THE HISTORY OF MEXICO AND ITS WARS. COMPRISING AN ACCOUNT OF THE AZTEC EMPIRE, THE CORTEZ CONQUEST, THE SPANIARDS' RULE, THE MEXICAN REVOLUTION, THE TEXAN WAR, THE WAR WITH THE UNITED STATES, AND THE MAX IMILIAN INVASION. TOGETHER WITH AN ACCOUNT OF MEXICAN COMMERCE, AGRICULTURE, MANUFACTURES, BY JOHN FROST, LL.D., AUTHOR OF "HISTORY OF THE WORLD,' HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES," "BOOK OF THE ARMY," ," "BOOK OF THE NAVY," ETC., ETC. THE REVISIONS AND ADDITIONS UP TO THE PRESENT TIME BY THE PUBLISHER. Embellished with 530 Engravings, FROM DESIGNS OF W. CROOME AND OTHER DISTINGUISHED ARTISTS. WITH A COLORED MAP, SHOWING ALL THE RAILROADS AND PROPOSED ROADS. EMBRACING A DIRECTORY OF EVERY CITY AND POST-OFFICE IN MEXICO. NEW ORLEANS, LA.: M EXICO comprises twenty-nine States, and is inhabited by many distinct races, but up to the present time the interior of the country has been practically separated from other parts of the world. The aboriginal races of Mexico are all kindred; its isolation, we realize, is now of the past. The locomotive has made the west end of every State the growing end. Recent events have rendered the history of the inhabitants of the ancient Aztec Empire far more interesting to the people of the United States than at any other period; and it is believed that to-day is a suitable time for giving to the world this history of Mexico from the earliest discoveries of the Spanish conquerors down to the present progressive age. The aim of the publisher is to advance the great cause of popular information, and in the narrative will not be found one envenomed word designed to wound any sect or section. Mexico is our future republic of Western States. The account of Ancient Mexico, and of the Conquest, is founded on the histories of Bernal Diaz, Solis, and other Spanish writers, and the "Conquest," by our late accomplished countryman, Mr. Prescott. From equally authentic and reliable authorities are drawn the facts comprised in the history; of the Revolution, Mexico under the Spaniards, the Republic under its successive Presidents, the Texan war, and the French invasion. In embellishing this work, the author had the advantage of Mr. Croome's invaluable services; and he is indebted iii |