THE LONDON, EDINBURGH, AND DUBLIN PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE AND JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. CONDUCTED BY SIR DAVID BREWSTER, K.H. LL.D. F.R.S. L. & E. &c. AND ROBERT KANE, M.D. M.R.I.A. “Nec aranearum sane textus ideo melior quia ex se fila gignunt, nec noster VOL. XVII. NEW AND UNITED SERIES OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE, JULY-DECEMBER, 1840%, LONDON: RICHARD AND JOHN E. TAYLOR, RED LION COURT, FLEFT STREET, SOLD BY LONGMAN, ORME, BROWN, GREEN, AND LONGMAN3; CADELL; THE Conductors of the London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine, have to acknowledge the editorial assistance rendered them by their friend Mr. EDWARD: W. BRAYLEY, F. L. S., F.G.S., Assoc. Inst. C. E.; Corresp. Geol. Soc. of Cornwall, and Philos. Soc. of Basle; Hon. Mem. S. Afric. Inst.: Librarian to the London Institution. 112609 Prof. Miller on the Form and Optical Constants of Nitre Prof. Johnston on the Iodide of a new Carbo-hydrogen.. Prof. Forbes on the Optical Characters of Greenockite (Sul- Mr. T. Taylor on a new Species of Biliary Calculus. Dr. Foville on the Anatomy of the Brain... Prof. Faraday's Answer to Dr. Hare's Letter on certain Theo- Meteorological Observations for May, 1840 Meteorological Observations made at the Apartments of the Royal Society by the Assistant Secretary, Mr. Roberton; by Mr. Thompson at the Garden of the Horticultural Society Mineralogical Notices. Communicated by Prof. Miller. Dr. Theodore Scheerer's Observations on Elæolith and Nephe- Dr. Kane on the Theoretical Constitution of the Compounds of Mr. E. A. Parnell on the Composition of Inulin Mr. C. T. Coathupe on certain Effects of Temperature Mr. R. Thomas's Remarks on some Tide Observations, published in the Transactions of the British Association.. Mr. Gulliver's Observations on the Blood Corpuscles, or Red On the Reduction of Potassio-chloride of Platina Dr. Barry on the Corpuscles of the Blood Mr. Griffith's Reply to that part of Mr. Weaver's Paper re- lative to the Mineral Structure of the South of Ireland, which has appeared successively in the Numbers of the Philosophical M. Dumas's Memoir on the Law of Substitutions, and the Theory of Chemical Types (concluded)... Mr. A. Smee on the Ferrosesquicyanuret of Potassium. M. Jacobi's Comparative Measure of the Action of two Voltaic Pairs, the one Copper-zinc, the other Platina-zinc.. .... 241 |