HENRY IRVING Sole Proprietor and Manager. During June, July, and August, 1890, this Theatre will be occupied (through the courtesy of Mr. Henry Irving) by Augustin Daly's Company of Comedians (from Daly's Theatre, New York), who will make their fourth visit to London, appearing during the Season in an extensive répertoire of NEW COMEDIES AND FORMER FAVOURITES, THE AMONG WHICH WILL BE GREAT UNKNOWN (The great success of the New York Dramatic Season), A NIGHT OFF, SEVEN TWENTY-EIGHT, RAILROAD OF LOVE, TAMING THE SHREW, NANCY AND CO., THE COUNTRY GIRL, &c. The Company will include as heretofore MISS ADA REHAN, JOHN DREW, MRS. GILBERT, JAMES LEWIS, and a number of new candidates for popular favour, as well as all those who passed critical judgment upon previous visits to London. A Subscription List for ALL THE FIRST NIGHTS of the present visit of Mr. Daly's Company will be opened at THE LIBRARIES early in the month of May. SOLE PROPRIETor and ManageR, MR. R. D'OYLY CARTE. Every Evening and every Saturday Afternoon, THE GONDOLIERS; OR, THE KING OF BARATARIA. Written by W. S. GILBERT. Composed by ARTHUR SULLIVAN. Produced under the personal direction of the Author and Composer. Inez MISS GERALDINE ULMAR. MISS COLE. MISS PHYLLIS. (The King's Foster-mother) MISS BERNARD. Chorus of Gondoliers and Contadine, Men-at-Arms, Heralds, and Pages. Act E-THE PIAZETTA, VENICE. Art -PAVILION IN THE PALACE OF BARATARIA. Musical Director Stage Manager MR. FRANCOIS CELLIER. MR. W. H. SEYMOUR. The Theatre entirely lighted by Electricity. NO FEES OF ANY KIND. BOX OFFICE OPEN DAILY FROM 9 A.M. TILL 11 P.M. AND THE LEADING FAMILIES IN EUROPE, AUSTRALIA, AMERICA, ASIA, AND AFRICA. SWEARS & WELLS, Manufacturers and Warehousemen of DRY GOODS. THE FIRST ESTABLISHMENT IN THE WORLD FOR CHILDREN'S CLOTHING OF EVERY KIND. HIGH CLASS SPECIALITIES: British Hosiery and Underwear, London- and Paris-made Gloves, London-made Shirts and Under-Linen, Boys' Londonmade English Style of Clothes, Girls' London-made English Styles of in-door and out-door Costumes and Millinery, Infants', Children's, and Ladies' London-made Irish Linen and English Long-cloth Underwear, 9 and 16 thread Englishmade Silk Underwear, Pure All-wool Underwear, London hand-made Boots and Shoes unequalled in the world, Travelling Wrappers in superb variety, etc., etc. 192, REGENT STREET, LONDON, ENGLAND. |