Slike strani


Reply of the Chevalier de St. Pierre. - Trent's Mission
to the Frontier. - Washington recruits Troops. -
Dinwiddie and the House of Burgesses. - Independ-
ent Conduct of the Virginians. Expedients to
gain Recruits. -Jacob Van Braam in Service. -
Toilful March to Wills' Creek. Contrecœur at the
Fork of the Ohio. Trent's refractory Troops



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Scarcity in the Camp. - Death of Colonel Fry. - Promo-
tions. Mackay and his Independent Company. -

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Desertion of the Indian Allies. - Capit-
ulation of Fort Necessity. — Van Braam as an In-
terpreter. - Indian Plunderers. - - Return to Wil-
liamsburg. Vote of Thanks of the House of Bur-




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