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win, Arizona Territory, with his company, on a scout after Indians. On the fourth day out the company destroyed about seventy acres of corn, also several small fields of beans and pumpkins. On the sixth day came upon a party of Indians -wounded several and captured one, who was afterwards shot while attempting to escape. A Mexican captive was rescued from these Indians. On the eighth day out attacked a party of Indians and killed six and wounded two."

"November 27.-An Apache Indian, in attempting to escape from Captain Thompson's company, 1st cavalry New Mexico volunteers en route to Fort Whipple, was killed by the guard."

"December 15.-Captain Allen L. Anderson, 5th United States infantry, with a small party of men, attacked an Indian rancheria near the Weaver Mines, Arizona, killed three and wounded three Apache Indians."

"December 15.-Captain John Thompson, 1st cavalry New Mexico volunteers, with a party of twelve enlisted men, attacked an Apache rancheria near Weaver, Arizona, and killed eleven and wounded four."

"December 24.-Lieutenant Paul Dowlin, 1st cavalry New Mexico volunteers, reports that on his return trip from Fort Whipple, Arizona, the Navajo Indians ran off fourteen of his mules.'

The foregoing, which are contained in a report signed by Ben C. Cutler, Assistant Adjutant-General, practically covers the operations of the military in Arizona during the year 1864. In concluding his report Mr. Cutler says:

"Then came the operations of the troops against the Apaches of Arizona. To those ac

quainted with the difficulties of campaigning in that distant country-formidable against the movement and supply of troops in every way in which a country can be formidable, whether considered on account of its deserts, its rugged and sterile mountains, its frequent and often impassable defiles, and, in widely extended regions, the scarcity of water and grass-the wonder will be that the troops were ever able to overtake the Indians at all. Although the results of operations in that Territory were not so great as hoped for, yet they were creditable, and were won at an expense of toil and privation of which any description could give but a faint idea to one who had never traversed this very singular country. The marches of the troops were long, and sometimes repaid by but poor results. For example: on one expedition, under one of our most distinguished officers, the troops marched 1,200 miles, and actually killed but one Indian. Oftentimes long scouts would be made and not an Indian, or even the track of one, would be discovered; yet the movements of the troops in every direction through the country of the Arizona Apaches, and a few partial encounters with them, attended by great good fortune, gave us the morale over them, until now they are inclined to flee at the sight of our armed parties, and scatter in all directions, and not to stand upon the hilltops and crags and jeer at our men by insulting cries and gestures, as they did when we first began war upon them. It is hoped that in a short time, they, too, will be sufficiently subdued to surrender and go upon a reservation.

"Not only have the troops thus followed and punished the Indians, but they have opened new roads, repaired others which had become destroyed by floods, have built posts, guarded trains through the interior of Arizona and New Mexico, and conducted the thousands of Captive Indians from the old Navajo country to the reservation, and not only guarded them there, but have directed their labors in opening up what will be one of the most magnificent farms in the United States.

"The general commanding the department takes great pleasure in being able to congratulate the troops on such a record. The increased security of life and property throughout this widely extended department, attests the beneficial results which spring from these efforts. The prosperity of New Mexico and Arizona will be sure to follow. So it must ever be a source of gratification and pride to every officer and soldier engaged in this great labor to know that the people for whom he has toiled are getting to be more secure in their lives, and to be better off in their worldly condition.

"All this has been done quietly and without ostentation on the part of the troops. In the great events which have marked the struggle of our country to preserve intact the union of all the States, it was not expected that such labors would receive the attention of the general government; but the fact that two great States will yet date their rise, progress, and the commencement of their prosperity from this subjugation of hostile Indians, will always be most gratifying to remember by those who so nobly did the work.'




So much has been written of the Indian by the white man, so many reports have been made by the military, and other authorities, of the raids and massacres by the red man, and so little is known of the Indian's side of the story, that the following stories of the Apache Indians, written by one of themselves, Mike Burns, will, without doubt, cast a new light upon the question, not only for Indian accounts of many battles with the white man, but also for descriptions of the methods of travel and customs and manner of living of the Indians. It is a pathetic narrative, elegant in its simplicity, and shows the deep feeling of an Indian brooding over the wrongs which he has received at the hands of the whites. It is an eloquent appeal for justice at the hands of those who took from him his lands, and robbed him of friends and relatives. It is given here without change of phraseology, and I think many parts of it will rank with the orations of Red Fox, Black Hawk and other Indians who have made their names a part of the history of this country.

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