..$15 55 LIST OF GOLD AND SILVER COINS, AND THEIR VALUES. Doubloon......... GOLD. One-half Doubloon.......... ......... Mexico Zacatecas Zempoaltecatl SMUGGLING IN MEXICO. These tables show a regular steady development of trade, and at a gratifying rate of increment. It is the more healthy, too, as it appears to be quite uniformly distributed over the general list of articles, and not to result from any exceptional circumstance affecting only some special product or products. Senor Don Mathias Romero, the present Minister Plenipotentiary from Mexico to Washington, in his admirable treasury report of January 15th, 1879, estimates the "amount of smuggling done in Mexico, approximately, at from $3,000000 to $4,000,000." As the smuggling is mainly done along the United States frontier, this sum should be added to any figures which undertake to outline the volume of trade between the two countries. 17,375" 1546, 1687. Perpetual snow. 10,925 " 17,550 Perpetual snow. 1548. Mexico... $4,554,000 $4,424,500 $6,125,000 $8,035,000 $6,053,000 $8,034,000 $9,265,000 $10,985,000 Increase again, small but steady, and always swelling, never receding, English trade with Mexico has not kept apace with that of other nations, a fact which is troubling the English manufacturers to-day. Last year's import of German goods, for instance, to Mexico and Central America, are returned as three times the value of the average of the two previous years. England, however, is bestirring herself to be ready to take commercial adThe smuggling has probably increased vantage of the new era at hand in Mexin value in proportion with the legiti- ico. There is a popular demand for the mate trade, making the present volume resumption of diplomatic relations, and, of trade between the United States and on Mexico's part, the government has Mexico, legitimate and illegitimate, not recently closed a contract for the estab$28,000,000, but $35,000,000 at the low-lishment of a new line of steamers from est, and, owing to the increased facilities for smuggling, it is estimated that in 1882 it will amount to $50,000,000. Vera Cruz to Liverpool-granting to the concessionary company a subvention of $2000 for each round trip for thirty years. 1872. 1, Law concerning the Metrical System. 1869. 15, Decree granting $50,000 to the free 1873. 1, Inauguration of the Railway from Vera Cruz to Mexico. 1853. 5, General Arista resigns the Presidency to avoid a revolution. 1873. 5, Eruption of the Volcano of Colima. 1862. 7, Arrival of Gen. Prim at Vera Cruz; he takes command of the allied troops. Lancasterian Schools. 1865. 7, A law is issued putting all ecclesias- 1531. 18, Puebla is founded by letters-patent. tical laws into force. 1522. 8, H. Cortez orders the corpses of the Indian Caciques to be disinterred, 1548. 20, Several followers of H. Cortez celebrate at a banquet the conquest of Zacatecas. Nothing new under the sun. 1767. 21, Foundation of the asylum for abandoned children. 108. 9, Departure from Anahuac of the Divinity Quetzale (the feathered serpent). Several Catholic writers, and especially Clavijero, based on this legend that of Jesus sending Thomas to this continent to preach 1720. 25, A peasant of Oaxaca presents to the his doctrine. 1862. 10, Gen. Prim, de Saligny, Wyke, and 1751. 21, The first symptoms of independence. 1821. 23, The order of the Jesuits is annulled. 1872. 25, The Superior Council of Salubrity is instituted. Dunlop, in a proclamation to the 1846. Viceroy an eagle with two heads. It was sent to the King of Spain. Six hundred persons visit the caves of Xochicalco. not come with hostile views, but 1562. 29, Martin Cortez sells the National Pal merely to settle financial matters. ace to the King of Spain. 1592. 11, The Municipality of Mexico votes the 1810. 29, Law of Congress dividing the coun laying out of "La Alameda." try into twenty-seven States. 1524. 12, Arrival in Mexico City of the first 1530. 31, H. Cortez embarks, to return to Mex Franciscan Monks, to whom Cor tez gave the "Pajarera” (birds and ico with his family. February. the first church on the site of the 1656. 2, Dedication of the Cathedral of Mexi old Teocali, and the actual Cathe- 1629. 12, The City of Mexico is put under the protection of San Philip of Jesus. 1862. 12, The Mexican Government expels the 1865. 13, Arrival at Vera Cruz of the first Aus- 1590. 14, First eruption known of the Volcano of Colima. co before its completion. 1823. 2, Santa Anna proclaims the second Re- 1848. 2, Signature of the Masilla Treaty be- 1861. 1521. 4, H. Cortez attempts to make peace 1862. 14, The Representatives of the Allied 1868. 4, The liberty of juries is decreed. 1867. 5, The French troops leave Mexico 1872. 26, Eruption of the Volcano of Colima. City. 1521. 27, The first operations of the siege of Mexico City. 1866. 7, The Emperor of Austria sends to his brother Maximilian the shield 1767. 27, Charles III. of Spain expels the worn by Montezuma I., and an Jesuits from Mexico. autographic letter from Cortez to 1866. 28, Maximilian loses the support of Charles V. 1727. 8, The large fountain of the Alamada is built. France. March. 1521. 9, The Carpenter Lopez achieves at 1525. 3, Cuantemotzin is put to death by dered by Cortez for the Lake of 1866. 4, The Belgian Commission sent to Mex- 1519. 10. H. Cortez sailes from Cuba, to con quer Mexico, with 5 ships, 110 mar- 1530. 5, Calzontzin II., king of Michoacan, is 1556. 10, Juan Pablo Lombardo prints in Mex- 1847. 11, The American Squadron arrives at 1530. burnt alive by order of Nuno de Guzman for not having given him enough gold. 5, Saint Catalina de Sena. 6, Powder explosion at St. Andres. 1244 victims. 1800. 8, The earthquake called "San Juan de Dios." 1867. 8, Bazaine re-embarks at Vera Cruz for France. 1536. 12, Printing is imported into Mexico. 8, Eruption of the Volcano of Colima. 1857. 12, The Mexican Constitution is promul- 1521. 12, Ixtlilxochil, King of Texcoco, unites with Cortez. gated. 1865. 12, The Austrian Legion enters Mexico 1861. 15, Law decreeing the decimal system to City. 1548. 13, First eruption of Popocatepetl since the conquest. be put in force throughout the Mexican Republic from the first of January, 1872. 1861. 13, The Monks are expelled from their 1866. 15, The Regency allots $1,500,000 per year convents. 1642. 14, Cortez's palace is destroyed by fire. 1831. 14, General Vicente Guerrero, the inde pendent hero, is shot. to Maximilian, who only consents to receive $500,000. 1546. 16, Eruption of the peak of Orizaba. 1823. 19, Abdication of Iturbide. 1791. 15, The Stone of Sacrifices is dug up in 1522. 20, Ascent of Popocatepetl, by one of front of the Cathedral. Cortez's soldiers, to fetch sulphur. 1546. 17, 80,000 Indians of the Anahuac Valley 1829. 20, Law expelling all Spaniards from the country. die of an epidemic. 1874. 17, The Mexican Government visits the 1840. 20, Law of the Municipality of Mexico grotto of Cacahuamilpa. City. 1862. 19, The treaty of La Soledad is signed 1843. 20, Law of the Federal district. by Prim and Doblado. 1778. 22, The fountain of Victory in the Paseo of Bucareli is begun. 1817. 22, The Spanish General Mina embraces 1811. 21, Hidalgo, Allende, Aldama, and the cause of the Independence of 1823. 23, The new republican executive power Mexico and makes a proclamation. enters the capital on Lady-Day. 1867. 22, Maximilian leaves the capital to 1862. 23, Robles Pezuel is shot at San Andres, march against Juarez. 1522. 24, Cortez tells his soldiers that those 1847. 23, Battle of Augastura. American invasion. 1822. 24, Sitting of the first Republican Congress. 1863. 26, Law suppressing the orders of nuns. 1866. 26, Law of revision of the operations on the church property. who are married must send for their wives, and single men must choose wives in the country. 1771. 25, The Fathers of Saint Philip de Neri buy the property of La Profesa. 1636. 27, The students of the university burn the "Picota." 1867. 26, Maximilian concentrates his army 1872. 27, Earthquake in Mexico. at Queretaro. 1576. 30, 2,000,000 natives die of the plague. YEARS. DAYS, READY REFERENCE CALENDAR. YEARS. DAYS. 695 1648. 30, 28 victims are burnt for having pro- 1866. 30, A total eclipse of the moon. Visible 1857. for his wife the handsome maiden Xochitl, who had discovered the art of making pulque. 1866. 27, Law naming a commission to exam ine Smith's draining project. May. until Easter Monday. Representa- 1850. 1, From this date to the 26th July fol- lowing, 8000 persons die of cholera. The keys of Saint Peter are refused to Governor Baz. Good Friday. Sale of rattles in wood and silver, of Judas covered with rockets, which are set fire to on the 1636. 3, Cortez's palace is destroyed by fire. same day-Saturday. Scenes of 1862. 5, National holiday. Victory of the the Passion in the churches. Mexicans over the French. 1824. 6, Iturbide leaves England to return to Mexico. April. 1871. 3, The Executive Power demands of Congress that in future the election of the Presidents be direct. 1779. 9, Death of Viceroy Bucareli, the pro- 1817. 8, Battle between the Mexicans and 1832. 7, Laws on the Desague and Patents. 1859. 11, National holiday. Slaughter at Tacu- 1823. 11, Iturbide leaves the country for exile. baya. 1870. 11, Earthquake in Oaxaca. 1865. 12, Maximilian organizes his diplomatic 1873, 13, Promulgation of the law prohibiting body. religious manifestations outside the churches. 1869. 14, A concession is granted to Julius A. Skiltan of a line of railway from 1867. 15, Maximilian is made a prisoner at Paso del Norte to Guaymas, or to 1871. 15, In reply to a letter of the Emperor of Queretaro. 1683. 17, Agramont and Lorencillo take pos- Germany advising the Mexican 1863. 17, Surrender of Puebla for want of pro- 1532. 16, The city of Puebla is begun. Augustin I. 1847. 18, Battle of Cerro Gordo, between the Mexicans and Americans. 1836. 16, Santa Anna is made a prisoner (Cam- 1858. 18, The Constitutional Government re paign of Texas). 1618. 18, F. de Cordova founds Cordova. tires to Vera Cruz. 1816. 19, The Jesuits return to Mexico. 1616. 19, Opening of the pearl fishing in the 1687. 20, Eruption of the Peak of Orizaba. 1688. 22, The aqueduct of Salto de Agua is Gulf of Cortez. 1847. 19, The American army occupies Jalapa; the natives fly to the mountains. 1790. 20, Severe earthquake at Cordova. A church steeple falls. begun. 1868. 23, Concession of the Tram Railway, from Vera Cruz to Puebla via Jalapa. 1519. 21, H. Cortez lands on the island where 1519. 24. Montezuma II. sends his first emnow stands the fort of San Juan de Ulloa. 1648. 22, Auto-da-fe, in the inquisition building of Mexico; 15 victims burned alive. 1757. 23, The Parian is rented to J. de Medina for 9 years. 1823. 23, Iturbide leaves Mexico for exile. 1868. 25, The Mexican Government confiscates the Jesuits' library. 1045. 26, The Toltec King, Tepalcatzin, takes bassy to Cortez. 1874. 28, The law re-establishing the old type 1820 31, The Inquisition disappears from YEARS. DAYS. 1842. 31, Santa Anna's decree of the line of railway, from Vera Cruz to “El rio de San Juan." 1866. 31, Napoleon III. withdraws his support from Mexico. June. 1716. 5, The building of the "teatro principal" is begun. 1736. 6, Appearance of the fever "Matlaza YEARS. DAYS. who, with the 35 members of the Superior Junta, decide on the future form of the Mexican Government. 1502. 3, Montezuma II. ascends the throne of Mexico. 1800. 4, The conspiration against the Spaniards known as "Las Machetes." 607. 5, First appearance of the Toltecas in the Valley of Mexico. huall;" whole villages are depopu- 1529. 6, The King of Spain gives land to 1863. 7, General Bazaine enters Mexico City. 1808. 6, Deaths of Verdad and Christo, the 1692. 8, Revolt of the natives. The national and municipal palaces are set on fire. 1214. 12, Tlascala declares its independence, and constitutes a republic. 1848. 12. The American army leaves Mexico City. 1864. 12, Maximilian and Carlotta enter Mexico City. 1875. 17, The Jalapa tramway is put into cir culation. first victims of the Independence. 6, Birth of Maximilian. 1832. 1867. 19, The execution of Maximilian, Mira- 1863. 11, The Government assumes the name mon, and Mejia. of Regency of the Empire. 1629. 20, The water in the streets of Mexico 1859. 12, Decree of B. Juarez establishing the city is three feet high. 1822. 21, Iturbide is anointed Emperor in the Cathedral of Mexico. liberty of religions, and declaring the church property to belong to the country. 1867. 21, General Porfirio Diaz takes posses- 1864. 12, Official entry of Maximilian into Mexico City. 66 sion of Mexico City. 23, Saint John the Baptist. Bank holi- 1854. 13, The filibuster Raousset de Boulbon day. is routed. 1570. 23, The Jesuits make their first appear- 1824. 14, Iturbide arrives at Soto La Marina. ance in Mexico. 1758. 23. Eruption of the Volcano Jorullo. 1813. 23, Promulgation of the law which rules the Federal District. 1518. 24, Visit of Juan de Grijalva to the island of the fort of St. Juan de Ulloa. 1685. 24, Inauguration of the church of San Bernardo. 1856. 25, The law on church property is published. 1520. 26, Cortez is attacked by the Mexicans 1867. 15, Benito Juarez re-enters Mexico City. 1872. 18, Death of President Benito Juarez. 1811. 26, Allende, Aldama, and Jimenez are Montezuma II. endeavors to calm 1780. 28, An epidemic of small-pox: one mil 1526. 27, Cortez confers the seigniory of the 1865. 29, The French army penetrates as far 1520. 1," La Noche Triste." The sorrowful 1871. 1, A popular bank is established to help night. the working-class. 1777. 1, The Mexican mining establishment 1802. 2, The furnaces for the casting of the is decreed. 1857. 1, The Guadalupe Hidalgo tramway is opened. 1863. 2, A list is published of 215 notables, statue of Carlos IV. are destroyed by fire. 1492. 3, Christopher Columbus sails in search of a new world. |