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Admiralty-Office, Aug. 19, 1794,

Extract of Letter from Vice Admiral Sir John Jervis, K. B. to Mr. Stephens, dated off Pointe-a-Petre, Guadaloupe, July 6,


Since my letter of the 13th ultimo, by the Dashwood packet, every 'effort has been made to collect a body of troops from the different islands, to enable the general to make a descent on Grande Terre.-The Veteran arrived on the 17th of June with two flank companies from St. Vincent's, and four from St. Lucia, and two battalions of feamen, under the command of captain Lewis Robertson, of the Veteran, and captain Charles Sawyer, of the Vanguard, were attached to the army. These two fhips, with the Solebay and Winchelsea, were ordered up to l'Ance a Canot, between this road and St. Ann's, under the command of rear-admiral Thompson, that bay being judged a more safe place to debark at (both on account of the furf and the face of the country which furrounds it) than the Bay of Gofier, and the event justified the measure; for, by the able conduct of the rearadmiral, the captains and officers under his command, the whole corps was landed early on the morning of the 19th, without the lofs of a man, and took poft at Gofier the fame evening, where the Solebay, Winchelsea, and Affurance, were placed to furnish water, and other fupplies to the camp. The Redbridge returned from St. Chriftopher's, with the two companies of the 2zd; and, on the 26th, having received intelligence that a French frigate, with three tranfports, had been feen off Francois, in Grande Terre, I detached the Solebay and Winchelsea in queft of them; and, if the intelligence fhould prove unfounded, to cruize off Port Louis, and endeavour to intercept a partizan of the name of Paschall, who, I had reason to believe, was fitting out veffels at St. Bartholemew to bring over a number of defperate brigands, who had fled from this ifland on our taking poffeffion of it. On the fame day a fchooner I had fent up to Martinique arrived with two companies of grenadiers from Martin Bay, and was followed, the next day, by a third company in a fmall floop. From the day of debarkation, the boats of the fquadron were conftantly employed in landing artillery and stores, and fupplying the troops with provifions and water during the day, and rowing guard at night.Three more gun-boats had arrived from Martinique, and were inceffantly employed in battering the forts at Pointe-a-Petre, and the fort of La Fleur d'Epee. The unfuccefsful attempt on the town, on the zd inftant, will be described by the general. I have only to obferve that every poffible exertion was made, by the army and navy, that the debilitated ftate of the officers and men would admit of. It is but juftice to them to declare, that they were quite exhausted by the unparalleled fervices of fatigue and fire they had gone through, for fuch a length of time, in the worst climate. Upon the 3d, the general having communicated to me the propriety of withdrawing the artillery, ftores, and troops from Grande Terre, and reinforcing the pofts in Baffe Terre, difpofitions were immediately made,


and, on the night of the 5th, the embarkation was completed, without the lofs of a man, under the direction of rear-admiral Thompfon. The fate of captain Lewis Robertfon, who had diftinguished himfelf highly, fills my mind with the deepeft regret: He had long been a child of misfortune, although he poffeffed talents to merit every fuc cefs and profperity; and, as I am informed, he has left a widow and infant family unprovided for, I beg leave to recommend them to the protection and good offices of their lordships to obtain a fuitable provifion, which will be a great encouragement to officers in fimilar cir cumftances to emulate fo great an example,

Enclofed is an account of the killed and wounded in the naval battalion, fince their landing on Grande Terre.


Boyne-1 feaman killed; 1 lieutenant, 12 feamen wounded; 6 feamen miffing.

Vanguard-feaman wounded,

Veteran-1 captain, I feaman killed; 9 feamen wounded; 7 feamen miffing.

Vengeance-2 feamen killed; 2 feamen wounded; 3 feamen miffing, Affurance-2 marines killed; I lieutenant of marines, 3 marines wounded.

Total-7 killed, 29 wounded, 16 miffing.


Lieutenant Ifaac Wooley, of the Boyne, wounded.
Captain Lewis Robertfon, of the Veteran, killed.

ift Lieutenant of Marines, John Mercer, of the Affurance, wounded,

Horfe Guards, Nov. 8.


By a difpatch which has been received from major-general Williamfon, dated Jamaica, the rft of September, 1794, it appears, that the perfons to whom the defence of the poft of Petite Riviere, in the ifland of St. Domingo, had been entrusted by general La Vaux, commander in chief of the troops of the Convention in that island, made an offer to lieutenant-colonel Brisbane, commanding his Majefty's forces at St. Marc, to place the poft of the Petite Riviere, with the parifh of that name, and the adjacent plain of Artinobite, under his Majefty's authority. This offer was accepted by lieutenant-colone! Brisbane, and a capitulation to this effect was figned on the 19th of Auguft, 1794. The terms of this capitulation, and the means by which it was effectuated, were concerted with M. de Villanuova, commanding the forces of his Catholic Majefty in that part of the ifland, who appears on this occafion, and in the execution of fome military operations which had previously taken place, to have cooperated in the most cordial and friendly manner with his Majesty's



Horfe Guards. Dec. 13.

By difpatches received from general Sir Charles Grey, K. B. dated Martinique, the 16th, 19th, and 24th of October, it appears, that the enemy from Pointe-a-Petre, in the island of Guadaloupe, made a landing at Goyave and Lamentin, on the fame ifland, on the 27th of September, and proceeded to attack the camp of Berville, under the command of brigadier-general Graham, who defended this pofition, with the utmoft gallantry and fpirit, until the 6th of October, when, finding his provifions nearly exhaufted, and that he was cut off from all communication with the shipping, and without hopes of relief, he was obliged to furrender, his force being reduced to 125 rank and file fit for duty.

By this unfortunate event, the whole of the island of Guadaloupe, except Fort Matilda, where lieutenant-general Prefcott commands, fell into the hands of the enemy.

The following are the terms of capitulation granted by the enemy to brigadier-general Graham.

Articles of Capitulation for the Pot of Berville, and its Depen


Art. I. That, in confideration of the gallant defence the garrison has made, they shall be allowed the honours of war.

[blocks in formation]

Art. II. That the inhabitants of the island now co-operating with the army, whether white or free people of colour, being British fubjects, having taken the oaths of allegiance to his Britannic Majefty, fhall be confidered and treated as fuch.

Anfwer. Not admiffible: but a covered boat fhall be allowed to the general, which shall be held facred.

Art. III. That the troops, and fuch of the inhabitants as do not wish to become fubjects of the French Republic, shall be sent to Great Britain, as foon as tranfports can be provided for that purpose.

Answer. The troops fhall be fent to England, as foon as tranfports are ready: But as to the inhabitants, it is anfwered in Article II. Art. IV. That the baggage of the officers and inhabitants in camp fhall be allowed to them.

Answer. The troops shall be allowed their baggage.

Art. V. That the fick and wounded, who cannot be fent on board transports, shall be allowed British surgeons to attend them.

Answer. Agreed to.

Art. VI. That the ordnance and ftores of every denomination fhall be given up in their present state,

Answer. Agreed to.

Art VII. If any difficulties in fettling the above fhall happen hereafter, they fhall be amicably adjusted by the respective com

[blocks in formation]

The British forces, which were taken at Berville camp, confist of the flank companies from Ireland, and the 39th, 43d, and 65th Regiments. Their lofs in the different actions between the 27th of September and 6th of October, as nearly as can be afcertained, amounts to 2 officers killed, 5 wounded; 25 non-commiffioned officers and privates killed, and 51 ditto wounded.


Major Forbes; lieutenant Cochran, of the 39th.


Captain Hutton, of the Artillery.

Captain Cameron, of the 43d.

Lieutenant Keating, of the 33d.

Enfign Paris, of the 65th.

Quarter-Mafter Clements, of the 39th.

Horfe Guards, Dec. 13,

By difpatches received from lieutenant-colonel James Grant, commanding officer at Cape Nicolas Mole, in the island of St. Domingo, dated the 21st of October, it appears, that the town and poft of Leogane, in the fame ifland, had fallen into the hands of the forces of the Convention, aided by a numerous corps of revolted negroes.


No mention of any Proceedings during the year 1794 in the Eaft Indies is made in the London Gazette, excepting the Article which is inferted, under the title of " Naval Events."



An Account of the Men killed, wounded, milling, and Prisoners of the British Troops, ferving on the Continent, under the command of his Royal Highness the Duke of York, fince the Commencement of the laft Campaign, diftinguishing each Corps and Service, as far as the fame can be made out from the Accounts received at the Secretary of State's Office.

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