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Johnston, who retreated rapidly on and through Raleigh. Sherman occupied the city on the morning of the 13th, having heard the day before the news of Lee's surrender. On the 14th of April, a correspondence was opened between Sherman and Johnston, the result of which was, on the 18th, an agreement for the suspension of hostilities, and a memorandum or basis for peace, subject to the approval of the president. It was held at Washington that Sherman had transcended his powers, and the agreement was disapproved by Andrew Johnson on the 21st of April. Grant went in person and communicated the disapproval to Sherman, who at once gave notice to Johnston of the termination of the truce that had been entered into. On the 26th of April, another meeting was held, the result of which was, the surrender and disbandment of Johnston's army on substantially the same terms as those which were accorded to Lee.

On the 4th of May, Gen. Dick Taylor surrendered to Gen. Canby all the remaining rebel forces east of the Mississippi; and on the 26th of May, Kirby Smith surrendered to the same general all the insurgent forces west of the great river.*

In bringing to a close this condensed narrative of military operations, we may properly conclude the present chapter with the last paragraph in Gen.

* As matters of interest, in this connection, it may here be briefly stated, that the number of men surrendered, in the different rebel armies, was as follows: Lee's army, 27,805; Johnston's, 31,243; Dick Taylor's, 42,293; K. Smith's, 17,686; smaller organizations, in all, 55,196; making a total of 174,223. There were also in our hands nearly 100,000 prisoners of war. About 2,000 enlisted in the army; 63,442 were released 33,127 were delivered in exchange.

Grant's report: "It has been my fortune to see the armies of both the West and the East fight battles, and from what I have seen I know there is no difference in their fighting qualities. All that it was possible for men to do in battle they have done. The western armies commenced their battles in the Mississippi Valley, and received the final surrender of the remnant of the principal army opposed to them in North Carolina. The armies of the East commenced their battles on the river from which the Army of the Potomac derived its name, and received the final surrender of their old antagonist at Appomattox Court House, Virginia. The splendid achievements of each have nationalized our victories, removed all sectional jealousies (of which we have unfortunately experienced too much), and the cause of crimination and recrimination that might have followed had either section failed in its duty. All have a proud record, and all sections can well congratulate themselves and each other for having done their full share in restoring the supremacy of law over every foot of territory belonging to the United States. Let them hope for perpetual peace and harmony with that enemy, whose manhood, however mistaken the cause, drew forth such herculean deeds of valor."*

*On the 1st of May, the entire army force amounted to 1,000,516, officers and men. The aggregate available force present for duty on the 1st of March was: Army of the Potomac, 103,273; armies in the several departments, 499,325; total, 602,598. Steps were taken immediately for mustering out the troops, so that from the beginning of May to August 7th, there were mustered out 640,806 troos; from that date to November 15th, there were musered out 160,157; total, 800,963.







General state of feeling throughout the country now that the rebellion was at an end - Mr. Lincoln's personal gratification - His intention as to the future-Warnings as to danger to his life - Not heeded by him His last public address-The fatal day, Friday, April 14th-Visit to Ford's theatre in the evening Wilkes Booth the assassin-Narrative of the horrifying scene - Attempt to murder Mr. Seward also, in his bed, by Payne - Profound astonishment all through the land - Andrew Johnson becomes president, takes the oath of office, etc., April 15th- Close of the present work.

[blocks in formation]

There was of course throughout the loyal states, as well as in various parts of the states which had been partakers, more or less willingly, in rebellion, a feeling of deep satisfaction at the contest being brought to its close. Bright hopes of the future were indulged in, and joyous expectations entertained of renewed and increasing prosperity under the benign reign of peace and concord. The people gave expression to their joyous hopes and wishes in many ways; and while there was exultation, and even pride, in the

great victory which had been vouchsafed to the loyal cause, there was also a willingness to recognize, in what had taken place, the guiding hand and merciful goodness of Divine Providence. There was a spirit and disposition to exercise magnanimity, and such gentleness as was consistent with the preservation of truth and right, towards those who had gone astray, and, under the guidance of treasonable leaders, had madly endeavored to thrust a sword through the heart of the nation. While thoughtful and patriotic men looked with more or less of anxiety at the state of things, so novel in the history of the world, so utterly with out precedent, and involving questions of so much difficulty and delicacy in efforts to settle them, there was still a strong and positive desire to deal with our difficulties as became an intelligent, high-minded, Christian people, and to act towards the vanquished insurgents in such wise as would result, not only in bringing them to see and acknowledge the error of their

ways, but also in re-uniting and strength ening the ruptured bonds of union and national concord.

blems under our republican form of government, viz., how to restore the rebellious states and people to the full enjoyment of all the rights and privi leges which they had insanely endeavor

vindicate the majesty and dignity of the violated Constitution and laws of the land. So far as the foresight of man could reach, Mr. Lincoln seemed to be the one whose training and discipline, during the past four years, rendered him essential to the country's safety, in its present critical condition; and the people were full of hope, that, under his firm, judicious, common-sense management of national affairs, it would not be long ere light would emerge out of gloom and darkness, and order, peace, and concord resume their wonted reign.

President Lincoln shared in the common joy and rejoicing of the people, beside having reason for special thanked to destroy, and at the same time fulness and joy on his own account. His had been no position to be envied for four years past, and he, if any man, in the whole country, was able to rejoice in seeing the end of a struggle which had been one of life or death to the Republic. We may well believe, from what we know of the man, that while he rejoiced unfeignedly in the overthrow of the rebellion, he rejoiced even more in the glad prospect of carrying forward work of another kind, consequent upon the state of things which resulted from crushing the traitorous designs of the ambitious and unscrupulous leaders in the revolt; we mean, the work of healing the wounds which war had made, and by a wise, manly, and conciliatory policy, bringing together again in harmony and good will the severed sections of our common country.

It was a noble desire, a magnaminous resolve, worthy of the chief magistrate of a great nation, which animated the bosom of Abraham Lincoln; and so far as human sagacity can venture to judge of results yet in the future, it seemed to be a special privilege belonging to the American people, that the man who had established, on the most solid foundation, a character for honesty, uprightness, unselfishness, candor, and gentleness of heart, should be the one into whose hands was committed for solution the most difficult of all pro

But, alas for all human calculations! a mysterious Providence had otherwise ordered the course of events, and the sixteenth president of the United States was stricken down so suddenly, and in so horrible a manner, that, for the time, the national heart was paralyzed, and the ship of state, for the moment, appeared to be cut loose from her moor ings, and, without chart or rudder, to be rushing swiftly to destruction. The narrative of the termination of Mr. Lincoln's life must now be given. It is a mournful task, but it forms a part of our history which cannot be overlooked, in its consequences and results, so far as they have, as yet, heen developed.

The evil passions engendered by civil war, and the demon-like spite and hatred of many among the rebel sym





and the president was waited on by a large company to congratulate him on this important event. The next even ing, April 11th, Mr. Lincoln made some extended remarks, which, being the last of his public speeches, are worthy the reader's thoughtful consideration. They are given in full by Mr. Raymond, pp. 684-687.

pathizers and agents, had led more than of Lee's surrender came directly after, one of the friends of the government to apprehend, that some attempt would be made upon the life of the president and other prominent men in our public affairs. Mr. Lincoln had been warned several times of threats and dangers from various quarters,* and he had been entreated to be more careful and watchful in respect to personal exposure; but he uniformly treated all apprehensions of the kind as unfounded, and seems never to have been troubled with any fears on the subject. He had passed unscathed through the four years of the war, and now, as there appeared to be no reason for an assault upon his life, nothing to be gained by the enemies of the government by such a course, he regarded the anxieties of his friends and supporters as needless and uncalled for, and he looked upon the future with bright expectations unmarred by any fears of personal harm or injury.

Mr. Lincoln, after a brief visit to Richmond (p. 532) returned to Washington, April 9th, his return having been hastened by the serious accident to Mr. Seward, who, having been thrown from his carriage, had had his right arm and jaw broken. The news

*These warnings were so distinct and direct, Mr.

Raymond assures us, that Mr. Seward consulted Secretary. Stanton in regard to them, and it was agreed that he should lay the subject before the presi

dent the next day, and earnestly represent to him the expediency of avoiding, for a time, all public gather ings, and all needless exposure to possible assault.

But the next day Mr. Seward was thrown from his car

riage, and, his foot catching in the steps, he was drag ged for some distance and so seriously injured that he

was compelled to dismiss all thought of public matters from his mind. See" Life of Abraham Lincoln,” P 693.

On that last, fatal day, Friday, April 14th, a cabinet meeting was held at eleven o'clock, at which Gen. Grant was present; various matters of policy were discussed; and the president's views met with the approbation of all his constitutional advisers. As this was the day appointed for the raising the flag of the United States on Fort Sumter, it was generally expected that, besides the president, Gen. Grant and others would show themselves in public, and make meet recognition of so interesting an event. Mr. Lincoln, on invitation, consented to visit Ford's Theatre, in Tenth street, Washington, that evening, and it was thought that the lieutenant-general and other notabilities would also be present. About eight o'clock, in company with Mrs. Lincoln, Major Rathbone, and Miss Harris, the president proceeded to the theatre, and took his place in a box near and looking down upon the stage. Gen. Grant, having left the city during the day, did not attend the theatre this evening. The house was full on the occasion, and the box in which the president was, was decorated with an American flag draped in front.

The door of the box was directly behind where Mr. Lincoln was sitting,

not more than five feet distant, and was left open during the evening. At fifteen minutes past ten, John Wilkes Booth, an actor, made his way along the passage in the rear of the dress circle, and stealthily entering the vestibule of the president's box, closed the door behind him, and fastened it, so that it could not be opened from the outside. Booth then drew a small, silver-mounted Derringer pistol, which he carried in his right hand, holding a long double-edged dagger in his left, aud stepping within the box, held the pistol just over the back of the chair in which Mr. Lincoln sat, and shot him through the back of the head. The murdered man's head fell slightly forward, and his eyes closed forever on this mortal scene.

Startled by the report of the pistol, and discovering through the slight smoke a man in the box, Major Rathbone sprang towards and seized him; but the assassin, wresting himself out of his grasp, and dropping his pistol, struck at the major with the dagger, and wounded him severely in the left arm near the shoulder. Booth then rushed to the front of the box, shouted "sic semper tyrannis !" and made a leap over the railing on to the stage below. A spur which he had on caught in the flag draped in front of the box, and Booth fell; but jumping up quickly, he brandished his dagger in face of the horrified assemblage, exclaiming, "the South is avenged!" He then rushed from the stage and made his exit from a door in the rear of the house. There he found a lad holding a horse all ready for him to mount, and the wretched parricide hastened away

across the Potomac, and for a while found refuge among the rebel sympathizers in Lower Maryland.*

Immediate efforts were made to obtain medical assistance, and several surgeons examined the fatal wound in hope of being able to minister relief; but it was all in vain. The murdered president was never conscious after the assassin's ball struck him. The audience in the theatre broke up in confusion and inexpressible astonishment; and Mr. Lincoln, carried to the White House, and surrounded by the various officers of the government, was watched by them through the night. Gradually the remnant of life faded away, and at twenty-two minutes past seven, on the morning of April 15th, he breathed his last.

As if what has just been briefly narrated were not enough of horror and dismay, this same Friday evening was noted for a murderous and brutal assault upon the secretary of state. Mr. Seward (p. 541) was confined to his

* Immediate steps were taken to arrest Booth and his accomplices. A reward of $50,000 was offered by

the war department, April 20th, for Booth's apprehension; the sum of $25,000 was offered for G. A. Atzerott's, and the same sum for D. C. Harold's apprehen.

sion. Booth and Harold were chased to Garret's Farm, near Port Royal, on the Rappahannock, by Col. Baker.

Booth was shot by Sergeant Corbett in attempting to Harold gave himself up. This was April 26th. Atzerott, Payne, Mary E. Suratt, O'Laughlin, Spangler, Arnold, and Mudd were soon after arrested as accom

escape from the barn in which he and Harold were;

plices. They were tried by military commission, com

mencing May 13th, and lasting until the end of June. On the 5th of July, Harold, Atzerott, Payne, and Suratt were condemned, and the president approving, they were hung on the 7th of July. Of the others, O'Laughlin, Arnold, and Mudd were sentenced to hard labor for life, Spangler to hard labor for six years.

They were sent to the Dry Tortugas in accordance

with the president's direction.

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