archy on the people of a free state must excite our earnest sympathy for its citizens, who, abandoned by rulers, and betrayed by traitors, are gallantly resisting the outrage, and striving to preserve their freedom and nationality. Our duty as law-abiding citizens requires that we should refrain from all acts which would tend to violate the neutrality which our government maintains. It is also our right as well as our duty to pledge our adherence to the principles of the Monroe Doctrine, and resolve that at the fitting time they shall be maintained. "In conclusion, gentlemen, I congratulate you on the brilliant promise for the future of Årizona. Nature has indeed been lavish of the gifts which make a populous and wealthy State; and for every blessing withheld there is ample compensation. It is true that we have one navigable river only, but that is the Colorado of the West. It has been navigated for five hundred miles, and its capacity for improvement has never been tested. The arable land of the Territory is not extensive when compared with its whole area, but the fertile and well watered valleys of the Gila, the Salado, and the Verde, have once, and will again support a large population. The climate of northern and central Arizona is unsurpassed. The great altitude tempers the summer heat, and gives a pure and exhilarating atmosphere, while the excessive cold and deep snows of northern latitudes are unknown. It is peculiarly adapted to the labor and pursuit of mining. For grazing and stock raising it is unequalled. The richest grasses flourish in profusion and cure into hay upon the ground. The Norther, so destructive in other pastoral countries, never reaches here, and cattle will thrive during the whole year, in the open air, without shelter. Its mineral wealth is yet unknown, but enough has been discovered to dazzle and perplex the mineralogist with its richness and extent. Whole chains of mountains are seamed with veins of gold and silver. And the gold and copper mines of the Colorado and Hassayampa are only surpassed in richness by the silver mines of southern Arizona. The obstacles which have retarded the development of this wealth will soon be overcome. "No apprehension need be felt that the country will be again abandoned, and the desolated homes of these hardy pioneers only add to the ruins which are so thickly scattered about us, the memorials of another lost battle in the grand conflict of civilization with barbarism. History, while it records the failures of the past, is for us replete with encouragement and hope for the future. The Aztec has been here, and the fallen walls of deserted cities, and his degenerate descendant looking in vain to the morning sun for the coming of the Montezuma to restore his lost empire, are the only relics of his civilization and his race. The Spaniard too has slowly retreated before the fierce assaults of the relentless Apache, but where the foot of the Anglo-Saxon is once firmly planted, he stands secure, and before the clang of his labor, the Indian and the antelope disappear together. The tide of our civilization has no refluent wave, but rolls steadily onward over ocean and continent. "The reports now coming from the Eastern States give every assurance that this cruel and unnatural war will soon be ended, and tranquil ity and harmony be restored in our unhappy country. The only hope of a speedy peace and a Union preserved, is in the triumph of the Federal arms. "We are far removed from the scenes of the conflict, but we can express our sympathy with our brethren in their efforts to sustain the Government under which we have lived so prosperously and happily, and renew our fealty and pledge our devotion to the Constitution and the Union. From its successful conflict with rebellion the Government will emerge firm in its integrity, and purer and stronger from the ordeal through which it has passed. Its triumph will bring to Arizona peace, protection, and the blessings that follow in their train. We may not fight the battles for the Union, but if we rightly perform the work entrusted to us, we shall in our day, do our part to advance the glory and prosperity of our country. Hereafter, when the trials of the hour are forgotten, we may boast, that in the performance of our duties in the day of peril, when dangers encircled our path, we followed the flag of the Republic to the most remote region of its domain; that under its folds we established the principles for which it has waved in the battle and the storm, and that by our efforts another has been added to the commonwealth of States. "JOHN N. GOODWIN." The Governor appointed Henry W. Fleury as his private secretary, and notified the Legislature that all communications would be transmitted through Mr. Fleury. CHAPTER VI. THE FIRST TERRITORIAL LEGISLATURE (Con tinued). HOWELL CODE-FIGHT OVER LOCATION OF CAPITAL-REPORT ON NAVIGATION OF COLORADO RIVER-RESOLUTIONS INSTRUCTING DELEGATE POSTON TO SECURE FROM CONGRESS ARMS AND MAIL ROUTES FOR ARIZONA-APPROPRIATIONS FOR SCHOOLS-ONLY MEASURE VETOED BY GOVERNOR GOODWIN-GOVERNOR GOODWIN'S FAREWELL MESSAGE TO THE LEGISLATURE— FAREWELL SPEECH OF W. CLAUDE JONES, SPEAKER RÉSUMÉ OF ACTS PASSED-SEAL OF TERRITORY-APPROPRIATION BILL-MEMORIALS TO CONGRESS. The first act passed by the Legislature, and approved October 1st, empowered the Governor to appoint a commissioner to prepare and report a code of laws for the use and consideration of the Legislature of the Territory. In accordance with this act Judge William T. Howell was appointed such commissioner, and submitted what is known as the "Howell Code," to the Legislature on October 3rd, and this code, after much debate and some amendments, was adopted as the code of laws for the Territory of Arizona, and remained as such until the laws of the territory were codified in the session of the Legislature of 1877, thirteen years afterwards. Jose M. Redondo, who was elected to the Council from the Second District, resigned his position on the 10th day of October on the ground that he was ineligible to the office at the time of his election. The vacancy caused by his resig nation was not filled. Afterwards Mr. Redondo perfected his citizenship and became one of the permanent citizens of what is now Yuma, where many of his descendants still live. On October 16th, Henry D. Jackson, a member of the lower house, died in Prescott, and the Council and the House adjourned on the 17th in order to attend the funeral. The location of the Capital of Arizona having been made by the Governor, could, of course, be changed by the Legislature, and this was attempted by amending House Bill No. 56, locating the Capital at Prescott, which was up for consideration in the House on the 24th of October, when "Mr. Hopkins moved to amend by striking out the word 'Prescott,' and the words 'situated on the east bank of Granite Creek' and the words which follow thereafter, and which refer exclusively to the city of Prescott, in section 1, and insert instead 'La Paz,' and thereupon the yeas and nays were demanded, with the following result: Yeas-Appel, Capron, Elias, Harte, Higgins, Hopkins, Stickney and Mr. Speaker-8. Nays-Bouchet, Bidwell, Boggs, Garvin, Giles, Holaday, McCrackin, Tuttle and Walter-9. So the amendment was lost. "Mr. Tuttle in the chair. "Mr. Speaker moved to amend by striking out in the first section the words 'Prescott, situated on the east bank of Granite Creek, about one mile above and in a southwesterly direction from the present location of the United States military post, known as Fort Whipple, in said Territory of Arizona,' and insert instead 'Walnut Grove, on the Lower Hassayampa, in the Third District of said Territory,' upon which the yeas and nays |