Kolišèarska naselbina Stare gmajne in njen èas: Ljubljansko barje v 2. polovici 4. tisoèletja pr. Kr.Anton Velušèek Založba ZRC, 1. jan. 2009 - 330 strani The third publication in which an international group of researchers, under management of collaborators of the Institute of Archaeology at the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU) from Ljubljana, studies problems of pile-dwelling inhabitation of the Ljubljansko barje, introduces results of researches performed at pile-dwelling settlements Stare gmajne, Blatna Brezovica and Veliki Otavnik Ib, i.e. settlements dating to the 2nd half of the 4th millennium BC. |
1 Koliščarska naselbina in njen čas Piledwelling settlement and its era | 11 |
2 Paleookolje Palaeoenvironment | 35 |
3 Stare gmajne | 49 |
4 Sedimentološka analiza Blatna brezovica Sedimentological analysis Blatna Brezovica | 123 |
5 Blatna Brezovica | 133 |
6 Veliki Otavnik | 167 |
7 Dendrokronološke raziskave Dendrochronological research | 177 |
8 Kolo z osjo Wheel with an axle | 197 |
10 Lesene najdbe Wooden finds | 235 |
11 Talilne posode Crucibles | 245 |
12 Scambi Izmenjava | 251 |
13 Petrološka sestava in izvor kamnitih najdb Petrologic composition and origin of stone finds | 281 |
14 Artefakti iz kosti Bone artefacts | 287 |
15 Preja Yarn | 309 |
319 | |
17 Avtorji Contributors | 329 |
Pogosti izrazi in povedi
4th millennium analysis annual rings antler archaeological area artefacts Artefakt asce axle Blatna Brezovica chronology Čufar D'Amico dated datum dela dendrochronological diafize discovered ditch ditches Drawn drevak držaja eastern Figs finds forate Foto found frag fragment Furlanija-Julijska krajina Glej poglavje grains grobozrnata humus jarek 13 jarka jarku kamnin Keramika kolišča koliščarske Korošec lake layer lega lesa leto Ljubljanica Ljubljanskega barja Ljubljanskem barju Ljubljansko barje logboat made manufatti mikrolokacija monograph mostišče najdbe naselbine Notranje Gorice odsek 30 organic ostenja Photo pile-dwelling settlement piles plank plast pottery present približno probably profile radiocarbon razčlenjenega remains research reženj samples Scale section sediment sediments See Chapter sekire SG-QUSP1 siva sonda sondi species Stare gmajne Starih gmajn stone superfici surface tagliente temnosiva tisočletja pr tools trench Turk used ustja z ostenjem Veliki Otavnik Ib Velušček Verd wheel wood wooden Zaplatil zborniku