel Richardson, in the county of Sussex, and give him all assistance in their power, to execute the directions of the *aid state, in the room of the 200 militia ordered there. Congress took into consideration the report of the board of treasury of the 13th, and thereupon, came to the following resolutions: Whereas, the state of Georgia has advanced very considerable sums of money, for the pay and subsistence of continental troops employed by the directions of Congress, in the defence of that state, and for that, and other continental uses, emitted bills of credit and certificates, which they are very desirous should be redeemed and cancelled; and it being just and reasonable that the accounts of such expenditures should be forthwith settled, and the balance which shall appear to be due from the United States paid, and that a further provision should be made for supplying the military-chest, in Georgia, with money, for the pay and subsistence of the troops stationed in that state for the future: Resolved, therefore, That commissioners of accounts be appointed to state and settle all accounts and claims respecting the United States, which have arisen or shall arise in North-Carolina, South-Carolina and Georgia, and that they repair, without delay, to Georgia, and examine and adjust all continental accounts with that state, or any officers or individuals within the same, and that they be empowered to receive and pay the balances of accounts, as they shall be respectively owing to, or from, the United States, and report their proceedings to the treasury board, in order to their being laid before Congress and finally confirmed. Resolved, That 400,000 dollars be remitted to the state of Georgia, on account of the monies so advanced by that state, for the use of the United States; that such sum be paid out of the money hereafter directed to be emitted, unless the board of treasury shall be of opinion, that it may be sooner spared from the treasury, in which case a warrant shall issue on their application without respect to the said emission: That the warrant shall be drawn on the treasurer at Baltimore, or auditor-general, as, in the opinion of the board of treasury, shall be most convenient, and in favor of the board of war, who are to transmit the money to the said state, for the sole purpose of calling in, exchanging and cancelling all such bills of credit and certificates as have been emitted by that state, for the pay and subsistence of the troops of the United States and other continental purposes: That another warrant shall issue in the manner prescribed by the preceding resolution, in favor of the board of war, for 500,000 dollars, to be remitted by them to the deputy pay-master general, for the pay and subsistence of the continental troops in Georgia: That if, on the settlement of accounts between the United States and the state of Georgia, less shall appear to be due to that state than the sum directed to be transmitted, the surplus shall be paid by the said state into the hands of Joseph Clay, esq. deputy pay-master general in Georgia, whose receipt shall be a sufficient voucher; but, if more shall appear to be due to the said state, the balance shall be paid to the said state by the said deputy paymaster general, on the warrants of the commissioners who shall adjust the account. Resolved, That as a fund for the above and other purposes, one million of dollars be emitted under the direction of the treasury-board, and on the faith of the United States: that the bills shall, excepting the numbers, be of the same tenor and date as the emission now executing, be numbered from the last number of each respective denomination of that emission progressively, and consist of the following denominations, to wit: 15,384 bills of the denomination of 3 dollars, the like number of 4 dollars, the like number of 5 dollars, the like number of 6 dollars, and the like number of 7 dollars respectively, and 15,385 of the denomination of 2 dollars, and the like number of 8 dollars, and the like number of 50 dollars respectively: That all powers and duties of Michael Hillegas, esq. and of the inspectors of the press, signers and printers of the said emission now executing, shall extend to the said one million to be emitted, subject, however, to such directions and instructions as the board of treasury may judge expedient: Resolved, That all former resolutions of Congress respecting the premises be repealed. A memorial from Nicholas Garret, was read : Ordered, That it be referred to the board of treasury. The committee to whom was referred the petition of Peter Knight and John Green, report, "That, having heard the argument of counsel upon the said petition, they are of opinion, from the particular circumstances of the case, that the appeal of the said Knight and Green, from the sentence of the court of admiralty for the state of Georgia, in the cause major John White and lieut. Hardy, against the sloop Polly, &c. should be received and heard, notwithstanding the said appeal was not entered within five days, or lodged within forty days, as directed by the resolve of Congress; Whereupon, Resolved, That the appeal be received. The several matters to this day referred, being postponed, SATURDAY, August 16, 1777. A letter, of the 15th, from general Washington, at the Cross-Roads; one, of the 10th, from general Schuyler, at Albany; one, of the 7th, from colonel G. Morgan, at Fort-Pitt, with the minutes of a treaty held with the Indians; also, a letter from brigadier-general Hand to the board of war, were read : Ordered, That a copy of the letter from general Washington be sent to the supreme executive council of Pennsylvania, and that they be requested to have the general's views carried into execution with all possible despatch. Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed to take into consideration the state of the western frontiers, and the northern department, and report thereon with all convenient despatch: The members chosen, Mr. Duer, Mr. R. H. Lee, Mr. Wilson, Mr. J. Adams and Mr. Chase. Resolved, That Monday next be assigned for taking into consideration the articles of confederation. Resolved, That the report of the committee on the treasury, on the ways and means of raising supplies for carrying on the war, be referred to a committee of the whole. Ordered, That the letters lately received from the commissioners at Paris, be referred to the said committee. Congress was then resolved into a committee of the whole, and after some time, the president resumed the chair, and Mr. Harrison reported, that the committee have had under consideration the matters referred to them, but not having come to a conclusion, desire leave to sit again. Resolved, That Congress will, on Monday next, resolve itself into a committee of the whole, to consider farther the ways and means for raising supplies to carry on the war. Resolved, That 300 dollars be advanced to Daniel Joy, for public service, he to be accountable: That 300 dollars be advanced to R. Peters, esq. secretary of the board of war, for contingent expenses, he to be accountable. The committee on the western frontiers and northern department, brought in a report, which was taken into consideration; Whereupon, Resolved, That general Washington be informed, that, in the opinion of Congress, 500 riflemen, under the command of an active and spirited officer, should be immediately sent into the northern department, to assist in opposing the incursions of the enemy in that quarter. The committee report, that they have not had time to consider the whole matter referred to them, and therefore desire leave to sit again: Ordered, That leave be granted. Resolved, That the president and supreme executive council of Pennsylvania, be requested to give brigadier-general Hand such assistance from the militia of the counties of Westmoreland, Northumberland and Bedford, as general Hand may think necessary. The several matters to this day referred, being postponed, MONDAY, August 18, 1777. A letter, of the 8th, from general Schuyler, with a copy of a letter from general Lincoln; one, of the 16th, and two, of the 17th, from general Washington; ore, of the 6th, from S. Hopkins, with a copy of the journal of proceedings of a committee from the four New-England states and New-York: Ordered, That so much of the foregoing letters as relate to the northern department, be referred to the committee on the state of the western frontiers and northern department; that the remainder of the general's letters be referred to the board of war; that the letter from the hon. S. Hopkins, esq. with the journal accompanying it, be referred to a committee of three : The members chosen, Mr. Laurens, Mr. Jones, and Mr. Witherspoon. A memorial from J. Wynkoop was read : Ordered, That it be referred to the board of treasury. A letter, from governor Henry, of Virginia, to the delegates of that state, with sundry papers enclosed, was laid before Congress, and read : Ordered, That the same be referred to the board of war. Congress being moved to pass sundry resolutions, Ordered, That the same be referred to the marine committee. Congress took into consideration a report from the board of treasury; Whereupon, Ordered, That there be advanced to capt. George Price, of col. Morgan's 11th Virginia battalion, for the use of his company lately raised, and now on their march to camp, 2000 dollars, to be charged to the said battalion. Ordered, That the sum of 500 dollars be advanced to the commissioners of accounts, at the treasury-office, for the purpose of paying arrearages due to prisoners, for which the said commissioners are to be accountable. Ordered, That there be advanced to captain Samuel Kearsley, of an independent company of continental troops, 1000 dollars, to purchase blankets for the said company and captain Irwin's independent company, by the special order of general Washington, and the approbation of the clothier-general; the said captain Kearsley, to be subject to the directions of the clothiergeneral, and to account to him for the expenditure of the money, which is to be charged to the account of the clothier-general : Ordered, That there be advanced to colonel le chevalier de Lesser and to colonel le chevalier de Valcourt, respectively, 450 dollars; and to captain de Vrigney, 240 dollars, for which they are severally to be accountable. In consequence of an adjustinent by the commissioners of claims, the auditor-general reports, That there is due, to captain George May, of colonel Haller's battalion of Berks county flying-camp, for sundry meals supplied his company previous to their joining the flying camp; also, for sundry flints delivered colonel Haller, and for three gun-locks, lost at Fort-Washington, 75 8-90 dollars : To Abraham Holmes, for sundry meals supplied the militia on their march through Lancaster to camp, 11 12-90 dollars: To Thomas M'Coy, late ensign in the 7th Pennsylvania regiment, a balance of his account, for pay and rations, from the 1st October, 1776, to the 10th of August, 1777, the said M'Coy having been made prisoner in Canada, and lately exchanged at Halifax, 185 23-90 dollars : To lieut. Willam Allen, of captain Green's company of the Lancaster county flying-camp, for subsistence, paid by him, for men of his company, for flints, powder-horns and shot-pouches, lost on Long-Island, and for the pay due to one lieutenant and three privates, which he advanced, 83 dollars: Ordered, That the said accounts be paid. Ordered, That the report of the board of war of the 14th be re-committed. Congress was resolved into a committee of the whole, to consider farther the report of the committee on the ways and means of raising supplies for carrying on the war, and after some time, the president resumed the chair, and Mr. Harrison reported, that the committee have considered farther the report referred to them, but not having come to a conclusion, desire leave to sit again. Resolved, That Congress will, to-morrow, resolve itself into a committee of the whole, to consider the report of the treasury, on the ways and means of raising supplies for carrying on the war. Ordered, That 2000 dollars be advanced to the state of Maryland, to be paid to the delegates of that state, which is to be accountable. A petition, from William Pyot, and one from Lawrence Greenholm, were presented to Congress: Ordered, That they be referred to the board of war. The several matters to this day referred, being postponed, TUESDAY, August 81, 1777. A letter, of the 13th, from general Washington, was read. Resolved, That the Hessian field-officers and colonel Campbell, be admitted to their parole, on the terms prescribed for officers who are prisoners. The committee appointed to digest and report the mode of conducting the enquiry into the reasons of the evacuation of Ticonderoga and Fort-Independence, and into the conduct of the general officers in the northern-department, at the time of the evacuation, brought in a report, which was read: Ordered, To lie for consideration. Congress resolved itself into a committee of the whole, to consider farther the report of the board of treasury, on the ways and means of raising supplies for carrying on the war, and, after some time, the president resumed the chair, and Mr. Harrison reported, that the committee have considered farther the matter referred to them, but not having come to a conclusion, desire leave to sit again. Resolved, That Congress will, to-morrow, resolve itself into a committee of the whole, to consider farther the report of the board of treasury, on the ways and means of raising supplies for carrying on the war. The committee on the treasury brought in a report; Whereupon, Ordered, That there be advanced to captain William Peery, of an independent company, stationed at Lewistown, in the state of Delaware, 500 dollars, for the pay and subsistence of the said company, for which he is to be accountable. In consequence of an adjustment by the commissioners of claims, the auditor-general reports, That there is due to captain William Peery, of an independent company, appointed by Congress to guard Lewistown, and the pilots and others in that quarter, on a pay-roll due to a company of militia which he commanded, also on a pay and subsistence roll due to his independent company to the Ist inst. also on a doctor's and blacksmith's bills, amounting, in the whole, to 3542 63-90 dollars, of which he received of president M-Kinley, of the state of Delaware, 1500 dollars; a balance of 2042 63-90 dollars : To James Hopkins, his account of eight men's services for 30 days each, |