London of To-day: An Illustrated Handbook

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Stran 204 - Stone walls do not a prison make, Nor iron bars a cage; Minds innocent and quiet take That for an hermitage; If I have freedom in my love And in my soul am free, Angels alone, that soar above, Enjoy such liberty.
Stran 76 - It did; and to prove that she did not keep them waiting, in a few minutes she came into the room in a loose white nightgown and shawl, her nightcap thrown off, and her hair falling upon her shoulders, her feet in slippers, tears in her eyes, but perfectly collected and dignified.
Stran 224 - Here landeth as true a subject, being a prisoner, as ever landed at these stairs ; and before thee, O God! I speak it, having no other friends but thee alone.
Stran 198 - Harp plays all the time at the lower end of the Room ; and every now and then one or other of the Company rises and entertains the rest with a song, and (by the by) some are good Masters.
Stran 248 - O Lord God, thou strength of my health ; thou hast covered my head in the day of battle.
Stran 173 - Good-night to the Season! — the dances, The fillings of hot little rooms, The glancings of rapturous glances, The fancyings of fancy costumes; The pleasures which Fashion...
Stran 340 - I cannot help forming some opinion of a man's sense and character from his dress ; and, I believe, most people do as well as myself. Any affectation whatsoever in dress implies, in my mind, a flaw in the understanding.
Stran 231 - This place is holy, the ground is holy. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, I pronounce it holy.
Stran 340 - A man of sense carefully avoids any particular character in his dress ; he is accurately clean for his own sake ; but all the rest is for other people's. He dresses as well, and in the same manner, as the people of sense and fashion of the place where ho is.
Stran 273 - There will soon be one street from London to Brentford ; ay, and from London to every village ten miles round ! Lord Camden has just let ground at Kentish Town for building fourteen hundred houses — nor do I wonder ; London is, I am certain, much fuller than ever I saw it. I have twice this spring been going to stop my coach in Piccadilly, to inquire what was the matter, thinking there was a mob— not at...

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