Slike strani
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Bacon, remarks by, 44, 197, 208
Barrow, on the contemplation of the
works of Nature, 4

Bat, the Wing of, 53

Bee, Common, account of, 91
Benares, description of, 194
Ben Jonson, remark by, 62
Bernard, St., remark by, 200-
Beveridge, Bishop, quotation from, 59
Beza, aphorism by, 115

Bible, the, a celestial messenger, 94
Black-Gang Chine, 109

Blood, use of, in regulating the animal
functions, 98

Borrodale, the Pretender's Asylum at,

Bowles, Rev. W. L., Lines by, on Chil-
dren gathering flowers in the Ca-
thedral Churchyard, 27

on the Poor
Blind Man of Salisbury Cathe-
dral, 156
- Epitaph by, 230
Boyle, Extracts from, 62, 80, 94, 99,
159, 171

British Army, some account of its rise
progress, 121

British Museum, its founder, 12
British Officer, adventures of a, during
the Peninsular war, 190
Browne, Sir T., remark by, 71
Buller, Judge, anecdote of, 99
Burke, remarks by, 90, 115

Caernarvon Castle, North Wales, 64
Canary Bird, account of the, 218
Canary, or Fortunate, Islands, 130
Caraccas, New Protestant Chapel and
Burial-ground at, 151

Caribito, or Blood-fish, description of,

Caterpillar, Chrysalis, and Butterfly;
a Fable; 179
Caterpillars, curious tribe of, 243
Cathedrals described:-Rheims, 2-
Chichester, 26-Amiens, 50-Here-
ford, 74-Llandaff, 114-Orleans,
138-Salisbury, 15-Strasburgh,
202-Senlis, 241
Cathedral Churchyard, lines written in,

Ceylon, Christianity in, 220

Chalmers, extracts from, 147, 150, 200,

Chapone, Mrs., her reason for early at-
tendance at Church, 80
Cheerfulness of Heart, 147
Cheerfulness, remark on, by Miss Tal-
bot, 23

Chichester Cathedral, description of, 26
Children, their instruction in religion
the first duty of a parent, 23
Chinese Sage, aphorism of, 51
Cholula (in Mexico), its Pyramid, 175
Christian Charity, remark on, by Burke,


Christian Virtues, the dignity of, 179
Christianity in Ceylon, 220

Christianity, remark on, by Rose, 23
Churches, Primitive Christian, 198

fluence, 58

Coleridge, address of, to a Godchild, 79
extracts from, 138, 171, 191
Collingwood, Lord, his remarks on
Education, 54

Common Sense, remarks on, 136
Conisborough Castle, Yorkshire, 45
Conscience, 71
Contentment, 58

Contrition, remark on, by Middleton,

Cornwall, St. Michael's Mount, 52
Chair, 53

Cotton, cultivation of, 68

its manufacture, 100
Crosraquet, Abbot of, remark by, 67
Croydon Palace, its history, 63
Curfew, Inquiry into its Origin, 7

Daisy, Address to, in India, 95
Davy, Sir Humphry, extracts from,
62, 132, 150

Diligence, remark on, by Dr. Johnson,

Discontented, a word of advice to
the, 115

Discovery of Mineral Veins, 76
Dog, remarkable instance of sagacity
in, 99

Dover Castle, ancient Church in, 132
Dunstan, St., Church of, in Fleet-
street, its history, 98
Dwight, extract from, 94

[blocks in formation]

II. Indestructibility of Mattor, 13
III. Divisibility of Matter, 55
IV. Heat, Temperature, Radiation,
Conduction, 95

V. Heat, &c. continued, 118
VI. Heat, Expansion, 245

Fable of the Tortoise, Frog, and
Duck, 79

the North Wind, the Sun,
and the Traveller, 143

the Caterpillar, Chrysalis,

and Butterfly, 179

the Swan and Donkey, 196

Fairy Rings, 200
Falls of Niagara, destruction of an
Indian and his canoe at the, 111
Fidelity, remarkable instance of, in a
Negro servant, 158

Fire, Water, and Fame, an apologue,


[blocks in formation]

Good example, remark on, by Boyle, 62 | Michael's, St., Orange-plantations of,
Good Works, remark on, 138

Grass-tree, (or Black Boy), brief de-
scription of, 150

Great Numbers; I. Numbers descrip.
tive of Magnitude, 139
Grecian Architecture, 147
Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, anec-

dote of, 23

Guy, Thomas, biographical notice of, 42
Gymnotus, or Electrical Eel, 108

Habit, Power of, 150

Habits, remarks on their influence, 91
Half-way Island, in the Indian Sea, 182
Halifax Gibbet-law, 32

Hall, Bishop, extracts from. 4, 110,
115, 132, 150, 171, 182, 230
Happiness, how attained, 158
how produced, 175

Hart and Hiad, the, 248
Henry, Prince of Wales, son of James

I., biographical notice of, 93
Herbert, Lines by, on self-examina.
tion, 28

Hereford Cathedral, 74
Heresy, test of in the time of Henry
VIII, 75

Hervey, remark by, 238
Highlanders, attachment of, to Charles
Edward, 254
Hindoo Music, specimen of, 228
Hofwyl, account of M. Fellenberg's
Schools at, 234
Hogarth, anecdote of, by Bishop Sand-
ford, 71

Honey-Guide, description of, 112
Hood, Sir Samuel, anecdote of, 223
Horne, Bishop, extracts from, 58, 230
Human animal, remark ou, by Paley,

heart, its weakness, 67
life, its uncertainty, 99

Ice, its beneficial effects, 149
Immortality, remark on, by Sir Hum-
phry Davy, 62

India, Itinerant Musicians of, 226
Indolence, its miseries, 44
Iona, insular Churches of, 82
Iron Mask, the Man in, 105
Isfahan, some account of the City of,

162-its Early History, 162-its
Situation and Extent, 163-its In.
habitants and their Religion, 165-
its Commerce and Manufactures,

Italy, Volcanic Regions of, 3
Itinerant Musicians of India, 226

Jebb, Bishop, extract from, 247
Jesse, extracts from, 148, 159, 171, 176
Johnson, Dr., Last Days and Thoughts
of, 205

Selections from, 13, 71,
112, 150, 182, 187, 197, 208
Jones of Nayland, remarks by, 11,
182, 230

Jonson, Ben, extracts from, 51, 62, 72
Juvenile Humanity, pleasing instance
of, 108

[blocks in formation]

Llandaff Cathedral, 114

Lobster, remarks on the periodical
casting of its shell, 229
Loch Leven, beautiful scenery of, 253
Loch Sunart, 251

Louvain, the town of, described, 18
Luminous Appearance of the Sea, 204

Madagascar, island of, its history, 20
Man in the Iron Mask, 105
Mant, Bishop, extracts from, 44, 115, 132
Mathematics, on the study of, 196
Matter, its Indestructibility, 13-divi-
sibility of, 55
Meal-hours, Remarks on the changes
in, 16

Mental Recreation, remarks on, 24
Merino Sheep and their Migrations, 181
Mexican Bees, 51

Milton's opinion of Books, 14

Mines of Great Britain, No. III., 76;
No. IV., 180; No. V., 223.
Moderation, remarks on, by Bishop
Hall. 230

Meral Discipline, remarks on, 235
More, Hannah, Letters of, 205
Remarks by, 171, 197.

Mull, Isle of, 83, 250

Naturalist's Autumnal Walk, 140
Natural History, remark on the study
of, 171

Natural Phenomena, Familiar Illus-
trations of:-

XII. Water, 103

XIII. Water, in its solid state, 149
XIV. Water in a fluid state, 236
Nature and Art, the works of, com-
pared, 112

Nature, remarks on, by Sir IIumphry
Davy, 150

Navigation, Commerce, and Discovery,

History of; Part 1, 22; Part II.,
43; Part III, 173
Needle-making, art of, when intro-
duced into England, 77
Needle Rocks, the, 172
Nelson, Horatio, Lord, biographical
notice of, 157

North Cape, account of, 47
Notes from a Traveller's Scrap-book, 29
Nothing, Sonnet on, by Porson, 62

Oaks, remarks on planting of, by Lord
Collingwood, 14

Observation, remark on by Bacon, 197
Ocean, lines on, 67

Ore, mode of working, in Mines, 223
Orleans, the Cathedral of, 138
Our Country and our Home, lines on,

Paley, extracts from, 58, 90
Palm-tree, Wild, 146
Papyrus Plant, 138

Passions, unrestrained, their evil ef
fects, 94

Peasants, Himalayan, singular use of
water by, 14
Persia, barbarous modes of Punish-

ment in, 112
Persian Story, 134
Personal Property, forms to be observed

in making Wills of, 18, 78, 110, 221
Petersburgh, St., some account of the

City of, 210-its streets and palaces,
212-its houses, and mode of warm-
ing them, 212-public buildings,
213-state of religion in, 214-
principal churches of, 215-com-
merce of, 216
Philosopher, Religious, an exalted cha-
racter, 182

Philosophy, modern literary, remark
on, 179

Plains and Deserts of the Globe, some
account of, 33

Plantain, Ribwort, its uses, 56
Pleasure and Pain, 147
Pool, Cardinal, anecdote of, 8
Popular Superstitions, notice of, 28, 69
Prayer, the gift and grace of, 111
Precept and Example, 110
Prepossessions, remark on, 224
Presence of mind in a Highlander, 58
Pride, remark on, by Dr. Johnson, 208
Progress of Vegetation, reflections on,


Prosperity and Adversity-Southey,

Proverbs, 61

Providence, beneficence of, 140-beau-
tiful illustration of, 148
Providence, remark on, by Hall, 14
Pyrenees, Battles of, 141

Pythagoras, Lord Chatham's approval

of his injunction, 60

Quarles, extracts from, 181, 182

Raven Oak, the, 232

Reason, aphorism on, 56

Reculver, account of, 24

Redbreast, nestling of, 103

Reflections on sitting at ease 10 a coach
that went very fast, 159

on the Beauties of a Calm
Clear Night, 159

on viewing an old Lutheran
Church, 159

Religion, its importance, 90

influence of, 132

its use in alleviating human
misery, 197

Resurrection, remark on, by Sir T.
Browne, 71

Retirement, advantages of, 31
Revelation, its truth confirmed, 176
Rheims Cathedral, History and De-
scription of, 2

Rhinwald, Valley of, described, 29
Riches and Contentment, remark on,

remark on, by Bacon, 44
Rumours, the art of spreading, 143

Sabbath, Lines on the, by C. Crocker,

Salamanca, the Victory of, 5
Salisbury Cathedral, history and de-
scription of, 154

Lines on the Poor

Blind Man of, by the Rev. W. L.
Bowles, 156
Sancroft, Archbishop, his opinion of
worldly glory, 44

Sandford, Bishop, extracts from, 67, 71
Sarcophagus, Alabaster, Lines ad-
dressed to, 11
Satan's Footsteps, 200
Scepticism, remarks on, 54
Scilly Islands, 243

Scotland, Highlands and Islands of,
80, 250

Scott, Sir Walter, extracts from, 82,

Scriptures, their beauty and impres
siveness, 75

their beneficial influence, 115

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Superstition, 200

Surat, Hospital for Animals at, 115
Swan and Donkey, Fable of the, 196

Talapát Palm of Ceylon, Description
of, 186

Talbot, Miss, remark by, 13
Taylor, Jeremy, remarks by, 11, 67,
102, 136,138
Temperance, remark on, 11
Temperance Societies, beneficial ef
fects of, 30

Temple, Sir W., aphorism of, 14
Tenby (in South Wales), description
of, 178

Teneriffe, Island of, 130
Thames and Medway Canal, account
of, 231

Thankfulness for Mercies, 132
There is a Tongue in every Leaf, 30
Tiger, curious anecdote of, 67
Time, Lines on, 181

value of, 203

verses on, by Knox, 46
Tipula, Natural history of, 56
Tongue, restraint of, its uccessity and
wisdom, 182

Tortoise, Frog, and Duck; a fable, 79
Toulouse, the Entry into, 207
Trade, Fluctuations of, 132
Truth, its indestructibility, 171
remark on, 203

and Prejudice, remark on, 8

Tunnels, account of, 231
Tunny Fishery, account of, 10
Turbaco, Air Volcanoes of, 71

Vegetables, structure and growth, of, 116
Vegetable World, Providential arrange-
ment in the, 222

Virtues, remark of Xenophon on their
practice, 48

Vittoria, account of the Battle of, 59

Walton, Izaak, extracts from, 54, 136
Warwick, St. Mary's Church and the
County Hall at, 188
Watch-making in Switzerland, 62
Water Lily, remarks on, 191
Waterspouts, 159
Wealth, remark on, Walton, 136
Wellington Shield, 5, 59, 141, 207

Dukedom of, conferred, 238
What is Time? an answer to, 203
Whirlwinds and Waterspouts, 159
White Owl, remarks on its habits, 120
Wight, the Isle of, No. III., 109; No.
IV., 172

Wild Ass of the Desert, 183
Wild Palm-tree, 146

Wills, Directions for making, 18, 78,
110, 221

the mode of revoking, 19
Wine-store, Spanish, 187
Words like Leaves, 208
Worldly Happiness, La Harpe on, 44
Writing, ancient mode of, 51

Yak of Thibet, the, 143
Youth, on virtuous habits in, 94

Zeal, Christian, remark on, 115

Air Volcanoes of Turbaco, 72
Albatross, Wandering, 197
Antelope, Hart, and Hind, 248
Amiens Cathedral, France, 49
Architecture, illustrations of the Or-

ders of, 148

Armadillo, 35

Artillery-soldiers and War-machines
of the fifteenth century, 125
Ass, Wild, of the Desert, 184

Baldæus preaching to the Natives of
Ceylon, 221

Benares, View of a Ghaut or Landing.
place at, 193

Black-Gang Chine, Isle of Wight, 103
Boar, Wild of, Germany, 80

Caernarvon Castle, North Wales, 65
Caraccas, Protestant Cemetery at, 152
Castle of Armadale, Isle of Sky, 256
Chichester Cathedral, 25
Cholula (in Mexico), Pyramid of, 176
Church, Primitive Christiau, ground-
plan of, 198

Cliff, Mineral Vein in, and mode of
working, 77

Conisborough Castle, Yorkshire, 45
Cotton-manufacture, illustrations of,
100, 101

Plant, Cultivation of the, 68,
Cotton, Georgian mode of cleaning, 69
Croydon Palace, interior of its Hall, 64
Curlew, representation of, 8

Diagrams to illustrate Experiments on
the Temperature of Water, 104
Dover Castle, ancient Church in, 133
Egg, Senir of, 88

Ethiopian Boar, head of, 80
Eve's Apple, or the Forbidden Fruit, 89
, Fruit, and Flowers of, 96

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[blocks in formation]

Mine, first shaft of, 76

Talapát Palm of Ceylon, 195

Mining, diagram illustrative of its Tartary, Inhabitants of, 40
operations, 180, 181

Natives of Madagascar preparing

Bread from the Manioc Root, 21
Needles, Isle of Wight, View of, 173
North Cape, View of, 48

Orleans Cathedral, in France, 137

Palm, wild, of the Desert, 145
Peak of Teneriffe, Crater of the, 136
Petersburgh, St., Marble Palace at, 209
New Exchange at, 213
Statue of Peter the Great

at, 214
English Quay at, 216
Polgooth Tin Mine, interior of, 224
Protestant Cemetery at Caraccas, 152

Reculver Church, 24

Rheims Cathedral, in France, I
Rhinwald, Valley of the, 29

Salisbury Cathedral, 153
Sand-storm in the Desert of Sahara,

Scilly Islands, Lighthouse on, 242
Senlis Cathedral, 241
Sheep-eater of Hindoostan and his
Guru, 57
Sloane, Sir Hans, monument of, 12
Soldiers and Canuon of the fourteenth
and fifteenth centuries, 124
Sonah Wallah, or itinerant Goldsmith
of India, 169

Staffa, Isle of, 81

St. Dunstan's in the West, Fleet-
street, 97

St. Michael's Mount, Cornwall, 52

Chair, 53
Strasburgh Cathedral, 201

Tellipally, Christian Church of, 220
Temperature, illustrations of an expe-

riment on, 119

Tenby (Pembrokeshire), View of, 177
Teneriffe, Island and Peak of, 129
Thibet, Yak of, 143

Town-hall, Louvain, 17

Tunnel of the Thames and Medway
Canal, 202

Tunny, mode of fishing for, 9

the common, and diagram of
the tonnaro, 19
Turbaco, Air Volcanoes of, 72

Vegetable Physiology, Illustrations of,
116, 117

Valley of the Rhinwald, in the Snowy
Alps, 29

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THE CATHEDRAL OF RHEIMS. REIMS, or Rheims, is a large and ancient city, in the north-east of the kingdom of France, in the department of the Marne. It is situated on the right bank of the little river Vesle, in the midst of a large plain, which is bounded at a distance by a chain of low vine-covered hills.

The Cathedral, which is more particularly the subject of our present notice, is a noble Gothic edifice of the twelfth century, and one of the finest specimens of that kind of architecture in France. It is said to have been founded in 818 by the Archbishop Ébon, afterwards Pope Eugenius the Fourth, in the reign of Louis the First, surnamed Le Débonnaire. The accounts which are given of the edifice then erected, its paintings and sculptures, its and sculptures, its marbles and mosaics, its tapestries, and splendid windows, seem to indicate that it was of great importance. But doubts have been expressed, whether the early structure thus spoken of was really one occupying the site of the present Cathedral, and not the church of St. Remi. However, this building was burnt down in 1210, together with a portion of the city itself. But this disaster was soon repaired; for the age was one in which the people felt strongly the influence of religion, and contributed largely to works which had for their object its support and diffusion. Accordingly, the piety of individuals, the liberality of princes, and the zeal of the clergy, soon caused a sum to be amassed, sufficient to replace the ancient Cathedral of Rheims by a nobler and more splendid edifice; and the year after the destruction of the old building, the first stone of the new one was laid. The work proceeded with great rapidity; the altar was dedicated on the 18th of October, 1213, and twenty-seven years afterwards, the body of the church was finished; the whole time occupied in the erection being only thirty years, and but one architest being engaged throughout that period. It is to this circumstance, probably, that we are to attribute that unity of style and design which in a great measure distinguish this Cathedral.

"In the richness and magnificence of the external architecture," says Mr. Woods, "Rheims is superior to every other Cathedral I have seen, and probably to any which has ever been erected." The principal, or western front is the great object of attraction; it is frequently considered as the finest work of its kind in existence, and, according to a common saying in France, is one of the four parts, the union of which is necessary to the composition of a perfect Cathedral; the other three being the spire of Chartres, the nave of Amiens, and the choir of Beauvais. The lower part of this front is divided into three porches or doorways. This arrangement, which is to be seen in some of our Cathedrals, is very generally observable in the larger religious edifices of France; and we are told that these three entrances corresponded to three internal divisions, each of which was reserved for a special use; the middle one being for the clergy, that on the right for the men, and that on the left for the women.

The central porch is divided into two parts by a pilaster, (a disposition very common in France,) which is adorned by an image of the Virgin, to whom the Cathedral is consecrated. The sides of the three porches are decorated with a row of colossal statues, thirty-five in number, representing patriarchs, prophets, kings, bishops, virgins, and martyrs. The arches above and the pediments which surmount them, present an elaborate composition in sculpture, in which, according to a French writer, the artist has given full range to his genius. Our readers will

obtain a correct notion of the richness and magnificence of this front.

Above the porches, and a little thrown back, rises the remainder of this beautiful front. Above the central one, is the great rose window, the workmanship of which is remarkably rich, and very carefully executed. Over the right porch is a lofty opening for a window, but not filled with glass; and over the left door-way is a similar one. The space occupied by these windows is broken into three divisions, by four projecting piers, ornamented each with a statue, and terminating in small octagonal turrets. Higher still is the gallery of kings, an elegant colonnade, decorated with forty-two statues of the kings of France, from Clovis to Charles the Sixth; and this is surmounted by two towers, which complete this magnificent front.

The interior of this Cathedral corresponds with its exterior. It is vast and noble; and its appearance has much that is imposing. The obscurity of the nave, contrasted with the light of the aisles, has a very curious effect; in the former, the coloured glass has been preserved, while in the latter it has very little colour. The whole length of the building is 466 feet, and its breadth upwards of 90; the height of the nave is 121 feet, and that of the aisles about 54. The plan of the edifice is a Latin cross. The choir occupies nearly one half of its length.

The chancel, which is situated at the middle of the cross-aisle, raised upon several steps, is remarkable for its beautiful mosaic pavement, which formerly belonged to the church of the ancient Abbey of St. Nicaise, and was removed to the Cathedral in 1791, when that church was pulled down. The altar, which is of modern construction, is of variegated marble, and ornamented with gilt bronze. It is a beautiful piece of workmanship, and was the gift of a rich canon, who, by his economy, frugality, and above all, his peculiar skill in the cultivation of vines, was enabled to amass a considerable fortune, which he devoted entirely to the embellishment of this Cathedral, to the relief of the poor, and to the promotion of objects of a public nature. Unfortunately, the canon's liberality was scarcely equalled by his good taste and discernment; the old altar, which had existed from the earliest years of the church, was displaced in 1747, to make room for his new present, and the church was thus deprived of an extremely rare and valuable specimen of the kind of monuments used as altars in the twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth centuries.

Behind the choir, so called, is what the French denominate the arrière-chœur. It occupies the space usually devoted to the chancel, and does not seem to be ever used for any definite purpose. In former times, it was the depositary of the treasure of the Cathedral, of all the many rich and valuable gifts, which kings, prelates, and pious individuals of various classes and conditions, had offered as an earnest of their zeal and devotion. The immense wealth which was brought together in this treasury, rendered it one of the richest in France. It contained a vast number of works, executed in the precious metals, gold and silver vases, chalices, sets of all the various utensils employed in the service of the church, which were not less valuable for the richness of their materials than for the beauty and finish of the workmanship. Of nearly all these, however, the Cathedral was despoiled in 1791; they were confiscated by a decree of the National Assembly, and coined into money for the service of the State. few that remained were destroyed during the revo lutionary frenzy of 1793,


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