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not at places on the flat view, but at things and places far behind it, and when he looks into the depth of the landscape he sees them all in their proper proportion and true relation.


To give opportunity for a more intensive study of some of the more important topics of physical and commercial geography, sets of 15 views, each card showing the same picture, are furnished by the

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FIG. 23.-German castle.

A picture with holder is given to each pupil or each two pupils of a class-every room in the St. Louis schools is divided into two classes-and the teacher has a copy of the view. This arrangement enables the teacher to take her pupils into the situation which is the topic of the lesson. By discussing every detail in the picture, she makes them thoroughly understand, makes them live, what they discover.

Some time ago the writer heard a lesson on marble quarrying. By means of the picture, of which each pupil had a copy, the children

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were transported into the mine, as it were, and, under the tactful guidance of the teacher, they found their way into everything the teacher wanted them to learn. In previous lessons the various classes of rocks had been developed, and the order of deposition of the sedimentary rock was studied. The children had brought in samples of sandstone, clay, and marble, and the collection of rocks furnished by the museum had been used to show the limestone in its various degrees of hardness, viz, ooze, coquina, coral, chalk, and marble. After studying the ways in which the rocks were placed in the ground,

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a sandstone quarry was visited to observe the method of taking them from the earth. Then the method of quarrying marble was studied by means of a set of stereoscopic pictures, and the following outline used:

Location of quarry.

History of surface as read from picture.

Observation of the details of the picture: Discoloration, stratification, bedding, tunnels, water, pillars, method of drilling-Gadding machine, wedging, channeling machines, derricks.

Comparison with a mine.

Nature's compensations.

The compositions written by the children on the subject of "Marble" showed that they had thoroughly enjoyed their trip to the mine and had received valuable information and training.

The following is a list of the subjects illustrated by sets of 15 stereoscopic views:

Coffee: Coolies picking coffee-Ceylon.

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Lumber: Scouring logs and hauling them into sawmill-Minneapolis.

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Cutting peat in the Allen bogs-Ireland.

Miners entering shaft-Illinois.

Digging into the hillside-Pennsylvania.

Seacoasts: Rock and town of Gibraltar.

Volcanoes: Fugiyama's vast, mysterious crater.

Mallibon, strange river of fire-St. Vincent, West Indies.
Crumbling ash deposits-St. Vincent, West Indies.

Erosion: The Sinuous Colorado.

Geysers: "Old Faithful" in action.

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FIG. 26.-Class studying Switzerland, with maps, charts, etc., from the museum.

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Hundreds of large colored charts help to make facts, conditions, and scenes in geography and history more real and lifelike.

As examples of what the teachers may order from the museum to illustrate the work in geography, the following exhibits may serve:

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Food Products..



Tree Products.

Medicinal plants...


FIG. 27.-Harbor of Hamburg.


.Sugar, coffee, black frijoles, tea, cocoa, vanilla, lentils, alfalfa.

Jute, agave, sisal fibers.

Mahogany, ebony, rosewood, logwood, mora, laurel, guava.
.Rubber, tanning bark, dyestuffs.

Jalap, cascarilla, and others.

..Motmot, Mexican trogon, coppery tailed trogon, toucan and others.

Minerals, Rocks, and Ores..Silver, gold, copper, iron, lead, tin, onyx, cinnabar, asphalt. Sponges.

Mexican Life and History.. Home implements, articles of dress and ornamentation implements of war, idols.

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