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ENERAL SCOTT, with the main portion of the army, remained at Puebla until early in August, when he prepared for a march upon the capital. A sufficient garrison was left in the city under Colonel Childs. On the 7th, Twiggs's division, preceded by Harney's brigade of cavalry, moved for the capital; and was followed, on the three succeeding days, by the divisions of Quitman, Worth, and Pillow, the corps being at no time more. than five hours' march, or supporting distance, apart. On the first day, the troops entered a beautiful rolling country, of great fertility, covered with gardens, which sup


plied the inhabitants with food, and surrounded by lofty mountains, capped with snow. Among these Popocatapetl and Iscatapetl were so near as to render the morning and evening air quite chilly. The fields were covered with the beautiful maguey plant, through the rows of which, as the road gradually ascended, the long lines of soldiers, followed by their immense baggage train, exhibited a noble spectacle. The second day's march ascended through defiles, narrow passes, and deep chasms, succeeded by thick woods of the finest forest trees, with here and there beautiful little lakes embosomed among quiet valleys, with their cool deep waters glittering in the southern sun. On the third day, the advance reached the strong pass of Rio Frio, where the enemy had been reported in force. At this place, the mountains which skirt the road on the left, close upon it for about a mile, overhanging and enfilading it completely, and affording excellent coverings for an enemy's marksmen. It was passed without meeting the enemy, and the troops commenced the ascent of the ridge, which separates the plains of Puebla from the valley of Mexico. After winding along this for several miles, a sudden turn in the road brought the army within full sight of the vast plain of Mexico, in the centre of which lay the goal of ambition, the object of so many fatiguing marches, with its lofty cathedral, its checkered domes, its frowning walls, and bright embosoming lakes. The army passed the night in sight of the city.

On the following day, the troops descended into the great valley or basin of Mexico, the different divisions approximating more closely than they had done in any part of the march. The road ran through Lake Chalco and Xochimilco on the south, and Lake Tezcuco on the north. Close to the latter, and on the opposite side of the road, was the isolated mound, called El Penon, of great height, strongly fortified, by a triple row of works, and flooded around the base by sluices from the lakes, and heavy rains. It is eight miles from the capital, and commands the advance to it, from the east. A careful reconnoissance of this place, made on the 13th and 14th, convinced Genera Scott that an attempt to carry it, even if successful, would be attendea by great and disproportionate loss, and have a chilling effect upon the subsequent battles, anticipated before the city walls. This was confirmed by another reconnoissance upon Mexicalzingo, left of Penon, a village at a fortified bridge across the canal, leading from Lake Xochimilco to the capital. This could have been carried after masking El Penon; but on the other side of the bridge, the Americans would have found themselves on a narrow causeway four miles from the road flanked on the right and left by boggy grounds.

These difficulties caused the general to abandon the idea of a direct

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march upon the city, and to avoid the eastern defences, by passing round the western and southern shores of Lakes Chalco and Xochimilco, at the foot of the hills and mountains, so as to reach the village of San Augustin, and there conduct a reconnoissance upon the city.

Accordingly, by a sudden retrograde movement, the army commenced its march on the 18th, Worth's division, with Harney in advance, composing the van. Twiggs's troops were left at Ayotla until next day, in order to threaten Penon and Mexicalzingo, so as to deceive the enemy as long as possible. The route lay over a field of lava, broken into rocks, chasms, and deep ravines, many of which, on account of the rainy season, were filled with water; but notwithstanding these difficulties, the advance under Worth reached San Augustin on the 18th

The march of the American army around Lake Chalco must be regarded as one of the most scientific operations of the war. Santa Anna had good reason to believe that such a step was impossible, and few generals besides the American commander would have attempted it. The reward was commensurate with the labour of achievement; for besides its resulting in the subsequent glorious battles, it enabled our army to escape the terrible batteries of Penon and Mexicalzingo, the first of which mounted fifty-three guns, and the second, thirty-eight. General Scott, throughout the whole of this splendid campaign, exhibited all the characteristics of a most able commander-in-chief. All his dispositions for action were marked by the most consummate science and ability; but in one did he display these qualities to greater advantage than in the arrangements for the final attack on the capital and its defences.

plied the inhabitants with food, and surrounded by lofty mountains, capped with snow. Among these Popocatapetl and Iscatapetl were so near as to render the morning and evening air quite chilly. The fields were covered with the beautiful maguey plant, through the rows of which, as the road gradually ascended, the long lines of soldiers, followed by their immense baggage train, exhibited a noble spectacle. The second day's march ascended through defiles, narrow passes, and deep chasms, succeeded by thick woods of the finest forest trees, with here and there beautiful little lakes embosomed among quiet valleys, with their cool deep waters glittering in the southern sun. On the third day, the advance reached the strong pass of Rio Frio, where the enemy had been reported in force. At this place, the mountains which skirt the road on the left, close upon it for about a mile, overhanging and enfilading it completely, and affording excellent coverings for an enemy's marksmen. It was passed without meeting the enemy, and the troops commenced the ascent of the ridge, which separates the plains of Puebla from the valley of Mexico. After winding along this for several miles, a sudden turn in the road brought the army within full sight of the vast plain of Mexico, in the centre of which lay the goal of ambition, the object of so many fatiguing marches, with its lofty cathedral, its checkered domes, its frowning walls, and bright embosoming lakes. The army passed the night in sight of the city.

On the following day, the troops descended into the great valley or basin of Mexico, the different divisions approximating more closely than they had done in any part of the march. The road ran through Lake Chalco and Xochimilco on the south, and Lake Tezcuco on the north. Close to the latter, and on the opposite side of the road, was the isolated mound, called El Penon, of great height, strongly fortified, by a triple row of works, and flooded around the base by sluices from the lakes, and heavy rains. It is eight miles from the capital, and commands the advance to it, from the east. A careful reconnoissance of this place, made on the 13th and 14th, convinced Genera! Scott that an attempt to carry it, even if successful, would be attendea by great and disproportionate loss, and have a chilling effect upon the subsequent battles, anticipated before the city walls. This was confirmed by another reconnoissance upon Mexicalzingo, left of Penon, a village at a fortified bridge across the canal, leading from Lake Xochimilco to the capital. This could have been carried after mask. ing El Penon; but on the other side of the bridge, the Americans would have found themselves on a narrow causeway four miles from the road flanked on the right and left by boggy grounds.

These difficulties caused the general to abandon the idea of a dire

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