Slike strani
[blocks in formation]

An Act to repeal the 50th Victoriæ, No. 21, being an



Act which imposed a Duty upon Gold.

[Assented to 22nd July, 1887.

it enacted by His Excellency the Governor of Western Australia Preamble
and its Dependencies, by and with the advice and consent of

the Legislative Council thereof, as follows :

Repeal of 50th
Vic., No. 21

1. That the 50th Victoriæ, No. 21, be and is hereby repealed. 2. That no proceedings be taken for the recovery of any duty, No proceedings forfeiture, or penalty imposed by the said Act.


to be taken under repealed Act





No. 4

An Act to authorise the Construction of the Bunbury
[Assented to 22nd July, 1887.

WHEREAS it is expedient to authorise the construction and Preamble

of a Railway from Bunbury: Be it enacted by His Excellency the Governor of Western Australia and its

Short title

Power to con

struct Railway

from Bunbury

The Bunbury Railway Act, 1887

Dependencies, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative
Council thereof, as follows :-

1. This Act may be cited as 'The Bunbury Railway Act, 1887.'
2. It shall be lawful to construct and maintain a Railway from
Bunbury, with all necessary, proper, and usual works and conveniences
in connection therewith, in the line and upon the lands described in
the Schedule to this Act.





Description of Line of Railway

The Bunbury Railway commences at the shore end of the Jetty in Bunbury, and starts thence by a straight line along the centre of Henry Street, bearing 233° 8' for 8c. 631., crossing Victoria and Roe Streets and Allotment

broad arrow

297 B.O.

broad arrow 825 M.P.

and terminating in Allotment 310; thence to the left by a curve of 10c. rad. (the
chord of which bears 208° 14′ for 8c. 421.), crossing Allotments 310, 311, 312, 313,
314, 315, and Carey Street, and terminating in Wittenoom Street at Om. 17c. 321.;
thence by a straight line along the centre of Wittenoom Street, bearing 183° 20′
for 24c. 891., crossing Clifton Street, Symmons Street, and Wellington Street,
and terminating at Om. 42c. 211.; thence to the left by a curve of 12c. rad. (the
chord of which bears 175° 54′ for 3c. 101.), crossing Prinsep Street and entering
(proposed station site), and terminating at Om. 45c. 321.;
thence by a straight line bearing 168° 29' for 6c. 11., crossing proposed station
site, Stephen Street, and terminating in Crown Land Allotment 228; thence to the
left by a curve of 10c. rad. (the chord of which bears 131° 12′ for 12c. 111.), cross-
ing Allotments 227, 323, 225, Stirling Street, and the South boundary of the Town
of Bunbury, and terminating in Loc. 26 at 0m. 64c. 341.; thence by a straight
line bearing 93° 56′ for 5c. 671., crossing the Vasse Road, and terminating in said
Loc. 26 at 0m. 70c. 11.; thence to the right by a curve of 12c. rad. (the chord of
which bears 125° 1' for 12c. 391.), and terminating in said Loc. 26 at 1m. 3c. 31.;
thence by a straight line bearing 156° 6' for 53c. 281., crossing a salt water creek
at 1m. 3c. 501., and a road at 1m. 49c. 501., and terminating in said Loc. 26 at
1m. 56c. 311.; thence to the left by a curve of 40c. rad. (the chord of which bears
143° 9' for 17c. 931.), and terminating in said Loc. 26 at 1m. 74c. 391.; thence by
a straight line bearing 130° 12′ for 1m. 6c. 711., crossing the Dardanup Road at
1m. 49c., and then passing through Government Reserve

broad arrow

935 and Loc. 296,



and terminating in Loc. 29 at 3m. 1c. 101.; thence to the left by a curve of 100c. rad. (the chord of which bears 125° 7' for 17c. 721.), terminating in Loc. 30 at 3m. 18c. 841.; thence by a straight line bearing 120° 2' for 10c. 121., terminating in said Loc. 30 at 3m. 28c. 961.; thence to the right by a curve of 40c. rad. (the chord of which bears 129° 14′ for 12c. 791.), terminating in broad arrow Bunbury Commonage, at 3m. 41c. 811.; thence by a straight line bearing 138° 26′ for 6c. 261., terminating in boundary line of Loc. 436; thence to the left by a curve of 20c. rad. (the chord of which bears 98° 26' for 25c. 711.), passing through Loc. 436, re-entering Bunbury Commonage, crossing Ti Tree Swamp at 3m. 58c., and the old road to Blackwood at 3m. 62c., and then crossing Loc. 382, and terminating in Loc. 332 at 3m. 75c. 991.; thence by a straight line bearing 58° 27′ for 15c. 191., passing through Loc. 120, and crossing the Preston River at 4m. Sc. 501.,


The Bunbury Railway Act, 1887

and terminating in Loc. 15 at 4m. 11c. 181.; thence to the right by a curve of 20c.
rad. (the chord of which bears 79° 12′ for 14c. 171.), crossing Loc. 11, and ter-
minating in Loc. 38 at 4m. 20c. 671.; thence by a straight line bearing 99° 57′ for
15c. 271., passing through Loc. 38, and terminating in Loc. 16 at 4m. 20c. 671.;
thence by a straight line bearing 99° 57′ for 15c. 271., passing through Loc. 16,
and terminating in Loc. 243 at 4m. 40c. 941.; thence to the left by a curve of 40c.
rad. (the chord of which bears 93° 39' for 8c. 771.), terminating in said Loc. 243
at 4m. 49c. 721.; thence by a straight line bearing 87° 22′ for 10c. 691., and ter-
minating in Loc. 53 at 4m. 60c. 411.; thence to the right by a curve of 30c. rad.
(the chord of which bears 97° 42′ for 10c. 761.), passing through junction of pro-
posed Perth and Bunbury Railway'at 4m. 61c. 161., and terminating in said
Loc. 53 at 4m. 71c. 231.; thence by a straight line bearing 108° 02′ for 1c. 891.,
terminating in said Loc. 53 at 4m. 73c. 121.; thence to the right by a curve of
30c. rad. (the chord of which bears 118°18′ for 10c. 691.), terminating in said
Loc. 53 at 5m. 3c. 871.; thence by a straight line bearing 128° 34′ for 66c. 841.,
crossing a branch of the Ferguson River at 5m. 24c. 201., and terminating in
Crown Loc. broad arrow at 5m. 70c. 711.; thence to the left by a curve of 80c. rad.
(the chord of which bears 120° 52′ for 21c. 441.), terminating in Loc. 10 at 6m.
12c. 211.; thence by a straight line bearing 113° 10' for 43c. 341., terminating in
said Loc. 10 at 6m. 55c. 551.; thence to the right by a curve of 20c. rad. (the
chord of which bears 133° 10′ for 13c. 681.), terminating at 6m. 69c. 511.; thence by
a straight line bearing 153° 10′ for 5c. 71., terminating in said Loc. 10; thence to
the left by a curve of 20c. rad. (the chord of which bears 139° 22′ for 9c. 541.),
crossing a branch of the Ferguson River at 6m. 77c. 301., and terminating in said
Loc. 10 at 7m. 4c. 211.; thence by a straight line bearing 125° 34′ for 361., ter-
minating in said Loc. 10 at 7m. 4c. 571.; thence to the right by a curve of 25c.
rad. (the chord of which bears 128° 52′ for 2c. 881.), crossing a branch of the
Ferguson River-proposed to be diverted and terminating in said Loc. 10 at 7m.
7c. 451.; thence by a straight line bearing 132° 10′ for 49c. 561., crossing Loc. 307,
the Blackwood Road at 7m. 34c., and then re-enters Loc. 307, and crosses Loc.
273, and terminates in Loc. 27 at 7m. 57c. 11.; thence to the right by a curve of
40c. radius (the chord of which bears 143° 34′ for 15c. 821.), terminating in said
Loc. 27 at 7m. 72c. 941.; thence by a straight line bearing 154° 59' for 36c. 361.,
crossing a watercourse at 8m. 5c. 801., and a drain at 8m. 9c., and then crosses a
diverted portion of the Ferguson River at 8m. 25c. 151., and terminates in said Loc.
27 at 8m. 29c. 301.; thence to the left by a curve of 80c. rad. (the chord of which
bears 151° 43′ for 9c. 91.), terminating in said Loc. 27 at 8m. 38c. 381.; thence by
a straight line bearing 148° 28′ for 77c. 501., passing through Loc. 297, and 305,
and crossing a drain at 9m. 35c. 401., and terminating in 45, Dardanup, at 9m. 35c.
881.; thence to the right by a curve of 40c. rad. (the chord of which bears 160° 31′
for 16c. 701.) crossing a drain at 9m. 41c. 451., and terminating in said Loc. 45 at
9m. 52c. 701.; thence by a straight line bearing 172° 34' for 29c. 881., crossing the
Ferguson Road (close to its junction with the Blackwood Road) at 9m. 58c. 701.,
and having the Dardanup Post Office 1c. 801. to left at 9m. 66c. 301., and then
crosses a minor road at 9m. 79c. 801., and terminates in Loc. 76 at 10m. 2c. 581.;
thence to the right by a curve of 40c. radius (the chord of which bears 184° 7' for
16c. 21.), terminating in said Loc. 76 at 10m. 18c. 711.; thence by a straight line
bearing 195° 40′ for 7c. 671., and terminating in Loc. 310 at 10m. 26c. 381.; thence
to the left by a curve of 80c. rad. (the chord of which bears 188° 50′ for 19c. 41.),
terminating in broad arrow Dardanup Commonage, at 10m. 45c. 461.; thence by a
straight line bearing 182° for 1m. 18c. 621., passing through S.O.L.'s 1 and OH,
and terminating in Lease at 11m. 64c. 81.; thence to the right by a curve of
40c. rad. (the chord of which bears 192° for 13c. 891.), terminating in Lease 1417 at
11m. 78c. 41.; thence by a straight line bearing 202° for 3m. 41c. 961., crossing the
Crooked Brook at 12m. 18c. 701.; and passing through Lease crosses St. John's
Brook at 14m. 6c. 801., and terminates in said Lease at 15m. 40c. -the total
length of line.








Short title

Repeal of sec. 24
of 12th Vic.,
No. 7

Certain prisoners may be set to work outside prison

The Prisoners Employment Act, 1887




No. 5

An Act to amend the Law in respect of the employment of Prisoners sentenced to hard labour.


[Assented to 4th August, 1887.

E it enacted by His Excellency the Governor of Western Australia and its Dependencies, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof :

1. That this Act may be cited as 'The Prisoners Employment Act, 1887.'

2. That the twenty-fourth section of Ordinance No. 7 of the 12th Victoriæ be and is hereby repealed, and such repeal shall take effect at the time of the commencement of this Act.

3. That any male prisoner sentenced to penal servitude or to imprisonment with hard labour for any felony or misdemeanour for which he is legally liable to be sentenced to such imprisonment without the alternative of a fine, may be ordered by the Inspector of Prisons or a Resident Magistrate to be set to work, and may be set to work on the roads or any public work beyond the precincts of the said prison. Any such prisoner so ordered to be set to work as aforesaid who, whether in charge of any gaoler or not, shall abscond, whether on the way from the prison to the place of work, or at the place of work, or on the way from the place of work to the prison, shall be liable to the penalties of an escape. Any such prisoner so set to work as aforesaid, either alone or with any other prisoner or prisoners, may by the further order of such Inspector or of a Resident Magistrate be kept at such work in chains or otherwise secured as may be deemed expedient.






No. 6

An Act to amend and extend 'The Inquiries into Wrecks
Ordinance, 1864.' [Assented to 4th August, 1887.


HEREAS it is expedient further to amend 'The Inquiries into Wrecks Ordinance, 1864;' and whereas it is expedient to provide in certain cases for the holding of Inquiries into the wrecks of The Wreck Act, 1887

foreign ships, and to provide for the protection of foreign property wrecked upon the coasts: Be it therefore enacted by His Excellency the Governor of Western Australia and its Dependencies, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows:

1. That in this Act The Principal Act' shall mean 'The Inquiries Definitions into Wrecks Ordinance, 1864.'

'The Collector of Customs' shall include a Collector, Sub-
Collector, or any Principal Officer of Customs in any
port in the Colony.

'The Receiver of Wreck' shall mean the Collector of Customs
as in this Act defined.

'A Nautical Assessor' shall mean a person of nautical skill and
knowledge, sitting with the Principal Officer of Customs
and Justice.

'Apparel' shall mean and include all the furniture, tackle,
masts, rigging, and all things in or upon a vessel or ship
other than the cargo.

'The Inquiry' shall mean the preliminary inquiry mentioned
in the 1st section of the principal Act.

'The Accusation' shall mean the formal case setting forth the
specific charges of incompetency or misconduct against
any owner of a certificate of a master, mate, or engineer
of a ship or vessel mentioned in the 1st section of the
principal Act.

'The Investigation' shall mean the formal investigation men-
tioned in the 1st section of the principal Act.

2. Whereas the first section of the principal Act provides for three Procedure several steps or stages in procedure, namely, the Inquiry, the Accusation, and the Investigation, and it is expedient to explain and amend the said section in respect of all such three steps or stages: be it enacted:

(1) As to the Inquiry:

(a) That such Inquiry be compulsory on the Officer mentioned
in the 1st section of the principal Act.

(b) That such Officer may require and request the assistance
of any Justice of the Peace for the purpose of such
Inquiry, and any Justice of the Peace so required
and requested shall act with such Officer for such

(c) That should the said Officer and Justice agree that there
is no case for an Investigation, all proceedings in
the matter shall cease and determine.

(2) As to the Accusation:

(d) That should the said Officer and Justice agree that there
is a case for an Investigation, then the said Officer,
with or without the assistance of the said Justice as
to him the said Officer shall seem fit, shall draw up
a formal case as in the 1st section of the principal

Act provided.

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