afternoon, just before camping, one of the soldiers in the advance dismounted by the roadside to light his pipe. After accomplishing the feat he threw the match down, and in less than a minute the prairie south of the road was a running fire. The wind was blowing fresh from the N. W. at the time, and the fire was not long in reaching and destroying the house, barn, outbuildings and six large stacks of hay belonging to a poor farmer living about a mile distant. About an hour after camping, the farmer appeared in camp, stating that he had lost everything. We went to work and soon collected five hundred dollars which we tendered him. "On Thursday we routed a drove of fiftyseven buffalo, and in the lapse of an hour four lay dead, and were fast losing flesh in the shape of roasts, steaks, etc. On that night the buffalo meat over the camp fires scented the air for miles around. "On Friday we had the good luck to kill three more, which has supplied us with buffalo meat for the trip. It is sliced up into small steaks and hung in the wagon to dry, when it is eaten raw or cooked, according to taste. We shall be out of the buffalo country tomorrow, but shall have abundance of game, such as antelope, deer, etc. Prairie chickens we have not had for over a week. "The country through which we have come thus far is a vast prairie, not a tree to be seen for miles, a few only on the borders of some creek. Most of the grass along the road has been burned by the Indians in order to keep the buffalo off the track of the white man. We apprehend a great deal of trouble with the Indians between here and the Raton mountains, and are making great preparations for a strong resistance. The ox train which accompanied us from here to Santa Fe, is loaded with guns and ammunition for the Regts. they intend raising there on our arrival. The trains combined will make sixtyeight wagons, three companies of Cavalry, and about seventy teamsters, besides our party of eighteen. "Give much love to all. "P. S.-This is written in my tent on the bottom of a pail, and I trust you will excuse errors. Has Father written Mr. Wrightson? "Please ask Mary to call on Mrs. Almy for me, and explain why I did not call as I promised. Mary may give her one of my ambrotypes." "Fort Lyon (late Wise), Colorado, "Dear Father: "Tuesday, Oct. 27, 1863. "I wrote from Fort Larned, giving a sketch of our travels thus far, and I now propose to give an account of our long stretch of two hundred and fifty miles from Larned to our present camp. "On Thursday, Oct. 15th, at 6 a. m. broke camp and traveled sixteen miles, camping on Coon Creek, a short distance from the camp of the Prairie Apache Indians. We found but little wood on the creek, consequently had to eat cold 'grub.' During the night our camp was surrounded by wolves, which kept up a continual howl until early morn. Soon after daylight we spied a large buffalo. In the twinkling of an eye rifles were in hand and, after a short chase, the monster was brought to the ground by the well-directed bullet of Atty. Gage. He had evidently been wounded by an arrow not long before we saw him. "On Friday, traveled twenty-two miles and camped on the Arkansas River, which we found dry, but by digging a few feet in the bed of the river, found excellent water. Being out of the wood district, were obliged to use, as a substitute, buffalo 'chips,' which, to our surprise, made a better fire than the wood we had been using. The chief of a tribe of the Prairie Apaches stopped in camp over night. "Saturday opened very cold, with strong northwest wind from the mountains. Broke camp at daylight. Saw this day many prairie dogs, small animals similar to our muskrat, which live in the river banks. About noon passed a train of ten ox wagons, bound west, and met a tribe of Indians moving East, probably to Fort Larned. At 4 p. m. camped on the Arkansas, having travelled twenty miles. Obliged to dig for water and use buffalo 'chips.' "It is amusing enough after coming into camp to see all, from the Governor down, out on the prairie, bag in hand, collecting 'chips.' On Sunday saw several white wolves skulking about in the big grass. At 3 p. m., camped on the river, having moved twenty-five miles. Found plenty of water, but no wood. During the night a report was in circulation that there were 2,000 Texan rangers twenty-five miles in our advance. Travelled twenty miles on Monday. Met the stage carrying the United States mail. Very cold night. Tuesday walked most of the day, it being cold riding. No wood yet. Wednesday, one of the coldest days I have experienced in a long time. After travelling twenty miles, passing several Indian encampments, we camped near the Big Tree of the Arkansas, the only tree between Larned and Lyon. Tuesday, the 22nd, very cold. Commenced snowing at eight and continued all day. The stage passed us, going west. Got Eastern papers-St. Louis Democrat and Kansas City papers-for the small sum of twenty-five cents each. Friday, found the river frozen, and were obliged to melt ice for cooking. Met a large train of Indians, bound east. Camped again on the Arkansas. Buffalo 'chips' getting scarce. Saturday, cold and windy. Met the stage bound east. At 3 p. m., we camped ten miles from Fort Lyon. On Sunday we arrived here, and have since been enjoying the luxury of wood fires, fresh beef, etc. The buildings-officers' quarters, barracks, etc.,—are of stone, one story high, with mud roofs. They are said to be warm in winter, and agreeably cool in summer. "There are about six hundred troops stationed here, mostly Colorado volunteers; three companies of cavalry, one of infantry, and two sections of battery. There are quite a number of tribes of Indians camped near, which are very troublesome. During the summer, when game is plenty, they do not hang around these parts, but as soon as winter approaches they come in, and manage to beg or steal their living until spring, when they resume their wild pursuits. "Our party, the escort, the teamsters, and all attached to the party, have enjoyed excellent health and are in fine spirits. The killing of one of the teamsters by the assistant wagon-master |