Slike strani

Castillo, Alonzo del, 24.
Castro, José, governor of California, military services against Carrillo,
179, 180; quarrel between Pio Pico and, 184-185, 189; part in Bear
Flag Revolution, 185, 193; Commodore Sloat's letter to, 240; his
answer and actions, 243; delegation sent to Commodore Stockton
by Pico and, 244-245; his retreat to Mexico, 245.
Castro, Manuel, at battle of Natividad, 262.
Catalina Island, see Santa Catalina Island.
Cattle, industry in California, 162.

Cavendish, Thomas, voyage to the Pacific, 36-37.

Central Pacific Railroad, promoters of, 282, 284; assistance from the
government, San Francisco, California, and Nevada, 282; Theodore
Judah's part in organization of company, 283-285, 293; Creed Hay-
mond's description of difficulties in building, 285-290; completion of,
and ceremonies attending, 290-293; Bret Harte's "What the engines
said," 291-292.

Channel Indians, see Santa Barbara Channel Indians.

"Channel Islands," translation of Cabrillo's log as published in, 45-54.
China, John Rogers Cooper's trip to, 163-164.

Chinese laborers, "Crocker's battalions," 285.

Chino Rancho, battle at, 249-250.

Cibola, seven cities of, 24-30, 100; Fray de Niza's expedition to, 26-29.
Citrus industry, effect of irrigation on, 298.

Clark, J. Ross, connection with Salt Lake Railroad, 296.

Clark, W. A., projector of the Salt Lake Railroad, 296.

Clear Lake, massacre of Indians at, by Salvador Vallejo, 182-183.

College of San Fernando in Mexico, Serra and Palou at, 61-62; Palou
retires to, 89.

Coloma, discovery of gold at, 212.

Colorado River, 49.

Columbia bar, mining camp, 224.

Colton Hall, Monterey, convention at, 272.

Colusa County, name and origin of, 310-311.

Commerce and trade, with the Russians, 140, 162; during Mexican rule,
153; anti-trading law passed by Mexico, 162-163; condition of, in
1822, 162; Governor Arguello's disregard of law, 163-164; John
Rogers Clark's arrival in Monterey and employment as trader, 163-
164; why the Pacific Coast did not progress as rapidly, commer-
cially, as Atlantic, 276-277; commercial awakening, 278-281; from
1769-1840, 279-280; export trade in 1841, 279; trade in otter skins,
279; Russian traders, 280; Hudson Bay company, 280; gold pro-
duction in 1848, 1853-1864, 280-281; merchandise trade, 1848-1867,
281; wheat crop in 1868, 281.

Constitution, convention at Monterey for framing and ratification of,

Contra Costa County, name and origin of, 311.

Coon Hollow, gold output at, 231.

Cooper, John Rogers, arrival at Monterey and employment as trader,
and trip to China, 163-164.

Cordoba, Alberto de, arrival in California of, 133; survey of San Fran
cisco by, 133; assists Governor Borica in building Branciforte, 134-


Coronado, Francisco Vasquez de, expedition to seven cities of Cibola,

Coronado Beach, 30.

Cortés, Hernando, conquest of, 23-24; expulsion of Jesuits from Mexico
by, 56; decree passed secularizing the missions, 97.
Costanso, Miguel, engineer, on expedition in search of Monterey, 66, 67.
Counties of California, names and origin of, 309-322.

Crespi, Father Juan, on expedition in search of Monterey, 66, 67, 316;
Father Casanova's statement regarding burial of, 363.

Crimes and punishments, during Father Serra's administration, 95; in
1849, 229; Vigilance committee in San Francisco, 235-237.

Crime and criminals, "The Hounds" in San Francisco, 231-235; in San
Francisco, 234-235.

Crocker, Charles, 282; member of Central Pacific Railroad company,
284; part in building the road, 285, 290, 293.

"Crocker's battalions, "" 285.

Croix, Marques de, viceroy of New Spain, 101.

Cushing, Caleb, 340.

Cyane, U. S. ship, at Monterey, 205.

Dana, Richard Henry, his description of pueblos, 153-155; his descrip-
tion of San Francisco, 154-155.

Davalos, Alonzo, gift to Pious Fund, 325.

"Days of Forty-nine," official song of native sons of the Golden West,

Declaration of Independence of California, 204.

De la Cruz, Mateo Fernandez, gift to Pious Fund, 325.

De la Guerra y Noriega, José Antonio, 172; marriage of daughter to
W. E. P. Hartnell, 172.

De la Sierpe, Pedro Gil, 325.

De la Torre, Joaquin, at battle of San Rafael, 200; pursuit of his party
by Frémont, 202-204.

De la Vega Vincent, his connection with the story of "The pearls of
Loreto," 107-109.

De Resnoff, N. P. See Rezanoff, N. P.

Del Carmen, José, 250.

Del Norte County, name and origin of, 311.

Denver, James W., refusal of, to give Governor Bigler the state seal,

Desert, difficulties in building the railroad across, 289.

Desert Isles, Cabrillo at, 46.

Diego, Bishop Francisco Garcia, in charge of the Pious Fund, 334.
Discovery of gold. See Gold.

Dominicans, dividing line between Franciscans and, 136; assigned to
Lower California, 332.

Dorr, Ebenezer, captain of ship Otter, 139.

Doyle, John T., narrative of the Pious Fund, 323-342; his effort to re-
cover Pious Fund for the Church, 338-340.

Drake, Sir Francis, voyage of, 34-38; his treatment of Indians, 35; re-
turn to England, 36; purpose of explorations, 37-38; his failure to
discover San Francisco Bay, 39-40, 278.

Drake's Bay, 35.

Dumetz, Father Francisco, at San Fernando mission, 92.

Duran, Father Narcisco, letter from Jedediah Smith to, 169; his peti
tion against General Vallejo's cruel treatment of Indians, 181-182.
Durant, vice-president of Union Pacific railway, 290.

Earthquakes, destruction of San Francisco by fire and, 300-301.

Eaton, Fred, connection with Owens River Aqueduct, 302-303.
Echeandia, José Maria de, as governor, 166-173; attitude toward for-
eigners and story of Jedediah Smith, 166-171.

El Camino Real, 70, 98; route taken by, 361-362.

El Dorado County, name and origin of, 311-312.

Emery, Lieutenant, at battle of San Gabriel River, 264.

Emigrant Cap, difficulties in building railroad from, to Truckee, 286-287.
Engelhardt, Father Zephyrin, his account of Father Serra's most famous
walk, 349-354.

Estanislao, Chief, battle against the Spanish, 320, 321.
Estevanico, negro with Marcos de Niza, 24, 26, 27, 28.
"Eureka," motto on seal of California, 274.

Ezeta, Captain Bruno, 321.

Fages, Pedro, Lieutenant on Ship San Carlos, 63; on expedition in search
of Monterey, 66, 67; quarrel with missionaries and removal from
office, 121; as governor, 127-128; letter to Ignacio Vallejo, 128;
Spanish grants given by, 158, 321; Serra's charges against, 352;
instructions to, in regard to missions, 352-353.

Fages, Señora, Governor Fages' wife, 128.

Farallones, Isles of the, 67.

Feather River, 316.

Ferrelo, Bartolomé, explores California, 34, 39; in charge of Cabrillo's
fleet, 53.

Fires, San Francisco destroyed by earthquake and, 300-301.

Flags, Mexican at Monterey, 148; Mexican hauled down from Sutter's
Fort, 194-195; Bear, 187, 195-196.

Flores, José Maria, Commodore refuses to treat with, 244-245, 263; in
defense of Los Angeles, 247; Andres Pico's report of battle of San
Pasqual to, 261.

Ford, William, 200.

Foreigners during Spanish and Mexican times, immigrants by sea and
rules and regulations of, 219; Governor Borica's attitude toward,
139; Governor Sola's attitude toward, 145.

Americans: first American ship to visit California, 139; affair
of brig Lelia Byrd, 140; Jedediah Smith's overland party,
166-171; English, 139.

French, threatened invasion, 133.

Russians, 139, 140-141; M. de Rezanoff, 139-140; at Fort Bodega,
145, 162; missions established as barriers to, 145-146; trade
with, 162, 280.

Fort Hill, surrender of Gillespie's forces at, 250-251.

Fort Ross, see Ross, Fort.

Fortilla, Pablo de, see Portilla, Pablo de.

Franciscans, work with Indians in California, 55; at Santa Barbara, 86;
dividing line in California between Dominicans and, 136; Jesuit
missions transferred to, 332.

Freight, cost of, in building Central Pacific railroad, 288.

Frémont, John C., sent to survey Rocky Mountain country, 191; Amer-
icans advise with, 193; his part in the Bear Flag Revolution, 198-
206; personal appearance, 199; pursuit of Captain de la Torre's
party, 202-204; made commander of Bear Flag Republic, 204; or-
ganization of "California battalion of mounted riflemen,'' 204;
despatched by Stockton to San Diego, 244; at Los Angeles, 246; at
Monterey, 251; Stockton's letter to, 265-266; governor of California,

269; instructions sent by Kearney to, 270; quarrel between Colonel
Mason and, 270; court-martialed and his resignation from army,
270-271; again in California, 271; United States senator, 273; ac-
count of his ride from Los Angeles to Monterey and back, 343-348.
French in California, threatened invasion of, 133.
Frenzeny, painted bar of Sanchez's saloon, 112-113.
Fresno County, name and origin of, 312.

Fry, Sir Edward, arbitrator for Pious Fund, 341.

Fuca, Juan de, claims to have passed through "Anian," 30-31, 36.

Gale, William A., establishment of mercantile house by, 164.
Galvéz, José de, his connection with Father Serra, 56-57, 63; character
of, 57; expedition sent to California by, 58-59, 101; sites for first
missions selected by, 59; sends relief to San Diego, 69-71; Por-
tolá selected for governor by, 120; his idea of missions, 121.
Gandia, Duchess of, gift to Pious Fund, 328-329.

Gantt, John, Pio Pico's contract with, 184.

Garcias, Manuel, at battle of San Gabriel River, 264.

Garnett, Major Robert Selden, designer of the State seal, 274, 355, 357;
sketch of his life, 359-360.

Gilbert, Edward, editor of "Alta California," 357; his repudiation of
Caleb Lyon, 357-358; elected to Congress, 273.

Gillespie, Archibald H., in command of Los Angeles, 246; forced to
capitulate, 246-251; battle of San Pasqual, 256-262; character of, in
California, 260; with Stockton, 271.

Glenn, Dr. Hugh J., 312.

Glenn County, name and origin of, 312.

Gold, undiscovered by Spanish, 212; discovery of, 211, 212-218; con-
dition of California six months after discovery of, 225; production
of early mines, 230-231; production of, in 1848, 280; in 1853, 280;
until 1864, 281; effect of discovery of, on trade, 278-280. See also
under Mines and Mining.

Golden Gate first entered by Juan de Ayala, 80.

Gomez, Father Francisco, sails for California, 63; on expedition in
search for Monterey, 66, 67; at San Diego mission, 71.

Gonzalez, Macedonio, 179.

Gould Lines. See Western Pacific Railroad.

Governors, Mexican, List of, 184.

Governors, Spanish, position of, 119. See also under Portolá, Barri, de

Neve, Fages, Romeu, Arrillaga, Borica, Arguello, Sola.

Goycoechea, Felipe de, 129.

Grass Valley, 224, 231.

Green, General Will, 311.

"Green is the way to Monterey" (poem), 115-116.

Grigsby, John, 201.

Guadalupe, Hidalgo, treaty of, 271.

Guadalupe River, in Santa Clara County, 126.

Guarnaschelli, Senator, 241.

Guijarros Point. See Loma, Point.

Gwin, William M., United States Senator, 273.

Hague Convention, Court of arbitration in regard to Pious Fund, 340-


Halleck, Henry W., 357.

Hangtown. See Placerville.

Harte, Francis Bret, "What the engines said," 291-293.

Hartnell, William P., Father Payeras' contract with, 163; establishment
of mercantile house by, 164; his marriage, 172.

Haymond, Creed, his description of difficulties in constructing the Cen-
tral Pacific Railroad, 285-290.

Henley, William Ernest, Stevenson's letter to, 113.

Herrera, Isabel, story of the "Pearls of Loreto," 106-108.

Hidalgo, Manuel, how he started the Mexican revolution, 141.

Hides, trade in, 162; trade in, by the missionaries, 279.

Hittell, Theodore, his account of the massacre of Indians at Clear
Lake, 182-183.

Holder, Charles Frederick, translation of Cabrillo's Log as published by,

Hollywood. See Cahuenga.

Hopkins, Mark, 282, 293.

Horsemanship, Bancroft's reference to, 347-348.

Horses, power of endurance of California, illustrated by Frémont's ride,

343-348; test of, 346.

"Hounds," in San Francisco and how suppressed, 231-235.

"How much can you raise in a pinch," origin of expression, 227-228.
Howard, General O. O., his interpretation of name Modoc, 315.

Hudson Bay Company, trade with, 280.

Humboldt County, name and origin of, 312.

Huntington, C. P., 282; his connection with Central Pacific Railroad,
284, 285, 293.

Ide, William B., his proclamation at Sonoma, 185-186; in Bear Flag
Revolution, 192; Bear Flag Republic proclamation, 197-198; sketch
of his life, 198; his account of Frémont's arrival at Sonoma, 201-
202; supplanted by Frémont, 204.

Imperial County, name and origin of, 312.
Imperial Valley, effect of irrigation on, 298.
Independence of California, declaration of, 204.
Indian villages, names of, 50, 51.

Indians, in California, 40; Cabrillo's account of, 40, 47-51, 53; Sir
Francis Drake's account of, 41; of Point Reyes, 41; around San
Francisco Bay, 41-42; of Santa Barbara Channel Islands, 42, 53; in
San Joaquin Valley, 42; life of, 41; on Santa Catalina, 48; of Santa
Monica Bay, 48-49; at San Carlos mission, 73; at mission San An-
tonio, 76-77; at San Gabriel, 78; at San Juan Capistrano, 82; at
Santa Barbara mission, 85; Napa tribe, 315.

Franciscans work with, 55-56; number of, converted during
Serra's administration, 87; grief of, upon death of Serra,
88; their love of missionaries, 96; effect of missions on,
95-96, 98; assist Father Martinez against Buenos Ayres
insurgents, 147.

Sir Francis Drake's treatment of, 35; General Vallejo's cruel
treatment of, 181-182; massacre of, at Clear Lake, 182-183;
Pio Pico's treatment of, 184.

Uprising of, at San Diego mission, 68; murder of Father Jayme
by, 123; attack on Santa Ynez and La Purisima missions,
165-166; fight between valley tribes and Sierra tribes, 310;
uprising and battle on Stanislaus River, 320.

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