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3. Point out in the model one simple, one compound, and one complex sentence.

4. Why is the semicolon used after "come,” in line 7? The colon after "was," in line 11?

V. Analysis of Model

Every good story consists of three parts, a situation, a climax, and a dénouement. The situation includes the "Four W's." In the model they are as follows: Prince Alexander and Queen Victoria.


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What A schoolboy's impecuniosity and a queen's wealth. When When the Prince was at Eton.

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Note that "Who" includes two people, and that in "What" there are two contrasted factors.

The climax is a second situation which grows out of the first and is so difficult for the hero that it cannot continue. In this case it is supplied by the Prince's embarrassment at his grandmother's refusal. In other words, the boy's poverty is not relieved by the grandmother's wealth.

The dénouement is the way out. It introduces suddenly a new factor, not mentioned before, which solves the hero's problem. This new factor is that peculiar human characteristic which makes people wish to own the autographs of distinguished people. The hero is clever enough to take advantage of it.

Every good story has these same elements.

VI. Exercises

Analyze the following anecdotes according to the model in V:

Much Worse.


"Mirandy, fo' de Lawd's sake, don't let dem chickens outer dis here yard. Shut dat gate." "What

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fur, Aleck; dey'll come home, won't dey?" 'Deed dey won't. Dey'll go home.".

Columbia Jester.


Kate Douglas Wiggin's choicest possession, she says, is a letter which she once received from the superintendent of a home for the feeble-minded. He spoke in glowing terms of the pleasure with which the "inmates” had read her little book, "Marm Lisa," and ended thus superbly: "In fact, madam, I think I may safely say that you are the favorite author of the feeble-minded!"— Woman's Home Companion


Opportunity. A young suburban doctor whose practice was not very great sat in his study reading away a lazy afternoon in early summer. His man servant appeared at the door. "Doctor, them boys is stealin' your green peaches again. Shall I chase them away?"

The doctor looked thoughtful for a moment, then leveled his eyes at the servant.

"No," he said. — Lippincott's Monthly Magazine.


A sergeant calling the roll for a company of the new "sportsmen" battalion for the first time had a terrible experience recently. Having disposed successfully of a few "Harpers," "Mitchells,” etc., he came to the name “Montague." "Private Montaig," shouted the sergeant.

There was no reply, but when the name was repeated a half-hearted "Here, sir," came from the ranks.

"Why did n't you answer before?" demanded the sergeant. “Because my name is Mon-ta-gue,” replied the recruit. "Well," snapt the sergeant, "you'll do seven days' fatigew."

The next name on the list, Majoribanks, brought no response, for the sergeant pronounced it "Majoreybanks." A second call brought the mild response; "I expect you mean me, sir. My name is 'Marshbanks.'


The sergeant almost reeled, but proceeded bravely with "Colquhoun."

"Private Col-kew-houn," he called. "Coohoon, sir, that's me," came a brisk reply from the front rank.

The drill-instructor gave up and, closing his book, he wearily gave the order "number." When this was completed he said:

“One hundred and twenty-one. That's right. Now, if there are any more of you with fancy names just come to me after drill and tell me how you would like to be called." Philadelphia Ledger.

VII. Written Composition

1. Do one of the following exercises:

(a) Write Prince Alexander's letter to Queen Victoria.

(b) Write Queen Victoria's reply.

(c) Write the letter in which Queen Victoria afterward informed Prince Alexander's father of the circumstance.

(d) Write the letter in which Prince Alexander told his sister of the incident.

(e) Write the letter in which the purchaser of the letter told his cousin.

VIII. Oral Composition

Organize a banquet with a toastmaster. Each member of the class must respond to his call with a story that is at once mirth-provoking and dignified. It must be a story, not a mere joke. The success of each speaker will be measured by the heartiness of the laughter that he or she produces.

IX. Memorize


Has there any old fellow got mixed with the boys?
If he has, put him out without making a noise.

1 This poem was written by Oliver Wendell Holmes to be read at the 1859 reunion of the class that was graduated in 1829 from Har

Hang the Almanac's cheat and the Catalogue's spite!
Old Time is a liar! We're twenty tonight!

We're twenty! We're twenty! Who says we are more? He's tipsy young jackanapes! show him the door! "Gray temples at twenty?" - Yes! white, if we please; Where the snowflakes fall thickest there's nothing can freeze!

We've a trick, we young fellows, you may have been told,
Of talking (in public) as if we were old;

That boy we call "Doctor" and this we call "Judge”;
It's a neat little fiction; of course it's all fudge.

That fellow's the "Speaker"

the one on the right;

"Mr. Mayor," my young one, how are you tonight? That's our "Member of Congress," we say when we chaff; There's the "Reverend"

me laugh!

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- what's his name?

That boy with the grave mathematical look
Made believe he had written a wonderful book,
And the Royal Society thought it was true!

don't make

So they chose him right in a good joke it was, too. (Continued on Page 94.)

vard. In it he tries to make his classmates forget their years and their honors so that for one night at least they may be boys again. But the poem has a wider message. It has a message for every boy who aspires to be great or useful. It means to him that some day he may be doctor, judge, Speaker, Member of Congress, Fellow of the Royal Society, poet, or philanthropist.

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WRITE in about one hundred words an account of some bright saying by a child. A child is specified, because the bright sayings of older people are usually stolen without quotation marks.

II. Models


Little four-year-old Stanley's uncle was engaged to be married and therefore was seldom at home when Stanley and his parents came to visit grandmother's. One Sunday afternoon, however, he was at home, and, seeing Stanley playing on the front lawn, jokingly said to him, “Here, get off my grass." Whereupon Stanley answered, "This is n't your grass; you don't live here you only sleep here." — Chicago Tribune.


A boy of six was being shown through the Art Institute by his mother, who stopped before one of the "old masters," and, after explaining the beauty and value of the picture, said, "Now, dearie, won't you promise to remember all I have told you about this picture?" The young hopeful said, "Yes, I will if you will promise never to bring me here again." — Ibid.


Marjorie "Will I get everything I pray for, mama?" Mother (cautiously) "Everything that's good for you, dear."

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