Slike strani

marriage service, ii. 65; the
royal marriage bill, ii. 94.
Martin's "Description of the
Western Isles," i. 259; v. 1.
Martinelli, Signor, his History of
England, ii. 135.

Mary Queen of Scots, i. 202; v. 22;
inscription for print of, ii. 182.
Marylebone Gardens, J.'s visit to,
iv. 219.
Massingham, Philosopher of (Mr.
Bewley), his veneration for J.,
iv. 99.

Massillon and Bourdaloue, v. 247.
Matthew, Gospel of St., on bodies

[blocks in formation]

Melmoth, William, Mrs. Thrale's
opinion of, iii. 282.
Memory should not fail at seventy,
iii. 128.

Mercheta mulierum, v. 254.
Metaphysical Tailor, the, iv. 132.
Metcalf, Philip, attentions to J.,
iv. 115.

Methodists, secret of their success,
i. 264; v. 311.
Mickle, translator of " Lusiad,"
iii. 22; his account of Johnson,
iv. 171; visited by J., iv. 209.
Militia, Johnson drawn for, iv.
216; Scotch militia bill, iii. 1.
Miller, Andrew, one of the pub-
lisher's of J.'s dictionary, i. 97;
saying of, 162.
Miller, Lady, her collection of
verses, ii. 209.

Milton, the poet, ii. 146; iv. 21,
207; his political principles, i.
124; iv. 36; his genius, i. 124;
Lauder's forgery, i. 126-8; J.'s
alleged dislike of, i. 127; life of,
iv. 35-7.
Mimicry, powers required for, ii.
94; Foote's, 95.
Mind, strength of, iii. 225; fea-
tures of, iv. 225.
Miracles, Hume's doctrine re-
futed, i. 256; iii. 126.
Mitre Tavern, Fleet Street, a fa-

vourite resort of J.'s, i. 231; ii.
4; iii. 230.

Monarchy, British, iii. 28; v. 158.
Monckton, Miss (Countess of Cork),
iv. 81.

Montagu, Mrs., her Essay on
Shakspeare, ii. 52; v. 194;
notices of, iii. 28, 163, 282; iv.

Montaigne, opinion of, censured,
i. 78.

Montrose, town of, v. 48.

Marquis of, letters from,

to Laird of Coll, v. 237.
Morality, laws to enforce, iii. 11.
More, Miss Hannah, iii. 173, 197;
iv. 71; 188.

Morgann, Mr. M., relates anec-
dotes of J., iv. 134.

Morris, Miss, receives J.'s dying
blessing, iv. 282.

Mortgage on J.'s pension pro-
posed, iv. 234.
Mounsey, Dr., ii. 39.
Muck, Isle of. v. 177-8.
Mudge, Rev. Zachariah, excellence
of his preaching, i. 216; J.'s cha-
racter of, iv. 60; his sermons,
iv. 73.

Murchison, Mr., factor for Mac-
leod, his kinduess to J., v. 110.
Murder, prescription of in Scots
law, v. 9.

Murison, Principal of St. Andrew's
College, v. 42.

Murphy, Arthur, his poetical epistle
to J., i. 203; origin of J.'s ac
quaintance with, i. 204; his
opinion of Gray, iii. 19.
Musgrave, Dr. S., iii. 213.
Music, employs the mind without
thinking, v. 250; J.'s insensi-
bility to, iii. 134; part of our
future felicity, ii. 100.
Myddleton, Colonel, Denbigh,
erects urn to J., iv. 284.
Myrtle, J.'s verses on sprig of, i. 39.

NAIRN, town of, v. 83.
Nairne, Mr. (Lord Dunsinnan), iii.
24; v. 19, 33.

Colonel, St. Andrew's, v. 46.

Names, iii. 47.
Necessity, eternal, refuted, v. 29.
Negro cause in Court of Session,
iii. 142.

Newgate, fire at, iii. 290; fifteen
men executed at, iv. 222.
Newhaven, Lord, iii. 273.
Newspapers, v. 291; paragraphs
in, iv. 188.

Newton, Bishop of Bristol, iv. 195.
Nichols, Dr., physician to the
King, ii. 220; iii. 110.

Mr. J., the printer, iv.
23; his remembrances of J.'s
last days, iv. 276; "Anecdotes,"
iv. 116; letter from J. to, iv. 248.
Nicol, Mr. G., letter from J. to, iv.


"Night Thoughts," Young's, J.'s
opinion of, iv. 48.
Nonjurors, ii. 200; iv. 196.
North, Lord, ii. 90.
Northumberland House, fire in,
iii. 281.

November 5, strict observance of,
at Pembroke College, i. 19.
Nowell, Dr., Principal of St.
Mary's Hall, iv. 201; his ser-
mon before House of Commons,
iv. 202.

OATH of abjuration discussed, ii.
134, 208; judicial, v. 310.
Oats, J.'s definition of, i. 167;
Lord Elibank's happy retort, v.


Obedience, religious, iii. 198.
Occupation, necessity of, iii. 121.
Odyssey, the, its domestic charac
ter, iv. 152.

Ofellus, character in J.'s "Art of
Living," i. 49.
Ogden, Dr. Samuel, on prayer, v.

12, 45.

Ogilvie, Dr. J., his poems criti-
cised, i. 244.
Oglethorpe, General, i. 63; ii. 217,
iii. 33; dinners at his house, ii.
109, 133; iii. 190; anecdote of,
ii. 110; visits J., iv. 121.
Old age, observations on, iii. 172,
226; iv. 128, 189; old men should
not put themselves to nurse, ii.


Oldys, William, his curiosity and
diligence, i. 93.

Oliver, Dame, J.'s first instruc-
tress, i. 7.

Omai, of the South Se Islands,
iii. 6.

Opium, use of, iv. 121.
Orange-peel, J.'s collection of
dried, ii. 206; iv. 142.
Oratory, J. against action in, ii.
129; not a test of a man's
powers, 211; J. "could not get
on," ii. 84; v. 62.

Ord, Lord Chief Baron, Edinburgh,

v. 13.

Original sin, J.'s opinion concern-
ing, iv. 91.

Orme's "History of Hindostan,"
value of, iii. 191.

Orrery, Earls of, v. 188, 190, 192.
Osborne, Francis, his works criti-
cised, ii. 117.

Thomas, bookseller, J.
beats, i. 79.

Ossian's Poems, controversy con-
cerning their authenticity and
merits, ii. 183, 192, 215; iv. 104,
173; v. 26, 65; Mr. Macqueen's
opinion of, v. 127, 190.
Othello, moral of, iii. 24.
Otway, Thomas, his pathetic
powers, iv. 22.

Oughton, Sir Adolphus, account
of, v. 26.

Overbury, Sir Thomas, play by
Savage, iii. 75.
Ouran-outang, v. 28.
Oxford, J. entered at Pembroke
College, i. 18; his high opinion
of, ii. 32; expulsion of students
from, ii. 114.

PAINTING inferior to Poetry, iv.

Paley on Civil Government, v. 158.
Palmer, Rev. Mr., account of, iv.

Pamphlets, J.'s political, ii. 197;

definition of term, iii. 214.
Pantheon, ii. 103.
Panting, Dr., Master of Pembroke
College, i. 25.

Paoli, General, ii. 44; iii. 103; J.'s
introduction to, ii. 48; dinners
at his house, ii. 101, 135; iii. 219;
iv. 223.
Paradise, John, Esq., letter from
J. to, iv. 245.
Parcel, story of, iii. 14.
Parish clerks, their duties and their
salaries, iv. 93.
Parisian society, iii. 171.


Parker, Mr., bookseller at Oxford,
iv. 209.

Parliament, ii. 220; iii. 138; v.
36; abuse in, iv. 203; inatten-
tion to duties of, iv. 59; place-
hunters in, iii. 158; privileges
of. iii. 273; speaking in, iii.
157; attempt to bring J. into,
ii. 82.

Parnell, passage in Hermit, iii.
263: "Life of," iv. 44.
Parr. Rev. Dr., iv. 18.
Pascal, Pensées de, iii. 256.
Passion week, iv. 67.
Paterson versus Alexander, case
of, ii. 231.

Patriot, J.'s pamphlet, ii. 176.
Patriotism, “the last refuge of a
scoundrel," ii. 216.

Paul's, St., Monument to J. in, iv.

Payne, Mr. William, Introduction
to game of Draughts, i. 179.
Pearce, Dr., Bishop of Rochester,
sends J. paper of etymologies for
Dictionary, i. 166; "Commen-
tary," iii. 74.

Peers, House of, iii. 234.
Pelham, Garrick's Ode on Death
of, i. 149.

Pembroke College, Oxford, i. 18,
26; J.'s regard for, i. 27.
Lord, ii. 204.

Pennant, Thomas, J. defends, iii.
182, 183, 184; v 119, 175.
Pension, J. receives from George
III., i. 213.
Penuriousness, iv. 125.
Pepys, Sir Lucas, iv. 120.
Percy, Bishop of Dromore, remem-
brances of J., i. 11, 27, 73; ii.
282; iii. 246; J. visits, i. 282;
quarrel with J., iii. 182-7.
Père Boscovitch, ii. 76.
Perkins, Mr., successor to Thrale's
brewery, iv. 62.

letters from J. to, ii. 177;
iv. 111, 177.
Peterborough, Lord, Memoirs of,
iv. 224.

Petitions to Government, ii. 53.
Petrarch, J. finds copy of, in his
father's shop, i. 17.
Phillips, Life of, iv. 45; his poem
of "Cyder," v. 53.

Miss, the singer, iv. 155.

Phillips, the musician, epitaph on,
i. 76.
Philology, iii. 133.
Philosophers, ancient, iii. 7.
Philosophy, Bolingbroke's, re-
marks on, i. 178.
Pillory, benefit of, iii. 211.
Piozzi, Signor, iv. 228; Mrs. (See

Pitcairne, Dr., Latin poetry of, v.


Plain terms, advantage of using,
iii. 164.
Planting, iii. 139.

Players, J.'s prejudice against, i.
88; ii. 143, 251; iii. 123.
Plays, modern, remarks on, ii. 30.
Pleasure, different estimates of, iii.
164; pleasures of the table, re-
marks on, i. 272.
Plymouth, i. 245.
Pococke, Dr., the orientalist, iv.
26; Latin verses on, iii. 180.
Poems, temporary, J.'s contempt

for, iii. 213.

[blocks in formation]

Polygamy, v. 171.

Poor, employment of, iv. 11;
wages of, iv. 126.

Pope, ii. 146, 208, 217; iii. 224;
iv. 14; J.'s translation of his
"Messiah," i. 20; his opinion of
J.'s "London," i. 63; his re-
commendation of J. to Earl
Gower, i. 65; his “Essay on
Man," iii. 269, 270; obnoxious
stanzas in his "Universal
Prayer," iii. 235; his conversa-
tional powers, iv. 41; Ruffhead's
"Life of," ii. 102; J.'s "Life
of," iii. 232; iv. 38-42; Vol-
taire's comparison between
Dryden and, iì. 3.

Popery, remarks on, ii. 62.
Porteous, Bishop, iii. 188.
Porter, anecdote of J. and the, iv. 57.
Porter, Mr., i. 35; Mrs., i. 35, 40,
41; Lucy, J.'s stepdaughter, i. 5,
130; ii. 287; iii. 276; Letters to,
i. 193, 194; ii. 36, 239, 240; iii.
264; iv. 67, 104, 105, 158, 168,
179, 185.

Mr., the younger, death of,

iv. 168.
Portmore, Lord, note to, from J.,
iv. 183.
Portrait-painting, unsuitable for
women, ii. 224.

sitting for, iv. 11; portraits
of J., iv. 285; portraits valuable
in families, iv. 173.
Portree, v. 140.

Prayer, forms of, iv. 201.
"Preceptor," Dodsley's, i. 102.
Predestination, iv. 190.

Preferment, church, on what it de-
pends, ii. 219.
Prendergast, officer in Duke of
Marlborough's army, prophecy
of his own death, ii. 111.
Presbyterian Church not a real
one, ii. 61
Priestly, Dr., iv. 162.
Primrose, Lady, v. 157.
Prince Charles Edward, narrative
of wanderings, v. 146-160.
Pringle, Sir John, iii. 40.
Pior, Matthew, J.'s attack on, ii. 47;
J. defends his tales, iii. 129; his
translations from Pitcairne, v. 37.
Pritchard, Mrs., the actress, i. 106.
Prize-fighting, v. 181.

Profession, J.'s regret at having
none, iii. 208.

Pronunciation, purity of, ii. 99.
Property, literary remarks on, i.
253; ii. 158.

Provincialism, J.'s, ii. 289.
Prussia, Frederick King of, J.'s
opinion of, as an author, i. 251;
memoirs of, i. 174.

Punning, J.'s dislike to, ii. 147;
iv. 215.

QUAKERS, their literal interpreta-
tion of Scripture, iv. 147; female
preachers among, i. 267; J.'s
anger on a young lady's becom-
ing one, iii. 199.

[blocks in formation]

RADCLIFFE, Dr., his travelling fel-
lowships, iv. 200.


Raleigh, Sir Walter, Ms. of, i. 124.
Rambler," the commencement
of, i. 110; character and style
of, i. 113, 117-119; close of, i. 123;
reported translation into Rus-
sian, iv. 189; index to, iv. 220.
Ramsay, Allan, his "Gentle Shep-
herd," ii. 135.

(son of the poet),
painter to the king, his account
of Horace's villa, iii. 169; din-
ners at his house, iii. 223, 257,
273; his death, iv. 247.
Ranelagh, fine appearance of, ii.
103; reflections on visiting, iii.


Rank, distinctions of, beneficial, i.
255; men not naturally equal, ii.
7, 134.
Rasay, island of, J.'s visit to, v.
128; Boswell's description of,
130-4. (See Macleod.)
Rasselas, i. 194; iv. 88.
Ratakin, a high mountain in the
Highlands, v. 109.

Ray, Miss, trial of Hackman for
shooting, iii. 258.

Reading, extensive, advantageous,
ii. 224; iv. 22; little reading in
the world, iv. 151; read when
inclination prompts, iii. 25; on
reading well, iv. 143.

Rebellion not a mark of depravity,
v. 312; remarks on the rebellion
of 1745, v. 158.

[blocks in formation]

Resurrection, remarks on the, iv.


Retirement from the world, v. 40.
Reviews, monthly and critical,
well conducted, writers paid, iii.
19, 26; iv. 149.
Reynolds, Sir Joshua, his strong
interest in "Life of Savage," i.
87; forms intimacy with J., 134;
his portrait of J., ii. 85; price of
his portraits, i. 184; his benevo-
lence, iv. 99; his discourses to
Royal Academy, iii. 249; iv.
217; dinners at his house, iii.
169, 213, 227; iv. 61; J.'s last
request to, iv. 280; letters from
J. to, i. 282; ii. 85, 88; iii. 51,
57; iv. 116, 140, 152, 174, 233,
247; his description of J.'s
strange gesticulation, i. 74.

Miss, iii. 215.
Rheumatism, recipe for, ii. 224.
Rhyme, excellence over blank
verse, i. 247.
Richardson the painter, i. 73.

Samuel, author of Cla-
rissa, i. 74, 141; death of, i. 212;
compared to Fielding, ii. 31.
Riches, influence of, v. 78.
Ridicule, use of, iv. 19, 129.
Riddoch, Rev. Mr., v. 59, 66.
Ritter, Joseph, Boswell's servant,
v. 33.

Rivers, Earl, i. 90, 91.

Robertson, Dr., the historian, ii.
33; letter from, respecting J.'s
visit to Scotland, v. 2; meets J.
in Edinburgh, v. 15; congratu-
lates J. on his return from
Hebrides, v. 311; criticism on
his style, ii. 145; iii. 116.

Dr. James, v. 24.
Mr., v. 77.

Rochester, Burnet's Life of, iii.
129; his poems, iii. 128.
Rolt's "Dictionary of Commerce,"
ii. 214.

Roman Catholic Religion, iii. 11,
272; iv. 198.
Ross, Professor, v. 61.
Round Robin, iii. 53, 54.
Rousseau, Jean Jacques, treatise

[ocr errors]


on the Inequality of Mankind,'
i. 253: J.'s opinion of, ii. 6.
Rowley's Poetry," iii. 29.

Rudd, Mrs., iii. 49, 222.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Scalch, a Highland dram, v. 129.
Scalpa, island of, v. 126.
Schools, public, v. 58.
Schoolmasters, their government
somewhat of a military charac-
ter, ii. 96.

Scorpion, story of the suicide of
one, ii. 33.

Scotland, scenery of, i. 246; eccle-
siastical antiquities of, v. 39; Es-
tablished Church of, ii. 61; Epis-
copal Church of, ii. 100; iii. 251;
v. 49; J.'s visit to, and kind re-
ception in, ii. 164, 187-191; J.'s
journey to Western Isles of, iii.


Scotch clergy, their style of
preaching, iii. 236.

education inferior to Eng-
lish, ii. 104, 225; iv. 98; accent,
ii. 97; law, ii. 119; Court of Ses-
sion, ii. 182; v. 77; nationality,
ii. 191; militia, ii. 270; elections,
iv. 76; perseverance, iv. 15; pro-
curators, cause in Court of Ses-
sion, iv. 95; peers, unconstitu-
tional influence of, iv. 170; learn-
ing, v. 37; plaids, v. 57; clean-
liness, v. 8; broth, v. 59; break-
fasts, v. 88; Scotticisms, v. 49.
Scotchmen, reason of J.'s dislike
to, iv. 120.

Scott, Mr., of Amwell, ii. 218.
Scott, Sir Wm., dinner at his
house, iii. 176.

Mr. (Lord Stowell), v. 4, 7, 32.

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