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NOV 7 52


ALL STATUTES, or parts of Statutes, which have been repealed or have ceased to operate, are omitted from this Edition. Reference to the Historical Table in Volume IV. will however enable the reader to follow all the Statutes, their Repeals and Amendments.

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An Act for the Maintenance of proper Order and Discipline amongst the Imperial Pauper Invalids in the Imperial Invalid Depôt at Fremantle.


[Assented to 13th August, 1883.

THEREAS it is expedient to provide for the Maintenance of proper Order and Discipline amongst the Imperial Pauper Invalids in the Imperial Invalid Depôt at Fremantle: Be it enacted by His Excellency the Governor of Western Australia and its Dependencies, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:

1. This Act may be cited for all purposes as 'The Imperial Short title Pauper Invalids Discipline Act, 1883.'

2. In the construction of this Act, the words 'Imperial Pauper Interpretation of Invalid' shall mean any pauper invalid maintained at the expense of term the Imperial Government.


3. It shall be lawful for the Governor, with the advice of the Power to Executive Council, to make rules for the maintenance of proper order Council to make and discipline amongst the Imperial pauper invalids in the Imperial rules Invalid Depôt at Fremantle, and from time to time to add to, alter, or repeal the same. The said rules shall be forthwith published in the 'Government Gazette,' and a copy of the Gazette' containing such rules, purporting to be printed by the Government Printer, shall be received in all Courts of Justice and before all Justices of the Peace in the Colony as evidence of such rules.

4. It shall be lawful for any Justice of the Peace, upon complaint Punishment for made to him in writing of any breach of any of the said rules by any rules



Imperial Pauper Invalids, Discipline

Imperial invalid pauper, and upon proof of such breach, to order that such pauper be imprisoned, with or without hard labour, for any term not exceeding one month, and that he be also kept upon a diet of bread and water for any part of the said term not exceeding seven days.



Short title of


A licensing board to have power to recover the ex




No. 3

An Act to make provision for the recovery of the
Expenses of the Inspection of Licensed Vessels.


[Assented to 13th August, 1883.

HEREAS by 'The Boat Licensing Act, 1878, it is provided that it shall be lawful for any Licensing Board to inspect licensed boats, vessels, or steamers, and no provision is made in the said Act as to the recovery of the Expenses of such Inspection: Be it therefore enacted by His Excellency the Governor of Western Australia and its Dependencies, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:

1. This Act may be cited for all purposes as 'The Boat Licensing Act, 1878, Amendment Act, 1883.'

2. Whenever a licensing board shall have, either personally or by some person or persons duly authorised by them in writing in penses of the in- that behalf, inspected any licensed boat, vessel, or steamer, or the

spection of licensed vessels

Amount recoverable for inspection

gear, masts, sails, rigging, engine, boilers, or any furniture whatsoever thereof, under the provisions of the said 'Boat Licensing Act, 1878,' it shall be lawful for such board to require the owner of such boat, vessel, or steamer as aforesaid to pay forthwith to the board, or to some person duly authorised by the board to receive payment, all reasonable costs and expenses of such inspection, whether such inspection shall have been made personally or by some duly authorised person or persons; and if the amount of such costs and expenses be not forthwith paid by such owner to the said board, or to such person authorised to receive payment as aforesaid, the amount of such costs and expenses, together with the costs incident to the recovery thereof, shall be summarily recoverable as a penalty by the board before any Justice of the Peace.

3. The amount recoverable for inspection as aforesaid shall not exceed, in the case of a personal inspection by the board, the amount of the costs or expenses actually incurred by the persons so inspecting, and shall not include any remuneration for loss of time or trouble; and in the case of an inspection by a person authorised as aforesaid, Boat Licensing Act-Amendment

the amount recoverable for each inspection shall not exceed the sum of ten shillings and sixpence.

4. This Act shall be read and construed as if it were incorporated Incorporation of into and formed part of 'The Boat Licensing Act, 1878.'








No. 4


An Act to Incorporate the Governors of the Fremantle Grammar School. [Assented to 13th August, 1883. HEREAS certain persons have lately established Grammar School in the town of Fremantle, and the said persons have appointed Governors for the purpose of managing the affairs of the School; And whereas a Crown Grant of a piece of land in the said town being about two acres and two roods in extent has lately been made as and for a site for the said school; And whereas it is desirable that the said governing body should be incorporated: Be it therefore enacted by His Excellency the Governor of Western Australia and its Dependencies, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

1. This Act may be cited as 'The Fremantle Grammar School Short title Act, 1883.'

2. The incumbent for the time being of St. John's Church, Fremantle, and the Churchwardens for the time being of the Parish of St. John's together with four other persons to be elected by the Vestry of the said Parish in the manner and for the time mentioned in the scheme for the administration of the said School, hereinafter referred to, shall be the Governors of the said School; and the said Governors, and their successors, shall be and become a Corporation, with perpetual succession, by the name or style of 'The Governors of the Fremantle Grammar School;' and they shall have a common seal; and they shall by the said name be capable of suing and being sued, of pleading and being impleaded in all Courts of Law and Equity; and they shall have all the powers and exercise all the functions and duties which are given, enjoined, and directed to be performed and exercised by them by the provisions of the aforesaid scheme; and they shall have, except as hereinafter provided for, full power to receive, purchase, take, hold, and possess to them and their successors in trust, for the purposes of the said School, any lands, tenements, and hereditaments, and any goods, chattels, and personal estate of any nature or kind whatsoever, and to convey, grant, demise, mortgage, alien, or otherwise deal with all or any of the said real or personal

The Governors to

be a corporate body

Scheme for the administration of the School

Fremantle Grammar School

property. Provided always, that they shall not have power to convey, grant, demise, mortgage, or alien the said piece of land granted to them as a site for the said School, or any part thereof, without first obtaining the consent in writing of the Governor of the said Colony, acting with the advice of the Executive Council; and they shall have, subject as aforesaid, power to do all other things, and have and enjoy all rights and privileges appertaining or incidental to a body politic or corporate.

3. It shall be lawful for the said Governors, but subject to the provisions of this Act, to frame, and from time to time to alter or vary a scheme for the administration of the said School, providing for the mode of election of the Governors aforesaid, the time during which such elected Governors shall hold office, the manner in which vacancies in the number of Governors shall be filled up, the appointment of a visitor of the said School, the regulation of the meetings and proceedings of the Governors, the keeping of the moneys and accounts, and the management of the property of the said School; the appointment and dismissal of the head and other masters, the admission of pupils and payment of tuition fees, the course of education and study to be pursued, the duration of the School terms and hours of study, the scholarships, rewards, or prizes to be given to the pupils, the payment and pensions of the masters, and generally for the management and control of the said School.



See 57 Vic., No. 6

Short title




No. 6

An Act to consolidate and amend the Laws providing for the Abolition of Grand Juries, and for the Summary Discharge, in certain cases, of Persons under Committal for Trial for Felonies and Misdemeanors.


[Assented to 8th September, 1883.

HEREAS it is expedient to consolidate and amend the Ordinances of the 18th Vic. No. 5, and the 23rd Vic. No. 2, and to make further provision for the summary discharge, in certain cases, of persons under committal as aforesaid: Be it enacted by His Excellency the Governor of Western Australia and its Dependencies, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as 'The Grand Jury Abolition Act Amendment Act, 1883.'

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