it is not to be hoped that there are no errors, it is believed that there are none of serious moment. For such as appear the generous indulgence, so characteristic of the court and the profession is asked." When it is considered that twenty years elapsed between the printing and publishing of the first and second volumes of the Reports of the Supreme Court of the Territory of Arizona, it will be seen that but very little attention was paid to this important part of the government of the Territory. There were three lawyers in Prescott, John Howard, who, as before noted, was a New Yorker, who had settled in Denver, and joined the Governor's party and came in with that party to Prescott, where he made his home up to within a few years of his death. It is said that while in Denver he was married and that his wife deserted him. A few days after she had left his bed and board, he found that she was living with another man. Howard made out a quitclaim deed of his wife to her new affinity for a nominal consideration, had it duly recorded, and sent it to his wife's paramour. All the old-timers knew John Howard, or "Blinky" Howard, as he was called, as a most lovable character, full of humor and native wit. He never sought public position. The other two lawyers were J. P. Hargrave, concerning whom very little is known, and J. T. Alsap, whose biography is given in a preceding volume, and who was both a good lawyer and a good physician. In Tucson there were two lawyers, W. Claude Jones, the Speaker of the first House of Representatives, and Coles Bashford. The lawyers at that time were without libraries. The Acts of Congress or the Laws of the United States, governed all the Territories, but there was not a copy of the Revised Statutes of the United States in all Arizona. Secretary McCormick brought out a library to the Territory, but it consisted mainly of works on history and general subjects. This library he sold to the Territory for a thousand dollars, and these volumes became a part of and were the commencement of the Territorial and State Library. CHAPTER X. POPULATION-EARLY SETTLEMENT-INDIAN TROUBLES. POPULATION 1863-64 YUMA CALLVILLE HARDYVILLE INDIAN TROUBLES KING WOOLSEY'S FIRST EXPEDITION AGAINST INDIANS HIS OFFICIAL REPORT. According to Hinton (see "Handbook of Arizona," p. 44), the population of Arizona at the time when the Territory was organized, was, exclusive of Indians, 581. This is probably an error, or it embraced only the white population exclusive of Mexicans who became citizens under the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and the Gadsden Purchase. In the Fish manuscript it is stated that in 1864 about one hundred men were engaged in dry washing for placer gold on the west side of the Colorado near Fort Yuma. On the east side, near Castle Dome, there were about a hundred men engaged in silver mining. Castle Dome City then had four or five houses. On the east side of the river, and perhaps about twenty-five miles above Yuma, there were one hundred miners at Eureka District, and about ninety miles above Yuma was the Weaver District, which was a place of considerable activity. The number of men employed there is not stated. At La Paz it is estimated that there were probably five hundred miners at work. Yuma, at this time, was the distributing point for the Territory. Here a Quartermaster's De pot was erected on the Arizona side of the Colorado by Captain William B. Hooper, Assistant Quartermaster of the Arizona Volunteers. It was not only a distributing depot for the military posts, but was also the shipping point for Tucson and all the camps and settlements in the southern part of the Territory, as well as for the settlements in and around Prescott. In those days all roads led to Yuma. Fish says: "There was a long row of dance-houses on Main Street where the soldiers and freighters spent their money, and Charles Horner's blacksmith and wagon repair shop was worth $200 a day to the proprietor. Besides the places mentioned above, Callville was founded about 1863 or 1864, at the head of navigation of the Colorado River, by Mormons, who have been the principal colonizers of the western country. Callville was in that portion of what was then Arizona on the west side of the Colorado, and was established so as to give a shorter and easier road into Salt Lake City and Utah, over which the Mormons could receive their supplies. According to the Fish manuscript Callville was located by the Mormon church: "On December 17th, 1864, a landing and site for a warehouse afterwards known as Call's Landing, was selected by Anson Call on the Colorado River. Call was from Utah, and this move was in the interest of the Mormon Church, which, at that time, contemplated sending emigrants from Europe by way of Panama, the Gulf of California and up the Colorado to this landing, which was considered the head of navigation on the river. But very few steamers ever came up to this place and no immigrants ever passed over this route." Callville was located in Pah-Ute County, which was established by the Second Legislature of the Territory of Arizona, and which embraced all of the Territory west of the Colorado River, that was afterwards taken from Arizona and annexed to Nevada about the year 1867. At Callville and adjacent settlements, the Mormons had done a great deal of work. They had taken out irrigating ditches, built homes, and established a permanent settlement, but after this county was annexed to Nevada, that state levied taxes that had accumulated for several years, while it was still a part of Arizona, which became so onerous that the settlers abandoned their homes, most of them returning to Utah, a few coming into Arizona. Hardyville was established in 1864, by W. H. Hardy, a native of New York, who came to Arizona from California. He established a trading post and a ferry at this point on the Colorado, and also a small store the following year in Prescott. According to Hamilton ("Resources of Arizona,” p. 383), the first Indian killed in Yavapai County was a thief who was caught in the act by a party of teamsters some distance northwest of where Prescott now stands. Two others were killed in the town of Weaver in 1863. It was the custom of the Indians to bring wood into the camp at Weaver, and, after selling it, they would stay around until it was dark and then slip off, |