there was every reason to believe that it was Navajoes and not Hualapais that had taken our herd. Under the circumstances, Taylor thought it would be unwise to attack the Hualapai rancheria, and decided, instead, if these Indians were still friendly when we passed there, to have them go into Camp Clark and make some kind of a treaty with them. Upon our reaching Rattlesnake Canyon, we found a rancheria of some two or three hundred Indians-men, women and children. They appeared peaceable and readily agreed to go into Camp Clark and make a treaty with us. So we proceeded on our journey without molesting them. Two or three days after our arrival at Camp Clark these Indians all came in, and Colonel Willis, the commanding officer, made a kind of a treaty with them. He told them to go back to their homes, and if they behaved themselves for a year our Government would likely make them some presents. We killed for them two or three of our old work oxen and the Indians started home apparently happy. "I learned in the meantime that when we left our camp at Snider's Water Hole, one of the relief party had posted a notice on the pine trees there notifying parties to look out for Indians at that particular place. The notice was particularly addressed to the expected territorial officials. I notified Col. Willis of this fact, and of the trouble likely to ensue, should these officials, whom we expected daily, first find this notice and then encounter these Indians. He said he would send out a party to either meet the territorial party or take down the notice. Col. Willis was probably a little dilatory about this matter, and unfortunately the Arizona offi cials had reached the territory. They came accompanied by Col. Frank Chaves, with a company each of the New Mexican volunteers, and the Eleventh Missouri Cavalry, as escort. They found the notice posted at our old camp, and coming on had reached the rancheria at Rattlesnake Canyon just as the Indians were arriving from our peace conference. The result was they attacked the Indians, and killed about twenty of them. Of course this ended our peace with the Hualapais. The Indians, believing they had been treacherously dealt with, now commenced killing whenever a white man could be found, and many an old Hassayamper was made to fill a lonely grave as the result of that mistake. I afterwards learned that some of the mules drifted into the Navajo reservation at Bosque Redondo, showing, beyond a doubt, that it was Navajoes that had stolen them. In this instance, were the Hualapais wholly at fault for sounding the tocsin of war? "This camp Clark, of which I speak in this letter, was the first capital of Arizona Territory. It was located at the point now known as Little Chino Valley, and remained there for three or four months before it was moved to Prescott. The 'Arizona Miner' was first published at this camp. The press had been brought out by R. C. McCormick, then secretary of the Territory and afterwards governor, and delegate to Congress. The 'Miner,' however, was edited by a man named Hand, the first numbers being printed on colored mapping paper. It was about a 12x20 single sheet and devoted principally to furthering the political ambitions of Secretary McCormick." CHAPTER III. TRAVELS OF GOVERNOR GOODWIN'S PARTY. LETTERS OF JONATHAN RICHMOND, ONE OF THE PARTY-ORGANIZATION OF TERRITORY—ARRIVAL AT FORT WHIPPLE-FORMAL PROCEEDINGS. Governor Goodwin's party left Fort Larnard (Larned) in Nebraska, on October 15th, 1863. One of the members of his party was Jonathan Richmond, who came to Arizona under the promise from Judge Howell, that he would make him clerk of his court. This young man was a native of Grand Rapids, Michigan; was educated at a military school in New England; spent a year in Oriental waters on a merchantman from Boston; served two years in the Navy during the Civil War, and, after a short residence in Arizona, finally located and spent the balance of his life on a ranch in Shawnee County, Kansas. To Miss Rebecca L. Richmond, a relative of Jonathan, Arizona is indebted for the following letters which describe the course of the Governor's party from Fort Larned, Nebraska, to Fort Whipple, and happenings along the way: "Fort Larned, Kansas, "Tuesday, Oct. 13th, 1863. "My dear Mother: "We arrived here on Sunday about five p. m., and camped about a mile east of the Fort on a small creek (or mud hole rather) called Cow Creek. We found encamped here a train of twenty-eight wagons, drawn by two hundred and eighty oxen, and one company of Mo. Cavalry as an escort. They left Leavenworth a week before we did and arrived here Saturday, when they were ordered to wait until our arrival here in order that we might move together, the Indians being very troublesome beyond here. There are now camped within a stone's throw of us, five hundred Indians who have lately arrived from the north of Texas. They are a savage looking tribe; the greater part are entirely naked, others being covered with pieces of buffalo skin. They have but very few guns; their principal weapons, both for game and warfare, being the bow and arrow. There are some among the tribe that talk our language fluently. About sunset every evening we go to see them shoot, putting up as an inducement, a piece of silver at about twenty rods distant, which will be brought down and claimed by one of the yellow skins at the second or third shot. They have been very inquisitive since our arrival, having made many inquiries as to our strength, number of soldiers, arms, etc. The Major commanding our escort, (i. e., Co. 'I,' 11th Mo. Cavalry, Co. 'H' 4th Mo. Cavalry), is very strict in his issue of orders and in having a strong guard at night. We should have proceeded on our journey to-day, but two of the soldiers in an attempt to desert, were captured, and are to be tried by summary court-martial to-day, (thus our detention). On Monday, 5th, we broke camp at Fort Riley, and, on Tuesday, we saw the first buffalo, which, to our disappointment, on arriving near, proved to be a tame one which was feeding with other cattle. On Wednesday saw a small buffalo calf. One of the soldiers separated it from a tame herd of cattle with which it was grazing, and killed it. Late in the |