relentingly followed their race, blots them in turn from the face of the earth. The Apaches of Arizona, living upon the affluents to the Gila, should, in my judgment, be placed upon a reservation upon the Gila; say, somewhere upon the mouth of the Rio de Sauz, where there is an extensive valley, once densely populated, it is supposed, by Aztecs as they journeyed southward in the eleventh century. "The remains of ancient acequias and of villages indicate that this land once sustained a great many people. It can do so again. "All of which is respectfully submitted. "JAMES H. CARLETON, "Official: "Brigadier-General Commanding. BEN C. CUTLER, "Assistant Adjutant General." The results of the memorials of the Legislative Assembly and the labors of Delegate Poston were not very great, but the 38th Congress did take enough notice of the newly formed Territory to give her post roads from Agua Caliente to La Paz; from Tucson, via Tubac, to Patagonia Mines; from Tubac, via Cerro Colorado, Fresnal, and Cabibi, to Tucson; from Casa Blanca, via Weaver, Walnut Grove, and Upper Hassayampa, to Prescott; from La Paz, via Williamsport, Castle Dome City, Laguna, Arizona City, to Fort Yuma; from Prescott to Mojave City; from Mojave City to Los Angeles, via San Bernardino; from Mojave City via Aubry, to La Paz; from Mojave City via Santa Clara, to Fillmore City, in the Territory of Utah. For the Indian Service in the Territory, Congress made the following provision: "For the general incidental expenses of the Indian Service in the Territory of Arizona, presents of goods, agricultural implements, and other useful articles, and to assist them to locate in permanent abodes, and sustain themselves by the pursuits of civilized life, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, twenty thousand dollars." In passing it may be well to note that the appropriation for New Mexico, then also a Territory, for the same purposes, was the sum of fifty thousand dollars. Congress also set aside a reservation for the Indians of Arizona as follows: "All that part of the public domain in the Territory of Arizona, lying west of a direct line from Half-Way Bend to Corner Rock on the Colorado River, containing about seventy-five thousand acres of land, shall be set apart for an Indian reservation for the Indians of said river, and its tributaries." And, further, in the goodness of its heart, Congress made the following additional appropriation: "To supply deficiencies in the Indian service in Arizona Territory, twelve thousand nine hundred dollars for the present fiscal year." The above was all that the 38th Congress did for the Territory of Arizona, and had it not been for the untiring efforts of Delegate Poston, it is doubtful whether she would have received any consideration whatever from Congress. The establishment of the Indian Reservation on the Colorado River, and the meagre appropriations for the Indian Service were secured by Poston in the face of an adverse report from the Congressional Committee on Indian Affairs. CHAPTER VIII. EARLY DAYS OF PRESCOTT. GOVERNOR GOODWIN-HIS BROAD AND LIBERAL POLICIES PRESCOTT SELECTED AS CAPITAL SELECTION OF TOWNSITE AND SALE OF LOTS FIRST HOUSE-BEAR PEN-FIRST HOTEL AND RESTAURANT-FIRST STORE-FIRST SALOON FIRST SUNDAY SCHOOL-FIRST DAY SCHOOL-FIRST COURT-FIRST LEGISLATURE -FIRST ELECTION-FIRST PUBLIC BUILDING: "GUBERNATORIAL MANSION"-DESCRIPTION OF ARIZONA BY J. ROSS BROWNE-JOSEPH EHLE, PIONEER-LOUNT PARTY - EARLY BOARDING-HOUSE-DE SETTLERS-FIRST SCRIPTION OF PRESCOTT BY GENERAL RUSLING. John N. Goodwin, Arizona's first Governor, was born in South Berwick, Maine, fitted for college at the Berwick Academy, entered Dartmouth College in 1840, and was graduated in 1844. He studied law in the office of John Hubbard, and commenced the practice of his profession in his native town in 1849, in which he was successful. In 1854 he was elected to the State Senate of Maine, and in 1855 was appointed Special Commissioner to revise the laws of Maine, and in 1860 was elected to Congress. In March following the passing of the Act creating the Territory of Arizona, Mr. Goodwin was created Chief Justice for this Territory, but, following the death of Governor Gurley, President Lincoln, on the 20th of August, 1863, appointed Mr. Goodwin to the place made vacant by the death of Mr. Gurley. Mr. Goodwin served in this capacity until 1865, when he was elected |