234212 COPYRIGHT 1916, BY THOMAS EDWIN FARISH, ARIZONA HISTORIAN THE FILMER BROTHERS ELECTROTYPE COMPANY SAN FRANCISCO PREFACE TO VOLUMES III AND IV. The law creating this office requires the Historian to "faithfully and diligently collect data of the events which mark the progress of Arizona from its earliest day to the present time, to the end that an accurate record may be preserved of those thrilling and heroic occurrences; that knowledge of the achievements of Arizona's trail blazers may not perish with the passing of her pioneers, but may be preserved and disseminated for the benefit of the present and future generations; that the names of those whose lives were and are identified with the establishment, the progress and the development of Arizona may be given just and lasting recognition," and to publish them in book form. In an endeavor to comply strictly with the letter of the law quoted above, I have gathered all authentic data obtainable, official and otherwise, relating to Arizona, and am embodying it in this History, giving due credit to those pioneers who have taken a prominent part as State Builders in Arizona. Much of this evidence is taken from the lips of pioneers and from records left by them, which is not always absolutely correct. In Volume I, quoting from what purported to be an autobiography of the Oatman girls, and which I thought correct at the time, I said that Olive Oatman died in an insane asylum in New York, but I am informed by the Hon. Ben Goodrich, who knew her personally, that she went from California to Texas, and there married a Major Fairchild. This is confirmed by Judge Wells of Prescott. This discrepancy, which I now gladly correct, only shows the difficulties attending my task as Historian. THOS. EDWIN FARISH. Phoenix, Arizona, October sixteenth, nineteen hundred sixteen. (iii) |